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        수용액 중 극미량 니켈(II)과 아연(II)의 흡착농축 및 ICP-AES 정량에 관한 연구

        최종,최선도,Choi, Jong-Moon,Choi, Sun-Do 한국환경보건학회 2005 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        A determination method of trace Ni(II) and Zn(II) in aqueous solution was studied and developed by adsorbing on titanium dioxide. For this purpose, several conditions were optimized such as the pH of sample solution, adsorption time, the types and concentration acid, and desorption time. The titanium dioxide was added in sample solution which was pH adjusted. Then, the sample solution was stirred for 5 minutes. This mixture was stored in room temperature for 30 minutes to allow adsorption. After filtering and washing the titanium dioxide, the analytes were dissolved from the titanium dioxide on membrane filter by an ultrasonic vibration for 10 minutes in 1.0 M $HNO_3$ solution. Then, this sample solution was analysed using ICP-AES. The adsorption equilibrium was achieved in 30 minutes. The desorption was the most of effective with 1.0 M(mol/l) nitric acid solution, and desorption time was 10 minutes. This procedure was applied for the analysis of two real samples, i.e., brown seaweed and tangle. The recoveries of Ni(II) and Zn(II) in spiked samples were 89.4${\sim}$98.9% for analytes.

      • KCI등재

        국세청장 임기제에 대한 한․미 제도의 비교법적 고찰

        최종국(Jong-guk Choi) 한국조세연구포럼 2017 조세연구 Vol.17 No.2

        국세청에 대한 정치적 영향과 이에 따른 세무행정의 정치적 중립성 내지 독자성의 훼손에 관한 문제는 지속적으로 제기되고 있다. 하지만 이에 대한 해결방안은 깊이 논의되고 있지 않은 듯하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 국세청의 정치적 중립을 유지시켜 줄 수 있는 하나의 방안으로 국세청장의 임기보장을 논하려 한다. 1966년 국세청 개청이래, 다수의 국세청장이 정치적인 사건에 연루되었다. 여기에는 여러 가지 원인이 있을 것이다. 하지만 임기보장의 부재가 하나의 요인임은 사실이다. 제도는 문화적 배경에 따라 서로 다른 형태로 나타난다. 따라서 다른 나라의 제도를 가감 없이 받아들일 수는 없다. 하지만 사회적 문제에 대처할 마땅한 제도가 없는 경우, 유사한 상황에 대처한 다른 문화권의 제도를 비교ㆍ연구하여 우리의 실정에 맞게 변형하여 도입하는 것은 의미 있는 일이다. 이를 통해 시행착오를 줄일 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 우리와 정도는 다르지만 비슷한 사건을 겪으면서 그 해결방안을 모색한 미국의 사례를 연구하였다. 비교법적 연구를 통해 임기보장의 중요성을 확인하였으며, 도입에 있어 고려해야할 시사점을 제시하였다. 또한 우리나라의 2004년 이후 10년간의 국세청장의 임기보장에 관한 발의안에 미국의 제도가 통합적인 고려 없이 반영되었음을 확인하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 국세청의 정치적 중립과 독자성의 확보를 위해 국세청장 임기제를 도입함에 있어, 다음의 사안에 대한 세부적인 논의가 필요함을 보여주었다. 첫째, 몇 년의 임기보장이 적절한지, 둘째, 중임을 반대하는 근거가 타당한지, 셋째, 외부인사의 영입을 허용하되 그 자격조건을 어떻게 할 것인지, 넷째, 국회에 국세청장의 인준 및 탄핵권한을 부여하도록 법을 개정 혹은 제정할 것인지, 다섯째, 국세청장과 대통령의 임기를 일치하지 않게 하는 방법을 어떻게 마련할 것인지, 마지막으로 기획재정부내에 미국의 내국세입청관리위원회와 같은 조직을 설치하여 국세청장의 추천ㆍ해임에 대한 권한을 부여하는 방안에 대한 논의가 있어야 한다. Political influence on National Tax Service and the accompanying harm to neutrality or independence of tax adminstration has been chronic problem. However, it has not been discussed enough how to resolve it. Accordingly, this paper discusses fixed-term of office for National Tax Service Commissioner among one of various ways to overcome the problem. Numerous National Tax Service commissioners have been embroiled in political scandals since 1966 when National Tax Service opened its office. It could happen for multiple reasons. But it is hard to deny that the absence of fixed-term of office of the commissioner is one of problem-raisers. Therefore, this paper studies fixed-term of office of National Tax Service commissioner to get National Tax Service shielded from political influence. Systems of different countries can vary greatly by cultural backgrounds. Therefore, one may not introduce a different country"s system without any omissions or rewrites. However, in case there doesn"t exist appropriate system to control this issue, it would be meaningful to introduce a different culture"s system. Those in that culture have already gone through similar situation and made efforts to have it resolved. By adopting their system, we can reduce trial and error. For this reason, this paper studies the U.S. case — the U.S. has already experienced similar challenges even if different in degree and established countermeasures. The comparative law case study confirms that the importance of fixed-term of office of the commissioner and suggests a list of considerations we need to think about while adopting it. Also it finds out that the five bills that had been proposed since 2004 by the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea introduced the U.S. system in part without combined considerations. This paper also reveals that the following points should be discussed deeper to make strong the National Tax Service"s political neutrality and independence and in detail to make the U.S. system fit to us. Frist, how many years of term of office can be appropriate; second, are opponents" grounds to oppose reappointment of the commissioner reasonable; third, what standards should be set up for appointing an outside person as the commissioner; fourth, which way will be appropriate - revision or enactment of a law - to empower the National Assembly so it can confirm or impeach the commissioner; fifth, how to not make the commissioner"s term overlapped with the presidential election cycle; finally, would it be desirable to establish National Tax Service Oversight Board and give it an authority to recommend, appoint or fire the commissioner.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        켈틱 기독교공동체의 선교

