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      • 한국어 마찰음과 파찰음의 음향학적 및 공기역학적 특성에 관한 연구

        표화영,이주환,최성희,심현섭,최홍식 한국음성과학회 1999 음성과학 Vol.6 No.1

        21 normal Korean native speakers participated as subjects to investigate the acoustic and aerodynamic study of Korean fricatives and affricated and to make good use of the results for the patients with articulation problems. Their productions of [sa], [s'a], [ca], [c^ha],[c'a] [asa], [as'a], [aca], [ac^ha] , and [ac'a] were analyzed with CSL and AP II instruments. The results are as followings : (1) Fricative showed higher frequency in minimum and maximum frequency and longer duration than affricates. (2) Fricatives showed higher peak flow rate and longer rise time than affricates. (3) When we compared the different phonemes with each other, their differences were usually statistically significant, but when we compared CV and VCV syllables, they did not show significant difference, even VCV's showed higher and longer values than CV syllables. (4) Normaly, lax fricatives and affricates showed lower frequency and higher peak flow rate, shorter frication duration, and longer rise time. Keywords: Fricatives, affricates, acoustics, aerodynamics.

      • KCI등재

        음성장애 관련 자기보고식 평가도구의 최신 동향

        표화영 한국청각언어재활학회 2019 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.15 No.3

        The patient-oriented evaluation methodology increases the importance of self-reporting evaluation tools measuring the voice-related quality of life for the voice disorder patients. The present study was performed to investigate a current trend of self-reporting evaluation tools related with voice and voice and/or by literature review. By using Pubmed, one of the most frequently used electronic journal database, articles related with self-reporting evaluation tools for the voice disorders patients from 2009 to 2019 were searched. Among them, 113 articles related with existing self-reporting evaluation tools (adapted with specific languages, comparison and/or correlation study among the tools, and statistic analysis) and articles of newly developed tools were selected. 94 among 113 articles were related with existing self-reporting evaluation tools, and 19 articles were related with newly developed tools. 67 among 94 articles related with existing tools reported the adapted version of specific languages; 11 articles, comparison and/or correlation study with other self-reporting tools; 16 articles, the statistic analysis results of the tools (eg., reliability, validity). Articles of newly developed tools includes self-reporting tools for the older adults, ones using the concepts of clinical psychometry, ones related with vocal fatigue, and ones for their own native peoples. The focus of self-reporting evaluation tools have changed into more various ages and more specific domains with newly introduced concepts. With these results, more comprehensive and characterized self-reporting evaluation tools for Korean voice disorder patients should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        정상성인 여성 화자와 음성장애 성인 여성 화자의 문단 낭독 시 휴지 및 호흡단락 특성의 비교

        표화영 한국음성학회 2019 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.11 No.4

        This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of pauses and breath groups made by normal adults and patients with voice disorders while reading a paragraph. Forty normal female adults and forty female patients with a functional voice disorder (18-45 yrs.) read the “Gaeul” paragraph with the “Running Speech” protocol of the Phonatory Aerodynamic System (PAS), by which the pauses with or without inspiration and between or within syntactic words and breath groups were analyzed. The number of pauses with inspiration was found to be higher in the patient group, but the number of pauses without inspiration was higher in the normal group. The rate of syntactic word boundaries with pauses with inspiration was higher in the patient group, while the number of syllables per breath group was higher in the normal group. As these results can be explained by patients' poor breath support due to glottal insufficiency, the question of whether voice disorder patients use their pauses and breath groups properly should be considered carefully in evaluation and intervention.

