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      • 漢譯佛經의 文體와 元曉의 文風

        양광석 安東大學 1984 安東大學 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        Since Buddhism had been introduced into Shilla Dynasty, some eminent buddhist monks left us excellent spiritual heritages. They participated in the task of translating the Scripture, published interpretations on the cannon, and made discourses on Buddhism. These activities were done in order to reach at the coorrect interpretation on the Scripture and the right understanding of the law of Buddha. Our understanding towards their work Sino-Korean version of the Scripture, interpretatiods and discourses-will add to our knowledge of Sino-Korean literature as well as of Korean Buddhism. This study focused on the interpretation and the essential idea of Buddhism of Won-Hyo, the representative monk of the time, and some translated Scriptures and several monks` interpretations which affected him in the respect of Sino-Korean literature. The followings are the conclusion. 1. In translating the Sanskrit Sutras into Chinese letters, words in translation are chosen by transliteration and free translation. When they translated freely, they used many adopted or coined words. The complete translation followed the process of extracting, literal translation and the final free translation. 2. The verses from the Sanskrit Sutras are expressed as Gyae-Song(게송; panegyric songs) made simple by extract-translation with notes. 3. The styles in which the Scripture is written are divided into the old literary style and the new literary style and the former is divided into the old version and the new version again. The translators used four-six meter scheme regardless of the usual literary style of the Scripture. 4. Won-Hyo`s Buddhist thoughts are wide and profound and his writings expressing his thought are also excellent. 5. Won-Hyo used mostly Sars-Byeon-Gyeom-Mun(산병겸문) close to Byeon-Mun(병문), but he embraced ail kinds of styles without inclining to any fixed style. 6. Won-Hyo expressed the thought of Haw-Jaeng(화정) clearly and shortly according to the law of cutting words, Jeol-Eon-Ji-Beob(절언지법) 7. He tried to explain clearly with language what he wanted to say, but he knew the limitation of expression by language. 8. His writing are estimated good literary works. In prose he discussed all of the reality and phenomena, while in Gyae-Song(게송) he expressed his hearts` desire.

      • Dynamic Concentration and Separation by Isoelectric Focusing in Microfluidic Channel

        양광석,( Philippe Clementz ),김도현 한국화학공학회 2007 화학공학의이론과응용 Vol.10 No.1

        A major focus in biochemistry is to explore the remarkable range of functions of proteins, because they play an important role in nearly all biological process. Thus, nowadays, many efforts are engaged into new proteomic analysis tools. A trend in microfluidics is integration of these proteins exploration techniques on lab-on-chip for micro total analysis systems (μ-TAS). To handle very small volumes is the promise of a great breakthrough in medical analysis. To separate and concentrate proteins in complex mixture, the Process Analysis Laboratory is developing an easy-tofabricatesolution integrated in a microfluidic device. In this study, we are targeting proteins concentration and separation of proteins on the basis of isoelectric focusing (IEF). We have designed and developed a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchip where dynamic pH gradient is successfully generated by varying the pH of buffer solution and biological particles (RFP-SBD Fusion proteins) in buffer solution undergo concentration and separation in a channel formed by electrodes.