        최종인(Jong in Choi) 한국선교신학회 2014 선교신학 Vol.35 No.-

        This paper focused on the Celtic Christian Community and their mission. In the centuries BC, the northern neighbours of ancient Greece and Rome were known by the description KELTOI means that strangers or hidden ones. The word CEILT is 'an act of concealing' from which the word Kilt, the short male skirt of traditional Celtic dress comes and we all know what a kilt conceals under it! They were rural, tribal, always on the move people, as such they were different to the Roman church which identified with the dominant power of the cities. The Roman church was unsure how to respond to these people as they were relational rather than rational, inspirational rather than institutional. Ireland (unlike Britain and Gaul) was untouched by the Roman Empire, thus it was from Ireland that Celtic Christian community had its roots and passion and expansion. The primary missionary movement across Britain which became a hinge in history as much of Europe was evangelised e.g. Patrick to Ireland 432, Columba 560 Ireland to Iona, Aidan 635 to Lindisfarne. Columbanus 591 to France, Italy and so it goes on. There are ancient sites, crosses all across Europe of Irish and Northumbrian saints bearing witness to the mission. The Celtic Mission is life mission or community mission. In the Celtic Christian world every 'church' was monastic. So when we talk about the Celtic church it is synonymous with the monastery, with people living in Community. The monastery was a monastic school where the seeking of God was 'the one thing necessary' - the very foundation of life. A commitment to Mission, meaning 'being sent or obedience to the task' as connecting with people, community on the road, building relationships, exploring spirituality; living in the story and living out the story. For the Community it is engaging in mission out of a context of being in the monastery. Moving into the unknown as well as the known, wandering for the love of Christ. There life may involve pilgrimage and peregrinati in a physical sense and this is certainly part of celtic Christinity's vision. Mission is a mixture of going, staying, moving on, doing, being, excitement, mundane in the home and market place. Finding God at work in the everyday ordinariness of life as it is. The Celtic Mission is spiritual mission. They love of nature. An awareness of the unity of creation. Columbanus 'If you wish to understand the Creator, first understand His creation.' They were aware of the Cross over Creation. That God was to redeem the whole created order. The Celtic Mission is contextualization mission. A deep love of the Scriptures as God's memory book of relationships and encounter. To listening & learning from the Scriptures, with both the prayerful reading of Lectio divina and studied research of the Bible encouraged. They had a great love of learning but it was a yearning for wisdom not necessarily knowledge. They had a wonderful balance and were known as Saints and Scholars. They wanted to learn how to live, how to follow Jesus as Lord as a way of life. and they concern about combination with their community's life. The Celtics were vigorous, energetic, and passionate. The Celtic missionaries were committed to scripture, to challenge, and to loving those whom they sought to win. May this celtic tradition lead to similar mission today.

      • KCI등재

        고려시기 治所城의 분포와 공간적 특징

        崔鍾奭(Choi Jong-Suk) 역사교육연구회 2005 역사교육 Vol.95 No.-

        In Kory?, there had been found chiso-s?ng(治所城 castle for administrative office in province) both in Yanggyae(兩界 military zone) and Namdo(南道 non-military zone). It was true to chuhy?n(主縣 principle province) and sokhy?n(屬縣 subsidiary province). Chise (治所 administrative office in province) meant ?psa(邑司 office of the hereditary functionaries with local power base and authority), which was located in chiso-s?ng. The difference between chuhy?n Chiso-s?ng and sokhy?n Chiso-s?ng lies in the fact that the first had both oegwanch"?ng(外官廳 office of the bureaucrats dispatched to the provinces) and ?psa but the second had only ?psa. Concerning with location, chisos?ng was characterized as sans?ng(山城 mountain fortress). Thus, ?psa and oegwanch"?ng were located in mountain areas. Kory? chise-s?ng was not spatially congruent with Chos?n one. It was resulted from the general movement of chiso in the period of the late Koryo and early Chosen. Finally, chisos?ng was a place for the superior status as well as core to the official administration and military protection.

