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        복부팽만을 주소로 내원한 의인성 거대결장

        황상준 ( Sang Jun Hwang ),손정일 ( Chong Il Sohn ),최효선 ( Hyo Sun Choi ),박정식 ( Jung Sik Park ),박정호 ( Jung Ho Park ),김홍주 ( Hong Joo Kim ),박동일 ( Dong Il Park ),조용균 ( Yong Kyun Cho ),전우규 ( Woo Kyu Jeon ),김병익 ( 대한소화기기능성질환·운동학회 2006 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.12 No.2

        Although only a few of the patients with severe or intractable constipation become candidates for surgical intervention, various surgical procedures for constipation have been developed since the beginning of the 20th century. The most widely accepted surgical procedure for slow transit constipation is currentlya total colectomy with either ileosigmoidal or ileorectal anastomosis. However, various surgical procedures have been tried until now and end-to-end ileosigmoidostomy with exclusion of the entire colon is one of the bypass surgeries. We present here a case of iatrogenic megacolon that presented with abdominal distension as a long term complication of bypass surgery for a patient with severe constipation. (Kor J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2006;12:166-169)

      • 컨텐츠 관리 시스템을 이용한 상업지구 빅데이터 분석

        황상준(Sang Jun HWANG),정용규(Young Gyu JUNG) 한국IT마케팅학회 2015 한국IT마케팅학회 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        Recently, analysis ways of data and statistics information is widely provided to the general public. The government are helping the activities of self-employed people through the use of public data and various business foundation support. However, the closure rates are increasing, as far as business start-up rate. Therefore, we are offer information of business district based on public data to preliminary founders through an online map. In this paper, the commercial district information can get easily on the homepage using Drupal CMS which has recently been widely used and MySQL indexed map and the public data.

      • KCI등재후보

        안검하수를 보이는 중증근무력증 진단에 있어서의 얼음검사의 유용성

        황상준,이태수,박병우,Sang-Jun Hwang,Tae-Soo Lee,Byung-Woo Park 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.10

        Purpose: To compare the results of the ice test with other diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis in patients with ptosis. Methods: The patients included in this study presented with suspicious myasthenic blepharoptosis and visited the Department of Ophthalmology, Guro Hospital, Korea University between March 2003 and February 2004 for diagnosis. All patients received “myasthenic ptosis workup” including the ice test, edrophonium test, RNS EMG, and anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody (anti-AchR) titer test. The tests were compared for specificity, sensitivity, ease of performance, economic benefits and observed complications. Results: The patients included six men and nine women with an average age of 36.9±2.4 yrs. Positive test results were obtained as follows: Ice test 80%, edrophonium test 66.7%, RNS EMG 53.3%, and anti-AchR titer test 86.7%. Adverse effects of edrophonium test were encountered in two patients who had nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Conclusions: The authors found that the ice test was simpler, faster, more economic, and safer than the others for diagnosing blepharoptosis caused by myasthenia gravis. Considering its relative high sensitivity and specificity, the ice test should be the first screening test given to patients with suspicious myasthenic ptosis.

      • KCI등재

        상월(上月)의 불성개현사상

        황상준(Hwang, Sang Jun) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2018 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.82