      • 동일 후적자가 산출하는 기관식도 발성(PROVOX 발성)과 식도 발성에 대한 음향학적 및 공기역학적 특성 비교

        표화영,최홍식,임성은,최성희 한국음성과학회 1999 음성과학 Vol.5 No.1

        Our experimental subject was a laryngectomee who had undergone total laryngectomy with PROVOX®insertion, and learned esophageal speech after the surgery, so he could produce both PROVOX® voice and esophageal voice. With this subject's production of PROVOX® and esophageal voice, we are to compare the acoustic and aerodynamic characteristics of the two voices, under the same physical conditions of the same person. As a result, the fundamental frequency of esophageal voice was 137.2 Hz and that of PROVOX® was 97.5 Hz. PROVOX® voice showed lower jitter, shimmer and NHR than esophageal voice, which means that PROVOX® voice showed better voice quality than esophageal voice. In spectrographic analysis, the formation of formants and pseudoformants were more distinct in esophageal voice and several temporal aspects of acoutic features such as VOT and closure duration were more similar with normal voice in PROVOX voice. During the sentence utterance, esophageal voice showed longer pause or silence duration than PROVOX® voice. Maximum phonation time andmean flow rate of PROVOX® voice were much longer and larger than esophageal voice, but mean and range of sound pressure level, subglottic pressure and voice efficiency were similar in the two voice. Glottal resistance of esophageal voice was much larger than PROVOX® voice which showed still larger glottal resistance than normal voice. Keywords : PROVOX® voice, esophageal voice, aerodynamics, laryngectiomee

      • KCI등재후보

        모바일 기반의 상호작용치료 프로그램 개발을 위한 말더듬아동 부모 요구 조사

        표화영,신문자,이수복,이경재 한국발달지원학회 2019 발달지원연구 Vol.8 No.3

        Parental involvement is necessary in the treatment of children who stutter(CWS). Even though smart device application is expected to be useful in the treatment of CWS there is little research on such application use experiences and needs of parents of CWS in Korea. The primary purposes of the current research were to explore CWS parents’ needs and experiences of parent-child interaction therapy mobile treatment program. A total of 17 parents were surveyed and they acknowledged the necessity of interaction therapy. However they had little experiences of using mobile application in the stuttering treatment and reported difficulty in finding appropriate application. Moreover they reported that contents on the SLP strategy(interaction therapy experts' demonstration and videos) were most needed. These results showed that the mobile application for parent-child interaction therapy is needed and the contents on the direct change of the children need to be included in the mobile application 학령전기 말더듬아동의 치료에서는 부모의 참여가 필수적이다. 특히 말더듬아동의 치료에서 스마트 기기 앱활용이 도움이 될 것으로 기대되지만 국내 말더듬아동 부모를 대상으로 스마트 기기를 활용한 치료 경험및 요구도에 대한 연구는 부족한 편이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 말더듬아동 부모를 대상으로 모바일 기반의상호작용치료 프로그램 개발을 위한 필요도와 경험을 분석하였다. 총 17명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시한결과, 말더듬아동 부모들은 상호작용 치료의 필요성을 높게 인식하고 있었다. 하지만 말더듬치료에서 모바일 앱을 활용한 경험은 매우 적은 편이었으며 적절한 앱을 찾는 데 어려움을 겪었다고 보고하였다. 모바일치료 프로그램에서는 언어재활사 전략과 관련된 내용(상호작용기술의 전문가 시범 및 동영상)이 가장 필요하다고 응답하였다. 이와 같은 결과는 말더듬아동을 대상으로 하는 상호작용치료 프로그램 관련 앱 개발이필요하며 특히 아동의 변화를 직접적으로 나타낼 수 있는 내용이 포함되어야 함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        정상 성인 여성 화자와 기능적 음성장애 성인 여성 화자의 문단 낭독 시 공기역학적 특성 비교

        표화영 한국청각언어재활학회 2019 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.15 No.4

