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      • KCI등재

        태국(泰國)의 군부(軍部)와 정치발전(政治發展)

        황규희 ( Hwang Gyu-hee ) 한국태국학회 1988 한국태국학회논총 Vol.1 No.-

        Since the Revolution of 1932, the military army has played an important part in Thai political power. Though the political system was seemingly ‘Democratic Government’, it was governed by military authorities. The Military group, who justified the nation’s modernization, Anti- Communism, democracy, and economic development, decleared openly the duality of the military function. That is, the role of military was national defence and security. The Group has said the political stability was the precondition for the national security, and therefore military intervention was the nessity for the political structure. Under this ideas,it asked the supports to people, has intervened deeply. There were many political argues about the intervention of Thai Army. Especially, 66-2523 policy in 1980 was the base of establishment that legitimated the military role in political stage. We will study the relation between the military and the politics in Thailand. In order to do that we will see the following: 1) What kind of ideology did the military have, and how did it ask the supports to people? 2) What is the role that the military played in the political development? 3) What is the military limits in its political part and is the image of politics in the future?

      • KCI등재

        기술혁신과 미래숙련수요 대응

        황규희(Hwang Gyu-hee),이중만(Lee Joongman) 한국기술혁신학회 2010 기술혁신학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        탄소배출에 대한 글로벌 규제 확대는 새로운 산업규제와 무역장벽을 가져오고 있으며, 세계 각국은 재생에너지 개발, 에너지 효율 증대, 환경 개선 등을 동시에 추구하는 녹색투자를 통해 경기부양을 도모하고 있다. 한국 정부는 이러한 환경변화 속에 녹색투자를 통한 새로운 성장기회를 모색하고 있으며, 기업은 저탄소 친환경 구조로의 전환을 생존의 문제로 직면하게 되었다. 이는 산업구조의 변화와 전환을 가져올 뿐만 아니라, 인력 구성의 변화와 함께 요구숙련의 변화를 요구한다. 이러한 녹색경제로의 전환에서, 미래 숙련수요에 대응한 인력양성은 녹색경제의 전환에 대한 대응으로서 뿐만 아니라 녹색성장을 견인하는 추동력이 된다. 본 연구는 자동차산업을 중심으로 미래 숙련 수요에 따른 인력양성방안을 모색한다. 그린카 관련한 미래 숙련 수요에 대해 현 대학 교과상의 문제점을 살펴보며 이에 대한 개선방안을 모색하기로 한다. 이를 통해 녹색성장에서 그린카 만이 아닌 타 부문에서의 미래 숙련수요에 대응한 인력양성 방안도 마련할 수 있는 방법론의 개선을 도모한다. Global expansion of regulation for carbon emission has brought new industrial regulations and trade barriers while the global economy is promoting economic stimulus through a variety of green investments such as renewable energy development, energy efficiency increase, and environmental improvement simultaneously. Korean government is trying to seek a new opportunity to grow through green investment in this change of business environment and businesses are facing the transition to low-carbon and eco-friendly structure for their survival. It is promoting not only industry structure changes and conversion but also demanding changes of workforce composition and requirement skills. In response to convergence of green economy, manpower development for future skills needs is provided the main impetus for response as well as promotion green growth. This study will analyze human resource development plan due to future skills needs emphasizing on automative industry. Also the study will be researched on the problems of present curriculum of undergraduate and look for improvements tasks. Upon the result, promotion plans for human resource development in other sectors of green car in response to future skills needs in green growth can be found.

