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      • KCI등재

        타락한 시대의 "타락한 글쓰기" 방법 : 현경준의 아편서사 연구

        표언복 ( An Bok Pyo ) 現代文學理論學會 2011 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.47

        「유맹」과 그 개작들인 「도라오는 인생」과 「마음의 금선」등은 그동안 현경준 논의의 중심을 이루어 온 대표적인 아편서사들이다. 1930년대 후반, 일제가 만주국 금연총국을 앞세워 추진한 아편 단금정책을 제재로 한 이들 작품은 만주국 각지에 설치 운영 된 ''보도소''의 실상을 그려 보이고 있다. 이들 작품의 국책성 시비를 살펴본 결과, 그것을 제기한 논의들이 적잖은 오류가 있었다고 판단하게 되었다. 첫째, 적절치 못한 논거들에 의지해 있는 점, 둘째, 선행 연구성과에 대한 맹목적 경사, 셋째, 텍스트 정독과 분석에 대한 성실성의 결핍, 넷째, 일제의 검열제도와 이로 인한 작가들의 자기검열에 대한 고려의 배제 등을 들 수 있다. 현경준의 아편서사들은 국책문학이라기보다는, 오히려 일제의 식민주의에 대한 비판과 저항의식을 주제로 한 진보주의 서사문학의 성과라는 결론에 이르렀다. 작품들은 표면서사와 이면서사가 뚜렷하게 구분되는 이중구조를 띠고 있다. 표면서사는 다분히 국책협력인 성격을 띠고 있으나 이는 다만 일제의 검열을 피하기 위한 위장에 불과한 것이며, 작가의 실제 의도와 주제는 이면구조 속에 감추어져 있는 것이다. 이와 같은 글쓰기는 L. 골드만이 말하는 ''타락한 시대의 타락한 방식''의 글쓰기나 G. 루카치가 말하는 ''주제의 간접화 방식''에 정확히 일치한다. 이 점에서 식민주의의 집단적 광기가 최고조에 달해 있던 시기에 창작된 현경준의 아편서사들은 일제 말기의 허약한 우리 문학사를 보강할 수 있는 문학사적 의미가 큰 것으로 판단된다. Yumeng(「유맹」) is Hyun Gyung-jun's novel whose topic is opium. This novel was made again to "Returning life" and "Geomungo strings of heart" later. However, so far these novels have been evaluated as pro-Japanese literature. These novels were assessed that cooperated Japanese policy for Manchukuo which tried to reform opinium addicts. These were misunderstanding of the works. Rather, these works shaped enthusiastic criticism and sense of resistance against Japanese colonialism. It was a technical camouflage to avoid the Japanese censorship that these works seem like pro-Japanese. Our literature during Japanese colonial had to be used various camouflages due to Japanese severe censorship. This is what L. Goldman says, "The method of corruptive writing for an era of corruption." It is important to search for the writer's intention which is hidden in the work to understand "Yumeng" and it's revised works properly.

      • KCI등재

        역사적 폭력과 식민지 지식인의 주체분열

        표언복(Pyo An-bok) 한국어문학회 2009 語文學 Vol.0 No.104

        This study is focused on analyzing Manju migration novels. Park Young Joon has rather a long time experience in Manju. There are many works based on Manju as its major background or subject matter. However, he shows passive cognitive attitude on the reality of Manju at that time. Rather, some factors of pro-Japanese were discovered in his novel. It is related with his special experience of colony. Those are pressure and violence due to ruling of Japanese colony. Caused by sustainable pressure and violence, he had some post traumatic stress disorder. Thus, social phobia and perform anxiety affected in his novel a lot.

