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      • 김정은 시대 북한 관광정책의 변화와 남북 관광협력방안 모색

        허정필(Jeong Pil Heo) 국민대학교 한반도미래연구원 2022 한반도미래연구 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 김정은 시대 북한 관광산업의 주요 변화를 추적하여 북한 관광정책의 주요 특징을 확인하고 발전된 북한 관광 산업에 따라 남북 관광협력 방안을 모색하였다. 김정은은 집권 이후 사회주의 문명국 건설 목표 관광산업의 세계화, 과학화를 추진하였다. 특히, 2016년 5월 당 제7차대회 사업총화 보고를 통해 김정은은 경제개발구 투자환경 보장과 관광사업 활성화를 강조하였으며, 2021년 1월 당 제8차대회 사업총화 보고에서 “관광사업의 활성화는 북한 사회주의문명국 건설에 매우 중요한 과업”임을 재차 강조하였다. 이같은 북한 관광산업의 발전은 북한 지역의 발전과 교통인프라의 개선 그리고 북한 주민에게 잘 갖추어진 휴식공간을 제공하였다. 2018년 평창동계올림픽을 계기로 남북은 오랜 경색 국면을 중단하고 대화와 소통을 재개하였다. 그리고 남북 정상회담을 통해 신속한 금강산관광협력을 합의하였다. 그러나 2019년 2월 북미 하노이 회담 노딜 이후 북한은 2019년 10월 금강산 내 남측시설 철거와 금강산 관광을 자체 사업으로 발전시킬 것을 언급하였다. 나아가 유엔 안보리 대북제재 지속과 2020년 수해피해와 코로나19 펜데믹 현상으로 북한 관광산업은 현재 중지된 상태이다. 우리는 국제사회에 남북 간 군사적 충돌과 대립이 아닌 평화를 위한 교류협력의 필요성과 당위성을 설명하고 남북 간 협력을 통해 금강산 개별관광과 같은 작은 교류협력부터 재개해야 한다. This study traces major changes in the North Korean tourism industry during the Kim Jong-un era, identifies the main characteristics of tourism policy, and seeks ways for inter-Korean tourism cooperation according to the developed North Korean tourism industry. After Kim Jong-un became the supreme leader in North Korea, he promoted the globalization and signification of the tourism industry with the goal of building a socialist civilized country. Kim Jong-un emphasized guaranteeing the investment environment and revitalization of the tourism business in the Economic Development Zone at the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party in May 2016, he re-emphasized that “revitalization of the tourism business is a very important task in building a socialist civilization in North Korea” at the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party in Jan. 2021. The development of the North Korean tourism industry provided a well-equipped resting place for the North Korean people and the development of the North Korean region as well as the improvement of transportation infrastructure. With the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as an opportunity, South and North Korea resumed dialogue and communication The supreme leaders of the South and the North agreed to expedite tourism cooperation at Mt. Kumgang through the summit meeting. After the North Korea-U.S. Hanoi summit in February 2019 ended in a no-deal, Kim Jong-un mentioned the demolition of South Korean facilities and develop itself about Mt. Kumgang Area in October 2019. Furthermore, the North Korean tourism industry is currently suspended due to the continued UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea, the 2020 flood damage and the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to explain to the international community the necessity and justification of exchanges and cooperation for peace rather than military conflict and confrontation between the two Koreas, and resume small exchanges and cooperation, such as individual tours of Mt. Kumgang, through inter-Korean cooperation.

