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        초등교육에서 상상력을 활용한 생태교육의 가능성 모색

        홍서영 한국환경교육학회 2019 環境 敎育 Vol.32 No.4

        Our society encounters ecological crisis; one of the solutions to overcome the crisis is to develop the ecological literacy of students. Since imagination is important asset for intellectual creation, application of imagination to ecological education can foster students’ ecological literacy and, eventually, can be a breakthrough in the crisis. In this study, I have investigated the importance of imagination as a tool of ecological education and suggested new strategies in elementary education using imagination. Specifically, this study introduced the definition and components of ecological literacy and reviewed the history of imagination. Further, the study revealed the interaction between imagination and ecological education and reconstructed Judson’s (2015) study to suggest the strategy of ecological education by exploiting imagination. Since this strategy includes both affective and cognitive aspects, it facilitates the process for students to acquire ecological literacy more efficiently. Therefore, this method will pave the way for providing optimized ecological education to students who are responsible for ecology in future. 현재 생태학적 위기 극복을 위한 가장 효율적인 방안은 학생들의 생태 소양을 함양시키는 것이다. 상상력은 인간의 지적 창조 작업에 있어 가장 핵심적인 역할을 수행하기 때문에, 상상력을 생태교육에 적용한다면 학습자의 생태 소양을 함양시킴과 동시에 현재 생태학적 위기를 극복하는 새로운 방안을 제시할 수 있다. 본 연구는 생태교육의 도구로서 상상력의 가치를 고찰하고, 상상력을 활용한 초등교육의 방안을 제안한다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 먼저 생태 소양의 개념과 구성요소를 탐색하고, 상상력의 개념적 정의를 역사적으로 살펴보았다. 또한, 상상력과 생태교육의 연관성을 파악하고, 상상력을 활용한 생태교육은 어떤 모습으로 실행될 수 있을지, 제시한 상상력을 활용한 생태교육을 초등교육에 적용할 수 있도록 재구성하였다. 사고와 감정이 연계된 상상력을 이용한 생태교육은 정의적 측면과 인지적 측면 모두를 포괄하여 학생들이 효율적으로 생태 소양을 습득하는 데 도움을 준다. 따라서 초등교육에서 상상력을 활용한 생태교육이 이루어진다면 미래의 생태 시민인 학습자에게 보다 효과적인 생태교육을 실시할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 사지경근(上肢經筋)의 임상적 응용을 위한 기능적인 움직임 분석에 대한 고찰

        홍서영,송윤경,임형호,조현철,Hong, Seo-Young,Song, Yeun-Kyung,Lim, Hyung-Ho,Cho, Hyun-Chol 척추신경추나의학회 2004 대한추나의학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this article is to contribute to the knowledge of meridian muscles and myofascial meridians of upper limb that relate with normal movement and getting a glass of water. We researched on analysis of normal articular movement and the related muscles. In addition this article is suggested to study about the Therapy with apply meridian muscles and myofascial meridian lines to upper limb's motor disturbance.

