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      • 착용형 전자 점자 기기의 점자 출력 인터페이스

        홍정기(Jeong-ki Hong),김성연(Seongyeon Kim),김태현(Taehyeon Kim),엄정훈(Junghoon Eom),남춘성(Choonsung Nam),조광수(Kwangsu Cho) 한국HCI학회 2014 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2014 No.2

        정보화 사회, 디지털 사회로 넘어오면서 정보의 중요성이 강조되고 동시에 정보를 습득하기 위한 기술이 발달하였다. 일반인들은 스마트폰, 태블릿 등의 전자 기기를 사용하여 정보를 쉽게 획득하는 반면 시각장애인은 여전히 정보의 사각지대에 머물러 있다. 이러한 정보의 비대칭 현상을 해결하기 위하여 휴대가 가능한 착용형 전자 점자 기기를 개발하기 위한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 흐름 속에서 착용형 전자 점자 기기가 차용할 수 있는 인터페이스 형태에 대해 제시하고 있다. 특히 한글 점자의 특성에 맞추어 점자를 초성, 중성, 종성으로 구별하여 제시하는 인터페이스와 이를 검증할 수 있는 실험 설계를 제안한다. Since we are living in information-oriented society, also so-called as digital society, the importance of obtaining information is greater than any times, and thus the technology for acquisition of information has been improved rapidly. However, blind people are still limited to take those advantages. To solve this issues, many researchers are focusing on developing wearable electronic braille device. In this paper, we propose an interface device for Korean braille. The interface we propose has advantage of using multi braille cells with representing first, middle, bottom components of Korean braille to increase read efficiency for blind people. Our experimental subject test validates the efficacy of the proposed interface.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 미기록 외래식물: 작은잎물통이(쐐기풀과)와 남방향유(꿀풀과)

        홍정기(Jeong-Ki Hong),김중현(Jung-Hyun Kim),김유리(Yu-Ri Kim),김진석(Jin-Seok Kim) 한국자원식물학회 2021 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Two unrecorded alien plants, Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. (Urticaceae) and Elsholtzia griffithii Hook. f. (Lamiaceae), were found in Korea. P. microphylla was discovered in Seoul-si and Jeju-do. This species is distinguished from other related Korean taxa by leaf characteristics such as spatulate or obovate shape and 2-7 ㎜ long with entire margin. E. griffithii was discovered in Incheon-si. This species is defined by spikes, narrowly lanceolate bract with 3 ㎜ long and relatively shorter corolla length as ca 2.5 ㎜. Here, we provide Korean name, descriptions of the morphological characteristics, photographs and a key to allied taxa.

      • 추자도의 식물상

        홍정기 ( Jeong Ki Hong ),정수영 ( Su Young Jung ),지성진 ( Seong Jin Ji ),박수현 ( Soo Hyun Park ),양종철 ( Jong Cheol Yang ),장계선 ( Kae Sun Chang ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        본 연구는 추자도의 관속식물상을 밝히고 주요 식물을 조사하였다. 2013년 4월부터 9월까지 총 3회에 걸쳐 수행되었다. 그 결과 관속식물은 90과 272속 386종 2아종 54변종 7품종 449분류군이 확인되었다. 한국 특산식물은 솔비나무 1분류군이 확인되었다. 산림청지정 희귀식물은 10분류군으로 눈향나무, 시호, 백량금, 덩굴민백미꽃 등이 조사되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물종은 V등급, VI등급이 각각 2분류군, III등급 9분류군, II등급 3분류군, I등급 29분류군 등 45분류군이 발견되었다. 귀화식물은 애기수영, 서양금혼초, 방울새풀, 냄새냉이 등 57분류군으로 확인되었으며, 귀화율은 13%로 나타났다. This study was carried out to investigate the flora of Chujado. The vascular plants were collected 3 times, and were identified as 449 taxa; 90 families, 272 genera, 386 species, 2 subspecies, 54 varieties and 7 forms. Korean endemic plants of this area were 12 taxa; Maackia fauriei. Rare plants of this area were 10 taxa; Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii, Bupleurum falcatum, Ardisia crenata, Cynanchum japonicum, etc. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 80 taxa: 2 taxa of grade V, 6 taxa of grade IV, 25 taxa of grade III, 2 taxa of grade II and 45 taxa of grade I. The naturalized plants were identified as 57 taxa and the percent of naturalized index (NI) was 13% of total 595 taxa vascular plants; Rumex acetosella, Hypochaeris radicata, Briza minor, Coronopus didymus, etc.