      • 김정은 시대 대집단체조 예술공연 배경대에 나타난 정책적 함의

        허정필 ( Heo Jeong-pil ) 한국접경지역통일학회 2021 접경지역통일연구 Vol.5 No.1

        북한은 장기간 고립에서 벗어나 정상외교를 추진하기 위하여 2018년 변화를 선언하였다. 그 결과 북한은 남북 소통 재개, 평창동계올림픽 남북단일팀 구성 및 참여, 남북 정상 3차례 만남, 북중 정상 회담 실시, 북미 정상 회담 실시, 북러 정상회담을 실시하였다. 이 같은 북한의 변화와 도약을 대내외적으로 선전선동하기 위하여 북한은 2013년 이후 실시하지 않았던 대집단체조 예술공연을 2018년에 다시 재개하였다. 2018년 ‘빛나는 조국’ 대집단체조 예술공연을 통해 북한은 대내적으로 북한의 성과를 선전하였으며, 대외적으로 북한의 도약과 대외관계 다각화를 선언하였다. 그러나 1년 만에 찾아온 북미관계 경색으로 인하여 북한은 2019년 ‘인민의 나라’ 대집단체조 예술공연을 통해 대내적으로 사회주의체제 강조 및 ‘인민대중제일주의’를 강조하였으며, 대외적으로‘우리식대로 살아나가자’를 선언하였다. 2020년 북한의 3중고(국제사회 대북제재, 수해피해, 코로나19)로 인하여 북한 ‘위대한 향도’의 대집단체조 예술공연에서 대내적으로 ‘인민’과 ‘자력갱생’을 강조하였다. 2018년부터 2020년까지 북한의 도약과 위기, 침체 과정 속에서 대집단체조 예술공연은 지속되었다. 북한은 대집단체조 예술공연을 통해 북한은 대내적으로 ‘당’과 ‘인민’을 강조하면서 ‘인민대중제일주의 정치’를 선전하고 체제결속을 강조하였으며, 대외적으로 대외환경에 따라 ‘대외관계 다각화’ 또는 ‘우리식대로 살아가겠다’라는 메시지를 보여주었다. In 2018, January, North Korea declared changes in order to break out of long-term isolation and improve foreign relations. As a result, North Korea resumed communication between South and North Korea, formed and participated in a unified South-North team at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, met three times South and North Korean leader, held a North Korea-China summit, held a North Korea-US summit, and held a North Korea-Russia summit. North Korea resumed the Mass Game of Huge Artistic performances in 2018, which had not been held since 2013. Through the 2018 ‘Shining Country’ the Mass Game of Huge Artistic performances, North Korea promoted the achievements internally and declared the leap forward of North Korea externally. However, North Korea began to reorganize its system again because of the strained relations between the U.S.A. and North Korea. In 2019, through the Mass Game of Huge Artistic performances of ‘People’s Country’, he emphasized the ‘People First,’ internally and declared ‘Let’s live our way’ externally. Due to North Korea’s three threats(International sanctions to North Korea, Flood damage and Covid-19), the ‘people’ and ‘self-reliance’ were emphasized internally in the Mass Game of Huge Artistic performances of ‘Great Leadership’. The Mass Game of Huge Artistic performances continued in the midst of North Korea’s leap, crisis and recession from 2018 to 2020. North Korea emphasizes ‘the party’ and ‘people’ internally through the Mass Game of Huge Artistic performances and promotes ‘People-First Politics’ as well as depends on the external environment.

