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      • KCI등재

        제한 일본인의 언어생활 연구

        홍민표 한국일어일문학회 1999 日語日文學硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        この論文は韓國に居住している日本人206人(男性83人, 女性123人)を對象に韓國での言語生活の實態を計量的に把握し, 社會言語學的な立場から考察したものである(調査期間: 1999. 1月∼4月). 主な內容を要約すれば次のようである. (1) 韓國に居住している多くの日本人(女性は2/3 以上, 男性は半分以上)は日常生活に支障のない程度の韓國語の能力を持っている事がわかった. (2) 日本人として韓國語のなかで一番身につきにくい項目は發音であり, 發音の中では平音-激音-膿音の區別と音節末の子音(バッチム)であることがわかった. (3) 大邱とソウルの若干の差はあるものの, 韓國語は全體的に早口で, 言葉の調子が激しく, 聲が大きいので非常に聞き取れにくいというイメ-ジを持っていることがわかった. (4) 韓國の男性と結婚して韓國に居住している日本の女性の場合, 家庭で夫と話す時はほとんど韓國語を使うが, 子供と話すときは韓國語と日本語を混ぜて使っている事がわかった. (5) 男女間に苦干の差はあるものの, コミュニケ-ションの相手としての韓國人は顔の表情が明るく, 開放的で, 付きあいやすいが, 非常に短氣であり, 自己中心的な行動が强いというイメ-ジを持っていることがわかった. (6) コミュニケ-ションの相手としての韓國人は日本人を好意的で, 親切であるが, マナ-やエチケットは少し足りないと考えている. (7) 韓國人とのコミュニケ-ションにおいて最も不快であり, 因ることは自己中心的な行動であり, 二番目は親疎意識, つまり親しみによって接し方がぜんぜん違うということである. 三番目は時間約束をあまり守らないことであり, 四番目は, ずけずけものを言うことである. そして, 五番目は根掘り葉掘り聞きたがるということを擧げている.

      • KCI등재

        가족 간 호칭의 한일 대조연구

        홍민표 단국대학교 일본연구소 2013 일본학연구 Vol.39 No.-

        A Contrastive Study on the Address Terms for Family Members in Korean and Japanese This paper carried out a survey on the use of the address terms for family members in Korean and Japanese university students. This paper conducted a contrastive analysis of the investigation outcomes from an angle of sociolinguistics. The important findings are summarized as follows. First, the most commonly used address terms for grandmother is halmeoni(grandmother) in Korean and obaachan(grandmother) in Japanese. Second, unmarried Korean sons and daughters respectively use appa (father) and eomma (mother) most commonly as the address term for father and mother. On the other hand, unmarried Japanese sons and daughters call their father and mother otoosan (father) and okaasan (mother), and married Japanese sons most frequently address their mother as obaachan (grandmother) from the viewpoint of the youngest family member. Third, for the address term for mother-in-law, eomeonim (honorific form of mother) is most frequently called in Korean, however, obaachan (grandmother) is most commonly used from the point of view of the youngest family member in Japanese. Fourth, as the address term for daughter-in-law, emi (plain form of mother) or teknonymy and daughter in law's first-name+san are most commonly used in Korean and Japanese, respectively. Fifth, in the two countries parents call their sons their first-name. In particular, 20 percents of Japanese parents respectively use oniichan (elder brother) and otoosan (father) as the address term for unmarried and married son from the point of view of the youngest family member. Finally, for the address term for spouse, yeobo (honey), jagi (darling) and teknonymy are usually used in Korean. On the other hand, otoosan (father) and okaasan (mother) are generally used for the this term in Japan from the viewpoint of the youngest family member.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        간접발화의 사용실태에 대한 한일대조연구

