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      • KCI등재

        ‘很V’, ‘很VP’ 연구

        崔信惠 ( Choi¸ Shinhye ) 중국어문연구회 2021 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.106

        Based on Corpus, this paper examines the types of modern Chinese ‘Hen+V’ and ‘Hen+VP’ and the features of each type and examines the function of ‘Hen’ in these structures. First of all, verbs that can receive the modifier of ‘Hen’ by themselves generally corresponded to psychological verbs. In the case of non-psychological verbs, it was possible to receive the modification of ‘Hen’ by expressing a state or evaluation meaning like an adjective, out of the action meaning of a typical verb. The verb phrases that received the modification of ‘Hen’ were largely in the form of Verb-object phrase, Pivotal construction, Verb-complement phrase, and Quantity phrase, and Verb-object phrase occupied the majority. Verbs and verb-object phrases, pivotal constructions, and verb-complement phrases that are modified by ‘Hen’ all refer to attribute meanings or to indicate status or evaluation meanings corresponding to adjectives, and thus have gradability semantic qualities; Therefore, ‘Hen’ that appears with them is used as a function to reinforce this level of gradability. In particular, when the verbs themselves do not have stative or gradable semantic qualities, the ‘Hen’ that appears before these verbs can be viewed as a ‘Property Semantic Marker’ indicating that the latter verb phrase is an attribute meaning rather than a meaning of action, facts, or events. On the other hand, unlike other structures that receive the modification of ‘Hen’, Quantity phrases generally have aspect markers ‘Le’ or ‘Guo’ after the verb, indicating facts or events rather than attribute meanings. It was characterized by having a quantifier indicating a small amount or an indefinite amount in the form. When ‘Hen’ appears before a verb with such a quantity phrase, the phrase emphasizes that the speaker subjectively considers the presented quantity to be large. We believe that ‘Hen’, which appears together with the quantity phrase, has been grammaticalized in the process of expanding the context, and has functioned as a Viewpoint Marker indicating the speaker's subjective viewpoint and evaluation by subjectivization. We proposed that this ‘Hen’ can be categorized as a ‘Multiple Viewpoint Marker’, which is considered subjectively high for the presented objective quantity.

      • KCI등재

        대학 중국어 교과의 유형별 원격수업 사례 분석 ― Zoom과 Commons 활용을 중심으로

        최신혜 ( Choi Shinhye ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.71

        This paper introduces the features of the two types of Distance Learning, Synchronous Distance Learning and Asynchronous Distance Learning, and the solutions used in each type, and introduces examples of Distance Learning for each type of Chinese subject that I have conducted. In addition, we propose the type of Distance Learning according to Chinese curriculum features by investigating the satisfaction and preference of Distance Learning by type. Based on the case analysis and survey results of Distance Learning, it is appropriate to proceed with Synchronous Distance Learning for Chinese subjects that have a relatively large number of hours and activities such as speaking practice and group activities. It can be seen that in the case of Chinese subjects where content delivery is important because grammar explanation or linguistic knowledge is strengthened, they prefer to proceed in the form of recorded lectures. In terms of preference for Distance Learning and Face-to-face Learning in Chinese subjects, 71% of students preferred to conduct Face-to-face Learning for speaking practice, immediate feedback, and interaction. However, students who prefer Distance Learning for more efficient learning also accounted for 27%, and it was found that the demand for Distance Learning in Chinese subjects was not small.

      • KCI등재

        초급중국어 교재의 형용사 어휘 목록 분석 및 제안 ― 트랜스-동아시아 언어 연구의 일례

        최신혜 ( Choi¸ Shinhye ) 한국중국언어학회 2023 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.108