      • KCI등재

        명청-근대시기 마카오 “수상인(水上人)”의 취락 및 건축유형 연구

        홍서영,한동수 한국건축역사학회 2023 건축역사연구 Vol.32 No.3

        The compositions of ethnic groups in Macau vary with time. Prior to the opening of the port, the majority of the residents in Macau were Chinese people, including those living on land and at sea. After the port was opened, with the increase of Portugal businessmen and missionaries, the population was divided into Chinese people and foreigners (so-called ‘Yiren’ or 夷人 in Chinese). Chinese people living on land were mainly of Hakka, Fujian, and Cantonese descent. Those living at sea were referred to as ‘Tanka People’ (named ‘Danmin’ or 蜑民in Chinese). They lived on floating boats for their entire lives and were similar to the ‘drifters’ in Japan. Since modern times, many refugees from mainland China and Southeast Asia flooded into Macau due to warfare. The development of industrialization required a larger number of laborers, and some ‘coolies’ entered Macau in legal or illegal ways, making it a multi-ethnic city. However, the Tanka people were not considered a minority ethnic group under the national ethnic policy of 56 ethnic groups since they did not have an exclusive language and shared dialects in different regions. As the ports inhabited by Tanka people gradually restored foreign trade, the boats and stilt houses used by Tanka people were dismantled to expand the infrastructure area of the ports. Many Tanka people began to live on land and marry people on land, leading to the disappearance of the Tanka group in Macau. The fishing boats and stilt houses used by Tanka people have also disappeared, with only a few remaining in areas such as Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong. This paper examines the natural and social environment of Tanka people in Macau from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Republic of China, as well as the adaptive changes they adopted for the aforementioned environment in terms of living space and architectural type, on the basis of summarizing the historical activities of Tanka people. Finally, this study provides a layout plan and interior structure of the most commonly used boat for Tanka people from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Republic of China, with the use of CAD and other technical software, along with reference to written historical documentation, and provides a case study for further research on the architectural history of Macau's inner harbor cities, from anthropological and folklore perspectives. 중국 마카오 마카오를 제외한 지명 및 인명 중국어 한자는 모두 한국어 한자 발음으로 읽었다. 지역의 거주민은 1553년 개항 이전까지는 주로 중국인으로 육지인(陸上人)과 수상인(水上人)으로 구분되었다. 개항 이후에는 포르투갈 상인과 선교사가 계속해서 늘어나면서 마카오의 거주민은 다시 중국인과 외국인으로 나뉘었다. 그중 중국인들은 생활방식에 따라 주로 객적(客籍), 민적(闽籍), 월적(粤籍)의 육상인과 수상인으로 불리는 단족(蜑族)이 있었는데 이들은 대부분 한족이었다. 그리고 단족은 근대 이전에 중국 동남 연해 지역에 널리 분포했고, 주로 물위에 떠 있는 수상가옥[浮家泛宅]에 살았으며, 평생을 배 위에서 생활하던 사람들이다. 근대 이후에는 전란 등 사회혼란으로 중국 대륙과 동남아시아 지역에서 마카오로 난민들이 대거 유입되었고 경제와 산업의 발전으로 노동력에 대한 수요가 커진 결과, 쿠리[苦力(Cooly)]’들도 합법 또는 불법적인 방법으로 이주하게 됨으로써 마카오는 여러 종족이 혼재된 다민족 도시가 되었다. 1949년 중화인민공화국 설립 이후 56개 민족을 위한 다민족 국가 정책이 수립되었으나, 단족의 경우는 지역에 따라 사용하는 언어가 다르고 하나로 통일된 민족 언어가 없었기 때문에 이들은 소수 민족의 반열에 오르지 못했다. 또한 단족이 거주하던 각 연안의 항구는 점차 대외무역의 기능을 회복함에 따라 항구의 기간시설 면적을 확충하기 위해 단족들이 사용하던 배와 붕옥(棚屋)은 점차 철거되었고, 이들의 생활은 정부 주도하에 수상생활을 육상생활로 전환하였다. 그 결과 마카오에는 현재 ‘단족’이라는 단족 단체가 이미 해체되었고 생활공간인 각종 선상가옥·어선·붕옥 등도 이미 사라져 주강삼각주(珠江三角洲)와 홍콩 대오(大澳) 등 지역에서만 어민의 붕옥 일부를 볼 수 있을 뿐이다. 본 논문은 인류학과 민속학의 시각에서 역사적으로 ‘수상인’이라고 불리던 단족의 역사적 활동 궤적을 정리하고, 명청시기부터 근대시기에 이르기까지 마카오 지역의 수상인이 살았던 자연환경과 사회환경, 그리고 생활공간과 건축유형의 변화 양상을 살펴보았다. 또한 문자 사료를 기반으로 이들이 가장 많이 이용하던 거주용 선박인 가정(家艇)의 기본 평면 및 내부구조를 CAD로 복원, 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Prenatal Cnidium officinale Makino Treatment on Spatial Memory and Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus of Rat Pups Born from the Maternal Rats Exposed to Noise stress during Pregnancy

        홍서영,송윤경,임형호 대한한의학회 2006 대한한의학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        During the prenatal period, the development of the individual is influenced by a host of environmental factors. Exposure to noise stress during pregnancy was determined to result in the retardation of growth, a reduction in neurogenesis, and an impairment of spatial learning ability in the rat pups. In the present study, we have attempted to characterize the effects of prenatal treatment with Cnidium officinale Makino on spatial memory and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of rat pups born from maternal rats exposed to noise stress during pregnancy. Prenatal treatment with Cnidium officinale Makino was shown to increase neurogenesis and enhanced spatial learning ability in rat pups born from maternal rats exposed to noise stress. In this study, we have determined that prenatal treatment with Cnidium officinale Makino can stimulate spatial development and neurogenesis in the brain of the fetuses exposed to prenatal stresses. During the prenatal period, the development of the individual is influenced by a host of environmental factors. Exposure to noise stress during pregnancy was determined to result in the retardation of growth, a reduction in neurogenesis, and an impairment of spatial learning ability in the rat pups. In the present study, we have attempted to characterize the effects of prenatal treatment with Cnidium officinale Makino on spatial memory and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of rat pups born from maternal rats exposed to noise stress during pregnancy. Prenatal treatment with Cnidium officinale Makino was shown to increase neurogenesis and enhanced spatial learning ability in rat pups born from maternal rats exposed to noise stress. In this study, we have determined that prenatal treatment with Cnidium officinale Makino can stimulate spatial development and neurogenesis in the brain of the fetuses exposed to prenatal stresses.