      • KCI등재

        일제하 상해 지역 소설연구

        표언복(Pyo An-bok) 어문연구학회 2003 어문연구 Vol.41 No.-

        Shanghai is the literary place where are closely related with our modern literature. After the decline period of sovereignty Korean immigrant society was formed in Shanghai. In korean modern literature. a lot of literary works were produced the immigrant society of Shanghai for a background. It could be called as "immigrant novel of Shanghai". Immigrant novel of Shanghai forms two axes with immigrant novel of Manju. Among immigrant novel of Shanghai, especially novels were published in Shanghai on-the-spot are worth notice. Works become known till now 「피눈문」, 「여학생일기」, 「이순화」, 「국경의 눈오는 밤」, 「기묘한 무기」, 「K 대위」. and so on. But these works neither become known well. nor were studied satisfactorily. 「피눈문」 is a work that expresses the historical event at the moment of 3.1 movement vividly. 「여학생 일기」 is a work that exposes and criticizes the figment of colonial education by Japanese empire. 「이순화」 is a work that combined agony an affection problem of a leader of an independence movement who was involved in anti-Japanese struggle and groan in prison. What the anti-Japanese fight occurred in Manju have all found their way into the novel of 「눈 오는 국경의 밤」, 「눈 오는 국경의 밤」 is intended to inspire weakened fight atmosphere in 1930's. What the anti-Japanese fight occurred in Shanghai have all found their way in the novel of 「기묘한 무기」. A chinese character novel 「기묘한 무기」 shows an anti-Japanese revolutionist's traces. 「K대위」 speaks for Shanghai provisional government's line which were lead by Kim Ku. It reflects the real facts of independence movement camp which has the conflict in their lines and makes the criticism of communists the key point. These works reflect truly the independence will and struggle activity of leaders of an independence movement in Shanghai which is the important stronghold of anti-Japanese movement under Japanese empire. Furthermore, these works are literary product in which our national spirit was expressed as it was distorted nor bent during colonial period when censorship and pressure were intense. Accordingly, these works can do an important share to reinforce and strengthen our literary property during weak an poor colonial period. It is true that author's intention and main idea of these works are so much exposed that they betrays their artistic weakness. But a this point, we should consider the special situation it was during the colonial period when everything was under extreme pressure and anti- Japanese independence movement was the great proposition.

      • KCI등재

        최서해 문학의 반식민주의 혁명의식

        표언복 ( An Bok Pyo ) 현대문학이론학회 2012 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.49

        최서해 문학에 대한 일반적인 평가는``빈궁제재의 신경향파 문학``이라는 것이다. 그리고 작가 자신의 극빈체험에 바탕을 두고 있는``소재주의 문학``이라는 설명이 덧붙여지기도 한다. 그러나 이와 같은 설명은 최서해 문학의 본질적 특징과 전모를 드러내는데 불충분하다. 그리고 그것은 최서해가 반복적으로 재현해 낸``빈궁``제재에 압도된 까닭이라고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 빈궁이란 최서해가 자기의 의도를 주제화하기 위해 끌어들인 제재에 지나지 않는 것이다. 최서해가 궁극적으로 드러내고 싶어 한 의도는 작품의 이면에 은유 되고 절제되어 있다. 논자는 그것이 항일 혁명의식임을 논증해 보이고자 했다. 서해는 당시 조선민중이 겪고 있던 모든 현실 모순이 일제의 식민주의 때문이라고 믿고 있었다. 따라서 이 식민주의만 극복하면 빈궁이나 유이민 현실과 같은 모든 현실모순을 벗어날 수 있다고 보았다. 빈궁현실을 단순히``보고``하거나``폭로``하는데 그치지 않고 이를 타개하고자 하는 실천적 현실인식을 가지고 있었던 것이다. 이 점에서 최서해 문학의 바탕을 이루는 근본정신은 항일혁명의식이라 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 사실은 지금껏 대부분의 논의에서 거의 아무도 주목하지 않은 서해의 수필이나 평론과 같은 2차 자료들을 통해 논거를 더욱 탄탄하게 보완할 수 있었다. 최서해는 이들 2차 자료들의 행간에 자신의 혁명의식을 자주, 그리고 좀 더 구체적으로 암시해 두고 있었다. 그리고 그의 항일독립운동소설들을 통해 실천적 대안을 제시하고 있었다. 그런데 지금까지의 최서해 연구는 이들 2차 자료들을 지나치게 무시하고, 독립 운동소설들 속에 암시된 작가의 의도를 가벼이 보아 넘김으로써 최서해 문학의 본질적 의미를 파악해 내는 데 한계를 드러내고 있었다. So far, Choi Su-hae`s literature is frequently defined as Anti-conventional novel or destitution novel. In fact, his works showed the characteristic of anti-conventional literature which was popular in that time. More than anyone else he expressed positive intention to the reality of extreme poverty. Such evaluation is not too wrong. However, such facts can not reveal the essential quality of Choi Su-hae`s literature. Rather, his literature could be seen as anti-Japan revolution literature to overcome the reality of extreme poverty. I can find out this issue from the secondary material that was ignored most of the discussion. Thus, his intention was decolorized actively. We can consider his literature as independence movement novel rather than destitution novel. Even though, so far his novel- which was based on independence movement material- was not illuminated correctly and was pushed out from the core of the discussion. His trial to make the class consciousness as a theme through some of his works could be seen that he trusted the meaning or value of the class release movement. However, he believed the national independence through anti-Japan independence movement as the secret to solve all conflicts in reality. He considered the class release movement was merely a means of national release movement. His firm conviction and deep attachment are based on the historical awareness that was caused from the loss of national right. He made certain of the matter from the experience of Manchuria migration.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 만주 독립운동의 서사적 인식

