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      • KCI등재

        총련계 재일여성시의 인문지리적 연구

        최종환(Choi Jong Hwan) 한국비평문학회 2016 批評文學 Vol.- No.60

        이 연구는 총련 문예동 소속 여성 시인들의 시를 인문지리학의 견지에서 살피고 있다. (신)문화지리학의 “보는 방식”(a way of seeing) 이론의 견지에서 그들 시가 ‘조국’을 경관화해 온 방식에 주목하고자 하였다. 그들 작품량이 많지 않은 관계로 조국의 지리학적 맥락이 분명이 펼쳐지는 부분을 중심으로 살폈다. 그들 무의식 층위를 분석하면 문예동의 일반 시인들이 그려온 ‘조국’ 지형이 일관된 것만은 아니었을 것이란 가설이 실제적으로 증명된다. 허옥녀와 강명숙의 시에 발현한 공화국의 지층은 그들 육친이 살아갔던 가정의 지층과 섞이기도 한다. 이 과정에서 그들의 독특한 조국-지리가 만들어지기도 했다. 주로 한으로 점철된 선친의 기억과 연계하면서 감성적 조국의 경관이 경험된 것이다. 그 기억에서 호출된 어머니는 ‘전사 어머니’ 위치로부터 풀려난 ‘죽은 어머니’, ‘엄마’, ‘딸’, ‘며느리’, ‘손녀’, ‘소녀’ 등으로 이동한다. 그것이 문예동의 것과는 다소 미세한 조국의 경관을 구성한다. 이 각 위치에서 나타난 조국은 그 상응 경관을 합성하면서 문예동의 관념화된 조국과는 다른 경관을 드러낸다. 때문에 이 두 시인에게 조국은 무오류의 공화국 공간으로만은 나타나지 않는다. 눈물로 가득하거나 시취(屍臭) 풍기는 공화국이 거기에 있다. 이 조국의 경관 속에는 일반적인 문예동 그룹에서는 1990년대까지 말하기 어려웠던 병고, 죽음 문제도 녹아 있다. 때때로 그들은 고독이 이는 자신의 가정 안으로 김일성이나 김정일의 얼굴까지 초대한다. 아울러 죽은 모친을 공화국의 목련 나무에서 피어나게도 했다. 이는 문예동 여성시인들이 그린 한반도 지도가 문예동의 지도를 예민하게 벗어나는 곳에서도 그려졌음을 지시한다. 이 시각은 지금까지 공간이나 지대 위주로 접근해 온 디아스포라문학 연구의 관성을 극복케 할 것으로 예상된다. This study examined the works of female poets belonging to the Chongryun “Munyedong” from the perspective of the (new) cultural geography. In particular, the manner their poems depicted their mother country was analyzed based on the theory of “a way of seeing.” Since there were a limited number of poems, the parts with a clear geographical personality were the focus of the examination. This analysis of the subconscious strata of poetry written by female Koreans living in Japan reveals the truth of their beliefs suggesting that the topography of their mother country outlined by the Munyedong group is not consistent. The poems of Heo Oknyeo and Kang Myungsuk show glimpses of a situation in which the stratum of the republic in which the leader exists mixes with the stratum of the family in which their blood relatives once lived to form a geography of the mother country. The geography of their mother country emerges as an emotional landscape of the motherland as it connects to the inner turmoil of their late father who was plagued with deep sorrowful resentment. The mother, summoned from memories, migrates from the position of ‘warrior mother’ to positions such as ‘departed mother’, ‘mother‘, ‘daughter’, ‘daughter-in-law’,‘ ’granddaughter’, and ‘girl’, and this allows the reader to experience a corresponding microscopic landscape of the mother country. The landscapes of the motherland presented from each of these posts are often complex. For the two poets, the mother country appears as a place filled with tears or as the face of a cosmos flower exuding the brilliant scent of corpses. Among these are included even the cries related to sickness and death, which the mainstream poets of the Munyedong found difficult to address until the 1990s. Furthermore, they invite the faces of Kim Il-Sung or Kim Jong-Il into the family where desolation would spread. This mingling of scenes portrayed the dead mother as a hortensia flower blooming from a magnolia tree in the republic. This is a case that “actualizes” the fact that the map of the Korean peninsula outlined by female Korean poets living in Japan was slightly different from the ideological map of the mother country drawn by the mainstream poets of the Munyedong. The human geography perspective of this research is expected to allow the study to go beyond the current inertia of diaspora literature that has approached the subject mainly through space or location

