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      • KCI등재후보

        브랜드 이미지와 광고모델의 일치성이 가격공정성 지각에 미치는 영향 : 스포츠 광고를 중심으로

        황희중,신승호 한국유통과학회 2012 유통과학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        This study sets out to examine how a brand image that matches the advertising model has a positive impact on brand attitude and price fairness perceptions. We reviewed the constructs on the basis of previous studies and each of the concepts has been redefined. One such concept, “image congruence,” refers to the harmony, fitness, and matching quality of images. For example, how well celebrity advertising model is matches the brand image shows image congruence. Results are summarized as follows: First, the congruence of brand image and sports advertising model has no significant impact on brand attitude certainty and persistence. Second, the individual’s brand attitude certainty and brand attitude persistence has a positive impact on the perceptions of price fairness. Third, the congruence of brand image and sports advertising model has a positive impact on the perceptions of price fairness. The first and the third results suggest that the positive impact on the price fairness perceptions is temporary but it has insignificant effects on the formation of brand attitude causing ongoing purchases. In other words, in order to influence consumers' long-term confidence on the brand, improving the quality of products or services has to precede promotional strategies such as advertising. When an advertising model is inappropriate for the brand image, consumers perceive product price changes as a negative issue in the short term. However, in the long term, attitude formation such as consumers' repurchase intentions and word of mouth will be not affected. The second result suggests that an already existing positive brand attitude can contribute more positively to change the perceptions of price fairness. In particular, attitude persistence has greater influence than attitude certainty on the price fairness. It suggests that persistence issues such as the trading period and the frequency of transactions must be managed and controlled because they are more important than the certainty issues such as strength of belief or trust. For example, when a commercial model for expensive sporting goods matches up with the brand image, consumer feels less pressure on the price changes. However, it does not determine the consumer’s repeated purchases or sustainable transactions and it also has no absolute impact on the brand trust. In other words, consumer brand attitude should be recognized and approached as a routine strategy in view of the result that it is of great value as a causal variable in the process of consumer decision-making.

      • KCI등재

        저가항공사의 유동적 요금 전략이 소비자의 가격공정성 지각에 미치는 영향

        황희중,최영근 한국유통과학회 2014 유통과학연구 Vol.12 No.10

        Purpose – The purpose of the study is to reexamine the pricefairness as practiced by low cost airlines, as a consumer has toexperience such inconveniences as inferior airport transportation,extra fees on in-flight meals, and non-negotiable seats, and con-sumers evaluate such experiences keeping in mind their totalcosts. This evaluation includes price fairness and allows a rea-sonable and overall consideration of factors of low cost airlines. It tries to set up a measurement of the indicators consumers'perceptions of price fairness academically as it adapts price fair-ness to airline services which are renowned for price volatility. Research design, data, and methodology – The research pro-poses an alternative pricing strategy for the long term profit oflow cost airlines after going over conflicts between the traditionaltheory of consumers' price perception mechanism and flexiblefair policy of low cost airlines. It was meaningful when it relatesto the early stage of the business, while it enhances the risksrelating to the long term survival of low cost airlines. In addition,it is significant as it highlights the negative influences on con-sumers’ perceptions of price fairness, as low cost airlines runon extremely low cost perspectives. Results – The results of the research provide insight into fourperspectives, as consumers' perceptions of price fairness are influ-enced by the frequency and range of price changes and services. The first perspective is that it would lead to positive priceevaluation when a low cost airline cuts prices frequently with lit-tle changes than one big change. It also would lead to the same result when it comes to necessary services. The second perspective is that one big increase of pricewould rather undermine the negative aspects of price changesthan those of several smaller ones. The third perspective is that additional services would begood to consumers' perceptions of price fairness as comparedto discount benefits with respect to the cost. Finally, a low cost airline should consider that consumers willchange airlines or defer their flight schedule if the flight fares in-crease beyond their limits. Conclusions – Low cost airlines should reconsider their pric-ing policies for services that were provided free earlier. A con-sumer would not like discount benefits when made to pay forservices that were, for long, free of charge. If a low cost airline can provide services with no charge, itshould improve volumes if the costs are standardized and,moreover, should consider the charging fees. Alternatively, aconsumer can choose between services and fair discount. Low cost airlines are implementing sales promotion strategies,as the competition is more intense than it used to be. In thesedays, they should regard services over sales promotion, as con-sumers may prefer to spend money on good premium services. Some differentiation in services could create a good market po-sition for the airlines and, hence, good financial performance.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 품질보증 경영 전략에 관한 연구: 브랜드 명성 및 제조 국가 이미지를 중심으로