      • 한국산 소나무속(Pinus L.) 식물의 형태형질 연구

        홍정기 ( Jeong Ki Hong ),장진 ( Jin Jang ),양종철 ( Jong Cheol Yang ),오승환 ( Seung Hwan Oh ),이유미 ( You Mi Lee ),허권 ( Kweon Heo ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        본 연구는 소나무속의 정확한 분류형질을 파악하고자 수행되었다. 정량적형질 19형질, 정성적 형질 12형질을 대상으로 측정, 관찰하였고, 소나무속의 해부형질을 알아보기 위하여 잎의 횡단면, 잎의 표피(SEM), 화분(SEM), 목재를 관찰하였다. 잎의 길이는 테에다소나무가 가장 긴 것으로 확인되었다. 구과의 길이는 스트로브잣나무가 가장 긴 것으로 관찰되었다. 잣나무, 눈잣나무가 다른 소나무속 분류군들과 다르게 종자에 날개가 없다는 뚜렷한 특징을 가지고 있었다. 잎의 횡단면 관찰 결과 소나무아속 식물은 2개의 유관속을 가지는 반면, 잣나무아속 식물은 1개의 유관속이 가지고 있었다. 잎의 표피 관찰 결과 곰솔, 방크스소나무, 리기다소나무, 테에다소나무를 제외한 모든 소나무속 식물들은 기공의 부세포가 둥글게 또는 분화구 모양으로 돌출하였다. 화분형태 관찰 결과 소나무속 식물들은 모두 기낭을 가지고 있었다. 목재 해부형태 관찰 결과 모든 소나무속 식물들의 방사조직은 단열이며, 방추형 방사조직이 발달하였다. 횡단면에서는 춘재와 추재가 관찰되고, 정단수지구가 분포한다. 분야벽공은 창상형이며, 유연벽공은 대부분 1열이지만 잣나무의 경우 1열 혹은 2열이고, 방사조직은 1-20세포이며, 수직수지구와 수평수지구가 발달한다. This study was conducted to identify the exact form of Pinus. 19 traits of quantitative character, and 12 traits of qualitative character were measured and observed, and in order to examine the anatomical traits of Pinus, cross-section of the leaf, epidermis of the leaf(SEM), pollen(SEM), and wood were observed. Pinus taeda was found to have the longest length of the leaf. Also, Pinus strobus was observed to have the strongest cones. Pinus koraiensis and Pinus pumila had distinct features due to no wings in seeds unlike other taxonomic groups in other Pinus. The result of cross-sectional observations of leaf was that subgenus Diploxylon had 2 vascular bundle, subgenus Haploxylon had only one vascular bundle. The result of leaf epidermis observation, is that all Pinus except Pinus thunbergii, Pinus banksiana, Pinus rigida, Pinus taeda had their accessory cells in the pore were projected like shape of a circle or a crater. The result of observations in the form of pollen, all Pinus had air-sac. The observation of anatomical form of wood shows that medullary ray of all Pinus is adiabatic, and radiation spindle organization is developed, spring wood and autumn wood are observed in the cross-section, and apex resin duct are distributed. Field pitting is implantation-shaped, and most bordered pit have 1 row, but in the case of Nut pine, it has 1 or 2 rows, medullary ray has 1-20 cells, and vertical resin duct and horizontal resin duct are grown.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 동해안 석호의 관속식물상

