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        우리나라 가등기제도의 문제점과 개선방안

        홍승옥 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2012 法과 政策 Vol.18 No.1

        Korean provisional registration system was introduced by Japanese system introduced by German system. Therefore, there were lots of confusion for precedents and theories and irregularities/securities, so provisional registration security act was regulated for regulating them. Korean provisional registration system causes lots of problems for systematic interpretation and rational operation because of the defect of legistratively. For the regulation of current laws related to the effects of provisional registration, there is only the Article 91 of the Real Property Registration Act. And, although there is no actual effect for the provisional registration, a debtor of provisional registration can sell real estate completed by provisional registration. But, if a person who has right for provisional registration makes a deadline registration for provisional registration, the registration of the third acquisitor is disposed, but the effects have a contradiction the effects are not retroactive. During the main registration by provisional registration, the method to erase the registration of the third acquisitor based on the Article 92 of the Real Property Registration Act is biased to protect only a person who has the right of provisional registration. And, the disposal of a person who must conduct provisional registration is limited and it's insufficient that rights of the third acquisitor can be protected. It's necessary to make effects for protecting claim on provisional registration and introduce the registration of the second clause of Article 883 of Germany civil law (effects of claim protection and material effects) if making the interpretation whose logic is consistent. And, if main registration is registered after the register of the third acquisitor is completed before the main registration by provisional registration, it must be registered to the third acquisitor with the regulation for not only the second clause of the Article 883 of Germany civil law but also the first clause of the Article 888 of Germany civil law and the 19th clause of German Real Property Registration Act, not disposal of the third acquisitor's registration. For the method to write register, it must be same as material change non-retroactivity theory taken by Korean common view and precedent during the main registration by provisional registration. Also, while revising the regulation related to provisional registration, it will be proper to abolish the provisional registration security law. If improving provisional registration with the above methods, provisional registration will be used as the provisional registration whose purposes are original. So, the rights of a person who has rights of provisional registration can be protected and furthermore, it will actualize balance and equity of interests protection of not only a person who has duty of provisional registration but also the third acquisitor. 우리나라의 가등기제도는 독일 제도의 일부를 도입한 일본의 제도를 그대로 도입하였다. 그리하여 판례와 학설상 많은 혼란을 거듭하였고, 변칙담보가 성행하여 이를 규제하기 위하여 가등기담보법이 제정되기에 이르렀다. 우리나라의 가등기제도는 입법상의 불비로 체계적인 해석이나 합리적인 운영에 많은 문제점이 야기되고 있다. 가등기의 효력과 관련한 현행법의 규정은 부동산등기법 제91조가 유일하고, 가등기 자체에 아무런 실체법적 효력이 없다고 하면서도 가등기의무자는 가등기가 경료된 부동산을 처분할 수 있고, 가등기권자가 가등기에 기한 본등기를 하면 제3취득자의 등기는 말소되나 그 효력에 있어서는 소급하지 아니하는 모순이 생긴다. 가등기에 기한 본등기 시 부동산등기법 제92조에 의하여 제3취득자의 등기를 직권말소 하는 등의 방법은 가등기권리자만을 보호하는데 치중한 것으로 가등기의무자의 처분권을 제한하고 제3취득자의 권리보호에 미흡하다. 가등기에 청구권보전의 실효를 거둘 수 있도록 하고, 논리가 일관되는 해석을 가능하게 하려면 독일 민법 제883조 제2항(청구권 보전의 효력과 물권적 효력)에 상당하는 규정을 도입할 필요가 있다. 그리고 가등기에 기한 본등기 이전에 제3취득자의 등기가 경료된 후 등기소에 본등기를 신청하는 경우, 제3취득자의 등기를 직권말소 할 것이 아니라, 독일 민법 제883조 제2항 이외에 동법 제888조 제1항 및 독일 부동산등기법 제19조에 상당하는 규정을 두어서 제3취득자에게 동의를 청구할 수 있게 하여야 할 것이다. 등기부 기재방식에 있어서도 가등기에 기한 본등기 시 우리나라의 통설, 판례가 취하는 물권변동불소급설과 일치시켜야 할 것이다. 또한, 가등기제도와 관련한 법 규정을 개정하면서 가등기담보법을 폐지함이 바람직할 것이다. 위와 같은 방법으로 가등기제도를 개선한다면, 가등기제도는 본래 목적의 가등기제도로 이용되어 가등기권리자의 이익을 보호하고 더 나아가 가등기의무자 뿐만 아니라 제3취득자의 이익보호의 균형과 공평을 실현할 수 있게 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        구분소유권의 성립 및 집합건축물대장 등록

