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      • KCI등재

        新羅 官名 ‘大舍’의 運用과 그 性格

        金羲滿 동국역사문화연구소 2013 동국사학 Vol.54 No.-

        신라의 17관등 중에서 12번째 관등이며, 또한 관직체계로서 令-卿-大舍-舍知-史중에서 세 번째에 해당하는 官名인 大舍의 운용과 그 성격 등 에 대해서 살펴보았다. 사실 신라사회에서 大舍라는 官名은 大奈麻와 奈麻, 大舍와 舍知, 大烏와 小烏등의 한 부류로서, 이들 관등과 관직 가운데 그것의 未分化로 인해 그 운영에 있어서 실체 파악에 어려움이 있었다. 大舍의 運用을 검토하기 위해서 관직으로서의 대사를 규명하고자 ?三國史記? 職官志에 보이는 각 관부의 관직체계 가운데 그 대표적인 예로 執事省을 중심으로 이 관부에 보이는 令-卿-大舍-舍知-史라는 관직체계 가운데 大舍의 인원과 건치연혁 등의 변동사항 등을 고찰하였으며, 또한 각 관부마다 각기 다른 점도 상호 비교해 보았다. 그 결과 大舍는 主書와 主事 그리고 主簿등의 명칭에서 문서(書), 일(事), 장부(簿) 등을 주관하는 업무를 담당하거나, 또는 錄事곧, 사원성전의 실무 관직으로 소속되어 어떠한 사항을 기록(錄)하는 업무를 담당하였으며, 설치시기는 진평왕 11년이 가장 이르며, 신라 행정 관부에서 실무를 전담하였다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 관등으로서의 대사는 신라 관등 가운데 대아찬과 대나마는 아찬과 나마가 분화하여 그 접두사로 大자를 관칭하는 것으로 정리할 수 있는 반면에, 大舍와 小舍, 大烏와 小烏는 그 분화의 성격이 다른데, 이는 대사와 소사는 舍知라는 관명에서 분화하여 대사와 사지는 대사가 먼저 설치되고, 이후 진덕왕 5년 내지 신문왕 5년에 사지가 설치되어 비로소 5등 관직체계가 마련된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 관직에서는 대사→사지로 분화하였다면, 관등에서는 사지→대사로 발전하였다고 볼 수 있다. 대사의 성격에서는 법흥왕 때의 色服志에 보이는 大舍와 황룡사찰주본기에 보이는 대사를 비교하여 赤位에서 靑位, 黃位로 그 격에 변화가 수반되고 있음을 살펴보았으며, 관등으로서의 大舍가 어떻게 성립하고 있는지를 검토하기 위해서 신라 관등의 말미에 보이는 ?系와 奈麻系그리고 大舍이하의 知系를 구분하여 이해하고자 하였다. 이는 지금까지 ?系와 奈麻系에 대해서는 그 상층의 중요성을 반영하듯이 여러 연구가 있었으나, 知系라 할 수 있는 大舍이하의 관등과 관직에 대해서는 상대적으로 소홀하게 취급되어 왔다는 점에 주목하였다. 그리고 大舍와 舍知, 또는 大舍와 小舍, 그리고 韓舍등이 각기 기재된 자료뿐만 아니

      • KCI등재

        청일전쟁(淸日戰爭) 이전(以前) 중국기선(中國汽船)의 한강운항(漢江運航)과 통혜윤선공사(通惠輪船公司)의 경영실태(經營實態)

        金希信 중국사학회 2018 中國史硏究 Vol.116 No.-

        通惠輪船公司是以通過漢江運輸仁川-漢城之間的客貨爲目的, 在中國政府的監督和支援下成立的朝淸合資的輪船公司. 這項硏究的起点是, 在朝鮮政府禁止外國船只運營的情況下, 在朝鮮的華商如何能勾建立和運營一個擁有漢江航運權的輪船公司. 首先, 通惠公司發行了股票募集資本, 發行了詳細記載出資人股東信息的股分票. 這與當時在朝鮮華僑商店(企業)以中國的傳統商業組織‘合股’的共同投資形式成立的情況明顯不同. 當然, 與合股企業一樣, 不管有沒有營業利潤,都會發現向出資的資本金優先每年支付約定利息的傳統中國商業慣例. 而且,與現在的股分公司一樣, 也不能說它充分具備了現代企業的特征,如股東權利平等和自由轉讓權. 但是, 至少與傳統的中國合股企業匿名投資的慣例不同. 通過記載股東姓名,發行詳細記載股東信息的股分票, 確保了其擁有的透明性. 此外, 公司通過將其管理方法轉換爲‘有限公司’來確保投資穩定性. 該公司僅負責虧損的股權. 這是有意義的, 因爲西方企業文化可以移植到中國社會, 幷刺激中國企業的結構. 第二, 通惠公司的初期運營狀況未能達到當初的計劃和期待. 但是,幷不是因爲漢陽號的處分而放棄了漢江航運權. 通惠公司暴露了管理中的各種問題. 例如,接運官米的缺乏, 制作過大的船舶, 頻繁的觸礁事故, 雇用外國船員, 以廣東商人爲主的經營方式, 各華商參與經營不善, 與外國汽船公司的競爭等. 在這種危机狀況下, 他果斷地處理了漢陽輪船, 回收處理了通惠公司的現有股分. 另一方面, 從各幇華商重新籌措資本, 小輪船重新購入, 讓運航漢江各地. 由此,通惠公司不再因赤字運營而經歷困難, 也可以維持漢江航運事業權. 在事業的危机狀況下, 他仍然沒有放棄漢江航運事業, 而是通過‘有限責任’這一新的企業經營方式鼓勵華商各幇的資本參與. 爲了在市場競爭中存活下來, 通惠公司雖然提倡了“這是各幇共同的華商企業, 也是華商公共的船舶”, 但爲防止經營損失, 認爲比起民營企業, 官的徹底監督和管理是不可避免的. 第三, 爲了方便仁川-漢城之間的華商貿易, 通惠公司計劃獲得漢江航運權. 但是因爲通惠公司的設立目的在于通過客貨運輸謀取利益, 所以不僅維持漢江航運事業, 將來還具有通過利潤的再投資將事業擴張到其他“河或沿海航運”的意圖. 例如, 漢陽號被賣給處分朝鮮轉運衙門時, 加入了“赎回權”條款. 另外,「惠輪船有限公司章程」規定, 如果將來有追加購買輪船的計劃, 就可以保存利益, 用資本充當. 事實上, 漢江航運事業是爲了擴大仁川-漢城之間的華商貿易和便利, 由中國駐朝鮮使館袁世凱主導, 由華商參與的項目. 駐朝鮮使館的作用中最重要的就是保護進入朝鮮的華商, 通過商業支援擴大朝鮮內的淸國或華商勢力. 袁世凱計劃的漢江航運事業也正是這種目的的連續線上, 通惠輪船公司就是其産物. 因爲漢江航運事業與物流直接相關, 所以作爲通惠公司的設立而開放的漢江水路與輪船超商局的上海-仁川航線相連, 成爲加强在朝鮮市場華商的競爭力的重要因素. 但是, 由于日淸戰爭爆發等原因, 通惠輪船公司孕育的‘內河航運事業’的可能性和派生界限等都喪失了驗證條件. 從中長期的視野來看, 對朝鮮華商貿易活動産生的影響和意義只能成爲需要解決的課題.