      • KCI등재

        高麗의 漢文學 硏究 : 時期別 文學特徵를 中心으로

        梁光錫 한국한문교육학회 2002 한문교육논집 Vol.18 No.-

        이 論文은 文學에 있어서 時代區分이 文學을 體系的으로 理解하려는 認識의 한 形態로 보고, 高麗의 漢文學을 體系的으로 理解하기 위하여 形成期·發展期·轉換期·完熟期로 區分하고, 그 時期別 特性과 變遷 過程을 有機的으로 糾明하고자 하였다. 1. 形成期에는 文體는 비록 新羅 末의 文風에서 벗어나지 못하였으나, 그 內容은 高麗人의 精神과 氣魄을 表現한 것으로, 自主的 바탕위에서 漢文學이 形成되어 發展의 기틀을 마련하였다. 2. 發展期에는 歷代의 崇文政策으로 文運이 隆盛하여 漢文學이 크게 發展하였으나, 王들의 지나친 奢侈와 놀이로 文學이 浮華해지고, 輕薄한 무리들이 續出하여 文風이 弱化되었으며, 이에 武臣亂으로 漢文學은 一大轉換期를 맞이하기에 이른다. 3. 轉換期에는 武臣亂으로 한 때 漢文學이 衰微하였으나, 점차 文風이 일면서 高宗을 前後하여 宋나라의 영향을 받아 文學의 領域이 넓어졌으며, 作品 가운데 自主的 氣象과 文學에 대한 自負心이 나타나는 등 民族文學으로서의 面貌를 갖추기에 이른다. 4. 完熟期에는 宋으로부터 程失學을 받아들여 漢文學이 새로운 契機를 맞이하기에 이른다. 특히 李齊賢에 의하여 衆體가 具備되고 水準이 向上되었으며, 李穡·鄭夢周·李崇仁 등 三隱으로 이어지면서 漢文學이 形式과 內容의 調和를 이루게 되어 韓國漢文學이 定着하였다. In this thesis, this researcher regarded the period classification in literature as one form of recognition to try to understand literature systematically and tried to examine the features by periods and the the change course closely organically by classifying the Chinese classics of Koryo into formation period, development period, conversion period, and completion period in accordance with the change so as to understand the Chinese classics of Koryo systematically. 1. In the formation period, style failed to deviate from the style at the end of Shilla, but the contents is what expressed the spirit and vigor of Koryo people. Thus, the formation of Chinese classics on independent basis prepared the key point of development. 2. In development period, Chinese classics developed greatly because of the policy to respect literature in successive generations. But, the decrease of literature due to the excessive luxury and play of kings caused the Revolt of the Year of the Ape. And, because of it, Chinese classics met great turning point. 3. In conversion period, Chinese classics decreased temporarily because of the Revolt of the Year of the Ape. But, as the trend of literature was formed and under the influence of Sung before and after Kojong, the domain of literature widened. And, as the independent spirit and the pride for literature appeared in work, the aspect as racial literature was equipped. 4. In completion period, Chinese classics met new momentum by receiving learning and literature from Sung. Especially, by Lee, Je Hyun, various styles were equipped and level was improved. And, it was linked to Lee, Hwang, Jeong, Mong Joo, and Lee, Soong Inn etc., the Chinese classics of Korea came to settle through the harmony of form and contents.

      • 新羅의 古碑文 硏究

        梁光錫 誠信女子大學校 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to find out the sources of Sino-Korean literature in Shilla as a part of its study, so I will be survey the distinctive characters of an ancient epigraph and make clear its historical meaning. An ancient epigraph here is the inscription of the pre-Jinheungwangsuncheogkyoungbimun(眞興王巡狩拓境碑文, an inscription of a stone monument in commemoration of King Jinheung's tour, about 561-569). The study on an ancient epigraph is taken a growing interest by the discovery of Youngillaengsulibi(迎日冷水里碑) and so on, so its study is doing lively each field. Recently it is getting excellent results from a rubbed copy by a copying method. However it has still problems from decipher, therefore it needs exact decipher and interpret by means of the more new way. Accordingly, under a premise which we will be groping a new method that put modern science and technology to the study that has studied until now, this paper centers on examing the real aspects of the existing an ancient epigraph and its present situation of research and inquired problems. Besides I wanted to survey the distinctive characters of character and writing, but also make clear its historical meaning. First, We cam see, through Youngillaengsulibi(迎日冷水里碑) and UIjinbongpyoungbimun(蔿珍鳳坪碑文) and so forth, Shilla systematically adopted Sino-Korean and had done a system in ancient monumental inscriptions at least since around 5th century. After this Shilla was affected by the Goguryo, so it was formed of Shilla's transformation as well. As the result, Segiche(誓記體) comes out like Yimshinseogiseokmyoung(任申誓記石銘) while word order of our mother tongue is in creasing as UIjucheonjeonliseoseogbimyoung(薏州川前里書石碑). But Segiche can not espect more development than that owing to limits of mentioned, so a main style is always original form(正體). Secondly, during Shilla systematically adopted Sino-Korean from China and Goguryo, it accepted a system in ancient monumental inscriptions, so it was formed of Bimunche(碑文體) of original form. consequently, it outcome Youngillaengsulibimun. Like this irginal form pass through Sunsucheogkyoungbimun(巡狩拓境碑文) and succeed to the unified Shilla, accordingly we can find out its historical meaning which it is formed of the sources of Sino-Korean literature in Shilla. As mentioned above, I indicated problems until now, besides surveyed the distinctive characters of an ancient epigraph and found out its historical meaning with a new interpret and explain. An ancient epigraph is the sources of Sino-Korean literature in Shilla. Therefore, it deepens our understanding about Sino-Korean literature in Shilla. Therefore, it deepens our understanding about Sino-Korean literature but also can indicate a new direction on the study of epigraph as well.

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