        홍승옥 한국부동산법학회 2021 不動産法學 Vol.25 No.4

        I believe there is no difference in opinions that there must be an existence of a building and portion of such building must be equipped with independence in structure and use, and action for partitioning of each of such independent sections as the object of the partitioned ownership in order to establish partitioned ownership. However, there was confrontation of theory on which action should be deemed as the action for partitioning with unclear standards in terms of judicial precedents. As such, the en blanc adjudication by the Supreme Court of Korea in 2013 can be deemed to be significant in that it declared important legal principle for interpretation of the Multi-owned Building Act by organizing the existing judicial precedents that were in conflict with each other in relation to the establishment of partitioned ownership. Nonetheless, doubts are presented on whether such interpretation may lead to any problems. Therefore, this study aims to review the establishment of partitioned ownership with focus on which action should be deemed as the action for partitioning and whether such should be registered in the multi-owned building ledger in order to propose means of resolution of the disputes on the requisites for and the time of the establishment of partitioned ownership. Registration in multi-owned building ledger is one of the formats of the actions for partitioning of the building by the owner of the building. Accordingly, it can be deemed that the partitioned ownership of the building is established finally if a building is equipped with objective and physical requisites, and can be used as an independent building, application for new registration in the multi-owned building ledger is made by distinguishing each of the portions of the building in accordance with the stipulations made under the Multi-owned Building Act, and registered in the multi-owned building ledger of the competent authority. It is my opinion that the legal disputes between the seller and purchaser could be resolved if provisional registration system is activated and, moreover, if the provisional registration system of Germany is to be adopted and implemented as the means of resolving disputes related to the requisites and time of establishment of partitioned ownership. 구분소유권이 성립하려면 1동의 건물이 존재하고, 그 건물 중 일부가 구조상・이용상 독립성을 갖추어야 하며, 그 각 부분을 구분소유권의 객체로 하려는 구분행위를 하여야 한다는데 대하여 이견이 없는 것 같다. 그러나 어떤 행위를 구분행위로 볼 것인지에 대하여는 학설이 대립하고 판례도 그 기준이 명확하지 않았는데, 2013년 대법원 전원합의체 판결에서 구분소유권의 성립과 관련하여 서로 대립하고 있던 기존의 판례를 정리하여 집합건물법을 해석하기 위한 중요한 법리를 선언하였다는데 그 의의가 있다 할 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이러한 해석은 문제점이 있는 것은 아닌가 라는 의문이 제기된다. 그래서 구분소유권의 성립과 관련하여 어떤 행위를 구분행위로 볼 것인지와 집합건축물대장에 등록해야 되는지에 대하여 중점적으로 검토하고, 구분소유권의 성립요건 및 성립시기와 관련하여 분쟁을 해소하기 위한 나름의 해결방안을 제시해 보고자 한다. 집합건축물대장에의 등록은 건물의 소유자가 구분건물로 하고자 하는 구분행위의 하나의 방식으로, 1동의 건물이 객관적・물리적 요건을 갖추고 독립된 건물로 사용 가능할 때에, 그 각 부분은 집합건물법에서 정하는 바에 따라 구분하여 집합건축물대장에 신규등록신청을 하고, 소관청의 집합건축물대장 등록으로써 비로소 건물의 구분소유는 성립한다고 할 것이다. 구분소유권의 성립요건 및 성립시기와 관련하여 분쟁 해소방안으로 가등기제도를 활성화하고, 더 나아가 독일의 가등기제도를 도입・시행한다면 수분양자와의 법적 분쟁은 해소될 것이라고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구분건물의 구조상 독립성과 저당권 및 경매와의 문제 -상가건물을 중심으로-