        Purpose: Aerodynamic characteristics of the patients with voice disorder should be evaluated not only in sustained vowel phonation but also in continuous speech production. This study was performed to compare aerodynamic characteristics during reading paragraph tasks in normal female adults and female adult patients with functional voice disorders. Methods: Fifty female adults with normal function and 50 female voice disorder patients participated in aerodynamic measurements during the reading paragraph. Among the results, 9 measurements were analyzed: total duration, number of inspiration, phonation time with voiced sounds, expiratory and inspiratory airflow duration, peak expiratory and inspiratory airflow, expiratory and inspiratory volume. Results: In all of the measurements, the patient group showed higher levels than the normal group. Seven measurements, excluding phonation time with voiced sounds and peak inspiratory airflow, showed significant differences between the two groups. Matching the total duration multiple regression analyses showed that 94.2% of the variance in the inspiratory volume was accounted by expiratory volume and number of inspiration, and 56.3% of peak expiratory airflow was done by peak inspiratory airflow. Conclusion: It was shown that the patient group used longer duration and higher airflow rate and volume in continuous speech compared to the normal group. We expect that aerodynamic evaluation and analysis in the continuous speech will help the valid assessment and intervention for the patients with voice disorders.

      • KCI등재후보

        언어치료사를 위한 감염예방 및 관리지침에 관한 문헌 연구

        표화영 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2011 특수교육 Vol.10 No.3

        언어치료사(SLP)는 업무 중 구강검사, 내시경 검사 등을 통해 감염 위험이 있는 아동 및 환자의 체액 혹은 점막과 접촉하게 될 수도 있다. 이로 인한 감염질환의 위험성이 큼에도 불구하고 아직 국내에서는 SLP를 위한 감염예방 및 관리에 대한 언급이 거의 전무한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 SLP와 직접, 간접으로 관련된 감염예방 및 관리에 대한 기초개념을 파악하고 이를 통해 SLP에게 필요한 감염관리 지침을 제안하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 저널 데이터베이스인 EBSCo와 PubMed 검색을 통하여 SLP와 직접, 간접으로 관련되어있는 웹사이트 7개, 논문 9편, 주간 간행물 3편, 책 1권 총 20개의 문헌을 찾아 분석하였다. 이를 통하여 다음과 같이 그 내용을 정리하였다. (1) 감염예방 및 관리에 대한 기본 개념: 감염을 일으키는 병원균, 감염경로, 감염관리 (2) SLP의 업무 및 작업장에서의 감염: SLP의 감염질환 인식에 대한 설문조사(Grube & Nunley, 1995), SLP 업무와 관련된 감염질환 (3) SLP를 위한 감염관리 지침: SLP가 알고 있어야 하는 감염관리 지식. 그리고 마지막으로 SLP를 위한 감염관리 지침을 제언하였다. During the process of evaluating or intervening communication disorder patients, speech-language pathologists(henceforth, SLP) can contact their saliva or membrane. Examples of the processes are the test of state and mobility of speech mechanisms or laryngeal endoscopy for the evaluation of vocal fold or velopharyngeal port. Such processes can cause the transmission of various infection diseases. But very few realize the importance of infection control and prevention in SLP. So, the present study was performed to investigate the basic concepts of infection disease, control and prevention by reviewing the related articles, and then, on the basis of the concepts, to propose the appropriate infection control and prevention guidelines for SLP. By Searching the journal database EBSCo and PubMed, 20 articles were selected: 9 papers, 7 websites, 3 weekly reports, and 1 book. By analyzing the articles, the contents were categorized and described as followings: (1) Basic concepts of infection disease, control and prevention - Infecting microorganisms, infection pathway and general guidelines (2) Infection in SLP and their working environments - Questionnaire review on the SLP's wareness of infection(Grube & Nunley, 1995) and infection diseases which can be found in SLP working environments (3) Infection control and prevention guidelines for SLP - Knowledge of infection control and prevention which SLP should know, and finally, infection control and prevention guidelines for SLP were proposed.