      • 전신방사선조사(Total Body Irradiation) 시 Beam Spoiler와 환자 간의 거리에 관한 고찰

        최종환,김종식,최지민,신은혁,송기원,박영환,Choi, Jong-Hwan,Kim, Jong-Sik,Choi, Ji-Min,Shin, Eun-Hyuk,Song, Ki-Won,Park, Young-Hwan 대한방사선치료학회 2007 대한방사선치료학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose: Total body irradiation is used to kill the total malignant cell and for immunosuppression component of preparatory regimens for bone-marrow restitution of patients. Beam spoiler is used to increase the dose to the superficial tissues. This paper finds the property of the distance between beam spoiler and patient. Materials and Methods: Set-up conditions are 6 MV-Xray, 300 MU, SAD = 400 cm, field size = $40{\times}40cm^2$. The parallel plate chamber located in surface, midpoint and exit of solid water phantom. The surface dose is measured while the distance between beam spoiler and patient is altered. Because it should be found proper distance. The solid water phantom is fixer and beam spoiler is moving. Results: Central dose of phantom is 10.7 cGy and exit dose is 6.7 cGy. In case of distance of 50 cm to 60 cm between beam spoiler and solid water phantom, incidence dose is $14.58{\sim}14.92cGy$. Therefore, The surface dose was measured $99.4{\sim}101%$ with got near most to the prescription dose. Conclusion: In clinical case, distance between beam spoiler and patient affect surface dose. If once $50{\sim}60cm$ of distance between beam spoiler and patient, surface dose of patient got near prescription dose. It would be taken distance between beam spoiler and patient into account in clinical therapy.

      • KCI등재

        하종오 시의 "트랜스담론"과 "민족공동권" 소고

        최종환 ( Jong Hwan Choi ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2012 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        Ha, Jong-oh’s poem is beyond the simple diaspora literature since it shows that the situation of in-depth origins of the Republic of Korea is not much different than the surface through the vague voices of immigrant workers because even ethnic narrative related to the origin in ‘Trans space’ is questioned. In other words, it was shown that immigrant workers drawn by him are not the subjects welcomed in Korea as multi-cultural guests, but rather that self-evident ethnic origin is just the ‘flowing surface’ by separating the character of the state from the nation state, Republic of Korea. That is, their ‘external character’ rescales the Republic of Korea. The results of the study are as follows: First, he reveals through the gaze of immigrant workers who show ``curiosity`` about Korea that Korea is not a place only for Korean anymore but also a place which can be ‘used’ by occupiers. Second, this question was implemented as a cross-question about Korea``s National Ethics while comparing the lives of immigrant workers with the lives of animals. That was a question about globalism concerning manifold forms of violence, in other words, it was a question about the laws of Korea. Third, the poet knew that the national history of Korea was a place in conjunction with the ``transnational history`` of immigrants as a random narrative. If the first one was nothing but the nation’s rhetoric, the two were not opposing but related in parallel. That means that existing Korea was softened by setting Korea as a new space: through looking not at ``citizens / non-citizens``, but as ``occupiers``, he tries to set both histories as one joint ethic. Ha, Jong-oh’s poem is a ‘Trance Nation literature’ by trying to show that Korea’s ‘being Korea’ is not a matter of noble ethnicity, but consists of a ‘nation effect’. This new ‘sovereign place’, which has been used only by Koreans, is now used by ‘occupants’. This leads to global publicity which is the possibility of sovereign occupation of the immigrant workers and new publicity and universality.