        홍승옥(Hong Seung ok) 한국법학회 2022 법학연구 Vol.86 No.-

        민법의 일물일권주의의 원칙에 대한 예외로서 1984년에 집합건물의소유및관리에관한법률(이하 ‘집합건물법’이라 한다) 제1조에 건물의 구분소유를 인정하였다. 그런데 유통문화가 발달함에 따라 오픈매장의 등장으로 구조상 독립성을 갖추지 못하여 공유지분으로 등기하게 되어 담보를 제공할 수 없는 등 재산권행사에 많은 제약이 있었다. 그래서 이러한 불이익을 방지하고자 동법 제1조의2 상가건물의 구분소유를 신설하여, 일정한 범위의 상가건물에 관하여 구조상 독립성 요건을 완화하였다. 동법 제1조의2 신설 이전과 이후 초기의 대법원은 구조상 독립성의 요건을 엄격하게 해석하여 구조상 독립성을 갖추지 못한 경우에 구분소유권의 성립을 인정하지 않고 구분건물로 등록, 등기가 되고 이에 기초하여 경매절차에서 낙찰받았다고 하더라도, 낙찰자는 소유권을 취득할 수 없다고 판단하였다. 그래서 소유자는 담보를 설정하는 등의 재산권을 제대로 행사할 수 없게 되고 등기를 믿고 거래한 제3자의 신뢰를 해치고 거래안전을 담보하지 못하는 문제가 발생하였다. 동조 신설 이후 최근에는 구조상 독립성 기준을 완화하여, 경계표지 등을 설치(사후에 보완)하였거나 그 후에도 구조상 독립성을 갖추는 것이 사회통념상 불가능하다고 평가되지 않는 경우(사후에 보완 가능한 경우)에는 구분소유권의 객체가 될 수 있다고 하였다. 또한 구분건물이 구조상 독립성을 갖추지 못한 경우에 건축물대장에 등록, 등기하고 그 등기에 기초하여 경매절차가 진행되어 대금을 납부하였더라도 그 등기는 효력이 없어서 매수인은 소유권을 취득할 수 없으나, 이러한 경우라도 구분소유권보존등기를 마친 자가 경매절차에서 낙찰받아서 소유권이전등기를 마친 자를 상대로 그 등기의 무효를 주장하는 것은 신의성실의 원칙에 위반된다고 판단하였다. 그러므로 처음부터 구조상 독립성을 갖추지 못하였으나 나중에 보완한 경우나 보완 가능한 경우와 구조상 독립성 상실이 일시적이고 복원이 용이한 경우에 경매절차를 진행해도 될 것이다. 그리고 합동으로 인하여 구조상 독립성이 상실되어 복원이 용이하지 않은 경우에도 일괄매각 방식으로 경매를 진행할 수 있는 경우라면 일괄매각 방식으로 진행해도 된다. 더 나아가 구조상 독립성을 상실하여 복원이 어려운 경우라 하더라도 소유자가 고의로 이러한 상황을 자초한 것이라면 저당권자는 경매청구를 해도 될 것이라고 생각한다. As an exception to the principle of “one things-on-one rights” rule in the Civil Act, in 1984, Article 1 of the Act on Ownership and Management of Collective Buildings (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Aggregate Building Act’) recognized separate ownership of buildings. However, as the distribution culture developed, there were many restrictions on the exercise of property rights, such as not being able to provide collateral due to the lack of structural independence and registerd by common share due to the emergence of open stores. Therefore, in order to prevent such disadvantages, Article 1-2 of the same Act, separate ownership of commercial buildings was newly established, and structural independence requirements were relaxed for a certain range of commercial buildings. The Supreme Court before and after the establishment of Article 1-2 of the same Act strictly interpreted the requirements for structural independence. In cases where structural independence was not achieved, the establishment of separate ownership was not recognized. Even if it was registered and registered as a separate building, and based on this, even if a successful bid was received in the auction procedure, it was judged that the successful bidder could not acquire the ownership. As a result, the owner could not properly exercise his/her property rights, such as setting up collateral, and there was a problem that compromised the trust of third parties who trusted the registration and failed to guarantee transaction safety. After the establishment of the same article, if structural independence standards have been relaxed recently and landmarks have been installed (subsequent supplementation), or even after that, if it is not evaluated as impossible in terms of social norms to have structural independence (if it can be supplemented later), the division of ownership. It could be an object of the sectional ownership. Also, even if a divided building does not have structural independence, it is registered and registered in the building ledger, and even if the auction proceeds and the price is paid based on the registration, the registration has no effect. Therefore, the buyer cannot acquire the ownership, but even in this case, it was judged that it would violate the principle of good faith for a person who completed the registration of preservation of divisional ownership to claim the invalidity of the registration against a person who received a successful bid in the auction procedure and completed the registration of transfer of ownership. Therefore, the auction procedure may be carried out in cases where structural independence was not achieved from the beginning but was supplemented or supplemented later, or in cases where the loss of structural independence is temporary and restoration is easy. Also, even in the case where restoration is difficult due to loss of structural independence due to the joint venture, if the auction can be conducted in the lump-sum sale method, the lump-sum sale may be conducted. Furthermore, even if restoration is difficult due to the loss of structural independence, if the owner intentionally caused this situation, the mortgagee thinks that the mortgagee may request an auction.

      • KCI등재

        일본의‘후견제도지원신탁’의 동향과 시사점

        홍승옥(Hong, Seung-Ok) 한양법학회 2016 漢陽法學 Vol.27 No.3

        The adult guardianship system has been implemented since July 1, 2013, and there are relative guardians, and guardians with specialized jobs among guardians. At the initial stage of the system, many relative guardians were appointed. However, some cases of abusing assets of a ward by relative guardians occurred at the process of trial or supervision phase of adult guardianship related events. As a result, the appointment of relative guardians is decreasing and the appointment of guardians with specialized jobs are increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare countermeasures to prevent any side effects by abuse of adult guardianship system. Even in Japan, where adult guardianship system began to be implemented before Korea started to implement the system, as adult guardianship related events increased, cases of abusing assets of a ward by relative guardians during the process of executing assets of a ward by relative guardians. Therefore, the appointment of relative guardians decreased and the appointment of guardians with specialized jobs increased. Since guardianship supervision of family court has limitation as it relies on supervision technique mainly with ex post facto supervision, it heralded the need for guardianship supervision method by supervision in advance in order to prevent any deliberate misbehavior by relative guardian and protect assets of a ward. Now it has introduced and implemented “Guardianship Support Trust” system since Feb. 2012. As a result, assets of a ward can be protected in a broader sense by utilizing Guardianship Support Trust even when appointing a relative as his or her guardian along with the way of appointing guardian with specialized job. It seems inevitable to use Guardianship Support Trust in order for a stable operation of guardianship system in the future. Therefore, we shall prevent any side effect of abuse by relative guardians and protect assets of a ward by introducing and implementing “the Guardianship Support Trust” system of Japan. If it is determined to introduce the system, we shall take every efforts to implement the system in consideration of problems in practical operations and countermeasures based on the basic ideology of the adult guardianship system.

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