        표언복(Pyo, An-bok) 한국어문학회 2012 語文學 Vol.0 No.115

        Choi, Seo-Hae is a representative novelist in 1920’s. He is evaluated very important both South and North Korea. However, the understanding and rate about him is extremely deflective. He is considered as a representative Anti-conventional novelist. This is not totally wrong but it is not complete. Such as these understanding and rate were because he was really interested in the matter of extreme poverty especially. That’s why they call his novels “extreme poverty novel”. Nonetheless, poverty is merely a material. Even more important thing is the factor and condition to incur the reality of extreme poverty. Choi, Seo-Hae saw it as Japanese Empire Colonialism. He believed that every racial contradiction including extreme poverty is resulted from Colonialism. Therefore, to overcome this racial contradiction, he thought that we have to overcome the colonialism. This belief is based on Choi, Seo-Hae’s novel. It is more proper to call him independent movement novelist rather than anti-conventional writer.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 유이민소설의 문학사적 의의와 한계

        표언복(An-Bok Pyo) 어문연구학회 2006 어문연구 Vol.52 No.-

          After 1980"s, there have been a lot of studies of chinese migration literature. As a result, the studies that were achieved by korean and chinese scholars got dramatic results. However, there is a need to discuss more to be settled the historical meaning and value of migration literature.<BR>  Chinese migration society is closely related with korean migration society. The most important thing is that it became the important stage of korean literature movement during colonial period.<BR>  Chinese migration novels have the historical meaning as follows:<BR>  First, it enlarged the spacial setting of korean modern literature.<BR>  Second, it strengthened the awareness of responsibility of literary to history and society.<BR>  Third, it enriched the language of our literature.<BR>  Fourth, it made a variety of korean literature.<BR>  Fifth, it contributed the purity of korean literature.<BR>  Sixth, it is a testimony of chinese migration of our nation.<BR>  Seventh, it contributed to expand of our nations"s cultural territory.<BR>  However, it also proved the limitations as follows:<BR>  First, the migration reality was dealt with personal or family problems.<BR>  Second, it couldn"t investigate the occurring factors of migration reality.<BR>  Third, it couldn"t reveal the whole aspect of migration reality.<BR>  Fourth, there is no optimistic prospect of the future.<BR>  Fifth, the national inferiority and nihilism are widely spread.<BR>  Sixth, there is a weak awareness of territory.<BR>  Seventh, there are a lot of pro-Japanese literature.<BR>  Eighth, there are short of the literate completion.<BR>  I hope this thesis could be a good chance to activate the discussion of the historical meaning and value of chinese migration literature.