      • KCI등재후보

        연령대의 차이가 체성감각 기능과 손 기능에 미치는 영향

        최종환(Jong Hwan Choi),노기택(Ki Taek Rho) 한국발육발달학회 2008 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different ages on somatosensory function and hand function. Volunteer subjects were 4 age groups: 20 age group(n=33; age=22.67±2.63), 40 age group (n=30; age=44.27±2.53), 60 age group(n=27; age=66.85±1.77), 70 age group(n=30; age=74.23±3.25). The subjects who joined this investigation were asked to participate in somatosensory evoked potentials test and Purdue Pegboard test. For data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were calculated, and one-way ANOVA(with Scheff) were used. The result of this study were as follow: First, as subjects were aged, somatosensory function and hand function were declined. Second, although they had been influenced by aging on these functions, they showed similar performance patterns on these functions until certain ages. And then, as they became older than 60 years, their functions declined off rapidly. Finally, having their somatosensory function and hand function showed similar performance patterns, this study implies that these functions may be significantly related to each other.

      • KCI등재

        동남아의 한글문학 -싱가포르 지역 ‘한글문예’를 중심으로-

        최종환 ( Choi¸ Jong-hwan ) 우리어문학회 2022 우리어문연구 Vol.72 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 싱가포르 지역의 한글 문예를 학계에 소개하고 그 내적논리를 조명하는 데 있다. 이로써 동남아시아 한인문예 연구의 ‘초석’을 놓고자 한다. 싱가포르 한글 문단은 결성 연혁이 짧아 아직 굵직한 작가를 배출한 바도 없다. 하지만 해외에 산재되어 한국어의 아름다움을 선보인 소중한 한인문학의 자산이었다는 점에서 주목될 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 재외한인문학 연구의 변방에 놓여 온 이들 문학의 초창기 형성사 및 기본 상상력에 대해 조망하고 있다. 이로써 금후 재외한인문학 연구의 또 다른 방향타 하나를 모색했다. 싱가포르 한인의 문예가 타 지역과 차별화되는 것은 ‘적도의 서정’일 것이다. 작품 지면에 적도의 태양이나 우기(雨期) 등과 관련된 표상이 다수 존재하고 작품의 상상력을 견인해 왔기 때문이다. 다음으로 ‘머라이언’ 같은 동남아적 형상에 스스로를 이입하고 변용하려는 혼종에의 의지가 엿보이는 점도 주목된다. 마지막으로 그들의 문예에는 기독교적 실존 의식의 비중이 높은 편이다. 이러한 실존성은 때로는 시지프적이고 때로는 베게트적인 맥락에서 작동하며, 기존 한인문예의 문법으로부터 상당한 거리를 노정하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to introduce Hangeul literature in Singapore to academia and to illuminate the background logic. In this way, I intend to lay the foundation for the study of Korean literature in Southeast Asia. The Singapore Hangeul literary circle has a short history and has not yet produced any major writers. However, their literature was a precious asset of our Korean literature, which was scattered abroad and showcased the beauty of the Korean language. This study looks at the early formative history and basic imagination of these literatures, which have been on the periphery of the history of Korean overseas Hangeul Literature studies. The part that makes the literature of Koreans in Singapore different from that of other regions is 'Equator Lyrics'. This is because there are many representations related to the equatorial sun or the rainy season in their work, and the imagination of such works dominates. Next, they have shown their will to hybridize and transform themselves into a Southeast Asian image such as the 'Merlion'. Lastly, their literature has a high proportion of Christian existential consciousness. This existentiality sometimes strongly exudes a Sisyphus or Beckett’s aura. And it opens a considerable distance from the previous landscape of Hangeul literature in other overseas regions.

