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      • KCI등재

        에폭시 몰딩에 의한 부스바 온도 저감 효과에 관한 연구

        최진욱(Jin-Wook Choe),이웅엽(Woong-Yeop Lee),남석현(Seok-Hyeon Nam),김진규(Nam?Jin-Gyu Kim) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2018 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.32 No.11

        As the number of large buildings and factories that consume a lot of electric power is increased, the use of bus ducts that can flow high current is increasing. The NSPB which is mainly used to connect the transformer and the switchboard has a structure in which a three-phase bus bars are spaced apart in a single metal enclosure. The bus bars are made of bare conductors or conductors coated with an epoxy powder or a heat-shrinkable tube. Bus ducts are required to have insulation characteristics for voltage, temperature characteristics due to current and mechanical characteristics due to short-circuit electromagnetic force. In this paper, temperature characteristics of epoxy molded bus bars were investigated through experiments. The maximum temperature change of the conductor with epoxy molding, the maximum conductor temperature change with the number of conductors and the space when the epoxy molding volume was the same and the maximum conductor temperature change with increasing current were compared.

      • KCI등재

        申櫶(1811~1884)의 생애와 활동

        최진욱(Choe Jin-Wook) 호서사학회 2010 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.57

        Sin H?n worked as a central bureaucrat active in dealing with the Western powers during the Opening-Ports period. He not only proposed the maritime defense plan influenced by the movement of people, the degree of the external pressure, and the accumulation of experience, but also practiced it. Taught by such famous Sirhak scholars as Ch?ng Yagyong (1762-1836) and Kim Ch?ngh?i (1786-1856), Sin gained a nick name of Confucian General due to his great knowledge of Confucianism while displaying the Sirhak trend. He also befriended such prominent figures as Monk Ch'o?i (1786-1866), in endeavor to reform the Buddhism at that time, and Kang Wi (1820-1884) who asserted the necessity of opening-door policy. The broad friendship helped equip Sin with a flexible way of thinking and a deeper understanding of international affair. And, the first three years of his civil service at the court of Prince Hyomy?ng (1809-1830) motivated him to maintain reform policy even when he served as a high-ranking official in government. As the internal and external problems escalated in the 1860s, Sin started suggesting a series of pragmatic policies according to the realty of Chos?n. His plans characterized the constructive and pragmatic reformulation of the Sirhak discourse on national defence. They also included some basic contents from the maritime defense plan of a Qing scholar Wei Yuan (1794-1856). Right after the French Disturbance of 1866, Sin proposed a memorial addressing comprehensively military defence plans, most of which were accepted by the court. He also emphasized the importance of firearms and artillerymen and tried to make some new weapons, including floating mine and moving breech-loading cannon, in the similitude of the Western ones. Meanwhile, he advocated a radical state policy that required a certain degree of concession from the ruling class in order to encourage the voluntary participation of common people which was the essential part in battle. As well known, Sin attended the Treaty of Kanghwa as the representative of Chos?n in 1876. He took no passive or disgraceful attitude in the process. Although the draft of the treaty was made by the Japanese side, its final agreement came to reach under the leadership of the Chos?n side. The experiences of Sin and other diplomatic experts in the treaty became integral to the direction of the Enlightenment Policy of Chos?n in the future.