      • 한국 성인의 정상 음성에 관한 기본 음성 측정치 연구

        표화영,심현섭,송윤경,윤영선,이은경,임성은,하현령,최홍식 한국음성과학회 2002 음성과학 Vol.9 No.2

        Our present study was performed to investigate acoustically the Korean normal adults'; voices, with enough large number of subjects to be reliable. 120 Korean normal adults (60 males and 60 females) of the age of 20 to 39 years produced sustained three vowels, /a/, /i/, and /u/ and read a part of 'Taking a Walk' paragraph, and by analyzing them acoustically with MDVP of CSL, we could get the fundamental frequency (F_0), jitter, shimmer and NHR of sustained vowels; speaking fundamental frequency (SF_0), highest speaking frequency (SFhi), lowest speaking frequency (SFIo) of continuous speech. As results, on the average, male voices showed 118.1~122.6 ㎐ in F_0, 0.467~0.659% in jitter, 1.538~2.674% in shimmer, 0.117~0.133 in NHR, 120.8 ㎐ in SF_0, 183.2 ㎐ in SFhi, 82.6 ㎐ in SFIo. And, female voices showed 211.6~220.3 ㎐ in F0, 0.678~0.935% in jitter, 1.478~2.582% in shimmer, 0.098~0.114 in NHR, 217.1 ㎐ in SF_0, 340.9 ㎐ in SFhi, 136.0 ㎐ in SFIo. Among the 7 parameters, every parameters except shimmer showed the significant difference between male and female voices. And, when we compared the three vowels, they showed significant differences one another in shimmer and NHR of both genders, but not in F_0 of males and jitter of females.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 파열자음의 인두내압, 폐쇄기 및 Voice Onset Time(VOT)에 관한 실험적 연구

        표화영,심현섭,박헌이,최재영,최성희,안성복,최홍식 대한후두음성언어의학회 1999 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        A study to get the data of normal stop consonants production as preliminary study for cleft palate patients was performed. Normal Korean native 21 speakers were pronounced $VCV(V=/a/,C=/P/,/{P^1}/,/P^h/,/t/,/{t^1}/,/{t^h}/,/k/,/{k^1}/,/{k^h}/)$ syllables with natural speech rate and intensity. With intrapharyngeal pressure waveforms by pressure sensor in oropharyngeal cavity, amplitude and time duration of intrapharyngeal pressure were analyzed, and with acoustic waveforms and spectrograms, closure duration and VOT were analyzed. As results, the highest amplitude of intrapharyngeal pressure showed in alveolars and heavily aspirated consonants. Velars and unaspirated consonants were higher than bilabials and slightly aspirated ones each, in intrapharyngeal pressure. Bilabilas, alveolars and velars showed similar rise time of intrapharyngeal pressure build-up, but in decay time and total duration time, bilabials were slightly shorter than alveolars and velars, with no statistic significance. In the aspects of tensity, unaspirated consonants showed the longest rise time, heavily aspirated, the second, and slightly aspirated consonants, the shortest, which were also seen in decay time and total duration time. In closure duration, slightly aspirated consonants had the shortest closure duration, and the heavily aspirated ones, the second, and unaspirated consonants showed the longest. In VOT, heavily aspirated consonants showed the longest, slightly aspirated ones, the second and unaspirated ones showed the shortest.

      • KCI등재

        성대 결절 환자를 대상으로 한 음성치료의 효과

        표화영,김명상,최홍식 대한후두음성언어의학회 1997 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Vocal nodule due to vocal hyperfunction is one of the representative chronic diseases of vocal folds, and it can be cured by surgical movement, and/or voice therapy. The present study is, focusing on the latter, to compare the acoustic and aerodynamic results of the pretreatment with those of posttreatment, and then to investigate the objective date on the efficiency of the voice therapy for the patients with vocal nodules. 11 females(age : 7-49) and 5 males(age : 8-40), total 16 patients wi vocal nodules treated by voice therapy were participated as subjects. Six measurements and comparisons of pretreatment and posttreatment of the results were performed : litter, shimmer, and noise-to-harmonic ratio as acoustic analyses ; maximum phonation time, mean flow rate, and the subtraction of mean flow rate from maximum flow rate as aerodynamic analyses. As a result, 14 of 16 subjects showed improvement at more than 4 of 6 measurements, and in group data, every measurements of posttreatment was improved significantly than the pretreatment. On the whole, the improvement of aerodynamic aspects was more statistically significant than that of acoustic ones.

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