        This paper examined what adjectives are introduced for beginner Chinese textbooks “Chinese Master” step 1 to 3 and “New Strategy Chinese” 1 to 3, and how much the list of adjectives in these textbooks meets the “Chinese Grading Standards(Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education)”, a new standard for international Chinese education. 94 adjective vocabularies were presented in step 1 to 3 of “Chinese Master” and 104 adjective vocabularies in “New Strategy Chinese” 1 to 3. The adjective vocabularies in the two textbooks were mostly in the beginner level, but the intermediate level adjectives also accounted for a considerable proportion of about 20% in both textbooks. As it is a beginner Chinese textbook, it is necessary to reduce the proportion of intermediate and advanced words. There are 259 elementary adjective vocabularies in “Chinese Grading Standards”, and among them, 63 and 75 adjective vocabularies presented as new words in the two textbooks, respectively, account for 24.3% and 29% of elementary adjective vocabulary in “Chinese Grading Standards”. Based on “Chinese Grading Standards”, it can be seen that it does not contain many adjective vocabulary that should be learned at the beginner level. In particular, since the reflection rate of adjective vocabulary in the second and third grades is low, it seems necessary to supplement the adjective vocabulary in the second and third grades in a large amount. Since the “Chinese Grading Standards” has a significant change in the number of vocabulary compared to existing standards, Chinese textbooks need to be designed based on the vocabulary list of the “Chinese Grading Standards” in the future. In the case of adjectives, it is possible to increase the ratio of vocabulary reflection in the corresponding level by introducing related vocabularies such as antonyms and synonyms together. Based on the list of adjectives in beginner Korean vocabulary, this paper also looked at adjective vocabulary that is especially useful for beginner Chinese learners with Korean as their mother tongue. Since both textbooks are mainly used for Korean learners in Korea, beginner Chinese adjectives that may be frequently used by native Korean learners can be included first. In addition, in the case of intermediate and advanced adjectives corresponding to beginner Korean adjectives, it was suggested that vocabulary that is highly utilized by Korean learners can be selectively reflected in the textbook.

      • KCI등재

        ‘V+개사+X’ 구조 연구

        崔信惠 ( Choi Shinhye ) 중국어문연구회 2022 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.111

        This paper examines the category, structure, and function of ‘Zi, Yu, Wang, Xiang, Dao, Zai, Gei’ that appear after the verb. As for ‘Zi, Yu, Wang, Xiang’, it is common to see that these are preposition, and that they function as prepositional complement behind the verb. In the case of ‘Dao, Zai, Gei’, the most inconsistent views appear as to whether they are viewed as forming a prepositional phrase complement as a preposition or functioning as a result complement as a verb. Therefore, in this paper, in particular, the categories of these three components and the characteristics and functions of the structures they form were examined in detail. In the structure of ‘V+Dao+X’, it was suggested that ‘Dao’ is a verb and functions as a result complement because ‘Dao’ can have aspect marker ‘Le’ and ‘Guo’, the object(X) can be omitted or moved, and ‘De/Bu’ can be inserted between the verb and ‘Dao’. Next, although ‘Zai’ in ‘V+Zai+X’ may have aspect marker ‘Le’, it is more appropriate to assume that ‘Zai’ in this structure functions as a preposition category as it cannot form probable complements and is difficult to move or omit an object. Finally, although ‘Gei’ of the ‘V+Gei+X’ structure can appear with the aspect marker, it is rare to have ‘Guo’, it is difficult to move or omit the object(X), and it cannot form probable complements with the ‘De/Bu’ character inserted, so it is more appropriate to view it as a preposition like ‘Zai’. As a result, among the ‘Zi, Yu, Wang, Xiang, Dao, Zai, and Gei’ that appear after the verb, ‘Dao’ functions as a result complement as a verb category, and the remaining ‘Zi, Yu, Wang, Xiang, Zai, Gei’ can be seen as forming a prepositional complement.

      • KCI등재

        협동학습을 활용한 대학 중국어 수업의 사례 분석 및 제안

        최신혜 ( Choi Shinhye ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.86

        This paper proposed Cooperative Learning as a way for effective class operation among the recent situation in which Chinese learners at various levels at universities must take classes together. We analyzed the cases and effects of eight Chinese classes conducted using Cooperative Learning and presented the Chinese class types of Cooperative Learning models that can be utilized in universities. For Cooperative Learning, we organized a disparate group based on the survey and the information that identified the students first. Cooperative learning activities were conducted in two main forms: group practice and task activities. Group practice activities are those that are primarily based on lectures by professors and then practiced so that they can learn and utilize the content. The group practice activities include word practice, text practice, sentence pattern practice, and replacement practice. On the other hand, task activities are conducted in the form of giving students tasks to investigate, prepare, and present them. Task activities include writing and presenting role plays, researching and presenting words, cultural experiences, writing learning notes and discussions. Students who participated in Cooperative Learning generally responded positively to this activity, and their self-fulfillment performance was also high.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 형용사의 빈어 공기 현상

        최신혜 ( Choi Shinhye ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.89

        This paper noted the phenomenon of adjectives having an object in modern Chinese, and considered the characteristics of the type of object and the reason for this feature. We investigated the actual status of entries in the dictionary of words that were presented as adjectives with objects in the preceding studies, and found that the majority of the words are now identified as verbs, but in cases of adjectives with automatic object, they are often recorded as adjectives. Regarding the reason why adjectives that do not have an object generally appear with the automatic object, this paper considered the similarities between the Adjective-Automatic Object Sentence and the Existential Sentence and the Possessor-Subject Possessee-Object Sentence, and found that Adjective-Automatic Object Sentence has historically emerged as part of the expansion process of Existential Sentence. It was also noted that Adjective-Automatic Object Sentence indicates ‘occurrence’. In conclusion, it can be seen that the fact that adjectives generally do not have an object is a feature that is still generally effective at present, and in the case of Adjective-Automatic Object Sentence, it is used because of the background of the appearance of construction and the function of expression meaning.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 형용사의 동태적 의미 - ‘료(了)’ 부가를 중심으로