      • KCI등재

        정약용의 民堡防衛論의 성격

        최진욱(Choe JIn-Wook) 한국사학회 2007 史學硏究 Vol.- No.87

        19세기 초반 조선의 군사력은 이미 국방력으로서의 기능을 이미 상실하였고, 농민들의 토지이탈과 집단적인 저항이 빈번해지고 있었다. 정약용은 이러한 현실에 대해 다양한 개혁안을 구상하며 ‘武備의 虛疎化’를 자주 지적하였으나, 실상 외침을 염두에 둔 常備軍 전력을 강화하려는 내용은 찾아보기 어렵다. 그는 외침에 대비한 상비군 전력의 확충을 유보내지 포기하고 농민의 安集에 치중하였던 것이다. 이것은 당시 현실문제에 있어서 대외적 위기보다 대내적 사회 모순을 더 심각하게 인식했기 때문이었다. 당시 동아시아에서는 200년 동안 평화가 계속되었고, 조선과 淸, 日本 상호간에 공식 혹은 비공식 교류가 활발하게 전개되고 있었다. 이런 조건에서 전쟁의 위협을 직접적으로 느끼기는 어려웠다. 물론 정약용이 대외적 위기를 전혀 고려하지 않은 것은 아니었으나, 분명하지는 않은 채 은근하게 느껴지는 미래의 전쟁 가능성을 염두에 두고 있었을 뿐이다. 이에 비해 농민들의 토지이탈은 왕조국가의 존립을 위태롭게 할 정도로 심해지고 있었고, 나아가 지배층에 대한 농민들의 직접적인 저항도 거세어지고 있었다. 이와 같은 문제의식은 정약용의 대표적 국방론인 ‘민보방위론’에서도 나타나 있다. 그가 우려한 것은 일본의 전면적 침공이 아니라 막부의 통제력이 약화되었을 때 발생할 有力藩이나 왜구들의 발호였다. 그런데 실제로는 외침보다 소문만으로도 농민들이 離散하는 현실을 더 우려하였다. 또한 정약용이 구상한 ‘민보’는 그 作堡에서부터 운영에까지 官이 깊숙이 개입하고 있으며, 그 전략기조인 ‘先守後戰’에서 민보군에게는 ‘先守’만을 상정하고 있었다. 이것은 관에 대한 농민들의 불신이 극에 달한 상황에서, 농민들 스스로의 보호책을 마련해줌으로서 民志를 굳건히 함과 동시에 관의 통제를 지속하려는 데에 일차적인 목적이 있었음을 보여준다. 정약용의 민보방위론은 장차 있을지도 모를 외적의 침입에 대비한 것이기도 하지만, 농민들을 토지에 긴박시키는 한편 행정과 군사 조직 체계에 연계시켜 놓음으로써 국내 혼란을 미연에 방지하려는 내치용으로서의 성격이 강했다고 봐야 할 것이다. 이것은 외침의 기미보다 내란의 징조가 더 강했던 당시의 특수한 조건에 기인하기도 하지만, 문치주의를 유지해 온 조선왕조의 군사사상에서 ‘安民’의 문제가 ‘養兵’보다 더 중요한 문제로 지속되고 있었음을 보여주는 것이다. By the early 19<SUP>th</SUP> century, Chos?n’s military had already lost it’s the ability to ensure national defense. This was a period marked by numerous instances of farmers taking flight from their lands and of group uprisings. Confronted with thissituation, Ch?ng Yakyongrepeatedly emphasized the increasingly shabby nature of the defense structure, and developedvarious reform-oriented measures to overcome this reality. However, one is hard-pressed to find any effort on his part to strengthen the reserve forces in order to bolster defenses in caseof a foreign invasion. While he put off, and to all extent and purpose, even abandoned the thought of expanding the reserve forces in order to prepare for a possible foreign invasion, Ch?ngfocused his energies on enhancing the internal security situation in the face of growing rural discontent. This strategy can be understood as having been rooted in the fact that Ch?ng perceived these ongoing domestic conflicts as posing a much more substantial threat to Chos?n’s security than any international disturbances during this period. This period was one characterized by the sway of peaceful relations in East Asia, with official and unofficial exchanges being regularly carried out between Chos?n, Qing, and Japanover this 200-year period of relative harmony. As the specter of war did not loom heavily on the horizon, Ch?ng naturally overlooked the possibility of an international crisis and regarded such a war as something that might only occur in the far-off future. Meanwhile, Ch?ng found himself having to deal with the growing threat to the very existence of Chos?noccasioned by the increasing number of farmers taking flight from their lands. Furthermore, this period was also marked by a significant increase in farmers’ direct resistance tothe ruling class. Ch?ng’s keen awareness of these problems is clearly reflected in his representative theory for national defense known as the Minbo bangwiron (民堡防衛論, ensuring public security through the use of private level defense forces). To this end, Ch?ng’s biggest concern was not the possibility of a direct Japanese attack, but rather the effect that the emergence in Japan of powerful feudal domains occasioned by the weakening of the Japanese Shogunate’s control would have in Chos?n proper. More to the point, Ch?ng was worried that mere rumors of a Japanese invasion would cause farmers toincreasingly take flight from their lands. In addition, the minbo structure developed by Ch?ng was designed to allow the government to intervene in every aspect of the defense forces, from their organization to actual operation. Although the basic strategy for the minbo forces was that of s?nsu huj?n (先守後戰, defense first, battle later), the main focus was clearly on the s?nsu (defense first) aspect. Thus under this situationin which farmers’ distrust of the government had reached its peak, Ch?ng in effect provided the latter with self-protection measures as a means of consolidating the will of the people while also maintaining the government’s control over the public. Although Ch?ng’s minbo bangwironwas ostensibly designed to prepare for a potential future invasion from a hostile foreign power, his theory was in reality geared towards the domestic end of preventing the emergence of a chaotic situation by tightly binding farmers to their local areas and integrating them into the administrative and military organizational structures. This focus can be regarded as having been closely related to the fact that the possibility of domestic rebellions loomed larger during this period than that of a foreign invasion. Nevertheless, this also proves that the resolution of the issue of public security continued to be regarded by Chos?n’s civilian rulers as being more important for the future of the dynasty than the expansion of military forces.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        申櫶(1811~1884)의 內修禦洋論 硏究

