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        북한의 중학교 러시아어 교과서의 어휘적 특징: 코퍼스 기반 어휘 분석을 기반으로

        한현희 한국노어노문학회 2020 노어노문학 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 북한의 중학교 러시아어 교과서를 코퍼스로 구축하여 어휘적 특징을 고찰함으로써 북한의 러시아어 교육 실상을 이해하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 분석 결과 어휘 규모 및 다양성의 경우 Token은 29,105개, Type은 3,283개, TTR은 11.28, STTR은 36.91로 나타나 수록된 어휘 규모는 크지 않지만 다양성이 풍부하고 어휘 밀도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 학년이 갈수록 Type, TTR, STTR 지수가 모두 높아져 어휘 학습량의 위계가 잘 세워져있다고 사료된다. 고빈도 어휘 목록 분석 결과 학년이 올라갈수록 내용어 비중을 늘리지 않고 기능어, 즉 문법적 난이도만을 높여 학습 난이도를 조절하고 있으며, 러시아어 교육이 듣기를 제외한 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기 위주로 이루어지고 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 어휘 소재의 경우 사회적 인간 소재를 중심으로 신체적 인간, 이성적 인간, 추상적 개념, 자연으로 구성되어 일반적인 러시아어 교육과 다를 바 없으나, 내용상으로는 북한의 특수한 상황 맞춤형 교육, 폐쇄주의 정책, 사회주의 선전 및 선진과학기술의 도입 목표라는 특징을 확인할 수 있었다. 고유명사의 경우 러시아가 아닌 북한의 체제 관련 인물과 지역 소개, 북한의 일반 인명, 지명, 단위 소개만 이루어져서 러시아어 교육의 목적이 우상화, 성역화, 대외 선전임을 확인하였다. This study aims to understand the reality of Russian education in North Korea by analyzing the vocabulary of corpus in middle school Russian textbooks in North Korea. The results showed that token was 29,105, type was 3,293, TTR was 11.12, STTR was 36.91. Thus, the vocabulary size is not large, but it is rich in diversity and has a high vocabulary density. Especially, as the grade goes on, Type, TTR, and STTR indexes are all higher, and the hierarchy of vocabulary learning seems to be well established. The list of high frequency vocabulary showed that the learning difficulty was controlled by increasing the grammar difficulty without increasing the proportion of content words as the grade increased. And education was mainly focused on speaking, reading, and writing except listening. The topic of vocabulary was composed of 'social human', 'physical human', 'reasonable human', 'abstract concept' and 'nature', which was no different from general Russian education. However, the contents are characterized by North Korea's special situation customized education, closed policy, socialist propaganda and the introduction of advanced science and technology. In the case of proper nouns, only the North Korean people, names, and units were introduced, especially the North Korean regime-related figures and regional introductions. Through this, it was confirmed that the purpose of Russian education was idolization, sanctification, and external propaganda.

      • KCI등재

        노한 기계번역의 프리에디팅(pre-editing) 및 포스트에디팅(post-editing) 가이드라인 제안

        한현희 한국노어노문학회 2019 노어노문학 Vol.31 No.4

        This study aims to establish pre-editing and post-editing guidelines to improve the quality of machine translation. Informative texts were translated with Google engine. The study proposes the following pre-editing guidelines. 1) Use unified terms. 2) Correct the punctuation. 3) Omit the dash and insert the omitted vocabulary in its place. 4) Use the full term. 5) Clarify meaning. 6) Arrange the word order. 7) Long sentences with phrasal verbs should be replaced with relative pronoun phrases. The study proposes the following post-editing guidelines. 1) Use vocabulary appropriate to the context. 2) Use the terminology used in the field. 3) Modify the repeated vocabulary. 4) Write proper nouns correctly. 5) Comply with the spacing rules. 6) Maintain vocabulary consistency. 7) Unify the termination. 8) Unify the numbering. 9) Convey logical consistency. 10) Avoid translationese. 11) Avoid asyntactic sentences, phrases. 12) Convey the meaning of ST accurately. 13) Comply with the punctuation rules. 14) Avoid omission of information. 15) Avoid addition of information. 16) Use styles appropriate for the register 본 연구는 노한 기계번역의 품질 개선과 활용성 증대를 위해 프리에디팅과 포스트에디팅 가이드라인를 수립하여 제시하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 구글 엔진을 이용하여 매뉴얼과 보고서의 기계번역문을 생산하였고 오류를 분석하여 프리에디팅 가이드라인을 수립하였다. 이후 프리에디팅 가이드라인을 적용하여 원문을 수정하였고 새로운 기계번역문을 생산하여 오류를 분석한 후 포스트에디팅 가이드라인을 제안하였다. 분석 결과 제시하는 프리에디팅 가이드라인은 다음과 같다. 1) 텍스트 내에서 통일된 어휘를 사용한다. 2) 도착어를 염두에 두고 문장부호를 교정한다. 3) 줄표는 생략하고, 그 자리에 생략된 어휘를 삽입한다. 4) 약어는 가능한 풀어서 사용한다. 5) 의미를 명확히 한다. 6) 수식에 맞게 어순을 배열한다. 7) 피동/능동 형동사로 연결된 긴 복문은 관계대명사 구문으로 바꿔준다. 분석 결과 제시하는 포스트에디팅 가이드라인은 다음과 같다. 1) 맥락에 적합한 어휘를 사용한다. 2) 해당 분야에서 사용하는 전문용어를 사용한다. 3) 반복되는 어휘를 수정한다. 4) 고유명사를 정확히 기재한다. 5) 띄어쓰기 규정을 준수한다. 6) 어휘의 일관성을 지향한다. 7) 텍스트 전체의 어미를 통일한다. 8) 숫자 표기 방식을 통일한다. 9) 텍스트 내에서 논리적 일관성을 지향한다. 10) 번역투를 지양한다. 11) 비문을 지양한다. 12) 원문의 의미를 정확히 전달하도록 한다. 13) 문장부호 규칙을 준수한다. 14) 원문의 정보를 의도적으로 누락하지 않는다. 15) 원문에 없는 정보를 임의로 추가하지 않는다. 16) 어역에 적합한 문체를 사용한다.

