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        저소득층 여성의 경제적 자립을 위한 행동연구(ACTION RESEARCH) - M구 Y동 ‘하나여성회’를 중심으로 -

        윤양헌(Yoon Yang Hun),황은자(Hwang Eun Ja) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 1992 여성학논집 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of the present action research was to conduct develop programs that would promote the ability of economic self-helf for underprivileged women suffering a dual burden of sexual and class inequality. The participating group was members of Hana Women's Association and their family who agreed to the intentions of this action research, all of whom were residents of 41, Y-dong, M-ku in Seoul. The Y-dong 41 bloc is an urban poor island characterized by crowded and typically poor residential environment. Most of the women were engaged in home-based income earning activities such as pasting envelops, sewing shoes and children's clothes. They shared most characteristics of informal sector economic activities, low payment, simple manual labor, free work schedule, and ""the Oya system,"" the informal network headed by an oya who provided the work opportunities and earned from what the workers did. In the ""Oya system"" chain which is divided into many stages and consequently distributes earnings to many middlemen, the workers cannot be properly rewarded. This action research tried to develop programs for communal economic activities to be able to receive working material and obtain benefits directly from factories skipping the middle stages of the Oya system. In such a way the poor women were expected to be more fairly paid and to develop a community which would be a basis for their empowerment. In this research, a feminist approach was employed, which emphasized a cooperative participation of researchers and target women in the action research at an equal position. This action research was a part of a long-term community project that had implemented by Korean Women's Institute since 1984. The program from April 1987 to March 1991 was focused on achieving economic independence. During the period, the researchers tried to collect/listen opinions of the residents and reflect them on the programs before the communal economic activities were launched. For this purpose, various activities were accompanied, such as workshops for community women, small group meetings, health care for residents by Ewha medical team, day-care center (kindergarten), study rooms, and health education. A series of programs were conducted for economic self-help : management of ku-p’an’jang (community cooperative shop), vocational educations for part-time housemaid, walling skills, paper-clay handicrafts, and sweater- linking, and production of goods to sell. Most of these endeavors have benefited a few women but not others. The women participants lost interest easily when their products did not sell well or when jobs were not easily found. However, the women's association has become richer out of the savings of the workers, and the members have gradually become conscious of their communal interest. However, this action research was not free of shortcomings. They can be summarized as follows: First is methodological problem. With no precedent experience of action research like this and no detailed guidelines, the researchers had to make many trials and errors, which must have impact on the whole project. Secondly, administrative problems on overall programs can be pointed out. In the first place, the notion of ""poor/poverty"" was not clear for the researchers, which led them to bear charitable or philanthropic attitudes toward the target women unconsciously and unintentionally. In particular, the financial support of the institute (KWI) for their economic activities decisively served to foster their sense of dependency, even though it was small. The third problem was on respective economic programs. Inevitably there were trials and errors caused by taking action without proper plans, knowledge/understanding as well as sufficient experience on the current market situation. Furthermore, the researchers tended to depend upon decisions made by the women who were also insensitive to outer world to direct the programs. And the individ

      • KCI등재

        학교 실내 공기질 관련 초등환경교육 교재 개발

        이미애(Mi Ae Lee),문윤섭(Yun Seob Moon),황은자(Eun Ja Hwang) 한국환경교육학회 2008 環境 敎育 Vol.21 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to develop and applicate textbook relevant to school indoor air quality. To achieve the purpose, concrete study process are as follows. First, the survey research to teachers, supervisors, and students is conducted to grasp cognition of subjects in elementary school and management situation about school indoor air quality. Second, contents relevant to indoor air quality on textbooks in the 7th elementary curriculum and subsidiary textbooks is analysed through reference study. Third, environmental textbook relevant to school indoor air quality for 5th and 6th grade in elementary school is developed, applicated, and inspected its effect on the basis of implications from results of survey and reference study. The results of this study are as follows. First, the result of survey concerning school indoor air quality showed that three groups had negative attitude for its management even though they thought that it affected human’s health and study by and large. Student group thought that each of students itself was a little influence to school indoor air pollution though all of three groups answered that ‘activities of students’ was its main source. Efforts of students to improve school indoor air quality was not much, and its main reason was that they didn’t know about school indoor air pollution well. Second, result of analysis into textbooks on the 7th elementary curriculum and subsidiary textbooks, contents concerning indoor air on the 7th elementary curriculum textbooks was little or nothing. And it trended to be included to subsidiary textbooks. However, education textbooks about indoor air for elementary students was insufficient still. Third, environmental textbook relevant to school indoor air quality for 5th and 6th grade in elementary school was developed. It was constructed for themes - importance, sources, effects, and management of school indoor air quality. After its application to the 6th grade students in elementary school, it was meaningful in the level of ρ<.05 that the result of knowledge and awareness in the pre-post test within experiment group. However, all of the results in comparison group didn’t represent statistically meaningful difference. In conclusion, environmental textbook developed by necessity of education about school indoor air quality will play a role as useful tool for the 5th, 6th grade students in elementary school to understand relation of quality of health and life and school indoor air quality, to have attitude to make an effort to manage it by develop right awareness about it.

