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        피부감작성 동물대체시험법인 ARE-Nrf2 루시퍼라아제 LuSens 시험법(OECD TG 442D)의 국내 확립 연구

        홍미혜 ( Mi Hye Hong ),조인숙 ( In-suk Joe ),방서영 ( Seo Young Bang ),이정선 ( Jung-sun Yi ),김광진 ( Kwang Jin Kim ),윤혜성 ( Hae Seong Yoon ),김태성 ( Tae Sung Kim ) 한국동물실험대체법학회 2021 동물실험대체법학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        This study aimed to establish the LuSens test method for identification of skin sensitisers in our laboratory and to facilitate the domestic use of the method. We utilized 10 recommended proficiency substances in OECD TG 442D consisting of 6 skin sensitisers (UN GHS category 1A and 1B: Eugenol, Cinnamyl alcohol, 2-Mercaptobenzo-thiazole, 4-Methylaminophenol sulfate, Methyl dibromo glutaronitrile and 2,4-Dinitro-chlorobenzene) and 4 non-sensitisers (No category: Salicylic acid, Glycerol, Isopropanol and Sulfanilamide). We measured the activity of luciferase induced by the test substances based on the CV<sub>75</sub> that was determined by cytotoxicity dose-finding test. While the maximal luciferase fold induction values for each skin non-sensitisers ranged from 0.95 to 1.28, those for each skin sensitisers ranged from 1.96 to 5.66. We predicted sensitivity of the test substances on the basis of the luciferase fold induction values. Our results were within the range of acceptance criteria and accord with in vivo and in vitro references in OECD TG 442D. We found that the LuSens test method correctly identified proficiency substances into sensitisers and non-sensitisers. Therefore, the results obtained from the proficiency test demonstrated that we successfully introduced the LuSens test method in our laboratory. Furthermore, we have prepared a new in vitro skin sensitization test (ARE-Nrf2 luciferase LuSens) guideline for the safety evaluation of cosmetics and contributed to the dissemination of the method via technical transfer in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        전래동화를 활용한 철학적 탐구 공동체 활동이 유아의 배려적 사고에 미치는 영향

        홍미혜 ( Hong Mi-hye ),유연옥 ( Yu Youn-oak ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2017 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 전래동화를 활용한 철학적 탐구 공동체 활동이 유아의 배려적 사고에 미치는 영향과 변화과정을 알아보는 것이다. 연구대상은 D시의 2개의 유치원 만 5세 16명으로 구성된 2개의 반이며, 실험집단과 비교집단은 임의 배정하였다. 실험집단은 전래동화를 활용한 철학적 탐구 공동체 활동을, 비교집단에는 누리과정에 기초한 이야기나누기 활동을 실시하였다. 실험집단은 10주 동안 주 2회, 매회 40분씩 실시하였으며, 총 20회로 진행하였다. 수집된 자료는 공분산분석과 내용분석을 적용 하였다. 연구결과로는 첫째, 실험집단이 비교집단보다 배려적 사고 전체와 하위요인 모두에서 유의하게 점수가 높았다. 둘째, 실험집단의 활동이 거듭될수록 배려적 사고의 하위요인에서 의미 있는 긍정적인 변화가 나타났다. 즉, 자기중심적인 사고와 행동을 하던 유아들은 타인의 요구를 먼저 고려하려 하였고, 그들이 처한 상황에 공감하며 실천적인 배려자로서 행동하였다. 이러한 연구결과는 전래동화를 활용한 철학적 탐구 공동체 활동이 유아들의 배려적 사고 증진에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 유용한 활동임을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a philosophical inquiry community activity using Korean folk tales on 5-year-old children`s caring thinking and its changes. The subjects of this study consisted of 16 children for the experimental group at one kindergarten and 16 children for the comparative group at another kindergarten in D city. The experimental group participated in the philosophical inquiry community activity, while the comparative group participated in storytelling activity based on the Nuri curriculum 20 times over 10 weeks. Data were analyzed using ANCOVA and content analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, the experimental group had higher scores for caring thinking and its subordinate thinking(appreciative, normative, affective, empathic, and active) than those of the comparative group. Second, the experimental group showed meaningful and positive changes in their caring thinking as the activities progressed. Those children who had ego-centered thinking and behaviors started considering the needs of others during given situations and behaved as practical caring people while gradually empathizing with the thoughts and emotions of others. The results of this study suggest that the philosophical inquiry community activity using Korean folk tales provide both positive and useful effects on improving young children`s caring thinking.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • CT contrast 검사 시 중심 정맥관을 이용한 조영제 사용에 대한 연구 : 말초정맥관 확보에 실패한 환자에 한하여