        황희중 한국유통과학회 2013 유통과학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose – Numerous studies have tried to assess the role of a warranty as an explanatory instrument for product quality. While one study argued that manufacturers signal their superior quality to consumers by extending the duration of a warranty, quality is not necessarily related to warranty and a warranty for a short duration is a sign of high product quality. However, there are limitations to measuring product quality in terms of a single variable such as a warranty. Some other studies have evaluated the influence of brand power or value and price on the supposed quality of a product while the influence of warranty was found to be insignificant. Research design, data, methodology – The study analyzes the influence of brand power and the country of origin effect on consumers’ perception of product quality in line with warranty and establishes a priority strategy. Especially, consumer experience has a significant influence on state of the art technology products like applied home electronics as these goods are generally quite expensive and consumers expend significant energy in purchasing them, so the associated warranty and brand can have a critical role in the decision making process. The price of the product was excluded in this discussion as it continually varies with the market share of the product. Results – The results of the analysis are as follows: First, each of the factors such as the standard of the warranty, brand power, and country of origin effect influences the degree of satisfaction of an individual. Second, the factors brand power and quality of the warranty interact both complementarily and synergistically at a time, depending on the brand power. As brand power is more significant, the degree of satisfaction is greater in case of products with low quality warranty compared to those with high quality warranty. Third, the brand power and country of origin effect present a complementary interaction. Fourth, the country of origin effect and quality of a warranty interact synergistically. Conclusions – Thus, the higher the quality of warranty, greater is the increment in the degree of satisfaction. The comprehensive study on the effect of the country of origin on the purchase decision process and the degree of satisfaction compared to the other elements shows that in case of Japanese and Korean markets the brand power of a company is desirable in sustaining the quality of warranty to the industrial average. Also, there is no significant improvement in the perceived quality of the product when the quality of the warranty is lowered. Therefore, the warranty effect diminishes when the value of the brand is known, while it perishes when both the brand power and the country of origin effect are strong enough.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        기대 서비스에 대한 평가와 후회 경험이 승객의 재구매 의사결정에 미치는 영향-구매와 여행 경험 변수의 조절적 효과를 중심으로-

        황희중 한국항공경영학회 2008 한국항공경영학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        In-flight retailing in international airlines is classified as an important revenue source of the respective industry. Identifying the traits of the key consumers will ultimately enhance the sales performance. Especially, as the airline passengers are forced to stay long in the fixed one place that they are likely to consider the in-flight retailing as an major boredom treatment and an additional customer service. Developing ways of realizing potential of the in-flight retailing is an imminent issue in airlines industry for the expectation and satisfaction of the passengers. This research relates the factors of in-flight shopping to purchase intention, especially of the in-flight shopping environment and the respective experienced regret of the passengers. The airline passenger's experienced regret and value on in-flight shopping products and services effecting the repurchase intention are examined. As a result shown here, the in-flight retail environments (value on in-flight shopping products and services) significantly influence the repurchase intention. The experienced regrets of the passengers are also related to the repurchase intention. As the effects of value on in-flight shopping products and services are more eminent than those of the experienced regrets in the repurchase intention, the airlines should consider taking strategic approaches for in-flight retail environments. And the moderating roles of travel frequency, purchase experiences and purchasing prices are verified.

      • KCI등재후보

        온라인 유통채널 확장시 오프라인 채널의 브랜드 명성, 서비스 만족도의 이전 효과에 관한 연구

        황희중,이선미 한국유통과학회 2011 유통과학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        I conducted empirical analyses of what happens when an offline channel expands to an online channel and whether the pre-existing offline channel’s competitive assets (e.g. brand reputation and level of service satisfaction) can be linked to online channel preference. I found that an offline channel’s brand reputation and level of service satisfaction can have a direct influence on offline channel preference and a second-hand influence on online channel preference. Thus, if the competitiveness of the online channel is strong enough and its customers have a higher preference for the offline channel, they will be committed and loyal to the company. The resultant enhanced competitiveness of the offline channel will present opportunities for both present and future success. The main results are the following. First, the management of the distribution channel service quality is more important than that of the brand reputation. Customers’ experiences of service and subjective evaluations are not important only as the leading factors in the long-term brand reputation management but also as influential factors in channel preference. SoThus, given that the service quality of the pre-existing channel is not the customers’ main concern, a strategy of improving the level of service satisfaction aimed at present customers is more valuable than a wide brand positioning strategy aimed at general and new customers. Second, when an offline channel company establishes an internet shopping mall on an online channel, it is highly likely that the preference and subjective evaluation of the present customers will influence the online channel. This applies not only to the special case of an expansion from an offline intermediary channel to an online one, but also to an online channel acting as an expansion of the business model of a conventional manufacturing or service company: both cases are vertical integrations of marketing channels in an expansion of the distribution channel. My theory applies to a wide range of contexts. Third and finally, any business strategy can grasp the meaning of ‘channel expansion. Fundamentally, it is an expansion of the sales activity channel and marketing activity. However, it is also a way of enhancing marketing and sales competitiveness through an expansion to an online or offline channel. The expansion of an offline company to an online channel could be seen not as improvement but as an innovation of the business process by which two goals are achieved with one technique. The former is expected to increase the sales of the offline company, and the latter is also expected to increase sales while also contributing to cost reduction.

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