        최진욱(Choe Jin-wook) 고려사학회 2006 한국사학보 Vol.- No.25

        申櫶은 김정희, 정약용, 초의선사 등의 영향을 받아 사상적으로 實事求是적인 면을 갖춤과 동시에 經世濟民을 지향하는 성향을 갖게 되었다. 그와 함께 익종의 개혁정치에 참여한 경험을 바탕으로 신헌은 대원군집권기에 들어서 각종 대내개혁과 외교정책에서 중요한 역할을 담당하게 되었다. 외침과 내란을 각각 그 자체만으로는 염려하지 않았던 신헌은, 외침이 내란으로 전화되는 사태를 위험시하여 對民統制를 강화하려 하였다. 나아가 민심 이반을 근본적으로 방지하기 위해 호포제 · 사창제 등의 제도개선을 주장하였다. 그런데 신헌이 제시한 대내적 개혁 방안들은 전통적 지배층의 이해를 본질적으로 침해하는 것들이었기 때문에 왜곡되어 시행될 수밖에 없었다. 병인양요 이전까지 신헌은 서양세력에 대한 적극적인 관심을 갖지 않았다. 병인양요 이후에는, ‘몰래 邪敎를 퍼뜨리며 겉으로는 交易을 요구’하는 ‘洋夷’의 의도를 알았더라도 지속적으로 서양인들의 행동을 살펴야 한다고 주장하였다. 하지만 이때에도 전술적인 차원에서의 정보획득을 지향하였을 뿐 서양과의 교섭 및 통상을 전망하지는 못하였다. 신헌은 『海國圖志』의 영향으로 1862년부터 새로운 전술을 주장하였으나, 그것은 가장 초보적인 단계의 海防策이었다. 서양의 長技를 사용하려는 노력은 1867년 가을에 ‘水雷砲’의 제작에서 나타났다. 하지만 이러한 노력은 이후 더 이상 진전되지 않았다. 그것은 신무기의 제작 · 수용이 위정척사파의 禦洋論과 양립할 수 없는데다가, 보수적 여론이 더욱 강해지고 있었기 때문이라 생각된다. 신헌의 국방론은 조선 후기의 발전된 군사기술을 계승하면서 내부 역량을 결집하고 주변국의 경험을 자기체험화하려는 노력도 일부 보이는 것이었으나, 즉자적이고 군사적인 배외주의를 넘어 서양인들을 교섭의 대상으로 삼기에는 아직 획기적인 인식 전환이 요구되고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        계면 상태에 따른 연면방전 특성에 관한 연구

        최진욱(Jin-Wook Choe),이웅엽(Woong-Yup Lee),남석현(Seok-Hyun Nam),김진규(Jin-Gyu Kim) 대한전기학회 2019 전기학회논문지 Vol.68 No.11

        As the competition in the electrical power cable market becomes more intense, not only the quality and the price, but also the ease assembly are becoming important. The failure in the joint and termination were caused by surface discharge along the interface of cable insulation and rubber sleeve for electric field grading. The factors affecting the surface discharge are contamination, interfacial pressure, surface roughness and lubricant. In this paper, the difference of surface roughness was investigated based on the grain size of sandpaper to simplify the cable preparation process. In addition, the influence of the factors was evaluated by the surface discharge test according to the surface roughness, the interface pressure, and the type of the lubricant.

      • KCI등재

        팽윤에 의한 실리콘 고무 특성 변화에 관한 연구

        최진욱(Jin-Wook Choe),남석현(Seok-Hyun Nam),김진규(Jin-Gyu Kim) 대한전기학회 2019 전기학회논문지 Vol.68 No.9

        In order to build underground the transmission line, it is necessary to install outdoor terminations that connect overhead transmission lines and underground power cables. The inside of the outdoor termination is filled with insulating oil and a stress relief cone made of silicone rubber is assembled at the end of outer semiconducting layer. Insulating oil is heated to lower viscosity prior to injection, which requires additional equipments and more time. It is necessary to examine the influence of impregnated silicone rubber on the use of low-viscosity insulating oil that can be injected without heating. In this paper, we investigated how much silicone rubber swells depending on the viscosity of three different insulating oils. The mechanical and electrical properties such as tensile strength, elongation, volume resistivity, relative permittivity, etc., of the fully swollen silicone rubber were measured. In addition, the chemical analyzes of the fully swollen silicone rubber through FTIR and TGA were performed.

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