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      • KCI등재

        윌리엄 칼로스 윌리엄즈의 지역성의 시학과 존 듀이의 경험 미학

        홍은택(Euntaek Hong) 한국영미문학교육학회 2010 영미문학교육 Vol.14 No.2

        John Dewey considered the daily experience and the aesthetic experience as continual. He thought that ‘an experience,’ completed and unified, which is formed by the daily experience after it is properly composed and controlled, is the nature of aesthetic experience and gives meanings to life. ‘An experience’ cannot be formed only with an isolated subject’s passive enjoyment as in the traditional aesthetics. As for creation and appreciation, this is the experience that obtains a unique meaning through the dynamic interaction between active action and passive action. Then the dynamic interaction means the very transaction. Williams received Dewey's aesthetics of experience and formed the poetics of locality. While Dewey collapsed the boundary of dichotomy in traditional philosophy by evolving the concept of experience from interaction to transaction, Williams found the methods to overcome divorce by deepening ‘direct contact’ to two-way‘interpenetration,’ between subject and object. This way, Williams’ poetics of locality was formed through the process of two-way ‘interpenetration’ or transaction with Dewey's aesthetics of experience. Like Dewey's concept of experience, Williams's poetics was continually and newly reconstructed through trying and undergoing, active action and passive action, and interaction principle and continuity principle.

      • KCI등재

        불을 주제로 한 현대영미시 읽기

        홍은택(Euntaek Hong) 한국영미문학교육학회 2012 영미문학교육 Vol.16 No.2

        Fire with water, earth, and air has provided poets’ imagination with nutrition. Fire of the four elements has changed itself and provided English poetry with images, metaphors, and symbols abundantly from Greek mythology to modern magic. The paper aims to inquire into how the poetics of fire is represented in modern English poems and search for the possibility of opening such subject as “Modern English Poetry and the Poetics of Fire” or “Reading Modern English Poetry with the Theme of Fire.” In Greek mythology, fire is originated from Prometheus. In Greek philosophy, it is considered as one of the four elements. In Christianity, it is connected with rebirth through destruction or the experience of ‘baptism by fire’, in alchemy it is linked with sulfur, and in Tarot cards it symbolizes change or passion. Fire has ambivalence of purification and destruction, and has been considered as the power which produces energy of life and change. And it destroys and regenerates everything. The nature of fire is divided into heat and light, and then heat is the impulse of Eros and light that of Logos. Reading modern English poems with the theme of fire through Gaston Bachelard's poetics is the subject that can provide students with plentiful interest and stimulation. By reading the theme of fire in modern English poems, students can learn the rhetoric including image, metaphor, symbol, synecdoche, paradox, and oxymoron, and perceive the poetics and poetic world of modern poets.