      • KCI등재

        구어와 수어 릴레이 동시통역의 시간적 양상 연구 : 소치 동계 패럴림픽 방송 통역 사례 분석을 기반으로

        한현희 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2016 통번역학연구 Vol.20 No.4

        This study examines the temporal patterns and correlation amongtemporal variables during relay simultaneous interpretation ofspoken and sign language. To conduct this examination, the dataof the 2014 Sochi Paralympics live addresses inEnglish/Russian-Korean- Korean Sign language were used foranalysis. Speech time, the number of words and EVS (ear voicespan), TTS (tail to tail span), pause of source text and target texts(spoken and sign language) were compared for analysis. The resultof the analysis logically implies the following. First, in case of signlanguage interpretation, it needs more words to deliver the sameinformation compared to Korean. Second, due to the shortesEVS(ear voice span) of sign language, it can be shortened tobelow four seconds during relay interpretation. Third, pauses tendto become shorter as interpretation proceeds. On the contrary,speech proportion tends to rise. This may cause inconvenience tothe hearing-impaired deaf and viewers. Lastly, sign languageinterpretation is likely to be affected by spoken languageinterpreter who play, the role of a pivot rather than the speaker,and TTS(tail to tail span) can be the most important factor.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국문학의 러시아어 번역서에 대한 독자 인식 연구: 러시아 온라인 독자 서평 분석을 기반으로

        한현희 한국노어노문학회 2019 노어노문학 Vol.31 No.2

        This study is to figure out the content properties of the online book reviews on the Russian translations of Korean literature by Russian readers, and to confirm how Korean literature has been accepted and the readers’ perception in the cultural area of Russia. Based on this, I’ll try to find implications for the dissemination and popularization of Korean literature in the Russian publishing market of literature. Analysis results 1) As for descriptive elements, preferences and no preferences of the themes have been shown. 2) As for explanatory elements, they were classified into author’s history of contemporary literary writers, target reader, reading method and guide. 3) As for critical elements, they were classified into translation quality, publishing professionality, motive for Korean literature selection and value of Korean literature. 4) As for comparative elements, they were classified into comparison of writers and literatures, and awareness of Korean literature in oriental literature. The following are presented for the direction to popularize the Russian translations of Korean literature based on the analysis results. 1) It is necessary to prepare for embracing strategies which are centered on the publishing industry in the target language country, and to this end it is urgent to make a collaborative system among big professional publishers and copyright agents. 2) It is needed to promote the quantitative and qualitative growth of translation and to train translators as role models. 3) It is necessary to try to promote cultural likability by using paratexts such as contributions and reviews by literary critics, introduction and foreword of writers and translators, front cover and title. 본 연구는 한국문학 번역서에 대한 러시아어권 독자들의 온라인 독자 서평을 분석 대상으로 삼아 내용적 특성을 파악하여, 러시아 문화권에서 한국문학에 대한 독자들의 인식을 확인하고, 이를 기반으로 러시아 문학출판 시장에서 한국문학의 보급과 대중화를 위한 시사점을 모색해보고자 한다. 분석 결과 기술적 요소로는 주제 및 소재에 대한 선호와 비선호에 관한 의견, 해설적 요소로는 현대문학 작가들에 대한 저자 히스토리, 대상 독자와 독서 방법 및 활용 안내로 분류되었다. 비판적 요소로는 번역의 품질, 출판 전문성, 한국문학 선택 동기와 한국문학의 가치로 분류되었으며, 비교적 요소와 관련해서는 작가/작품 비교와 동양문학 속 한국문학에 대한 인식으로 분류되었다. 분석 결과를 기반으로 한국문학 러시아어 번역서의 대중화를 위한 방향을 다음과 같이 제시한다. 1) 도착어권 출판계 중심의 수용 전략 마련이 필요하며, 이를 위해 대형전문출판사와 저작권에이전트의 협업 구조 형성이 절실하다. 2) 번역의 양적, 질적 성장을 도모하고 롤모델 번역가의 양성이 필요하다. 3) 문학 전문 비평가들의 기고문 및 서평, 작가와 번역가 소개 및 서문, 표지, 제목 등과 같은 곁텍스트를 활용한 문화적 호감도 증진 노력이 필요하다.

