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        만성(慢性) 신부전(腎不全)에 대한 침향(沈香)의 임상적용(臨床適用) 보고(報告)

        황원덕,Hwang, Won-Duk 대한한방내과학회 2004 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        In Oriental Medical theory, origin of kidney's weakness or atrophy is shen qi(腎氣) and function of san jiao(三焦) deteriorate, it result in a passage of evacuation is blocked. - In Oriental Medicine, Shen(腎) take charge of storing and evacuating function, by taking qi(氣) of the five viscera and the six bowels. - The cause of reducing of shen qi and san jiao's evacuative function is xu han(Emptiness and Coldness) of the five viscera and the six bowels' activity. So we do not treat only kidney, but we also must focus the five viscera and the six bowels' organic function and ying wei's function. A Renal Failure is similar in symptom to Kwan-kyuk(關格), oliguria or anuria, edema, Hu-son(虛損), Sin-pung(腎風) and Yuk-kuk(六極) in chenxiang(沈香). We grasp symptom of 7 cases of chronic renal failure, and diagnose its pathology based on Sa-jin(四診), and prescribed herbal medicines. And in the point of the chenxiang, we separate two group, Ater one is taken herbal medicine with chenxiang and the other is only taken herbal medicine with no using chenxiang, we compared the rate of treating with only herbal and herbal compounded chenxiang. We repeat medical examination for continuation of effective result, report clinical progress and result which based on this examination.

      • 氣口脈診法의 藏府配屬에 관한 硏究

        黃元德,金重漢 대한한의학원전학회 1999 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        A Study on the assignment of vicera of the pulsation examination method of the KiGU For the first time, the theory of ChonKwanChuk(寸關尺) and the examination method of KyungJung(輕重法) of KiGU(氣口) were formed in 『NanKyung(難經)』. After that, the vicera assignment theory at left and right hands(左右手藏府配屬理論) was established in 『NaekKyung(脈經)』. After Reserching the theoretical relevance of the two books, theories between the doctors who understood the examination method of ChukBu(尺部診法) of 『Somun·MaekYoJungMiRon(素問·脈要精微論)』 as the examination method of KyungJung(輕重法) and the doctors who understood that method as the method of ChonKwanChuk(寸關尺) were compared and researched. The results were as follows ; 1. The position of ChonKwanChuk(寸關尺) of the examination method of ChonKwanChuk(寸關尺法) is explained at 2nd Nan(二難) of 『NanKyung』 as follows. Chuk(尺) is the position which is 1Chon(1寸,unit) distant from Kwan(關) to the direction of ChukTaek acupuncture point(尺澤穴) and Chon(寸) is the position which is 9Pun(9分,unit) distant from Kwan(關) to the direction of EoJe acupuncture point(魚際穴). And the six vessels(育經) were assined to ChonKwnaChuk(寸關尺) on the basis of OHaengJaMoSangSaeng(五行子母相生) at 18th Nan(18難) of NanKyung. After that Yang Hyun-Jo(楊玄操) at Dang Dynasty, Jung Deok-Yong(丁德用), Woo Seo(虞庶) at Song dynasty explained the examination method of ChonKwanChuk(寸關尺法) of NanKyung as the method of ChonKwanChuk of two hands(兩手寸關尺法) from the viewpoint of 『MaekKyung(脈經)』. 2. From the viewpoint of MaeKyung, the vicera assignment of the two hand ChonKwanChuk method is as follows. At Chuk of left hand, the Heart and Small intestine are assigned. At Kwan of left hand, the Liver and Gall Bladder are assigned. At Chuk of left hand, the Kidney and Bladder are assigned. At Chuk of right hand, the Lung and Large intestine are assigned. At Kwan of right hand, the Spleen and Stomach are assigned. At Chuk of Right hand, the Vital Gate(命門) and Bladder are assigned. 3. For the first time, Hwalsu(滑壽) at Won dynasty said that the paragraph "尺內兩傍……" of 『Somun·MaekYoJungMiRon』 is the first of the examination method of KiGu(氣口診脈法). After that Ma Shi(馬蒔), Jand Gae-Bin(張介賓) of Myung Dynasty, Jang Ji-Chong(張志聰). Seo Dae-Chun(徐大椿) of Chung Dynasty who were influenced by him explained that paragraph as the method of KiGuChonKwanChuk(氣口寸關尺法). 4. Lee Kyu-Jun(李圭晙_ explained the paragraph "尺內兩傍……" of 『Somun·MaekYoJungMiRon』 as the method of KyungJung(輕重法) and explained Chuk(尺) as the paragraph 'Chuk is low position of Kigu, and it means the depth(氣口之下位也, 言其深也.)' and explained that 'the Left and the Right is layers(左右者層數)'. And he revised that the Jang(藏) must be examined at the inner part and the Bu(府) must be examined at the outer part. By this, he settled the theoratical basis of the method of KyungJang(輕重法). 5. The doctors who used the examination method of ChonKwanChuk(寸關尺診法) settled their logical justification of the two hand examination method of ChonKwanChuk(兩手寸關尺診法) by connecting with 『Somun·MaekYoJungMi -Ron』 from the viewpoint of 2nd Nan(難) and 18th Nan(難) of NanKyung and MaekKyung. On the contrary, the doctors who used the examination method of KyungJung(輕重診法) settled their logical justification of the examination method of KyungJung(輕重診法) by connecting with 『Somun·MaekYoJungMiRon』 from the viewpoint of 4th Nan(四難) and 5th Nan(五難).