      • KCI등재

        양계초와 대한제국기 애국계몽문학

        표언복(Pyo An-bok) 어문연구학회 2004 어문연구 Vol.44 No.-

        The korean history of the modern literature is established on a viewpoint of receiving western literature as the beginning of the modern literature. This point of view is strengthened through Lim, Hwa, Baik Chul, and Cho, Yeon-hyun. Until today, korean modern literature couldn't come out from western influence throughly. But this made inner factors causing the development and change in korean literature neglected. Between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, the period of patriotic enlightenment movement is the replacement period of the old and new. Feudalistic viewpoint centering around Confucianism collapsed rapidly and new viewpoint centering around western culture was spreaded. Through this stage the conventional value was fused into western culture and became a new culture. The figures of showing well these changes are such as intellectuals in the period of patriotic enlightenment movement Shin, Chae-ho, Pak, Eun-sik, Jang, Ji-yeon, etc. The person who affect the most to these is Chinese Yang, Goe-cho. The core of Yang, Goe-cho's idea is the patriotism through 변법자강 movement. Yang, Goe-cho's idea like this has greatly affected in the forming of the intellectuals' thought in the period of patriotic enlightenment movement. That's why some important contents of the patriotic enlightenment movement in this period is very similar to Yang, Goe-cho's. It has many complicated factors that korean intellectuals were affected a lot by Yang, Goe-cho like this. Those factors are language, similarity in history and tradition, geographical adjacency, political similarity and Yang, Goe-cho's deep understanding of korean reality. Yang, Goe-cho put the fullest confidence in the function of the literature especially novel. He trusted that the novel could do a great deal in patriotic movement to save a country. His viewpoint about novel like this has accepted to Sin, Chae-ho, Pak, Eun-sik and Jang, Ji-yeon, etc. The literature that Yang, Goe-cho's influence was shown well is the patriotic enlightenment literature that those three persons above centered on. Yang, Goe-cho's effects in patriotic enlightenment movement are: 1. Acceptance in western culture and new idea. 2. Inspiration of the patriotism. 3. Uplift in the viewpoint of novel. 4. Facilitation in new composition movement. Yang, Goe-cho gave us western culture and thought through Chinese letter. These are two important passages together with acceptance through Japanese letter. Yang, Goe-cho gave us a way to combine new western culture and thought with patriotic movement. This seemed to lift the original negative, critical thought about novel at the same time. He also facilitate the new composition movement that the main content is the exclusive use of“Hangul” and unification of the written and spoken language. New composition movement became an important element in developing our korean literature into modern literature. Yang, Goe-cho's effect like this was not confined to enlightenment literature. It also succeeded to new novel afterward and new literature movement in 1910's. It is because that Lee, Hae-cho and Ahn, Kookseon's novel, not to mention Lee, Kwang-soo and Choi, Nam-seon's enlightenment literature were influenced by Yang, Goe-cho directly and indirectly. But Yang, Goe-cho's influence in literature was not always positive. The viewpoint that literature is only the instrument of nationalism can harm the autonomy of literature. Yang, Goe-cho fixed the wrong viewpoint that literature is not the independent artistic structure. It is wrong that our modern literature began from receiving the western literature blindly. The patriotic enlightenment literature under the influence of Yang, Goe-cho is the literature we fulfilled from receiving western culture and thought through our original tradition. Accordingly our history of the literature was needed to be aware as received modern literature movement through Yang, Goe-cho. This is the way t