      • KCI등재

        『두 개의 달을 걷다』에 나타난 스토리텔링 전략

        홍은택 ( Hong Euntaek ) 건국대학교 GLOCAL(글로컬)캠퍼스 동화와번역연구소 2019 동화와 번역 Vol.38 No.-

        샤론 크리치의 『두 개의 달을 걷다』는 이야기 속 이야기이고 이야기들에 관한 이야기이며 여행의 기록이자 이 모든 것을 하나로 합쳐놓은 청소년소설이다. 크리치는 뉴베리상을 수상한 이 작품으로 장기간에 걸친 베스트셀러 작가가 되었다. 이 작품이 지속적으로 독자들의 관심과 사랑을 받은 이유는 작가가 스토리텔러로서 스토리텔링에 담겨야 할 필수요소 네 가지 즉, 메시지, 등장인물, 갈등, 플롯 등을 효과적으로 상호침투 시키는 스토리텔링 전략을 사용했기 때문이다. 작품에서 스토리텔링의 네 가지 필수요소들이 각각의 특성을 명확하게 드러내면서도 치밀한 전략에 의해 유기적으로 혼합될 때 그 작품은 흥미롭고 가치 있는 이야기로 거듭나게 된다. 작품에서 주인공 샐은 엄마를 찾아가는 여행에서 친구 피비의 이야기를 조부모에게 들려준다. 그 과정에서 피비의 이야기 뒤에 자신과 엄마의 이야기가 숨어있다는 것을 깨닫는다. 샐은 이야기 속에서 이야기를 하는 스토리텔러인 셈이다. 작품의 화자이기도 한 샐은 결국 작가 샤론 크리치의 페르소나이다. 따라서 샐이 해나가는 스토리텔링은 곧 크리치의 것이라 할 수 있다. 크리치가 스토리텔링의 필수요소 네가지를 통해 정교하고 치밀하게 구사하는 스토리텔링 전략은 『두 개의 달을 걷다』를 호기심과 흥미를 자극하는 작품으로 만들어 독자들을 매혹시킨다. Sharon Creech's Walk Two Moons is a story within a story. a story about stories, a travelogue, and a young adult novel all rolled into one. Creech became a long-term best-selling author who won the Newbery Award with the work. The reason why the work has continuously received readers' attention and love is because the writer as storytellers used the storytelling strategy to effectively interpenetrate four essential elements, such as messages, characters, conflicts and plots, which should be included in storytelling. When the four essential elements of storytelling in a work are organically blended by meticulous strategies, while clearly revealing their respective characteristics, the work becomes an interesting and valuable story. In Walk Two Moons, the main character Sal tells the story of her friend Phoebe to his grandparents on a trip to his mother. In the process of storytelling, she realizes that the story of herself and her mother is hidden behind Phoebe's. Sal is a storyteller who talks in a story. Sal, who is also the narrator of the work, is ultimately its author Sharon Creech’s persona. So the storytelling that Sal does is what Creech does. Her sophisticated and meticulous storytelling strategy, through four essential elements of storytelling, enthralls readers by making Walk Two Moons a curious and interesting work.

      • KCI등재

        타고르 시의 한국어 번역의 문제 - 「동방의 등불」, 「쫓긴 이의 노래」, 「기탄잘리 35」를 중심으로 -

        홍은택 ( Hong Euntaek ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2014 국제어문 Vol.62 No.-

        이 연구는 식민치하의 조선인들을 열광케 했던 타고르의 시 「동방의 등불」과 타고르가 최초로 우리 민족에게 보낸 시라고 알려진 「쫓긴 이의 노래」를 둘러싼 문제점들을 되짚어보고 두 작품의 의미를 새롭게 분석해보고자 하는 글이다. 또한 1929년 동아일보에 「동방의 등불」이 게재된 이후, 이 시에 덧붙여 한 편의 시인 것처럼 짜깁기 되었던 「기탄잘리 35」의 번역본들을 비교 분석함으로써 수용과정 및 짜깁기의 출처에 대해 더 깊이 살펴보고, 나아가 작품 자체의 내용 및 의미 연구의 토대를 마련하고자 한다. 그간의 연구 성과들을 근간으로 세 작품에 대한 작품 외적인 논쟁을 상세히 파헤쳐 검증했고 번역본들을 비교 분석함으로써 작품 자체에 대한 연구로 방향전환을 시도했다. 그 결과의 하나로서, 2003년 교육부 검정 고등학교 교과서에 실리기까지 한 「동방의 등불」짜깁기본의 시작과 출처가 1977년에 출판된 『세계명시선-그 이해와 감상』일 가능성을 밝혀냈다. This study examines deeply Tagore`s poems, “The Lamp of the East” which aroused Korean people to enthusiasm during the Japanese Colonial Period and “The Song of the Defeated” which was known as the first poem from Tagore to Korean people, and analyzes new meanings of the two poems. And the study compares the translated versions of “Gitanjali 35,” which was put “The Lamp of the East” together in one poem after that poem appeared in Dong-A Ilbo in 1929, and also searches for the receptive process and the source of the combined version. As a result, it tries to set up the foundation of the study about contents and meaning of his poems themselves. Based on the outcomes from the existing studies, the study investigates the controversial questions of the three poems in detail and changes the study on their external phases into that on internal ones through comparing and analysing their translated versions. In consequence, it draws the potential conclusion that the source of the combined version of “The Lamp of the East” would be The Anthology of Selected World Poems- Understanding and Appreciation. The conclusion needs to be verified minutely by its follow-up study.

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