      • 남북 도보길 복원과 활용방안: 남북 고성군 사찰을 중심으로

        허정필 ( Heo Jeong-pil ) 한국접경지역통일학회 2022 접경지역통일연구 Vol.6 No.1

        2000년부터 남북 불교는 매년 부처님오신날을 맞아 공동법회, 공동발원문 발표 등을 통해 교류협력을 지속하면서 남북 사찰복원사업을 병행하여 한반도 평화 안착을 위해 노력하였다. 2000년대 남북은 불교 교류를 통해 한반도 과거 역사와 정서를 공유하고 북한 금강산 내 신계사 복원과 개성 영통사 복원 그리고 주요 사찰 단청 등을 복구 및 지원하면서 남북 불교의 정통성과 동질성을 회복하였다. 그러나 2010년대 잦은 남북 정치적 갈등으로 인하여 남북 불교도 2015년 이후부터 관계가 소원해졌다. 2018년 남북 정상의 3차례 만남과 북한의 변화로 인하여 남북은 다양한 합의와 교류협력을 진행하였다. 그러나 2019년 2월 북미 간 협상 불발과 관계 악화로 인하여 남북관계도 다시 경색국면을 맞이하였으며, 2022년 5월 현재까지 남북 간 소통이나 협력은 전무하다. 현 상황에서 2000년대 남북 불교협력과 평화협력의 시작이었던 신계사로부터 다시 남북협력과 평화를 모색한다. 주요 방안으로 북한 최남단 사찰 신계사와 남한 최북단 사찰 건봉사 간 과거 ‘스님 도보 순례길’을 종교적 가치와 관광의 가치를 결합하여 스페인-프랑스 간 ‘산티아고 순례길’과 같은 한반도 평화 도보순례길(건봉사-조제암-신계사-표훈사-장안사-유점사-건봉사)을 건설 및 홍보하여 전세계에 한반도의 현 상황과 평화의 필요성을 알리고자 한다. Since 2000, inter-Korean Buddhism has continued exchanges and cooperation through joint Buddhist meetings and joint petition announcements every year on the Buddha’s birthday, and has endeavored to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula by carrying out temple restoration projects between the two Koreas. In the 2000s, South and North Korea shared the history and sentiments of the Korean Peninsula through Buddhist exchanges, restored Shingyesa Temple in Mt. Geumgang in North Korea, Yeongtongsa Temple in Gaeseong, and restored and supported major temples such as Dancheong, etc. Due to frequent inter-Korean political conflicts in the 2010s, South and North Korea Buddhist relations began to estrange from 2015 onwards. The two leaders met three times in 2018 and conducted various agreements and exchanges and cooperation. However, due to the failure of negotiations between North Korea and the United States in February 2019, inter-Korean relations again entered a difficult phase, and as of May 2022, there has been no communication or cooperation between the two Koreas. Under the present circumstances, inter-Korean cooperation and peace are sought again from Shingyesa Temple, which was the beginning of inter-Korean Buddhist cooperation and peace cooperation in the 2000s. As a major measure, the “pilgrimage route on foot” between Singyesa Temple, the southernmost temple in North Korea and Geonbong Temple, the northernmost temple in South Korea, combines religious values and tourism values to find a pilgrimage route for peace on the Korean Peninsula, such as the “Pilgrimage Route to Santiago” between Spain and France.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 ‘남북 공동올림픽 개최’ 논의 참여 요인 분석 - 1988년·2032년 올림픽 사례를 중심으로 -

        허정필 ( Heo Jeong Pil ) 동국대학교 북한학연구소 2021 북한학연구 Vol.17 No.2

        The main purpose of this study is to identify the main characteristics by analyzing the background, discussion process, and results of the ‘co-hosting of the Olympics’ mentioned in the eras of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-un of North Korea, and to confirm the main implications and limitations through comparison. The IOC and the two Koreas held talks for several years to host the 1988 South-North Joint Olympics. During the talks, a period of conflict continued due to North Korean terrorism. Nevertheless, under the mediation of the IOC, the two Koreas continued the dialogue to hold the joint Olympics. In the process of ‘hosting the 2032 Summer Olympics jointly’, the two Koreas were unable to continue cooperation due to various internal and external factors such as conflicts between North Korea and the United States, South Korea and North Korea, international sanctions against North Korea, and the COVID-19 pandemic. As confirmed in the process of discussing the ‘1988 Inter-Korean Joint Olympic Games,’ the IOC’s active mediation based on trust, concessions and consideration between the two Koreas and strong cooperation and support from neighboring countries are the most important factors in the discussion of hosting the North-South Joint Olympic Games. As a small step toward co-hosting the major Olympic Games, it is important to try cooperation from the low-level sports exchange and cooperation between the two Koreas and the high-level ‘2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympic Games’.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 시대 북한 스포츠외교의 활용 -사회주의 보편성과 북한의 특수성을 중심으로-