      • KCI등재

        여성빈곤의 실태와 극복방안 : 도시 저소득층 여성을 중심으로 With Special Reference to Underprivileged Women in Urban Areas

        이배용,박진숙,황은자,정현숙,이제진 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 1996 여성학논집 Vol.13 No.-

        Since the 1960's, the rapid industrialization of Korea has been propelled full-scale by a handful of big business groups and effort- oriented trade, which has resulted in external and quantitative economic growth, but has also produced problems of poverty arising out of the unequal distribution of wealth. Industrialization led to impoverishment in rural areas and stimulated migration by the rural population to urban areas, who were marginalized, excluded from public sectors of labor market and led lives of poverty. In this context, a number of young Korean women were employed in the industrial sector as low waged and unskilled laborers to support their families. Women workers from poor families had to participate in economic activities from their youth in order to avoid "absolute poverty" and they grew up with economic, cultural, and educational limitations. After marriage, they still played crucial roles to maintain their poor families by taking charge of whole family subsistence, and/or trying to generate family income through part- time jobs. However, up to the present, academic concerns as well as governmental support for the underprivileged women have been limited. This study was started with this critical factor of women's rote in urban poor families in mind. It examines the women's conditions and how they can actively overcome their poverty, so as to lead qualitatively better lives, particularly through organizational activities. This paper, in the first place, surveys theories and research results on issues of poverty and various anti- poverty measures adopted by foreign countries such as U.K., USA, Germany, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore. Issues such as "feminization of poverty" and the "culture of poverty" are also discussed. Furthermore, existing research on poverty, including women's poverty in Korea, were examined to identify problems which have not been conceptualized so far. Genera1 living conditions of the poor were surveyed with emphasis on their unstable living conditions. Socio- economic and sexual discrimination were discussed in connection with the lives of underprivilged women. Alternatives were sought to solve the poverty problem. Women's organizations that have spontaneously formed in underprivileged areas and their communal economic activities were examined. The latter especially have turned out to be rewarding for those women who have only limited economic opportunities. It was not only helpful to them to generate income for their families, but also to realize the value of their labor, while having the pleasant experience of working together. Futhermore, through organizational activities, their communal consciousness and self-consciousness as women was promoted and their familial relationships were also altered for the better. Women could thus acquire self-confidence and become psychologically self-reliant members of their organization. These results show us tha4 women's organizations, especially those established in poor areas, are significant for the members, because they work as self-help groups preventing them from falling into pauperism in a situation where a relevant social welfare system is absent. Lastly, vocational traiillng programs and the rehabilitation funding system were examined and alternatives for re-vitalizing communal activities for women's organizations in poor communities were suggested as follows : Firstly, various communal economic activities, based on diverse aspects of women's lives, are needed. In doing so, Government should endeavor to construct a network between underprivileged women's organizations including their communal economic activity groups and "small and poor enterprises" which may employ them as well as provide workplaces for their communal activities. Also financial support by the Government, such as a rehabilitation fund which will be crucial for successfully implementing their small scale communal economic activities and/or loans in the long-term. Secondly, established vocational training programs should be reinforced. In order that vocational training programs may be functioned as an effective system of supporting the self-help groups of underprivileged women, more training programs should be developed and provided, based on an understanding of their lives and desires. In addition, for stimulating their positive/active participation in these programs, the following factors should be taken into account, i.e., educational/training programs should be held at welfare centers or women's centers located near their homes; development of programs for practical training and follow-up is needed; extension of child-care facilities for trainees; and group training programs for community women's organizations are also required. Thirdly, women living in underprivileged communities have psychological problems such as self-centeredness, heteronomy, and lack of communal consciousness, owing to their experionces in a distorted life, which sometimes hamper their communal economic activities. Accordingly, educational support to promote and encourage their communal consciousness and collective autonomy, as well as physical support, is essential. However, these inputs should be based on a deep understanding of the lives of underprivileged women, so that the policies are fruitful and rewarding. Therefore long-term plans, with the establishment of supportive agencies, involving community activists who share their lives with poor women over a long time, are required for solving these problems and eliminating women's poverty.

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