      • 석곡 이규준의 扶陽論에 관한 硏究

        黃元德 대한한의학원전학회 1999 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        A Study on Seok-kok Lee, Kyu-jun's Pu-yang-non On the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung and Ju-Yeok, Seok-Kok's Pu-Yang-Non and other oriental medical doctor's Po-Eum-Eok-Yang, Pu-Yang-Eok-Eum theory which are on the basis of the Kun-Shin-Sang-Wha theory of Nae-Kyung and Myung-Mun theory of Nan-Kyung were compared and studied. The results were as follows : 1. Ju-Yeok and Nae-Kyung said the South is Fire. And explained it as the chief object of life activity by likening to king or saint. And said the North is Water. but didn,t mentioned that there exists Fire. The activity of Kun-Wha is regarded as the the chief object of life activity and the Shin-Su can be vatalized by receiving the Shim-Kun-Wha. Therefore, the Seok-Kok's opinion that Shang-Wha is the Fire received by Shin-Su matchs the theory of Nae-Kyung and Nan-Kyung. 2. The Kidney(Shin) in Nae-Kyung means Puk-Bang-Han-Su(The North Cold Water) which has two characters, charging and discharging, ascending and descending. The paragrap "Kam-Ga-Seub(坎加習)" in Ju-Yeok means Puk-Bang-Su(The North Water) which also has two characters, charging and discharging, ascending and descending, The beginning and the end. And One Eum and Two Yang of Ri Sign of divination(難卦) cannot be divided into Su-Jang and Wha-Jang, the same as that, One Yang and Two Eum of Kam Sign of divination(坎卦) is Puk-Bang-Han-Su which cannot be divided into Shin and Myung-Mun. The theory of Choa-Shin-Woo-Myung-Mun of Nan-Kyung is the result that the Shin which has two characters is regarded as two organs. Therefore, from the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung and Ju-Yeok, the Seok-Kok's opinion that the Shin is the Puk-Bang-Han-Su which charges from the right and discharges to the left is more proper. 3. For the first time, the right kidney(Woo-Shin) defined as Myung-Mun in the Nan-Kyung and it is trailblazing theory which dosen't exist in the Nae-Kyung. But from the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung, Myung-Mun-Shang-Wha which some oriental medical doctors thought importantly is considered as Shim-Po which is in charge of the order of Shim(心命). 4. The rush of heat to the upper part(上熱) is raised by blind acting of Shang-Wha which exists in the lower part. This theory is on the basis of the Myung-Mun-Shang-Wha theory of Nan-Kyung. The theory that Wha is in the Shin(Kidney) doesn't exist and only the theory exists that the fever happens by the Kun-Wha not going down but ascending in the Nae-Kyung. Therefore the Shang-Wha blind acting theory of the lower part is not coincided with the theory of Nae-Kyung. 5. When the Vital power(陽氣) is blocked by bad tendencies(邪氣) like uncontrolled joy and anger or too much cold and heat etc, the trapped heat(??熱) or Ascending Shang-Wha apper. so Vital power itself cannot have blind activity or excess. Therefore, the theory of oriental medical doctors that the remaining vital power is the fire(氣有餘便是火) cannot be materialized. 6. On the basis of the Woo-Shin-Myung-Mun theroy, oriental medical doctors attached importance to SHin-Eum and Shin-Yang. So they emphasized on Ja-Eum-Gang-Wha or On-Bo-Shin-Yang for curing the Fire. Contrarily, On the viewpoint of siding with the vital power which is the Good and repressing the bad tendency which is the Bad, and another viewpoint that when the vital power which is Shim-Kun-Wha moves through the body consistently and fills up the body, then the enery and blood can be made, the Seok-Kok's theory is coincided with the theory of Nae-Kyung.