        박윤아(Yoon A Park),이성주(Seong Ju Lee),홍미혜(Mi Hye Hong),김연희(Yeon Hee Kim),유상재(Sang Jae Yu),김동성(Dong Seong Kim) 대한전산화단층기술학회 2016 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        목적 : CT의 발달에 따라 CT contrast 검사 또한 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 그러나 중심 정맥관을 가지고 있는 환자 중 peripheral IV확보에 실패한 환자가 반드시 CT contrast 검사를 해야 할 경우 조영제 주입에 관한 구체적인 지침은 부족한 것이 현실이다. 따라서 본 논문의 목적은 불가피하게 중심 정맥관을 사용하여 CT contrast검사를 할 경우 보다 안전하고 정확한 검사를 하기 위한 가이드라인을 제시 해 주고자 한다. 대상 및 방법 : 1년간 중심 정맥관을 이용하여 CT Contrast검사를 한 환자의 상태, 부작용 여부, 예후를 관찰하였다. 카테터 실험으로는 Tal PALINDROME™의 Permcatheter, Sungwon Medical사의 IJC, Bard사의 Chemoport, ARROW Medical사의 C-line(7Fr, 5Fr), Bard Medical사의 Hickmann, COOK Medical사의 PICC(single, dual)까지 총 여덟 가지 종류를 사용하여 서울대학교병원에서 권고한 〈중심정맥관을 이용한 조영제 사용 지침〉에 따라 Iodine함량 350mg인 조영제와 400mg인 조영제를 MEDRAD사의 STELLANT?玲? Nemoto Kyorindo co.,LTD의 NEMOTO Injector 두 가지의 Power Injector로 동일한 환경에서 실험하였다. 그에 따라 나오는 PSI값을 측정하여 비교하였고, 각 Injector장비에서 권고한 최대 PSI값(MEDRAD는 325PSI, NEMOTO는 300PSI)을 초과하는지 관찰하였다. 실험 전 자체 제작한 Pressure Gauge로 동일한 속도와 양의 공기를 주입하여 Power Injector 별 압력 차이를 측정하여 비교하였고, 실험에 사용 된 실린지는 Injector회사에서 제공한 실린지를 사용하였으며, 실린지에 연결된 Pressure line은 INSUNG MEDICAL CO.,LTD사의 Check Valve Set(총길이 2m 10cm)를 동일하게 사용 하였다. 결과 : 1년간 조사했던 환자의 경우 모든 환자가 특별한 side effect없이 검사가 종료되었고, 예후 또한 정상이었다. 실험 결과는 각 Power Injector 회사별로 PSI 측정법에 미미한 차이가 있어 도출 된 수치가 Injector마다 다르게 나왔으나, Iodine함량 350mg인 조영제를 사용하였을 경우와 400mg인 조영제를 사용하였을 경우 모두 87.5%의 카테터가 기준치 PSI를 넘지 않았다. 결론 : Peripheral IV 확보가 어려운 환자가 중심 정맥관을 이용하여 CT contrast검사를 할 경우 조영제의 Flow Rate와 Total Volume 등을 정해주는 기준이 대부분의 병원에서 명확하게 제시되고 있지 않고 있다. 그러므로 환자에게 안전하고 정확한 검사를 하기 위해 서울대병원과 같은 구체적인 지침은 반드시 필요 할 것이다. 본 논문에서 제시한 지침서로 실험 한 결과 평균 87.5%의 카테터가 적합하다고 판단되었고, 관찰한 환자의 부작용이나 예후 또한 모두 정상이었다. Power Injector의 정확한 정도관리와 발생할 수 있는 환자의 부작용 등 많은 변수들까지 고려하여 정확한 가이드라인을 연구하는 것이 바람직 할 것이다. Purpose : As the CT scan technology develops, the number of CT contrast test is also on the rise. However, the reality is that there are not sufficient guidelines about injection of contrast media in case of a patient with central venous line for whom the medical staff fail to obtain peripheral IV and the patient should do the CT contrast test. Consequently, the purpose of this article is to present guidelines for a safer and more accurate CT contrast test using central venous line. Materials and Method : For one year, we observed the state, side effects and prognosis of patients who took the CT contrast test using central venous line. For the catheter test, we used a total of eight products including Permcatheter of Tal PALINDROME™, IJC of Sungwon Medical, Chemoport of Bard, C-line(7Fr, 5Fr) of ARROW Medical, Hickmann of Bard Medical, PICC(single, dual) of COOK Medical, and according to The Guidelines for the Use of Contrast Media Using Central Venous Line recommended by the Seoul National University Hospital(SNUH), we injected contrast media with 350mg iodine content and 400mg iodine content using two kinds of power injectors of MEDRAD(STELLANT??) and NEMOTO injector(Nemoto Kyorindo co.,LTD) with the other conditions being equal. Then, we compared the resultant PSI values and tested if the maximum PSI values(in case of MEDRAD, the vale is 325PSI and NEMOTO, 300PSI) recommended by the injector makers were exceeded. Before the experiment, we measured and compared the pressure of the power injectors, injecting the same amount of air with the same speed. In doing this, we used the pressure gauge we made, and the syringes supplied by the injector makers. And the pressure line connected to the syringe was Check Valve Set(total length: 2m 10cm) manufactured by INSUNG MEDICAL CO.,LTD. Result : All the patients could complete the experiment without any significant side effects, and the prognosis was normal. Though the resultant values minimally varied due to the different methods of measuring psi values of the different injector makers, 87.5% of the catheters did not exceed the recommended psi values for both kinds of contrast media containing 350mg and 400mg iodine. Conclusion : Many hospitals do not have standards set for contrast media, such as flow rate and total volume when a patient should do the CT contrast test using the central venous line because of the difficulty of securing peripheral IV. Thus, hospitals should provide the guidelines like those of the SNUH in order for a safe and accurate test. The results of the experiment conducted according to the guidebook presented in this article showed an average 87.5% of the catheters were judged safe. There were no side effects and the prognosis of the patients was normal. It is desirable that hospitals have in place accurate guidelines considering many factors including the quality control of power injectors and side effects of patients.