      • KCI등재

        기획논문 : 한민족문화의 외연 ; 러시아 유이민 소설 연구

        표언복 ( An Bok Pyo ) 한민족문화학회 2007 한민족문화연구 Vol.20 No.-

        한국의 러시아 유이민 소설은 일제하 러시아 유이민 발생 현실과 유이민들의 삶의 조건을 반영해 보여 주고 있다. 러시아 유이민 소설은 크게 두 가지의 유형으로 구분된다. 하나는 민족주의나 사회주의 이념을 바탕으로 한 사상 운동가들을 중심인물로 내세운 ``이념형 소설``이며, 다른 하나는 먹고 살아가기 위한 경제적 동기로 이주해 간 유이민들의 생활상을 반영한 ``도생형 소설``이다. 이념형 소설은 다시 이념적 자기실현을 과거 체험으로 가지고 있는 인물의 실상을 다루고 있는 소설, 그것을 현재 체험으로 실현해 내고 있는 인물들의 실상을 다루고 있는 소설, 그리고 이념적 자기실현을 미래 체험으로 설정해 두고 러시아를 그 현장으로 삼아 떠나는 인물들을 전면에 내세운 소설 등으로 구분된다. 한편, 도생형 소설에는 생존의 방편으로 고국을 떠나 러시아에 이주해 가는 한인들의 삶의 실상이 반영되어 있다. 그렇지만, 러시아 유이민 소설은 이념형 소설이나 도생형 소설이나를 막론하고 당대의 유이민 현실을 보다 적극적이고 총체적으로 형상해 내는 데는 이르지 못하고 있다. 더구나 여러 가지 복합적 조건들 속에 생성된 유이민 현실을 보는 역사적 안목이나 현실인식이 허약한 모습을 보이고 있기도 하다. 그럼에도 러시아 유이민 소설은 러시아 유이민 사회의 형성 배경과 그 과정에 대한 역사적 증언이면서, 동시에 식민지하의 민족 현실을 생동감 있게 그려낸 문학적 성과라는 점에서 그 의의가 만만치 않다. Generally, it is known that Koreans Russia migration was started in earnest since 1860`s. The number of Russia migration amounted to over 400 thousand to 500 thousand in the middle of 1920`s. Korean modern literature have been reflecting the historical background of Russian migrants and their lives actively in their works. Among them Korean modern novel is one of the best one showing the real feature of migrants lives. We call it "Russia Migration novel" Before liberation, it amounted to about 20 novels that was dealt the matter of Russia migration actively. These novels were divided into two different types briefly One is ``ideological migration novels`` that their main characters are leaders of an independence movement and the other is ``livelihood migration novels`` that reflected lives of migrants who has just gone Russia for a living. Russia was a base of operations leaders of Independence movement. After Russian revolution in 1917, socialism revolutionists thought Russia as their ``spiritual homeland``. That is why many nationalism and socialism revolutionists gathered here. Those are the main characters of ideological migration novels. in these novels, there people who had some exprience of having movement in Russia, people who is now working on in Russia and some people who were going to Russia to become a successful revolutionist in the future. Their struggling and their lives were reflected variously in Korean modern novel. Russia was also well known as their abundant and fertile lands to Koreans for a long time. So many poor people has moved into here for a living. Their real lives were expressed well in novels of Lee Hae-jo, Lee Kwang-soo, Baik Sin-ae, Choi Seo-hae. The most representative one is 『꺼래이』 of Baik Sin-ae. In this novel, it is well described lives of those who went Russia, but were arrested and banished. Especially, it is so real that the lives of relocation camp in Vladivostok. Although novels of Lee Hae-jo and Lee Kwang-soo were showing the insufficiency of realistic and historic awareness Russia migration novels were works that were written under the Japanese severe guard and oppression. That is why their contents and forms were not made free. But these novels were good sources of proving our unfortunate national history.

      • KCI등재

        신채호의 만주인식과 그 변모

        표언복 ( An Bok Pyo ) 국제비교한국학회 2011 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.19 No.3

        This study deals with the way how Manju was recognized at that time and how their perception had changed from works of Danjae Shin Chae Ho. Three stages are involved. The first phase is the era of historical, biographic novels. The second is the era of editorials, and the third is the stage of fantasy novels. Manju is the old lost territory of Korea for Shin Chae Ho. Thus, he believed that Manju is our territory that must be regained. This belief was consistent throughout all his life. He emphasized his belief through various types of writing. His attitude slightly changed according to the types of work. In historical, biographical novels, he focused the belief that Manju was our territory before. In editorials, he tried to make people aware that Manju was a competitive target place among the great nations. He emphasized more active interest to Manju. During the era of fantasy novels, he focused on the necessity of aggressive struggles to restore Manju. More and more his intention to restore Manju became more active. Shin Chae Ho was one of the representative intellectuals who thought that we should be aware and restore Manju through literature.

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