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최용호 ( Choe Yong Ho ),황우익 ( Hwang U Ig ) 한국중소기업학회 2003 기업가정신과 벤처연구 Vol.6 No.2
The purpose of this study is to develop a plan for constructing an organic cooperation system to enable industry, universities and the government to work together to create and develop successful venture firms at Korean technoparks. In order to create a plan we should analyze cooperation among industry, universities and the government in terms of how to operate the technopark projects in Korea. As part of this study, a questionnaire survey on the current state of cooperation among industry, universities and the government was distributed to the leaders of the six model technoparks. Through this study, we believe that the technopark construction projects will successfully play a role in establishing a regional innovation system (RIS) for the development of regional high-tech industry in Korea. To successfully construct technoparks in Korea, the government should restructure the current process, in order to encourage universities to cooperate. As well, local governments should increase investment in scientific and technical projects. In addition, the operators of technoparks should be capable of directing and coordinating the roles of the central government, local governments, industry and universities with a long-term vision in mind.
언어학과 정신분석학 소쉬르에서 라캉으로, 라캉에서 소쉬르로 -시니피앙에 관하여
최용호 ( Choe Yong Ho ) 한국불어불문학회 2003 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.55
Lire Lacan n`est pas facile. Et de me^me lire Saussure aujourd`hui devient de plus en plus difficile. Dans ces conditions, l`entreprise de lire Lacan et en me^me temps Saussure parait trop difficile, d`autant plus difficile qu`ils ne font pas partie du me^me domaine scientifique. Or, ce n`est pourtant pas tout a` fait vrai. Si l`on peut re´sumer l`aventure intellectuelle de Lacan en quelques mots, ce serait, on en conviendra, le retour a` Freud, On sait que ce retour e´tait au moins au de´but un de´tour par Saussure. Ainsi s`e´tablit une filie`re de Saussure a` Lacan. Cette filie`re est au plus haut point e´piste´mologique. On est au sein du mouvement du structuraliseme en France dans les anne´es 60. On peut e´clairer la question de savoir comment Lacan a rencontre´ Saussure, en le lisant, c`est-a`-dire, en le relisant a` sa guise, en le reformulant, bref, en le de´formant, Ce qui est inte´ressant, c`est que dans cette relecture tre`s originale on peut trouver un des aspects de Saussure qu`on n`a pas reconnu dans les anne´es 60. Il s`agit pas d`un Saussure qui re´pond mais d`un Saussure qui pose des questions, des probe`mes a` propos de ce que voualit dire parler, Discours, sujets parlants, signifiant en tant que tel, tous ces sujets, laisse´s de co^te´ a` l`e´poque du structralisme, sont ainsi a` l`ordre du jour dans la proble´matique saussurienne. En lisant Lacan a` partir Saussure et en lisant Saussure a` partir de Lacan, nous nous sommes concentre´, seulement sur un the`me: le signifiant. Mainte fois cite´, commente´, critique´, et de´laisse´, ce the`me reste pourtant encore a` de´sirer. Il ne s`agit pas ici de re´pe´ter ou de re´sumer en quelques mots ce qui a` e´te´ poursuivi dans cet article, mais de citer une des conclusions de notre relecture: en lisant et relisant Lacan et Saussure, on a` l`impression d`e^tre plus pre`s de Lacan saussurien et en me^me temps que de Saussure lacanien.
임신중 다발성 화농성 육아종 발생을 보인 색소혈관 모반증 Type Ia
문용주 ( Mun Yong Ju ),장수정 ( Jang Su Jeong ),최용호 ( Choe Yong Ho ),원지연 ( Won Ji Yeon ),정기동 ( Jeong Gi Dong ) 대한피부과학회 2003 대한피부과학회지 Vol.41 No.9
Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis(PPV) was first described in 1947 as a distinctive association of vascular and pigmentary nevi by Ota et al. Hasegawa et al subclassi-fied the disorder into eight types and type I a is characterized by the coexistence of nev
趙衍澈,崔容鎬 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 1987 科學論集 Vol.13 No.-
By the result of the research on the physical performance of three thousand eight hundred and four students-1750 liberal highschool students and 2054 vocational high school students I have the conclusion as the following. 1. The height and physical performance for each age are given in Table 4. 2. Vocational high school students have stronger physique than liberal high school students on both the pull-ups (liberal high school students; 9.27±2.50; Vocational high school students; 12.35±2.70)and the sit-ups (liberal high school students 49.32±6.44, Vocational high school students 56.53±4.41).