        불교는 깨달음을 추구하는 종교이다. 불교의 시작은 석존의 깨달음으로부터 비롯되었다는 사실과 함께 그 목표도 석존이 깨달은 진리의 구현에 있기 때문이다. 근현대 한국불교 속에서 천태종 중창을 이뤄낸 박상월(朴上月, 1911-1974)에 의하여 전개된 불성개현사상(佛性開顯思想)은 한국불교의 유구한 흐름 위에서 펼쳐진 또 하나의 깨달음 운동이며 진리구현의 모습이다. 본 논고의 목적은 상월의 불성개현사상과 대한불교천태종의 그 실천에 대한 고찰이다. 더불어 근현대 한국불교계의 상황 속에서 그 의의를 조망함으로써 상월이 주창한 불성개현 사상의 가치를 드러내고자 한다. 스스로 깨달은 정법에 의한 법력과 원력으로 상월은 당시의 암울한 불교계의 상황 속에서도 민중을 위해 불성개현운동을 펼치고자 했다. 상월의 불성개현사상의 중심은 법화천태교관(法華天台敎觀)과 관음신앙(觀音信仰)을 중심으로 한신대승불교의 일환으로 기존의 불교에서 대중불교와 생활불교로의 전환이다. 상월의 실천수행과 교화행을 통한 천태종의 불성개현운동은 신행 중심축 이동에 의한 운동으로 한국불교 신행사(信行史)에서 매우 큰 의미가 있다. 승려와 일부 수행자의 전유물로만 인식되던 수행과 성불의 실천본원(實踐本願)의 중요성을 일깨웠으며, 실생활과 유리된 채 홀로 지향하던 승원불교(僧院佛敎)를 생활불교로 회귀시켰다. 상월은 천태종 중창이후 열반에 들 때까지 출 ․ 재가를 막론하고 구인사를 찾는 모든 대중들에게 불성(佛性)의 자각과 개현에 관한 교화를 펼쳤으며, 유훈(遺訓)으로 발보리심(發菩提心)할 것을 천태종도들에게 당부하였다. 그리고 법회의식(法會儀式)을 통한 출 ․ 재가불자의 불성개현에 대한 자각과 관음주송(觀音呪誦)을 통한 실천수행법의 제시는 기존 전통의 불교와는 차별화된 것이다. 상월의 불성개현사상은 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 스스로 깨달은 정법에 바탕을 둔 실천수행법을 제시하였다. 둘째, 천태종도의 불성개현을 위한 천태종의 신행체제의 확립이다. 셋째, 불교신행활동과 생활이 함께 이루어질 수 있는 생활불교의 정착이다. 끝으로 불교의 근본목적인 불자들의 깨달음 추구를 위한 실제적인 방편을 제시한 것이다. 상월의 중생구제 서원과 깨달음은 불교의 근본정신으로 돌아가 석존이 깨달은 진리를 오늘의 현대사회에 되살리기 위한 종교 구원사적 의미를 지닌다고 말할 수 있다. 상월의 불성 개현사상은 불교의 본래 모습과 달리 왜곡되었던 이 시대의 불교를 새롭게 혁신한 신대승불교운동의 시작이자 현재 한국불교가 나아가야 할 방향을 제시한 것이다. Buddhism is a religion that pursues enlightenment. This is because the beginning of Buddhism comes from the truth that the Buddha realized, and the goal is the realization of the Buddha. In the history of Korean Buddhism, Sangwols thought on the manifestation of the Buddha nature is invaluable, and it is said that Sangwols thought is another movement for the Buddhists enlightenment in contemporary Korean Buddhist society. This present study focuses on both Sangwols thought on the manifestation of the Buddha nature and its practice of the Cheontae Order of Korean Buddhism. In addition, I would like to express the value of Sangwols thought by looking at its significance in the context of the modern Korean Buddhist system. Sangwol does not rely on the Korean traditional Buddhist Sangha, but rather, he built a new Buddhist order, which is based on his own enlightenment and Dharma power to guide all sentient beings in finding the manifestation of the Buddha nature even though Korean Buddhism looked away and pretended not have noticed their aspiration for the enlightenment in the situation of the gloomy Buddhist period of that time. Sangwols thought on the manifestation of the Buddha nature is the conversion from the existing Buddhism to the Popular Buddhism and the Daily Life Buddhism as a part of the New Mahayana Buddhism centered on both Cheontae Buddhism and the Avalokitesvara cult. This paradigm shift in the Buddhist faith system is an important factor in the history of Korean Buddhism. It is a quite different feature compared with the traditional Korean Buddhist order. Sangwol theory of the awareness of the Buddha nature is that all sentient beings have it, and he revealed the Buddha nature to all Buddhists in the Cheontae Order since he reestablished the Order and left instructions as a great inspiration of the earnest aspiration to attain enlightenment. They faithfully followed their dharma teachers instruction by the Dharma ceremony, Daily Life Buddhism, and invoking the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The awareness of the manifestation of the Buddha nature through Buddhist rituals and the presentation of Buddhist practice through the practice of Buddhism is different from traditional Korean Buddhism. Sangwols thought on the manifestation of Buddha nature can be summarized as follows. First, Sangwol suggested a practice method based on his own enlightenment and Dharma power. Second, he established the Cheontae Orders new mechanism for enlightenment as the practice of faith. Third, it is in the settlement of Daily Life Buddhism that Buddhist new activity and life can be achieved together. Finally, it is a practical way to pursue the enlightenment of the Buddha, which is a fundamental Buddhist goal. Sangwols thought, the manifestation of the Buddha nature, is the beginning of the new Buddhist movement because of the gloomy Buddhist period of Modern Korean Buddhism and presently his thought reveals the direction that Korean Buddhism should take in the future.