      • KCI등재
      • 인문 · 기술 융합에 기반한 기업혁신 사례 분석 및 활성화 방안

        최종화(Jonghwa Choi),이광호,손수정,반승현 과학기술정책연구원 2015 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        As of the Millennium(year 2000), the modern society has attempted a shift of direction into an economy that promotes generation of new added values via creation and synthesis, in response to the limitations in production of added values that a basic industrial structure focuses solely on function faced. A NBC report from the United States in 2002 has initiated the debate on this directionality, resulting in catalyzed expansion of synthetic technology and related businesses in present days. However, technology-centered evolution of this synthesis phenomenon has provoked social issues such as environmental pollution and aging population. Attempts to resolve this issue has progressed into multiple paths including convergence between liberal arts and technology. Advancement of liberal arts technological synthesis brought a source of innovation to the overall society, resulting in an economy where its firms to prioritize enterprise innovation and creative product/service. This report intends to analyze this overall social and economic trend in a more systematic perspective, in order to unambiguously define the concept and mechanism of convergence between liberal arts and technology. Investigation of the related international/domestic progression of the policies and innovational case-studies supports this objective. In the process, an insight on various approaches and shared characteristics of convergence between liberal arts and technology has been acquired. In addition, this study analyzes domestic and international cases of firm and product innovation to acquire key aspects on the mechanism of convergence between liberal arts and technology as well as the directionality of related policy which promotes firm innovation based on convergence between liberal arts and technology. By studying these varying phenomenon of convergence between liberal arts and technology, this study contributes to building a scholarly and theoretical base of this subject. A clear categorization of range and stages of convergence between liberal arts and technology is offered from various case studies – it is expected that this paper assists in invoking active firm innovation activities based on convergence between liberal arts and technology.

      • 기술혁신형 공공구매(K-PPI)체계 구축과 추진전략

        최종화(Jonghwa Choi),정장훈(Chunghoon Jung),이광호,이주영,김은아,이충현 과학기술정책연구원 2016 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to derive a system and strategies about Public Procurement for Innovation(PPI) that is suitable for South Korea. PPI has already been activating as a part of ‘Demand side Innovation Policy’ in European countries. To achieve the research purpose, this study focused on analyzing the specificity of public procurement in Korea and the dualization problem of R&D system and procurement system which are deeply related to the implementation of PPI system. In the process, we examined the direction of implementation of PPI system in Korea and drived the Korean PPI goal which is called “Implementation of technology innovation type public procurement system for finding future promising technologies and fostering new industry.” we also confirmed the feasibility of ‘public procurement policy for technology-leading innovation’ through the process of analyzing characteristics for linking R&D and public procurement with ‘National Strategy Technology’. These results provide important implications for the realization of a demand-based R&D system using public market to overcome the limitations of existing input-oriented R&D system. This study also presents four business strategies for the implementation of PPI in South Korea. These strategies are based on a new portfolio of public procurement system which is aimed at technological innovation. This implies that the framework of existing public procurement policy, which has been operated based on fiscal policy or social protection policy, should be restructured. The four business strategies present different approaches to public procurement policy depending on the characteristics of nationally important strategic technologies. Three of these strategies are ‘Promoting Catalytic Public Procurement’, ‘Securing linkage between R&D and Public Procurement’, and ‘Creating Demand for Public Services’. Based on this, we proposed three core businesses: Private Demand-linked Procurement, PCP(Pre-commercial Procurement) type R&D, and Demand-generating public procurement. Finally, the fourth strategy is to strengthen ‘technology-leading innovation’ through a step-by-step linkage between core businesses. The last strategy is based on the results of time series analysis of national strategy technologies. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that there are ‘technology–chasing innovation path’ and ‘technology-leading innovation path’ depending on the level of technology maturity and market maturity of national strategic technologies. Therefore, we believe that it is possible to approach the public procurement policy step by step to strengthen ‘technology-leading innovation’. In addition, this study conducted a literature review and a case study on overseas to enable the effective application of the proposed strategies. This study further investigated major PPI related documents and overseas cases by referring to the previous study “Improvement strategies of public procurement market policy for fostering technology based innovative SMEs(Choi et al., 2014)”. Since the basic research has already been carried out through the previous research, this study examined the in-depth operation method required for actual implementation in South Korean system. And we proposed more specific policy realization plans by presenting four operational strategies. The four major operational strategies were established based on core elements of operation, such as planning, operation, budget, and infrastructure. Detailed implementation tasks were presented from the viewpoint of ‘solution based business promotion’, ‘implementation of demand-oriented operation method’, ‘providing purchase Drivers through new financing’ , and ‘Securing the foundation and operating a dedicated organization’. Recently, the policy-making related to the PPI is rapidly proceeding. And, The research community is also expanding the understanding of this topic and creating int

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