      • KCI등재

        황금(黃芩) 에탄올 추출물에 의한 인체 신세포암 Caki-1 세포의 자가세포사멸 유도

        황원덕,Yong-Gyun Im,손병일,박철,박동일,최영현 한국생명과학회 2013 생명과학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Scutellaria baicalensis, belonging to the family Labiatae, is widely distributed in Korea, China, Mongolia, and eastern Siberia. It has been used in traditional medicine for various diseases, such as dysentery, pyrexia, jaundice, and carbuncles. In addition, S. baicalensis is reported to possess various beneficial pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antiviral, antihypertension, antioxidant, and anticancer effects. However, the molecular mechanisms of its anticancer activity have not been clearly elucidated. In the present study, we investigated the proapoptotic effects of ethanol extract of S. baicalensis (EESB) on human renal cell carcinoma Caki-1 cells. The anti-proliferative activity of EESB was associated with apoptosis induction, which was associated with the up-regulation of death receptor 4, the Fas ligand, and Bax and the down-regulation of Bid, XIAP, and cIAP-1 proteins. EESB treatment also induced mitochondrial dysfunction, proteolytic activation of caspase-3, -8, and -9 and degradation of caspase-3 substrate proteins, such as poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, β-catenin, and phospholipase C-γ1. However, pretreatment of a pan-caspase inhibitor, z-VAD-fmk, significantly attenuated the EESB-induced apoptosis. Taken together, these findings suggest that EESB may be a potential chemotherapeutic agent. Further studies will be needed to identify the active compounds that confer the anticancer activity of S. baicalensis. 꿀풀과(Labiatae)에 속하는 황금(黃芩, S. baicalensis)은 한국, 중국, 몽골 및 시베리아 동부 등지에 분포하는 여러해살이 초본식물로서 예로부터 민간처방 약재로 사용되었으며, 한방에서는 뿌리 말린 것을 이질, 발열 및 황달의 치료제로 사용되고 있다. 또한 최근 연구에 따르면 황금 추출물은 항염증, 항당뇨, 항균, 항알레르기, 항바이러스, 항고혈압, 항산화 및 항암 효능을 가지는 것으로 알려져 있으나 신세포암에서의 항암효능 및 분자생물학적 기전에 대해서는 명확히 밝혀져 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 인체 신세포암 Caki-1 세포에서 황금 에탄올 추출물(ethanol extract of S. baicalensis, EESB)이 유발하는 항암효과 및 항암기전을 조사하였다. 본 연구의 결과에 의하면 EESB 처리에 의한 Caki-1 세포의 증식억제는 apoptosis 유발과 밀접한 연관이 있었으며, 이는 DR4 Fas ligand 및 Bax 단백질의 발현 증가와 Bid, XIAP 및 cIAP-1의 발현 억제와 관련이 있었다. EESB는 또한 미토콘드리아의 기능 손상과 caspase-3의 기질단백질인 PARP, β-catenin 및 PLCγ-1 단백질의 단편화를 유발하였다. 그러나 EESB 처리에 의하여 유발되었던 apoptosis가 pan-caspases inhibitor인 z-VED-fmk를 이용하여 caspases의 활성을 억제하였을 경우 현저하게 감소되어, EESB에 의한 apoptosis 과정에 caspase의 활성 증대가 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과들은 황금의 항암작용을 이해하는데 중요한 자료가 될 것이고 나아가 향후 수행될 추가 실험을 위한 기초 자료로서 그 가치가 매우 높을 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        황금(黃芩) 에탄올 추출물에 의한 인체 신세포암 Caki-1 세포의 자가세포사멸 유도

