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      • KCI등재


        형군,양만기 한국중국언어학회 2017 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.69

        語言和文字的關系問題是語言學的基本理論問題。現代語言學的語言和文字觀,主要來自于現代語言學之父索緖爾的“文字表現語言”。但索緖爾的硏究是建立在對表音體系的語言文字硏究的基礎上。漢字是典型的表意體系文字,用“文字表語觀”來硏究漢語和漢字、指導漢語和漢字敎學顯然不勾確切。因此,全面認識、深入硏究漢語和漢字的關系,對漢語硏究和應用意義重大。本文縱觀漢語硏究史,根据各家學者的硏究將漢語和漢字的關系總結爲“一體觀”、“表語觀”、“漢字至上觀”、“平等觀”、“表達觀”、“互動觀”等六種觀点。指出在漢語硏究和漢語敎學中應充分考慮漢語和漢字的獨特關系。幷以美國A&M大學網絡漢語敎學爲案例,闡釋了運用漢語漢字的互動觀設計了“語”、“文”分開的初級漢語敎學模式的優勢和可行性。 The subject of the relationship between language and character is the basic theoretical problem about linguistic. The view on language and character in modern linguistics mainly comes from “character is the manifestation of language” which proposed by Saussure, the father of modern linguistics. But the study from Saussure is based on the research of language and character which is from alphabetic words system. Because Chinese character is the typical ideographic words, using “character is the manifestation of language” to research on Chinese language and Chinese character is obviously inexact. Therefore, it has the great significance on the Chinese language research, to find out the relationship between Chinese language and Chinese character by overall understanding and further research. This article takes a panoramic view of the history of research on Chinese language, according to various kinds of study, and we sum up the relationship between Chinese language and Chinese character that “unity” “manifestation of language” “character first” “equality” “expression” “interaction” etc. It should be considered adequately the unique relationship between Chinese and Chinese characters in the Chinese research and Chinese teaching, The view of interaction demonstrate the advantage and feasibility of the idea of teaching spoken Chinese and characters separately. Taking the Chinese teaching via videoconferencing in A & M University as an example, the paper explains the advantages and feasibility of using the interactive view of Chinese language and Chinese characters to design the primary Chinese teaching mode of teaching spoken Chinese and characters separately.

      • KCI등재


        邢軍 한국한자한문교육학회 2013 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.31 No.-

        漢語被認為是世界上最難學的語言之一, 漢字是其中的難點, 漢字教學一直被認為是漢語教學的瓶頸. 目前主流的漢語教學模式是“語文一體”, 綜合教學與分技能教學相結合, 即教學中不考慮漢字因素, 不區分說的漢語和寫的漢語. 這種教學模式的弊端是, 初級階段的漢語教學借助漢字學習漢語聽說, 學生的很多精力用在漢字上, 使漢語聽說教學無法取得預期的效果;同時讀寫教學不能以漢字的特點和規律進行, 學生的識字量不夠, 無法為日後的大量閱讀打下基礎, 阻礙了學生讀寫能力的提高, 教學成效不高. 本文在探討了漢語和漢字的獨特關係基礎上認為, 初級漢語教學實行“語”“文” 分開是有效的教學方式, 即聽說和讀寫各自按照規律進行教學, 初級漢語聽說教學(“語”)以培養學生的語言交際能力為核心;初級漢語讀寫教學(“文”)以漢字為核心, 字詞句篇緊密結合, 字不離詞, 詞不離句, 句不離篇, 以提高學生的讀寫能力作為教學目標, 最終達到“語(聽說)”“文(讀寫)” 的相互促進. Chinese language is taken as one of the most difficult language to learn. And Chinese character teaching is the key problem. At present an integration of the spoken and written in teaching is adopted. However, results are not working as expected. In the light of the relationship between spoken and written Chinese, Chinese character and Chinese language, a separation of the spoken and written in teaching especially in the initial stage is necessary. The goal of spoken Chinese teaching is to foster the foreign students’ ability to Chinese communication through Chinese Pinyin; meanwhile written Chinese focuses on Chinese characters, Chinese characters making words, words making sentences and sentences making a paragraph. Spoken and written Chinese depends on one another, promotes one another at last.

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