        허정필 ( Heo¸ Jeong Pil ) 동국대학교 북한학연구소 2023 북한학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        In the past, major socialist countries have strengthened socialist solidarity through sports diplomacy, strengthening ties between neighboring countries, strengthening dominance through aid to developing countries, disseminating the socialist system, and enhancing sports reputation through international sports events such as the Olympics. In the course of sports diplomacy, the main means of diplomatic approval or rejection, dissemination of political ideology, conflicts between systems, enhancement of national status, and understanding and peace among nations have been promoted. However, in the Kim Il-sung era of North Korea, sports diplomacy has been conducted to strengthen solidarity between socialists, strengthen friendships between neighboring countries, and enhance sports reputation in the process of national reconstruction after the Korean War. For this purpose, the reform and opening sports diplomacy policy of mosquito netting was carried out. After Kim Jong-il’s death, Kim Jong-un came into power, and North Korea showed changes by promoting the globalization of sports diplomacy. First, the National Sports Guidance Committee was established to raise the level of policy implementation. Second, sports diplomacy was chosen for communication rather than isolation. In the course of North Korea’s nuclear development and force testing, it has steadily participated in international sports competitions to obtain diplomatic approval from the international community, to spread the North Korean national brand to the international community, and to communicate with conflicting countries and resolve conflicts. Third, it is to improve the sports environment to enhance the national prestige. In order to conduct sports diplomacy on the world stage and to raise the national prestige, it was fundamentally necessary to have excellent athletes. For this purpose, cutting-edge sports science and technology were introduced to the players. Lastly, for international sports standards compliance and globalization, international sports regulations were complied with and global trends were followed. The goals of sports diplomacy in the Kim Jong-un era are somewhat different from those of traditional socialist sports diplomacy. First, it is the aspect of strengthening dominance through support for developing countries. In the economic situation of North Korea, it was somewhat difficult to strengthen dominance while supporting developing countries, and the direction of sports diplomacy was changed to hybrid practical cooperation through sports, economy, and military rather than strengthening dominance. Second, rather than spreading the socialist system centering on socialist countries, he emphasized diplomatic activities as a ‘normal state’ of North Korea and Kim Jong-un’s ‘supreme leader in a normal state’ to the world. Third, pragmatism and cooperation were chosen rather than systemic competition. After the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, North Korea conducted active sports diplomacy, seeking regional sports exchange and cooperation such as inter-Korean sports exchange and cooperation, North Korea-China sports exchange and cooperation, and North Russia sports exchange and cooperation, and international sports exchange and cooperation such as hosting the 2032 inter-Korean joint Olympics. . Although North Korea’s sports diplomacy under the Kim Jong-un era showed many changes compared to the past, politics was still at the highest level of the North Korean system, and there was also a limitation that sports diplomacy could not move forward without a high-level political agreement.

      • KCI등재

        계층화된 비디오 내용 모델링 및 브라우징

        복경수,이낙규,허정필,유재수,조기형,이병엽,Bok, Kyoung-Soo,Lee, Nak-Gyu,Heo, Jeong-Pil,Yoo, Jae-Soo,Cho, Ki-Hyung,Lee, Byoung-Yup 한국정보처리학회 2003 정보처리학회논문지D Vol.10 No.7

        본 논문에서는 비디오 데이터 대한 구조적 내용과 의미적 내용에 효과적으로 표현하기 위해 비디오 모델링을 제안한다. 또한 사용자가 비디오 데이터에 대한 내용 정보를 쉽게 파악하고 재생할 수 있도록 하는 브라우징 기법을 제안한다. 제안하는 모델링은 원시 데이터 계층, 내용 계층 그리고 키프레임 계층의 세 계층으로 구성되며 비디오 데이터에 대한 논리적인 계층 구조와 의미적 내용은 내용 계층에 표현한다. 비디오 브라우징은 비디오 재생과 내용 정보를 나타내는 두 가지 브라우저를 구현하였다. 비디오 재생 브라우저는 비디오를 재생과 현재화면 정보를 나타내는 기능을 수행한다. 내용 정보 브라우저는 원시데이터, 구조적 내용 그리고 의미적 내용에 대한 정보를 브라우징하는 기능을 제공한다. In this paper, we propose modeling method for video data that represents structural and semantic contents of video data efficiently. Also, a browsing method that helps users easily understand and play the contents of video data is presented. The proposed modeling scheme consists of three layers such as raw data layer, content layer and key frame layer The content layer represents logical hierarchy and semantic contents of video data. We implement two kinds of browsers for playing video data and providing video contents. The playing browser plays video data and Presents the information of currently playing shot. The content browser allows users to browse raw data, structural information and semantic contents of video data.

      • SUS304에 증착된 Ti박막의 두께에 따른 마모특성에 관한 연구

        황규민(Gyu-Min Hwang),배주현(Joo-Hyeon Bae),정필(Jeong-Pil No),임성훈(Seong-Hun Im),선철(Seon-Cheol Heo) 대한기계학회 2018 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2018 No.12

        The fracture of material is occurred by fatigue over 90% and is almost started from surface. A wear test was progressed attaching to SUS304 by a high-strength Ti film that is method one of the strengthen in this fracture of surface of the widely used metal coating in order to know characterize wear resistance by thickness. In result, the similar coefficient of friction irrespective of thickness of Ti film was observed but observation of abrasion loss and wear track, there was observation more character of wear the more thicker a thickness.

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