        김중현,김선유,홍정기,남기흠,안지홍,이병윤,김진석,Kim, Jung-Hyun,Kim, Sun-Yu,Hong, Jeong-Ki,Nam, Gi-Heum,An, Ji-Hong,Lee, Byoung Yoon,Kim, Jin-Seok 한국식물분류학회 2017 식물 분류학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        동해안 석호는 해수와 담수가 섞인 독특한 형태의 기수호이며, 수변식생이 발달되어 생물다양성이 풍부한 지역이다. 본 연구는 국내에 분포하는 17개소의 석호에 대한 식물상과 식물 종조성 등의 조사를 통하여 석호 식생에 대한 안정적인 보전계획 수립을 위한 기초자료를 제시하고자 한다. 17개소의 석호에 대한 식물상 조사결과, 관속식물은 118과 378속 655종 13아종 46변종 6교잡종, 총 720분류군이 확인되었다. 이중에서 한반도 고유종이 11분류군, 멸종우려 식물이 18분류군, 식물구계학적 특정식물인 IV-V등급 식물이 23분류 군이었다. 남방계식물은 4분류군, 북방계식물은 8분류군으로 조사되었고, 특히 남한 내 희귀식물인 갯활량나물(Thermopsis lupinoides), 기름당귀(Ligusticum hultenii), 벼룩아재비(Mitrasacme alsinoides), 통발(Utricularia australis), 검정납작골풀(Juncus fauriei), 새방울사초(Carex vesicaria), 천도미꾸리광이(Puccinellia kurilensis) 등이 동해안 석호에서 생육하고 있었다. 외래식물은 96분류군이 발견되었다. 한반도 석호는 식물다양성이 풍부하고, 희귀식물 및 식물지리학적 중요한 식물이 관찰된다. 석호의 효과적인 관리와 생물다양성 보전을 위해 체계적인 사항들이 논의되었다. Eastern coastal lagoons are a particular type of estuarine systems where seawater mixes with fresh water from their catchments. With the development of aquatic vegetation, this area shows high level of biodiversity. The purpose of this study is to produce a strategy for the comprehensive conservation of the vegetation of coastal lagoons through studies of the floristics and plant species compositions in 17 eastern coastal lagoons in Korea. Vascular plants were collected 109 times, from June of 2010 to November of 2014. The results showed that there were 720 taxa in total, including 118 families, 378 genera, 655 species, 13 subspecies, 46 varieties, and 6 hybrids. Korean endemic species numbered 11 taxa, and vascular plants listed in the red list according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) numbered 18 taxa. Indicator species of fourth (IV) and fifth (V) degree, as specified by floristic subregions, numbered 23 taxa. Among the species investigated in this survey, there were 4 taxa of plants of southern origin and 8 taxa of plants of northern originin the Korean peninsula. Several rare plants, Thermopsis lupinoides, Ligusticum hultenii, Mitrasacme alsinoides, Utricularia australis, Juncus fauriei, Carex vesicaria, and Puccinellia kurilensis, were distributed in eastern coastal lagoons. In all, 96 alien plants were recorded in the investigated area. The coastal lagoons on the eastern coast of Korea showed high plant diversity with many rare plants and phytogeographically important plants. Conservation strategies to ensure biodiversity and effective management of coastal lagoons are discussed in detail.

      • 조선왕조실록 밀납본의 보존상태 조사

        정소영,이혜윤,정용재,홍정기,엄두성,Jeong, So-Young,Lee, Hye-Yun,Chung, Yong-Jae,Hong, Jung-Ki,Eom, Doo-Sung 국립문화재연구소 2004 保存科學硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        Annals of the Joseon Dynasty is the authentic record of the historical facts and events taken place throughout the entire period of 472 years(25 generations, 1392~1863)described in a chronological order. The tremendous volume of the records contains the factual events taken place in almost all the fields of the Joseon Dynasty ranging from politics, economy to history of the dynasty. Not only because of its affluent contents but also with the precision of its records, it was designated as the National Treasure No. 151 in1973 by the Korean government and also registered as the Memory of the World by UNESCO in October 1997.This study is to report a exhaustive investigation results on the conservation state of annals of the Joseon Dynasty, especially Mt. Jeongjoksan edition, under the storage of the Kyujanggak in order to obtain the current condition, and thereby to estimate the any deterioration of the waxed volumes in the future. According to results of the investigation, we are going to verify damage causes of annals of the Joseon Dynasty, and to consider scientific conservation methods for the permanent preservation of invaluable cultural heritage. The major problem with the preservation of annals has arisen particularly from the deterioration of the waxed volumes of the Mt. Jeongjoksan edition. In order to provide for the counter measures for this problem, we have conducted twice investigations(first :1998~1999, second : 2003) to the internal and external conditions of waxed volumes(Annals of King Taejo~Annals of King Myeongjong).The result of the investigation has indicated that the paper quality of the some of the waxed volumes (Annals of King Taejong~Annals of King Sejong) is cracked and folded and the pages are imbedded to each other due to the hardened or congealed wax on the paper. Some of the pages are even getting moldy. And in order to detect as to whether“ there has been any deterioration progressed to the waxed books in the modern storage facility of the Kyujanggak equipped with constant temperature and humidity condition, the first investigation(1998~1999) and the second investigation(2003) have recorded the values of acidity, whiteness and moisture rate of the waxed paper, reporting an observation that there has been no difference on the measuring items. This indicates that no virtual deterioration has been progressed so far to the waxed volumes preserved in the Kyujanggak. Also, except for the causes of deterioration to the paper by insects and microorganisms, the major cause for the paper damage seems to the change of moisture of the paper caused from the alteration of the temperature and humidity of the storage environment. With this understanding in mind, we have conducted an environmental investigation on the three selected points of the storage in the aspects of the temperature, humidity, air current, $CO_2$,HCHO, and $SO_2$.It has been observed that the temperature stood at $16.9^{\circ}C~20.2^{\circ}C$ and the humidity was stable between 53%~56% during the period of the investigation. The concentration of the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide of the storage were very similar to those in the air. These data lead to presume that there is no problem in the aspect of carbon oxidization. But the concentration of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde of the storage were detected a little higher than those of standard. Therefore, we consider that it is necessary to ventilate the internal air of the store room by means of operating air purification devices.