      • KCI등재

        민주주의, 언론 그리고 담론정치

        최종환(Jong Hwan Choi),김성해(Sung Hae Kim) 한국언론정보학회 2014 한국언론정보학보 Vol.67 No.3

        1987년 6월 민주항쟁이후 한국의 민주주의는 많은 굴곡을 겪고 있다. 민주화 직후 국민적 공감대를 받았던 노동자 파업은 외환위기를 계기로 ‘귀족노조’, ‘집단이기주의’, ‘공익훼손’ 과 같은 부정적 인식에 시달리고 있다. 담론 생산자 및 유통자로서 언론은 노동운동에 대한 국민의 부정적 인식과 정서에 결정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 과연 언론은 노동운동을 어떻게 재구성하고 있을까? 노동운동에 대한 미디어담론은 언론사별로, 정권별로 어떤 차이가 있으며 어떤 변화를 겪고 있을까? 본 연구는 이러한 문제에서 출발했으며 공정하고 균형 있는 중재자로서 언론의 규범적 가치를 성찰하는 계기를 마련하고자 했다. 분석사례로 김대중, 노무현, 이명박, 박근혜 정부 기간 동안 파장이 컸던 의약분업, 화물연대, 쌍용차, 철도노조 파업을 선정했다. 분석대상은 『동아일보』, 『서울신문』, 『한겨례』 등 종합지에 등장한 사설 217개였다. 전반적으로 『동아일보』는 분쟁의 원인보다는 기득권과 기존질서를 옹호하는 입장이 강했다. 『서울신문』은 원만한 문제해결을 위해 상호간 합의를 강조했으며 폭력적인 정부와 노조의 불법 행위 모두를 비판했다. 『한겨례』 신문은 정부 비판에 집중하면서 원론적 수준의 대안을 강조했다. 분석결과 언론은 정부별 국정방향에 영향을 받았으며, 자의적으로 의제를 확대ㆍ재생산하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 연구진은 이 연구를 통해 언론을 통한 담론정치의 실체를 드러내고 건전한 민주주의를 위한 언론의 역할을 고민하는 계기를 마련하고자 했다. 정권별 이해관계와 언론사의 정파성 등이 담론을 통해 정치적 영향력을 발휘하게 되는 메카니즘을 보여줌으로써 미디어 담론에 대한 성찰의 기회를 제공했다는 것도 이 연구의 의미다. Public opinion has dramatically shifted from positive to negative in Korea society especially since the IMF crisis. Such terms as ’aristocratic union’, ’collectivism’, ’damages on public interest’ became a kind of conventional wisdom. Undoubtedly, media’s representation has much to do with such a tantamount difference. This study thus attempts to understand the mechanism by analyzing media discourse related to labor strikes. For this purpose, this paper made a choice three cases including doctor-pharmacist dispute, general strike by truckers’ solidarity, and Ssangyong Motor’s strike. Total 217 editorial pieces of〈Donga ilbo〉, 〈Seoul shinmoon〉 and 〈Hangyoreh〉 conceived to be a representative newspaper of ideological stance were analyzed. Research showed that while <Donga ilbo> paying particular attention to demoralizing labor strikes, 〈Hangyoreh〉 shed positive light on such disputes by articulating fundamental causes hampered by pro-capital policies along with anti-labor law enforcement. The 〈Seoul shinmoon〉 believed to be relatively a neutral one showed ambivalent attitudes toward those cases. More favorable and inclusive reporting were found in accordance with policy shifts as well. Media’s selective partisanship for the sake of private interests is firmly believed to downgrading credibility on Korean journalism. Also is fair, balanced and less biased reporting over socal disputes a vital part in crystallizing social consensus. In this consideration, the authors hoped this study to provide an opportunity to contemplate on what would be desirable journalistic values in modern democracy.