      • 성격유형과 실내환경적 성향과의 관련성에 관한 연구

        이연숙,정현원,홍미혜 연세대학교 생활과학연구소 1998 生活科學論集 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between personality and environmental disposition, such as disposition toward traditional·modern, feminine·masculine and simple·complex characteristics. MBTI (Myers and Briggs Type Indicator) test which measures extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, judgement/perception was used. The three key disposition variables were measured using a visual instrument. Three categories of oriental traditional, western traditional, and modern, two categories of feminine and masculine, two categories of simple and complex were factorially combined, thereby, 12 types of images were produced. Four sets of images were developed to measure each categories of each dispositional characteristic controlling other variables and extraneous variable effects. Thereby, total 48 visual images were simulated. The subjects were 74 students including both interior design major and non-major students. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, chi-square test and pearson's correlation coefficients. Major findings were as follows; 1) Disposition toward modernity were more likely appeared in perception type than in judgement type. 2) Disposition toward oriental traditional were more likely appeared in feeling type than in thinking type. 3) Disposition toward simple were more likely appeared in intuition type than in sensing type.

      • 거실공간에서 사용하는 가구, 커텐 및 카페트의 디자인 요소 실태와 이에 대한 소비자 선호 연구

        안지영,유경숙,유은미,위명혜,이주영,한순복,허경화,홍미혜 연세대학교 생활과학대학 1985 婦學 Vol.18 No.-

        Focusing upon a clustered area of apartments, this study investigated the characteristics of design elements in present use and consumer preference of furniture, curtain and carpet for their living spaces. Design elements included in this study were style, color, texture and material. Style of the curtain referred to the style installed while style of carpet referred to that of motifs used. The population comprised all households with apartment 25 pyung and over in the Jamsil area. The sample consisted of 231 households. Data were collected via a self­administered questionnaire developed on the basis of the review of literature. When researcher's help was needed to identify the style of curtain and carpet, it was provided when data was collected through visit. Data were coded and analyzed with frequences and percentages using SAS computer package. The analysis indicated that; 1. Modern styles were dominated in all items. The proportion of preference for historic styles showed higher than that of present use in all items. However, the change was much greater in furniture style. 2. Warm colors were more frequently mentioned for both present use and future preference in all items. 3. Fabrics were popular as sofa materials and wood(not including rattan) as tea table material, while rattan was more prefered for future than in present. 4. Fabrics as upholstery materials for sofa and curtain materials, and wool as carpet materials were most popular both in present use and future preference. 5. Data indicated, however, either the lack of information or the lack of consumer's interest by showing high percentage of “don't know” about materials. Therefore it is necessary to develop educational programs for consumers.

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