        홍민표 대한일어일문학회 2015 일어일문학 Vol.66 No.-

        I have been examining the reality of usage of indirect speech act by 1,123 Koreans and Japanese and it can be summarized as follows: First, as for the frequency of use of indirect speech act, Koreans were higher than the Japanese in all the 9 utterances that were surveyed this time. It is generally known that Japanese use indirect and euphemistic expressions more, but the result of this study shows that Koreans use more indirect speech act than Japanese do. As for intention of speech act, expressions like‘Come to visit me when you are free (to an intimate junior),’ ‘I will contact you later again (to one’s superior),’ ‘I will come again (when coming out of the store after shopping)’ are used frequently in Korean and Japanese as indirect speech acts of ‘formal greetings,’ ‘a little bit loony person,’ and ‘euphemistic refusal’. But expressions like ‘Let’s have a drink/dinner sometime (to an intimate friend),’ ‘I might not make the meeting tomorrow (depending on the situation),’ ‘He/she is a funny guy’are frequently used as literal direct speech acts in Korean and Japanese.It is just that‘I’ll contact you after thinking about that’is frequently used as indirect speech actsof euphemistic refusal in Korea, but it is used frequently as literal direct speech act of positive thought.

      • KCI등재

        On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Response Particles in Korean

        홍민표 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2021 인문과학연구논총 Vol.42 No.3

        This paper points out a few challenges Kim and Wee encounter while adopting Krifka’s proposal and subsequently accounting for the distribution of Korean response particles ung/ney and ani(yo) as an anaphor, on a par with English yes and no, that directly refers back to the propositional discourse referent introduced in the previous sentence and carries out the assertion speech act. I argue that the so-called positive response particles ung and ney are not ASSERT operators, nor do they directly pick up the propositional discourse referents. I propose that they should be treated as ADMIT or AGREE speech act markers that involve an anaphoric link with the previous utterance in an indirect way, namely via zero pronouns whose presence is independently motivated due to their syntactic requirements. I show that the new account can explain a wider variety of relevant examples.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        언어행동의 금기의식에 대한 한, 중, 일 3국의 사회언어학적 대조연구

        홍민표 한양대학교 일본학국제비교연구소 2019 비교일본학 Vol.46 No.-

        본 연구에서는 한, 중, 일 3국 대학생을 대상으로 일반적인 상식에 벗어난 다양한 장면을 이용하여 언어행동과 비언어행동에 대한 불쾌도를 조사하였다. 그리고 그 불쾌도를 토대로 그 행동이 해당 국가에서 어느 정도 금기시되고 있는지를 계량적으로 확인하였다. 본고에서는 ‘상당히’와 ‘약간’ 불쾌하다는 비율, 즉 불쾌도가 50%를 넘는 언어행동이나 비언어행동은 그 나라에서 금기시되고 있다고 판단했다. 주요 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) ‘살쪘다’는 말은 한, 중, 일 3국 모두에서 금기시되고 있다. (2)대화중에 맞장구를 치지 않고 잠자코 듣기만 하는 행위, 또는 대화중에 혀를 차는 행위는 한국과 일본에서 금기시되고 있다. (3)대화중에 자기 가족 자랑을 많이 하거나 집게손가락으로 상대방을 가리키는 행위는 중국에서 금기시 되고 있다. (4)아무 양해 없이 상대방의 티슈를 사용하는 행위 또는 지하철이나 버스에서 핸드폰으로 통화를 하는 행위는 일본에서 금기시 되고 있다. In this study, we investigates the discomforts of language and non-verbal behaviors in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese college students using various scenes that are considered out of common sense. Based on the discomforts, we quantitatively confirmed to what degree the actions were being tabooed in the countries concerned. In this study, we have determined that language and non-verbal behaviors that are ‘fairly’ and ‘somewhat’ unpleasant, ie, more than 50% offensive, were tabooed in that country. The main contents were summarized as follows: 1) The word ‘get stout’ was tabooed in all three countries, including Korea, China and Japan; 2) The act of not reacting in the conversation but only listening or tonguing in the conversation was being tabooed in Korea and Japan; 3) The act of boasting of the family during conversation or pointing the opponent with the index finger during conversation was tabooed in China; and 4) The use of the other person's tissues without the permission and the use of mobile phones on subways or buses were tabooed in Japan.

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