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        기치유가 자율신경계의 조절능력에 미치는 영향

        홍승희,오평일,이한춘,이미자,Hong, Seung-Hui,Oh, Pyung-Il,Lee, Han-Chun,Lee, Mi-Ja 한국전자통신학회 2013 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.7

        기치유가 자율신경계의 조절 능력에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 19명을 대상으로 '생활이완 시행'과 '기치유 시술' 전 후의 체감 변화와 심박변이도의 신체저항도, 평균심박수, 주파수 영역분석의 차이를 조사 및 측정하였다. 대상자들은 '생활이완 시행'과 '기치유 시술' 전 후의 체감 변화 설문에서 각각 약 8.5%와 약 23.3%의 스트레스 감소 변화율을 나타내어 '기치유 시술'이 스트레스 완화 및 감소에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 판단되었다. 심박 변이도의 신체저항도, 평균심박수, 주파수 영역 분석을 조사한 결과에서 '생활이완 시행'은 유의한 차이가 없었으나 '기치유 시술'에서는 6개 항목에서 유의한 차이를 나타내어 '기치유 시술'이 자율신경계의 조절 능력에 영향을 미쳐 스트레스 저항도를 향상시키고 스트레스 감소 및 완화에 조력할 수 있음이 입증되어 보완 대체 요법으로서 가치가 있다고 판단된다. This paper demonstrates that 'Qi Energy Healing' effects on elevation of capabilities in regards with the autonomic nervous system which prevents from the stress. Nineteen participants were assigned into 'Qi Energy Healing' and the 'Ordinary Relaxation' condition. Participants were examined to see the difference of frequency domain analysis, heart rate tachogram, physical resistance through the heart rate variability. The 'Qi Energy Healing' is significantly more likely to influence on reducing and diminishing the stress. 'Qi Energy Healing' treatment showed clear distinction on 6 fact. Our findings established the link between effectiveness of 'Qi Energy Healing' and the autonomic nervous system.

      • 마음이론중재가 자폐범주성장애아동의 이야기 산출에 미치는 영향

        홍승희(Seung Hui Hong),홍경훈(Gyung Hun Hong) 한국언어치료학회 2016 한국언어치료학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2016 No.12

        Purpose: The story which is important in terms of language is closely connected with daily life and makes a special relationship with academic achievement in school age, but there are significant limitations for the children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD) to produce the story because of the defect of theory of mind. Therefore, this study wants to find whether theory of mind has an effect on producing the story by conducting theory of mind intervention for the children with ASD. Methods: Subjects are three children with ASD whose language age is between 5year and 8year and they were conducted by theory of mind intervention using multiple probe design. The data used for theory of mind was adapted of ‘Teaching Children with Autism to Mind-Read’ of Howlin, Baron-Cohen&Hadwin(1999) by Hye-ri Kim(2002) and reconstituted by researcher of this study. Intervention was conducted 3times for 5weeks, total 15 sessions. After that, calculated score of story grammar, score of subordinate clauses, percentage of subordinate clauses, total number of theory of mind related words were respectively analyzed. Results: First, the result of theory of mind is that calculated score of story grammar for all subjects is increasing. Second, the result of theory of mind is that score of subordinate clauses for all subjects is increasing. Third, the result of theory of mind is that percentage of subordinate clauses for all subjects is increasing. Fourth, the result of theory of mind is that total number of theory of mind related words for all subjects is increasing. Conclusions: It is confirmed that theory of mind is effective for children with ASD to produce story. This study has a significant point in trying theory of mind intervention to children with ASD who are defective at theory of mind. In addition, there is another significant point in improving the ability of producing story of children with ASD.

      • KCI등재후보

        고장초(Zizania latifolia)를 이용한 입욕제 개발제품의 선호도 조사

        오평일,홍승희,이한춘,문경래,이미자,Oh, Pyung-Il,Hong, Seung-Hui,Lee, Han-Chun,Moon, Kyung-Rye,Lee, Mi-Ja 한국전자통신학회 2013 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.7

        본 연구는 고장초를 이용한 입욕제를 개발하고자 천연물질인 어성초, 녹차 및 애엽을 고장초와 혼합하여 완제품 3종류를 만들어서 선호도에 관하여 조사하였다. 향, 색, 맛 및 촉감에서 녹차와 고장초가 높은 선호도를 보였다. 고장초에 첨가할 혼합액에 대한 선호도 조사결과 어성초 50%, 녹차 30% 및 애엽 20% 비율로 만든 혼합액의 선호도가 가장 높았다. 선정된 혼합액을 가지고 고장초와 비율을 달리하여 만든 완성품에 대한 선호도 조사에서 선정된 혼합액이 40%, 고장초 60%를 첨가하여 만든 완성품이 가장 높은 선호도를 보였다. 최종 선정된 완제품 입욕제를 가지고 피부조건 변화에 대해 조사한 결과 높은 만족도를 보였다. 그러므로 고장초를 이용한 입욕제 개발은 피부를 건강하게 해주는 효능이 상승하여, 우수한 입욕제가 될 것으로 판단된다. Zizania latifola has used for folk medicine in Korea. It is effective in treating skin trouble and sensitivity skins. The purpose of this study was to develop high valuable types of bath preparation of Zizania latifolia. The natural materials were manufactured by the mixed ratio of Zizania latifolia. Product was manufactured by the mixed ratio of Zizania latifolia and 3 natural materials. Green tea was highest in sensory evaluation as similar with Zizania latifolia. optimum condition of mixed ratio was adaptive 50% Houttuynia cordata, 30% green tea with 20% Artemisia vularis. Product's sensory evaluation was showed best in mixing 40% and Zizania latifolia extract 60%. There were optimal condition for manufacturing of cleansing. Therefore, The development of a bath preparation used by Zizania latifolia is very useful for manufacturing cleansing. We suggest that it help for improve skin trouble and make healthy skin.

      • 카이로프락틱 골반 교정이 경추증후군의 신체균형에 미치는 영향

        이한춘,오평일,홍승희,이태영,장부규,Lee, Han-Chun,Oh, Pyung-Il,Hong, Seung-Hui,Lee, Tae-Young,Jang, Bu-Kyeu 한국임상보건과학회 2013 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        Purpose. This study was to investigate that the adjustment of Chiropractic pelvis method have effect on body balance and improvement people who has some problem in their daily life. Methods. With 20 students of experiment group and 20 students of compare group who has cervical syndrome, experiment group has adjustment of chiropractic pelvis 2 times a week for 4 weeks, the other group who didn't take any action. Results. As a result, center of body of experiment group wasn't improved relations between left and right statistically. But the relations between front and back of center of body increased statistically, cross analysis relations between short leg and center of body increased statistically. Conclusions. As a conclusion, experiment group with the front of center of body was improved 12.88% average of center of body. Experiment group with back of center of body was improved 13.84% average of center of body. This result come to the conclusion that chiropractic pelvis adjustment help the front and back of body balance.

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