      • KCI등재

        쇠비름 알코올 추출물을 이용한 두피 스케일링 연구

        홍서영,김성남 한국피부과학연구원 2012 대한피부미용학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        Portulaca oleracea extract in this study suggest the possibility of using scalp hair cosmetics was conducted for the purpose. 20 subjects composed of bachelors and bachelorettes in their 20s, who consented to this study after being given a full explanation, underwent patch tests with 0 to 2% alcohol extract of purslane. The results were evaluated macroscopically and by use of a mexameter. Cutaneous erythema was not observed in cases of 0 to 1% extract, and thus it was proved to be safe for cosmetics. Out of 27 women in their 20s who consented to this study after being given a full explanation, 14 were given a scaling agent containing 1%alcohol extract of purslane experimental Group. In the case of the other 13, the extract was not contained in the scaling agent control Group. Two types of scaling agents were applied to respective groups, and were let stand for 15 minutes. Then, all of subjects shampooed their hair and let the cold breeze blow their hair dry. Their scalps were scanned at most 9 times (0, 3, 6 and 9 times). The results showed that dead skin cells and oxidized sebum came away earlier than normal, and that the scalp did not become dry after the application of the agent, and moreover that reddish regions subsided. It implies that the scaling agent containing the alcohol extract of purslane is superior to the one containing only ethanol and glycerin in anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sedative effects, and the results are consistent with previous researches regarding the alcohol extract of purslane.

      • KCI등재

        삶의 공간으로서의 웹 사이트에 대한 평가 체계

        홍서영,김진우,Hong, Seo-Young,Kim, Jin-Woo 한국경영정보학회 2003 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.13 No.4

        With a swift development of information technology, web sites get more important roles as user's living places. This quantitative and qualitative expansion of web sites requires the need for an evaluation framework of web sites from comprehensive perspectives. This study proposes two dimensions for web site categorization and three dimensions for web site evaluation. These dimensions were developed based on the architectural perspectives that have been used to evaluate buildings in the real world for more than a thousand years. First, in order to categorize various web sites, we extracted two dimensions, user's goals and user's behaviors from behavioral architect which approaches user's behaviors in designing buildings. Second, in order to evaluate four web sites groups, we suggested three dimensions, which are firmness, commodity, delight used in evaluating buildings in the real world. Then for each of the four different web sites groups an empirical survey was conducted to verify these three dimensions of architectural metrics. This ends with study implications and limitations.

      • KCI등재

        감정코칭을 통한 정서․행동상의 문제를 가진 유아의 분노표현 변화

        홍서영,김낙흥 한국열린유아교육학회 2019 열린유아교육연구 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify what anger is and how a child’s anger expression changes through the “Emotion-Coaching” which gives importance on empathy and autonomy for problem solving. The subject was a child who is 5 years old with emotional and behavioral problems. As a case study, it is following after understanding more detailed and in-depth analysis about shifting process of the child, so it’s very important to screening the child’s daily life. The research questions are as follows: ‘How child with emotional and behavioral problems changes his anger expression through the emotional coaching?’ First, the child’s anger expression came out two different types of form as externalizing and internalizing. These anger expression patterns were observed as ‘Direct response’, ‘Transference’, ‘Expression as Persona’. When emotion coaching was applied, gradually he confronted his emotions honestly. He recognized ‘what it is’, ‘what made him getting angry’, and ‘how much anger in a degree’ and expressed anger by words and languages. Conclusively, applying to early intervention without prejudice to the child who is in boundary line area achieve positive consequence as well improve inner problem. And also unidimensional anger expression bring about misunderstanding, so emotion-coaching is very important approach to teachers who dealing with children with emotional and behavioral problems and the children themselves to solve it. 본 연구는 정서․행동상의 문제를 가진 유아가 분노문제를 다룸에 있어 ‘충분한 공감’과 ‘문제해결을 위한 자율성’을 강조한 감정코칭을 통해 ‘분노’라는 감정표현이 어떻게 변해가는지 심도깊게 파악하는데 그 목적을 둔다. 연구참여자는 C-TRF와 PKBS-2를 사용하여 준임상범위에 위치한 만 5세 유아로 선정하였다. 참여 유아의 일상생활 속 ‘분노표현’ 및 ‘감정표출’에 초점을 두고 오전 자유선택활동부터 하원 전까지 참여관찰 하였으며, 자료는 연구자의 현장노트와 녹취, 유아의 감정노트, 그리고 교사와의 면담자료를 통해 수집하였다. 참여유아의 분노표현은 ‘직접적인 반응에 의한 표현’, ‘전이된 상황에서의 표현’, ‘페르소나(Persona)적 표현’으로 나타났다. 감정코칭을 실시하면서 참여유아는 감정적 상황에 대한 인식과 이해 및 공감수준이 상승됨에 따라 언어적 형태로의 표현방법 전환 및 상황에 따라 조절하는 모습을 보이게 되었다. 따라서 감정코칭을 통한 심리적 지지와 수용, 진심이 담긴 공감과 사랑에 기반한 행동의 한계설정은 정서․행동상의 문제를 가진 유아에게 자신의 감정을 다룸에 있어 매우 유익하고 실질적인 변화(분노조절)를 야기한다.

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