      • 컨텐츠 관리 시스템을 이용한 상업지구 빅데이터 분석

        황상준(Sang-Jun HWANG),정용규(Young-Gyu JUNG) 한국IT서비스학회 2015 한국IT서비스학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.추계

        최근 데이터의 대한 분석방법과 통계정보가 일반인들에게도 널리 제공되고 있고 국가에서도 공공데이터의 활용과 또한 다양한 창업지원을 통해 자영업자들의 활동을 돕고 있다. 하지만 실제 늘어나는 창업률 만큼 폐업률 또한 늘어나고 있는 것이 실정이다. 따라서 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 창업을 하고자 하는 예비 자영업자들에게 공공데이터를 기반으로 한 상업지구의 관한 정보를 온라인 맵을 통해 제공하고자 한다. 이에 본 논문에서는 최근 널리 쓰이고 있는 Drupal CMS를 이용하여 이를 MySQL DB를 통해 공공데이터를 맵과 함께 연동하여 창업자가 원하는 지역에 대한 상업지구 정보에 대한 내용을 제공하는 홈페이지를 구축하여 쉽게 지역상권에 대한 정보를 제공받도록 한다. 그리하여 창업자가 이러한 내용을 바탕으로 자신이 희망하는 곳의 대한 상권이 블루오션인지 혹은 레드오션인지를 수치적인 내용을 기반으로 판단할 수 있도록 하였으며 또한 희망지역 주변의 상권의 대한 내용 뿐만 아니라 트렌드까지 파악이 가능하도록 하였다.

      • 육법공양(六法供養) 절차에 관한 연구 - 대한불교천태종 산하 말사 다도회를 중심으로 -

        황상준 ( Hwang Sang Jun ) 천태불교문화연구원 2022 天台學硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        The Six Dharma offerings are offered before the Buddha, including incense, lanterns, flowers, fruits, tea, and rice. The branch Buddhist temples of the Cheontae Buddhist Order Korean Buddhism are practiced The Six Dharma offerings. The purpose of this thesis is to lay the foundation for research for the regularization of the Six Dharma methods of offerings of the Cheontae Order of Korean Buddhism through a study on the procedure and establishment of the offerings of the Cheontae Order. As a research material, in order to examine the evolutionary process of the ritual of offering sacrifices in the sixteenth century, one of the Buddhist rites of the Joseon Dynasty, Jineongwongong(眞言勸供, 1496), Ohjongbeomumjip(五種梵音集, 1661), Eosanjip(魚山集, 1700), and Sanbobeomumjip(刪補梵音集, 1713). In addition, the < The Six Dharma offerings paper > are held at Gwanmunsa in Seoul, Gwangmyeongsa in Busan, Daeansa in Uiwang, Mansusa in Cheonan, and Samunsa in Chuncheon, which are branch temples of the Cheontae Order was compared, and the procedure for offering methods actually practiced in the Cheontae Order of Korean Buddhism was examined. Based on this, the following proposals were made regarding the procedure for Six Dharma offerings the Cheontae sect. First, the composition of the Korean Buddhist Cheontae Order < The Six Dharma offerings Procedures Establishment Committee > is proposed. The enactment committee is composed of venerable, Buddhist ritual researchers, tea ceremony president, and tea ceremony class leaders. Second, as an example of the regularization of the Six Dharma offerings of the Cheontae sect, we suggest ① outline description of the Six Dharma offerings, ② magnificence of weights and measures: offering of flowers and cleaning temple, ③ cleanliness of the performer’s three duties: Jeongsam-eop Mantra, ④ chanting of the Six Dharma, ⑤ Offering of the Six Dharma, ⑥ Hyeon-hyang: petition. Finally, it is proposed to prepare and disseminate a letter of tribute to tthe Six Dharma offerings law for children and adolescents.