      • KCI등재

        노동문제에 대한 통계적 분석 : 업무 및 업종 변화가 숙련에 미치는 효과: 화이트칼라 근로자를 중심으로

        김안국 ( Ahn Kook Kim ),황규희 ( Gyu Hee Hwang ) 한국산업노동학회 2013 산업노동연구 Vol.19 No.2

        이 연구는 근로자의 업무 변화가 조사된 유일한 자료인 「인적자본기업패널조사」자료를 이용하여 근로자의 업종변화 및 업무(직종)변화 등에 따른 숙련형성 과정을 분석하였다. 연구가설은 동일 업무의 지속 혹은 동일 업종의 지속이 획득되는 숙련의 성격과 숙련의 향상에 영향을 미친다는 것이다. 분석 결과는 다음의 사항들을 통계적으로 유의하게 지지한다: (1) 직장 이동시 동일한 업무의 수행은 특정 업무에 대한 숙련, 즉 직종특수숙련을 형성한다; (2) 직장 이동시 동일한 업종을 유지하는 것은 특정 업종에서만 통용가능한 업종특수숙련을 형성한다; (3) 직종특수숙련을 획득한 근로자는 업종의 변화가 없는 경우에 숙련 향상의 단절이 없어 승진의 가능성이 높다; (4) 업종특수숙련을 획득한 근로자는 업무의 변화가 없는 경우와 업종의 변화가 없는 경우 모두에 숙련 향상의 단절이 없어 승진의 가능성이 높다. 전반적으로 이상의 결과는 하는 일의 연속성에 의한 숙련형성과 향상으로 해석된다. This study analyzes the skills formation according to the changes in job or the changes in industry, using 「Human Capital Corporate Panel」 data in KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training). Research hypothesis asserts that the continuity of job and industry influences the characteristics and development of skills. The empirical results verify followings with statistical significance such that 1) the maintenance of the same job through switching work place brings job specific skills; (2) remaining in the same industry, while switching work place, cultivates the industry specific skills; (3) the holders of job specific skills have higher probabilities of job promotion if they remain in the same industry; (4) the holders of industry specific skills have higher probabilities of job promotion if they remain in the same industry and the same job. Overall, the results are explained as due to the continuity of relevant skills enhancement.

      • 泰國의 「싹디나」 制度에 관한 小考

        黃圭姬,金洪九 부산 외국어 대학교 1987 外大論叢 Vol.5 No.1

        The bureaucratic and authoritative orientation in the days of old-one of the political culture's characteristic in Thailand-was theSakdina system. Owing to the lack of historical records, we couldn't get out this system exactly. But it seemed to be settled by King Boromtrilokanat in the first Ayuthya period. At that time, the king couldn't govern all the provinces far from his own capital because of inconvenient travel and communication. So the king nominated a favorite and an ableman as a lord of the each province. The king donated lands to the bureaucrats and nobilities for salaries. They were given the right not only to possess the land, but also to manage the residents and all products in that territories. If they resigned from office or died, they should return the territories to the king. It differed from the european manor system. At Ayuthya period, the king who was a leader of the all people sustained the absolute monachy by theSakdina system. This system was fit for the political, economic and social benefits of the ruling classes. In view of political aspect, Sakdina system was carried out as political standard to protect the security of the king and noble classes to suppress the lower classes-Phrai-. It was a moment to obstruct the understanding between two classes. In economic aspect, it enabled the ruling classes to amass wealth, because they owned the land,. And the land was essentially important for production in agricultural society. So this system had to depend on the labor of Phrai. In social aspect, Sakdina system formed the pyramidal social classes-the class of king, royal family, nobility, commoner- and slave-. Thus it was patron-client relationship. Sakdina system was disappeared after the year of 1932 constitutional monarchy, but the ruling classes-Munnai cluture-and the lower classes-Phrai culture-still remained in Thai society. Thai people still respect the social standing of king and higher classes "chaonai" under the liberty and equality of the democratic system.

      • 태국 학생운동에 관한 연구Ⅰ : 1973년 10월운동을 중심으로 A case study of the Revolution of October,1973

        황규희 釜山 外國語 大學校 1991 外大論叢 Vol.9 No.1

        The major purpose of this study is to investigate the factors of studnet movement in Thailand by using the Revolution of October, 1973, as a case study. It is recognized in Thailand that student played a major role in the struggle against the authoritative regime of Thanom-Praphat in 1973 and in acting as an interest group to mobilize public opinion in support of democratic reforms. This study has been divided into six Chapters as follows : Chapter Ⅰ: Introduction Chapter Ⅱ: The background of the student movement in the developed nations and the developing nations. Chapter Ⅲ : The historical development of the student movement in Thailand from 1932 to the present. Chapter Ⅳ : The Revolution of October, 1973 : causes, process and consequences. Chapter Ⅴ : The analysis of the factors conductive to the Revolution of October, 1973. Chapter Ⅵ : Conclusion

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