      • KCI등재

        국내 변성암 지역 음용지하수 중 자연방사성물질(<sup>238</sup>U, <sup>222</sup>Rn)의 환경 특성 연구

        주병규,김문수,정도환,홍정기,김동수,노회정,윤정기,김태승,Ju, Byoung Kyu,Kim, Moon Su,Jeong, Do Hwan,Hong, Jung Ki,Kim, Dong Su,Noh, Hoe Jung,Yoon, Jeong Ki,Kim, Tae Seung 한국지하수토양환경학회 2013 지하수토양환경 Vol.18 No.3

        This study has investigated naturally occurring radioactive materials (N.O.R.M; $^{238}U$, $^{222}Rn$) for 353 drinking groundwater wells in metamorphic rock areas in Korea. Uranium concentrations ranged from N.D (not detected) to 563.56 ${\mu}g/L$ (median value, 0.68 ${\mu}g/L$) and radon concentrations ranged from 108 to 11,612 pCi/L (median value, 1,400 pCi/L). Uranium and radon concentrations in the groundwater generally are similar to USA with similar geological setting. Uranium concentrations in 9 wells (2.6%) exceeded 30 ${\mu}g/L$, which is the maximum contaminant level (MCL) by the US environmental protection agency (EPA), radon concentrations in 46 wells (13%) exceeded 4,000 pCi/L, which is the Alternative MCL (AMCL) by the US.EPA. The log-log correlation coefficient between uranium and radon was 0.32. The correlation coefficient between uranium and pH was 0.12 and the correlation coefficient between radon and temperature was -0.01. The correlation coefficient between uranium and $HCO_3$ was 0.09 and the correlation coefficient between uranium and Ca was 0.11. The median value of uranium was high Chung-Buk (1.78 ${\mu}g/L$), Gyeong-Buk (1.37 ${\mu}g/L$), In-Cheon (1.06 ${\mu}g/L$) for each province. On the other hand, the median value of radon was high In-Cheon (2,962 pCi/L), Chung-Buk (2,339 pCi/L), Jeon-Buk (2,165 pCi/L) for each province. Jeon-Buk for log-log correlation coefficient is the highest (0.63) among provinces.

      • KCI등재

        국내 화산암 지역 지하수 중 자연방사성 물질에 대한 환경 특성

        정도환,김문수,주병규,홍정기,김동수,김현구,김혜진,박선화,한진석,김태승,Jeong, Do Hwan,Kim, Moon Su,Ju, Byoung Kyu,Hong, Jung Ki,Kim, Dong Su,Kim, Hyun Koo,Kim, Hye Jin,Park, Sun Hwa,Han, Jin Seok,Kim, Tae Seung 한국지하수토양환경학회 2013 지하수토양환경 Vol.18 No.1

        We analyzed natural radionuclides in 80 wells in volcanic rock areas and investigated environmental characteristics. Uranium and radon concentrations ranged from ND to $9.70{\mu}g/L$ (median value: 0.21) ${\mu}g/L$, 38~29,222 pCi/L (median value: 579), respectively. In case of gross-${\alpha}$, 26 samples exceeded MDA (minimum detectable activity, < 0.9 pCi/L) value and the activity values ranged from 1.05 to 8.06 pCi/L. The radionuclides concentrations did not exceed USEPA MCL (maximum contaminant level) value of Uranium ($30{\mu}g/L$) and gross-${\alpha}$ (15 pCi/L). But Rn concentrations in 4 samples exceeded USEPA AMCL (Alternative maximum contaminant level, 4,000 pci/L) and one of them showed a significantly higher value (29,222 pCi/L) than the others. The levels of uranium concentrations in volcanic rock aquifer regions were detected in order of andesite, miscellaneous volcanic rocks, rhyolite, basalt aquifer regions. Radon, however, was detected in order of miscellaneous volcanic rocks, rhyolite, andesite, basalt aquifer regions. The correlation coefficient between uranium and radon was r = 0.45, but we found that correlations of radionuclides with in-situ data or major ions were weak or no significant. The correlation coefficient between the depth of wells and uranium concentrations was a slightly higher than that of depth of wells and radons. Radionuclide concentrations in volcanic rock aquifers showed lower levels than those of other rock aquifers such as granite, metamorphic rock aquifers, etc. This result may imply difference of host rock's bearing-radioactive-mineral contents among rock types of aquifers.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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