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      • KCI등재

        『헤이케모노가타리(平家物語)』에 나타난 숙청에 대한 고찰

        최재화 ( Jae Howa Choi ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.89 No.2

        『平家物語』に表れた肅淸は平家の場合と、源氏の場合がある。忠盛の平 家が新興勢力で政界に進出する後、旣存の政治勢力に肅淸をやられたが、賢 明に乘り越えて平家の榮華を迎える。 後白河院と平家の政治攻防は、まず後白河院が平家の勢力膨脹を牽制する ためだった。しかし、鹿ヶ谷の謀議が行綱の密告によって失敗をしてしま う。これによって後白河院は側近を失ってしまう。だが、自分は重盛に助け られる。勿論この過程で重盛は自分の父の淸盛と別の政治路線を選んで後白 河院を擁護する。しかし、重盛の死後、淸盛は後白河院を鳥羽別宮に幽閉 し、後白河院の側近を全部、左遷させてしまう。 源氏の首長、賴朝は自分の弟の範賴と義經、從弟の義仲、叔父の行家と義 敎を肅淸する。『平家物語』に表れた肅淸は、後白河院の場合、保元と平治 の亂に共にした平家を肅淸させようとしたが、失敗に終り自分が肅淸のタ一 ゲットにされ、平家は後白河院を幽閉させて、最高の權力集團になる。又、賴 朝は徹底に自分に不必要な勢力は血族であっても肅淸を斷行したのを分かる。 There appear two kinds of purges in Heikemonogatari: the case of Heike and that of Genji. When Heike from Tadamori came close to being purged by the existing politicians. However, he managed to get through all the difficulties wisely so that he enjoyed a golden time. Regarding purges between Goshirakawain and Heike, Goshirakawain first attempted to purge to Heike`s power from expanding, but his purge was failed because of Yukituna`s conspiracy. Even if Goshirakawain lost his persons, he was survived with the help of Sigemori, a son of Kiyomori. After Sigemori died, Kiyomori had Goshirakawain confined in the detached palace of Doba, and demoted all of his surroundings. Yoritomo, as the head of Genji, purged his cousin Yoshinaka, and his brothers, Yoshitune and Noriyori. During the process, he also purged his uncles, Yukiie and Yoshinori. In Hekemonogatari, Goshirakawain attempted to purge Heike, who had been a political alliance during both Hogen`s and Heizi`s rebellions. However, he failed and let him be Heike`s target as the result of purge. Also, in Heikemonogatari, Yoritomo was such a cruel man in power that he could purge any person with antagonism, even his relatives.

      • KCI등재

        『헤이케모노가타리』의 죽음에 관한 연구

        최재화(Choi, Jae Howa) 동아시아일본학회 2014 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.50

        The characteristics of two warrior groups, Toukoku in Genji and Heike, as described in Heikemonogatari are definitely dissimilar. One of the dissimilarities is that warriors in Toukoku in Genji are more war-oriented. Wars between Heike and Genji could be classified into three categories based on the value of death in the wars by the three generals in Genji, such as Yorimasa, Yoshinaka, and Yoshitsune. In the first war started by general Yorimasa, most warrior death of in Genji were gallant (Yorimasa’s death is a good example). In the second war, a general with a considerably good image before dominating Kyoto is described, and the evaluation of him is fairly good. Meanwhile, the death of warriors on the Yoshinaka side is described bravely, even though they are wrong-doers. The death of the Genji warriors in the third war by Yoshitsune is not much shown. However, their deaths are considered courageous. From the structural aspect of death in Heikemonogatari, death is displayed by reflecting the victor’s perspective and a historical view of the defeated.

      • KCI등재

        『헤이케모노가타리』에 나타난 정치에 대한 고찰

        최재화(Jae-Howa Choi) 동아시아일본학회 2018 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.68

        『헤이케모노가타리』 속 혈연관계에서 나타나는 갈등은 헤이케와 겐지 양측에서 확인된다. 헤이케의 경우 기요모리와 시게모리의 대립은 물리적 충돌을 수반하지 않지만 정치 사상적 대립으로 나타난다. 헤이케의 기요모리와 시게모리의 대립은 정치 사상적인 대립으로 고대말기의 율령체제에서 막부 체제로 넘어가는 과도기에서 천황제에 대한 군신 관계의 기준을 제시하고 있다. 이러한 시게모리의 군신론은 『헤이케모노가타리』에서 시게모리를 이상적인 인물로, 기요모리는 악한 자로 이미지화하고 있다. 겐지의 경우, 교토를 수복한 요시나카는 요리토모와의 갈등으로 요시쓰네와 요시나카의 물리적 충돌을 수반하고, 교토를 수복한 요시쓰네는 가지와라노 카게토키의 모함으로 요리토모와의 갈등으로 이어진다. 『헤이케모노가타리』에서는 이들의 갈등에 대하여 정치적인 갈등보다는 권력적인 갈등으로만 투영하고 있다. 『헤이케모노가타리』에서의 헤이케의 기요모리와 시게모리의 정치 사상적 갈등, 겐지의 권력적 갈등은 『헤이케모노가타리』가 가지는 한계로 볼 수 있겠다. In Heike Monogatari, the power conflict between the blood relationship is well expressed in the Heike family and Kenji family. The confrontation between Kiyomori and Shigemori of Heike family involves a political conflict and it suggests the standard for ruler and ruled in regard to Emperor system during the time of transition from the legal system to Bakufu system in the late ancient period. In HeikeMonogatari, Shigemori’s theory on the ruler and the ruled describes Shigemori as the ideal person and Kiyomori as the wicked person. In case of Genji family, after Yoshinaka redeems Kyoto, Yoshinaka gets into a physical conflict with Yoshitsune due to the conflict with Yoritomo caused by the conspiracy of Kajiwara Kagetoki. In HeikeMonogatari, the conflict is reflected as a power conflict rather than a political conflict. Also, in HeikeMonogatari, the political conflict between Kiyomori and Shigemori of Heike family and power conflict of Kenji family can be seen as the limit of HeikeMonogatari as the Rekishi Monogatari (Historical tales).

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