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        <백두산이 보인다>와 항일무장투쟁 영화

        한상언(Han, Sangeon) 구보학회 2021 구보학보 Vol.0 No.27

        I Can See Mount Baekdu is the first film based on Kim Il-sung s struggle against Japan. In the mid-1950s, North Korea emphasized the production of children s films in order to cultivate the posterity of the revolution. The film made at this time is I Can See Mount Baekdu, adapted from Han, Seolya s representative work The History. The film was directed by Kim, Rakseop, who finished studying in Moscow, and Yoon, Dooheon, vice-chairman of the Chosun Writers Alliance, adapted the original work of Han, Seolya. Also, famous actors boasting in North Korea at the time, such as Moon, Yebong, Kang, Hongsik, and Yu, Wonjun, appeared. This film did not highlight the role of Kim, Ilsung as a leader by setting children member Hocheol as the main character. Also, the efforts of the anti-Japanese guerrillas were not properly described. Nevertheless, the fact that it was a work that dealt with the anti-Japanese armed struggle in earnest and that it was based on the biographical facts about the anti-Japanese armed conflict was considered an important achievement. This evaluation of the time became a movie that cannot be mentioned as the adaptor Yoon, Dooheon and the original author Han, Seolya were purged. Even now, when Han, Seolya was reinstated, this film has been deleted as if it had never existed in the history of movies described in North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        다큐멘터리 <해방조선을 가다> 연구

        한상언 ( Sang Eon Han ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2007 현대영화연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Documentary, <Go to liberated Korea> was discovered and announced by National Achieves in this year. It was re-edited <Liberty News(해방뉴스)> for two reels. People Film(민중영화사) was stationed at Japan, made this documentary for 20min. quantity. This film contained very important images that pictures of August 16th, 1945 to April 1946 and pictures of famous persons, for example, Cho mansik, Im Hwa, Kim Taejun. This film is so important both in a record aspect and a film history aspect. Through <Liberty News> and <Choryun News>, Korea and Japan progressive film makers interchanged their films. This film is a evidence.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 조선의 변사시스템 도입과 그 특징에 관한 연구

        한상언(Han Sang Eon) 한국영화학회 2010 영화연구 Vol.0 No.44

        This paper attempts to refine the existing knowledge of a silent-film narrator system in Chosun, focusing on how the system developed in the early stage of 1910s. The silent-film narrator system of Chosun was associated with Japanese film industry advancing into Chosun. In 1910, the first narrator appeared at Kyongsung Godeung Yeonyaegwan established by Japanese. There a narration was conducted in the form of a brief description prior to screening because both Japanese and Korean were its audiences. However, in 1912 when Dae Jeong Gwan for Japanese audiences only and Umigwan for Korean audiences only were established, the separation between Japanese and Korean audiences allowed narrators to comment on a film during screening. Since then until 1920s, the narration of a silent film was carried out in the various forms. In the theaters for Japanese only, there were not only expository narrators who explained scenes of western films and documentary films, but also voice acting narrators for Japanese new-school drama films and historical drama films. These voice acting narrators even staged plays on their own and combination plays for voice acting performances were also produced. However, in Korean theaters, most of narrators were expository for only western films were showed. At first, the form of a narration in Korean theaters were different from one of in Japanese theater, but soon Korean theaters also tried to adopt the voice acting narrators following the Japanese theaters. Nevertheless, the voice acting narrators and combination plays began to disappear when the theaters in Chosun were under direct management of Japanese major film studios in 1920s, for they cost high.

      • KCI등재

        특집논문 : 다큐멘터리 <민족의 절규> 연구

        한상언 ( Sang Eon Han ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2015 현대영화연구 Vol.11 No.3

        해방 후 가장 시급한 문제였던 조선의 독립과 정부수립 문제에 있어 남한의 좌익과 우익은 모스크바 3상회의에서 결정된 5년간의 신탁통치 안을 두고 찬탁과 반탁으로 나누어 대립하고 갈등했다. 특히 우익의 거두였던 이승만은 반탁운동을 주도했을 뿐만 아니라 좌익세력과의 협력 자체를 반대하고 남한만의 단독정부를 수립할 것을 주장했다. 안경호가 만든 기록영화 <민족의 절규> 3부작은 해방 직후부터 정부수립까지의 기간 동안 이승만의 활동을 기록하고 대중을 상대로 상영함으로써 반탁과 단독정부 수립을 위한 여론전에서 중요한 역할을 수행했다. 또한 정부 수립 이후에는 대한민국의 역사를 공산주의와 싸워 이긴 과정으로 기억하게 함으로써 대한민국이라는 민족국가의 정체성을 반공에 두도록 만들었다. 이 논문에서 본 연구자는 안경호와 이승만의 대리인인 강일매가 주도하여 만든 기록영화 <민족의 절규> 3부작의 제작과정을 조사하고 <민족의 절규> 축약판으로 현재 KBS에서 보관하고 있는 <건국투쟁사>의 내용을 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 <민족의 절규>의 제작에 이승만의 측근들이 적극적으로 관여했으며, <건국투쟁사>에서는 이승만을 중심으로 반공국가 수립의 과정을 서술함으로써 반공국가의 창조자인 이승만의 우상화가 어떻게 시각화 되었는지를 살필 수 있었다. After the liberation the most urgent issue was to establish an independent government. In South Korea the left and the right were divided into the supporting trusteeship movement and the anti-trusteeship movement on trusteeship for five years which was decided in Moscow Conference. Rhee Syngman(李承晩) was the leader of the right led the anti-trusteeship movement. He was opposed to the cooperation with the left. He insisted that to establish a single government of South Korea alone. An Kyong-ho(安慶鎬) made documentary films National Outcry trilogy which were recording of Rhee Syngman`s activities during the period from immediately after the release until the government established. By screening these films to the masses it played an important role in the public opinion battle for establishing single government. After the government established, these films were left as a recording of winning history against communism. It make people in Republic of Korea think national identity as anti-communist. In this paper, I investigated the production process of documentary films National Outcry trilogy which were made by An Kyong-ho and Kang Il-mae(姜一邁), an agent of Rhee Syngman. I examined Struggle History for Foundation of Nation stored at KBS which was the short version of National Outcry trilogy. As a result, I found that Rhee Syngman and people close to him were actively involved in the production of National Outcry. In Struggle History for Foundation of Nation, by describing the establishment of anti-communist nation revolved around the Rhee, it visualizes idolization of Rhee Syngman(李承晩) who is the creator of the anti-communist nation.

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