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        흰민들레와 서양민들레의 항산화효능에 관한 비교연구

        임도연 ( Do Youn Im ),김선형 ( Sun Hyung Kim ),허정록 ( Jeong Rok Hor ) 한국미용학회 2011 한국미용학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        This study examined to compare the cosmetic materials with the antioxidative activity of the ethanol and hot water extracts from white dandelion (Taraxacum coreanum) and western dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). The total polyphenol contents of hot water extract of white dandelion was found to be 76.31±1.83 mg/g as the highest content. Flavonoid content of ethanol extract of western dandelion was found to be 39.66±4.37 mg/g as the highest content. Ascorbic acid contents in ethanol and hot water extract of white dandelion were 0.83±0.43 mg/g and 0.89±0.16 mg/g, respectively. In the DPPH radical scavenging activity, the ethanol extract of western dandelion was higher than other extracts. SC50 of the ethanol extract of western dandelion was 0.789 mg/mL as the highest activity. However, in the SOD like activity, the ethanol extract of white dandelion had the highest activity, and it was found that in the 6.25 mg/mL concentration treatment, it had the SOD like activity of 42.916%. In conclusion, the ethanol extracts of white and western dandelion that has antioxidative activity was proved to be a valuable material for functional cosmetic.

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