        황원덕(Won Deok Hwang),임용균(Yong-Gyun Im),손병일(Byoung Yil Son),박철(Cheol Park),박동일(Dong Il Park),최영현(Yung Hyun Choi) 한국생명과학회 2013 생명과학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        꿀풀과(Labiatae)에 속하는 황금(黃芩, S. baicalensis)은 한국, 중국, 몽골 및 시베리아 동부 등지에 분포하는 여러해살이 초본식물로서 예로부터 민간처방 약재로 사용되었으며, 한방에서는 뿌리 말린 것을 이질, 발열 및 황달의 치료제로 사용되고 있다. 또한 최근 연구에 따르면 황금 추출물은 항염증, 항당뇨, 항균, 항알레르기, 항바이러스, 항고혈압, 항산화 및 항암 효능을 가지는 것으로 알려져 있으나 신세포암에서의 항암효능 및 분자생물학적 기전에 대해서는 명확히 밝혀져 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 인체 신세포암 Caki-1 세포에서 황금 에탄올 추출물(ethanol extract of S. baicalensis, EESB)이 유발하는 항암효과 및 항암기전을 조사하였다. 본 연구의 결과에 의하면 EESB 처리에 의한 Caki-1 세포의 증식억제는 apoptosis 유발과 밀접한 연관이 있었으며, 이는 DR4 Fas ligand 및 Bax 단백질의 발현 증가와 Bid, XIAP 및 cIAP-1의 발현 억제와 관련이 있었다. EESB는 또한 미토콘드리아의 기능 손상과 caspase-3의 기질단백질인 PARP, β-catenin 및 PLCγ-1 단백질의 단편화를 유발하였다. 그러나 EESB처리에 의하여 유발되었던 apoptosis가 pan-caspases inhibitor인 z-VED-fmk를 이용하여 caspases의 활성을 억제하였을 경우 현저하게 감소되어, EESB에 의한 apoptosis 과정에 caspase의 활성 증대가 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과들은 황금의 항암작용을 이해하는데 중요한 자료가 될 것이고 나아가 향후 수행될 추가 실험을 위한 기초 자료로서 그 가치가 매우 높을 것으로 생각된다. Scutellaria baicalensis, belonging to the family Labiatae, is widely distributed in Korea, China, Mongolia, and eastern Siberia. It has been used in traditional medicine for various diseases, such as dysentery, pyrexia, jaundice, and carbuncles. In addition, S. baicalensis is reported to possess various beneficial pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antiviral, antihypertension, antioxidant, and anticancer effects. However, the molecular mechanisms of its anticancer activity have not been clearly elucidated. In the present study, we investigated the proapoptotic effects of ethanol extract of S. baicalensis (EESB) on human renal cell carcinoma Caki-1 cells. The anti-proliferative activity of EESB was associated with apoptosis induction, which was associated with the up-regulation of death receptor 4, the Fas ligand, and Bax and the down-regulation of Bid, XIAP, and cIAP-1 proteins. EESB treatment also induced mitochondrial dysfunction, proteolytic activation of caspase-3, -8, and -9 and degradation of caspase-3 substrate proteins, such as poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, β-catenin, and phospholipase C-γ1. However, pretreatment of a pan-caspase inhibitor, z-VAD-fmk, significantly attenuated the EESB-induced apoptosis. Taken together, these findings suggest that EESB may be a potential chemotherapeutic agent. Further studies will be needed to identify the active compounds that confer the anticancer activity of S. baicalensis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 「천원기대론(天元紀大論)」 중 상하주기(上下周紀)에 대한 석곡(石谷) 이규준(李圭晙)의 교정(校訂)에 관한 고찰(考察)

        황원덕 ( Won Deok Hwang ) 대한한의학원전학회 ( 구 대한원전의사학회 ) 2009 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        In the chapter 「Cheonwon-gidaeron(天元紀大論)」 of 『Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)』, Lee-Gyujun(李圭晙) corrected "heaven has the rule of six and earth has the rule of five[天六地五]" to "heaven has the rule of five and earth has the rule of six[天五地六]" and "sovereign fire is bright[君火以明] to "sovereign fire is summoning[君火以召]", which changes the meaning of the rule of circulation of the heaven and earth. Considering the context and many scholars` opinions, it was suggested that "sovereign fire naming[君火以名]" which was noted from Tang dynasty to Jin & Wen dynasty was corrected to "sovereign fire is bright[君火以明]" over Ming dynasty. In the corrections of Wangbing(王氷)`s Plain Questions, the sentence is written as "sovereign fire naming[君火以名]". The two characters, `明` and `名` are hardly similar in both shape and meaning, that it is only plausible to assume that it was mistaken for `召`. Consequently, we corrected "sovereign fire is bright[君火以明]" to "sovereign fire is summoning[君火以名]". And "sovereign fire is summoning, ministerial fire is locating[君火以召, 相火以位]", it raise "the rule of five and six is combined together[五六相合]". "The rule of five and six is combined together` means `heaven`s number of five" coincide "earth`s number of six", and it says former times before dividing up and down.

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