      • 러시아에서 문학 한류 가능성 모색에 관한 연구 : 2000년대 이후 한국문학의 러시아어 번역 출판 현황 및 발전 방향에 기반하여

        한현희 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2018 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.10

        This study investigates and analyzes the current status, trends and characteristics of Korean literature translated into Russian since the 2000s. The goal of this research is to understand the problems of translation of Korean literature and to find implications for the dissemination of Korean literature in Russia. As a result of analysis, since the 2000s 121 Russian translations of Korean literature have been published. 1) By genre it followed by novels, poetry, others, essays, journals, drama. However, in the past, 'classical others' occupied the largest part, but 'modern novels' occupied a large portion after the 2000s. 2) By writer, it turns out that the translation of a new author's work is not done in 'classic novel'. In the 'modern poetry' and 'modern novel', the works of Korean writers, not North Korean writers, are being published. The introduction of female writers and award-winning works are actively translated and published. The translation genre of Korean literature expanded to essays, plays, and children's literature. 3) By composition of the translator, 103 translators are counted. Among them, the percentage of Russians is still large, but it is confirmed that the activities of koreans and russian Koreans are increasing. However, the number of translators who received professional translation training was small. Participation of Korean translators in classical literature translation was poor. 4) By publisher, a specific publisher was responsible for 30% of Korean literary translations. Most of the rest of the publishers only published one or two works. However, each publisher confirmed that there is a particular age - genre specialization or preference.

      • KCI등재

        국내 언론 보도에서의 러시아 대통령 담화 번역문 직접인용에 관한 고찰 : Bakhtin의 ‘대화성’ 관점에서

        한현희 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2015 통번역학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        According to Bakhtin‘s dialogicality, linguistic expressions and speeches are comprised of various voices. When a certain speaker/writer uses speeches/writings of others to express one’s own thoughts or opinions, the process of “voicing” takes place. Similarly, newspapers and media companies may release translated speeches in the form of direct quotations as a means to voice their opinions. This study examines the translated discourses of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin from the Bakhtin’s dialogicality perspective to investigate how Korean media uses direct quotation as a means of voicing. Through the analysis, this paper also seeks to bring new insights to how Korean media views Russia. Trans-edited articles used in the study were retrieved with the keyword “Putin” from the KINDS database at www.kinds.or.kr. A total of 66 trans-edited articles with direct quotations from president Putin and six source texts, from which the direct quotations were cited, were analyzed upon the following categories: subject in the direct quotation; content of the direct quotation; and the predicate verb in the direct quotation. Although retrieved articles were of news analysis and straight news genres, in which the writer’s opinion is not reflected, this study found that newspaper and media companies frequently used direct quotations as a means of voicing to represent ideological preferences or to express negative opinions of certain subject matters.

      • KCI등재

        한노 기계번역의 문장 부호 처리 양상 및 오류 개선을 위한 실용적 함의 : 프리에디팅 규칙 수립과 효용성의 관점에서

        한현희 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2018 통번역학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate punctuation translation strategy of the Korean-Russian machine translation and categorize the types of its errors. This study is also aims to seek practical implications for improving product quality of machine translation by establishment of pre-editing rules and its application. For this goals, corpus of articles in KBS World Radio were established, and quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out. The analysis results showed that both the punctuation translation strategy of machine and of human were almost same. However, the punctuation error rate by machine translation was 24.19% while the error rate by human translation was only 2.4%. To determine the cause of this, only the errors about punctuation by machine translation were classified, and the translation strategy was addition > shift > literal translation > omission. The type of punctuation marks causing errors in the source texts by machine translation was revealed. Then, the errors by machine were categorized by punctuation marks, and Pre-editing rules were created based on this. In addition, to verify the rules’ utility, the source texts and the texts translated by machine, the pre-edited source texts and the newly-produced texts by machine were comparatively analyzed. The analysis result showed that only the pre-editing rules applied to punctuation marks considerably improved sentence structure, grammar, omission, mistranslation and non-sentence.

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