      • 地域 綠色觀光 活性化 方案

        金熙基(Kim, Hee-Kee),金光洙(Kim, Kwang-Soo),安成根(Ahn, Sung-Keun) 청운대학교 관광산업연구소 2010 관광산업연구 Vol.4 No.2

        Activation of local tourism in each region a unique cultural and natural, and people look at the spring as well as the characteristics tailored to the local will be able to find ways to activate. In each region operating in the area that fit the festival but throughout the country and a lot of it is true that the same or similar festivals. Do not overlap with other areas because of the characteristics of the area that I can bring the festival to enable the local tourism development efforts by identifying should. Yeongam, Jeonnam area along the southwest coast in the area is mostly clean area. Focusing on Mountain Weolchul Gwangju, Mokpo, Yeosu's big cities, such Is near be absorbed into the population of tourists is equipped with the situation, along the south coast of the sea's marine attractions also draw many tourists to develop the natural conditions that can be have. In addition, it approaches the west coast highway and is a good tourist destination.

      • KCI등재

        중국 동북지역의 상업자본과 상점 네트워크

        金希信(Kim Hee Sin) 중국근현대사학회 2014 중국근현대사연구 Vol.62 No.-

        The northeastern region was a new undeveloped land, and Han chinese merchants in the region entered the northeastern territory without the government’s protection. Therefore, they led the development of commerce in the region based on kinship and regional connections. They established centers for people from the same province based on regional networks, and organized merchant associations, which established business rules based on their old trading systems and methods and regulated the market order. In this way, they applied their old customs and systems of commercial trade in the northeastern region. This is considered the process that the northeastern region was reformed into the structure of sharing the economic systems (customs) within the jurisdiction of China. Immigrant merchants in the province raised funds and opened shops using their kinship or regional connections, and this was the hugu(partnership, 合股) organization in the form of partnership. In addition, they needed to promote the maximization of profits and the enduring stability of businesses through a commercial network connecting related categories of businesses in tune with the northeastern market environment, and lianhao(chain store, 聯號) was the shop organization developed to meet the need. They minimized the risk of market based on trust among the members connected through the most traditional interpersonal relations. Various human networks worked in business activities pursuing the common interest of maximum profit. Because of the strong tendency that relations based on the origin of place appeared redundantly, however, such relations functioned as the most enduring network in shop administration. On the other hand, there were huge merchant groups called shangbang(商幇), which was engaged in commercial activities, in each unit ‘region.’ It was during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and especially from the mid Ming Dynasty that such a regional shangbang emerged conspicuously. There was no shangbang having the northeastern region as its foothold at that time, but conditions for the formation of a regional merchant group were fulfilled by the mass migration of Han people in the Qing Dynasty and the activation of northeastern economy centering on the three provinces Shanxi, Shandong, and Hebei. In this way, the economy of Fengtian developed rapidly through the migration of Han population within the district to the northeastern region throughout the period from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and it was Zhangzuolin’s regime that grew with the support of such economic power. Backed by the political support of the local administration of the northeastern region, moreover, local capitals in Fengtian led the development of commerce and industry in the area along with ‘indigenized’ capitals from the three provinces (other provinces within the district). What should be noted here is the advance of Fengtian local capitals. Fengtian local capitalists are largely divided into four groups, though somewhat overlapping with one another: first, commercial and financial capitalists who had long accumulated capitals through commerce and industry; second, former and incumbent provincial council members, bureaucrats, military cliques, and their descendents; third, old Manchurian aristocratic families and military rulers; and lastly, province?invested financial institutions such as Dongsanshengguanyinhao(東三省官銀號). They generally belonged to the privileged leading class of the northeastern region, and had various relation networks based on their past and current backgrounds. In particular, there was a strong tendency of promoting the maintenance and expansion of shop operation through active relations with the local regime, which was struggling to expand and stabilize the local economy of the northeastern region. The local administration of the northeastern region raised capitals with inconvertible paper money called Fengtianpiao(奉天票), and could produce hug

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