        요추 고정수술 후 인접척추 운동범위의 변화

        상준,박승원,김영백,성남,최덕영,석종식,정동규,민병국,Yeo, Sang-Jun,Park, Seung-Won,Kim, Young-Baeg,Hwang, Sung-Nam,Choi, Duck-Young,Suk, Jong-Sik,Chung, Dong-Kue,Min, Byung-Kook 대한신경외과학회 2000 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.29 No.11

        Objectives : Transpedicular screw fixation has become an important method for internal fixation in variety of disorders. However, acceleration of degeneration at the adjacent segment in any follow. The goal of this study is to review the change of motion ranges of vertebral joints adjacent to fused level in lumbar spine. Methods : This study consists of 22 patients with degenerative spinal instability. Treatment of spinal instability includes posterior fusion with transpedicular screw fixation or transpedicular screw fixation with posterior lumbar interbody fusion. The flexion-extension angle(FEA) was measured from dynamic views of lumbar spine taken both at preoperative and post operative period. Results : The FEA of upper vertebral joint adjacent(FEA-u) to a fused L4-5 level was increased(p=0.010). The FEA-u was increased in case of L5-S1 fusion(p=0.025). The change of FEA-u in case of L5-S1 fusion was greater than that in L4-5 fusion(p=0.013). Conclusion : After L4-5 fusion, there seems to be more meaningful increase in FEA of L3-4 than that of L5-S1. The reason may be due to the damage of L3-4 facet joints during the operation, the other possible explanation may be the anatomical stability of L5-S1 vertebral joint. The change of FEA-u of L5-S1 fusion is increased more than that of L4-5 fusion. Because there are compensations in the adjacent vertebrae both above and below the fused L4-5, the compensatory motion in FEA-u of L5-S1 fusion was greater than that of the L4-5 fusion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        체내 철 저장 상태와 비알코올 지방간 발생과의 연관성

        황상준 ( Sang Jun Hwang ),조용균 ( Yong Kyun Cho ),오세용 ( Se Yong Oh ),최효선 ( Hyo Sun Choi ),박정식 ( Jeong Sik Park ),김신연 ( Shin Yun Kim ),박정호 ( Jung Ho Park ),김홍주 ( Hong Joo Kim ),박동일 ( Dong Il Park ),손정일 ( Ch 대한내과학회 2007 대한내과학회지 Vol.73 No.6

        Background: Although numerous reports have shown the influence of the iron overload state on the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), there have been few reports on the prevalence of NAFLD according to the body iron stores. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship of body iron stores with the development of NAFLD in apparently healthy women. Methods: The present cross-sectional study was performed with data obtained from 5,249 women (mean age: 40.6±8.9 years), that received an annual health check-up. All components of metabolic syndrome criteria, anthropometric parameters, fasting insulin levels, level of C-reactive protein and serum iron tests were measured in each subject. Results: The prevalence of NAFLD was significantly different according to body iron status (normal iron store/iron store depletion/iron deficient erythropoiesis/iron deficiency anemia: 10.6%/4.1%/6.5%/11.2%, p<0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that age (odds ratio [OR]=1.284; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1161.507) per 10 years), being overweight (OR=1.952; 95% CI: 1.3952.732), diabetes mellitus (OR=1.694; 95% CI: 1.198-2.397), hypertriglyceridemia (OR=2.434; 95% CI: 1.737-3.409), abdominal obesity (OR=3.559; 95% CI: 2.538-4.992), insulin resistance (OR=2.665; 95% CI: 1.979-3.587), anemia (OR=2.015; 95% CI: 1.150-3.532) and stored iron depletion (OR=0.580; 95% CI: 0.405-0.830) were profoundly associated with the development of NAFLD. Conclusion: The present study reveals a possible correlation between the development of NAFLD and body iron stores, and stored iron depletion and anemia seem to be key factors for this correlation. (Korean J Med 73:587-595, 2007)

      • 컨텐츠 관리 시스템을 이용한 상업지구 빅데이터 분석

        황상준(Sang Jun HWANG),정용규(Young Gyu JUNG) 한국IT마케팅학회 2015 한국IT마케팅학회 논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        Recently, analysis ways of data and statistics information is widely provided to the general public. The government are helping the activities of self-employed people through the use of public data and various business foundation support. However, the closure rates are increasing, as far as business start-up rate. Therefore, we are offer information of business district based on public data to preliminary founders through an online map. In this paper, the commercial district information can get easily on the homepage using Drupal CMS which has recently been widely used and MySQL indexed map and the public data.

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