      • KCI등재

        통일 관련 언론보도 논조 및 프레임 분석 연구: 김대중 및 박근혜 정부의 보수와 진보신문을 중심으로

        최종환 ( Jong Hwan Choi ),하진홍 ( Jin Hong Ha ) 한국커뮤니케이션학회 2016 커뮤니케이션학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        본 연구는 프레임(Frame) 이론을 통해 김대중ㆍ박근혜 정부 시기 통일 관련 언론보도를 분석한 것이다. 연구를 진행하기위해 < 조선일보 >, < 동아일보 > 보수언론과< 한겨레 >, < 경향신문 > 진보언론 1면 및 사설면 275개 기사를 활용했다. 분석시점은 2000년 6월 남북정상회담에서 도출된6.15공동선언과 2014년 1월 박근혜 대통령이 ‘통일 대박’을 언급한 신년기자회견을 기준으로 한 달 전, 세 달 후로 제한했다. 분석결과, 김대중 정부 시기 통일이슈에 대해 보수언론의 논조는 부정적, 진보언론은 긍정적으로 나타났으며 박근혜 정부 시기에는 보수언론이 긍정적 및 중립적, 진보언론이 부정적 및 중립적으로 나타났다. 북한에 대한 논조는 보수언론이 두 시기모두 부정적이었으며 진보언론은 김대중정부 시기에 긍정적, 박근혜 정부 시기에는 중립적 및 부정적인 태도를 보였다. 통일이슈에 대한 보도 프레임을 살펴보면,김대중 정부 시기 보수언론은 ‘평화정착’프레임이 높았으며 진보언론은 ‘민족주의’ 프레임이 높았다. 박근혜 정부 시기는 보수언론과 진보언론 모두 ‘실리주의’ 프레임이 높았다. 통일방안 프레임에서는 김대중 정부 시기 보수언론 및 진보언론 모두 ‘신뢰구축’이 높게 나타났다. 박근혜정부 시기에서는 보수언론이 ‘국제공조’, 진보언론은 ‘대화협력’ 프레임이 높았다. The goal of this study is to compare newspapers’ reporting attitudes to the issues of Korean Unification in terms of policy, formula, and North Korea. This study conducted a content analysis focusing mainly on the news articles reported in the period of Kim Dae-Jung and Park Geun-Hye administration. First, conservative media was negative when reporting North Korea issues under two governments, meanwhile progressive media was positive under the Kim government and negative under the Park government, Second, regarding the unification policy and formula, both conservative and progressive media used ‘trust building’ formula frame under the Kim administration. However, the ‘establishment of peace’ policy frame was emphasized by conservative media, and the ‘nationalism’ frame by progressive media. On the other hand, under the Park administration, conservative media mainly used an ‘international cooperation’ frame when reporting the unification formula, while progressive media did the ‘dialogue cooperation’ frame. However, both media emphasized the ‘pragmatism’ frame for the unification policy.

      • KCI등재

        여성노인의 올바른 보행자세 평가를 위한 측정평가도구 개발

        최종환(Jong Hwan Choi),엄석주(Seok Joo Eom),김현주(Hyeon Ju Kim),노기택(Ki Taek No),이주천(Ju Tian Lee),김두환(Du Hwan Kim) 한국발육발달학회 2011 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to develop a measurement and evaluation tool for analysis of posture and movement during gait, predict abnormal gait pattern, and suggest the basic data of correct position for the elderly women. For this study, 30 elderly women(76.73 ± 4.86(yrs), 152.57 ± 3.93(cm), 53.15 ± 6.34(kg)) who live in C city were participated. The developed gait tool was classified according to frontal and lateral gait movement. 13 items of classification and 14 questions of miner contents in frontal, 12 items of classification and 14 questions of miner contents in lateral were completed by literature reviews and experts consultation. Data analysis was used Cronbah-alpha and Intra-class correlation coefficient(ICC). The results were as follows; First, Frontal posture Cronbach-alpha in reliability analysis of the evaluated questions was .81. Second, Lateral posture Cronbach-alpha was .80. Third, ICCs of most questions by evaluator were significant in both frontal and lateral gait movements. Therefore, this study may suggest that this developed measurement instrument analyze gait posture correctly and be an effective guideline on their detailed movement for elderly women.

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