        최신혜 ( Choi Shinhye ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.69

        This paper examines the phenomenon that modern Chinese adjectives have a dynamic meaning with the aspect marker ‘le’, and contrasts them with the situation in Korean and English, and examines them from a typological perspective. Unlike English or Korean, where the process is encoded as a verb and the atemporal relation is encoded as an adjective, in Chinese, not only the atemporal relation but also the meaning of the process can be encoded as an adjective. But in order for adjectives in Chinese to represent the process meaning, they must have a aspect marker like ‘le’. Chinese adjectives may represent static attribute meanings under the modifier of degree adverb ‘hen’, and may also represent the meaning of dynamic change with ‘le’. Therefore, we think that the meaning of change is not the inner meaning of the adjectives, but rather the meaning of the adjectives by adding the aspect marker ‘le’ to the static attribute meaning. Chinese adjectives are ‘verb-like’ adjectives along with Korean according to syntactic criteria. However, in terms of semantic standards, unlike Korean, it has process semantic qualities. This is due to differences in the language type of Chinese as an isolated language.

      • KCI등재

        대학 중국어 교과 디지털 교재 개발을 위한 사례 분석 및 제언

        최신혜 ( Choi Shinhye ) 한국중국언어학회 2023 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.106

        This paper mentioned the necessity of developing digital textbooks for university Chinese subjects and presented digital textbook types and development plans suitable for university Chinese subjects based on the cases and characteristics of digital textbooks. Digital textbooks refer to textbooks developed to enable learning based on digital devices, including related digital learning materials and learning support functions, in addition to existing e-books. Representative examples of digital textbooks used in Korea can be seen as digital textbooks currently used in elementary, middle, and high schools. The development and use of digital textbooks in elementary and secondary education is a global trend, and the digitization of elementary and secondary education textbooks is expected to cause the digitization of university textbooks in the near future. Except for digital textbooks in elementary, middle, and high schools, digital textbooks are largely divided into two types. There is a method of requesting the production of digital textbooks to a developer based on book-type textbooks, and a method of making digital textbooks directly by instructors through an online platform. In the case of classes where the instructor’s subject continuity is guaranteed, the number of students or classes is small, and all students can use digital textbooks, the instructor can directly create digital textbooks suitable for the subject through the platform and provide them to students. On the other hand, if the continuity of the instructor’s subject is not guaranteed and several classes are taught with the same textbook, it is safe and efficient to use digital textbooks provided by developers based on book-type textbooks. For each Chinese subject at each university, it is necessary to select a development type suitable for the characteristics of each subject.

      • KCI등재

        중·한 기본 형용사 선택 기제와 동일 의미 표현 동인 ― ‘大’에 대응되는 한국어 기본 형용사와의 대조를 중심으로

        최신혜 ( Choi Shinhye ) 한국중국언어학회 2024 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.113

        This study focuses on the Chinese basic adjective ‘da’(big), which shows the most significant differences in expression compared to Korean adjectives. It examines the semantic and usage differences of basic adjectives in Chinese and Korean and explores the reasons for these differences. When ‘da’ appears with a noun and is used as a predicate, it often corresponds to Korean adjectives other than ‘keuda’, such as ‘seda’, ‘nopda’, and ‘manta’. The study classifies and analyzes the meanings and uses of each type. Among the examples where ‘n+da’ or ‘n+henda’ in Chinese corresponds to adjectives other than ‘keuda’ in Korean, ‘seda’(strong) is the most common counterpart. In Korean, adjectives like ‘seda’ and ‘ganghada’ are frequently used to directly express intensity due to their high typicality and usability. In contrast, in Chinese, the typicality and usability of adjectives that directly indicate intensity are lower, leading to the use of ‘da’ to indicate the intensity through the ‘size of the object.’ The study also examines how ontological metaphor mechanisms allow ‘da’ to visually represent ‘size’ in entities like ‘feng’(wind), ‘liqi, liliang, jinr’(strength), ‘wei’(taste/smell), and ‘piqi’(temper). Next, the study looks at how ‘mingsheng/mingqi’(reputation) and ‘xuewen’(knowledge) are generally described with ‘da’ in Chinese but with ‘nopda’ (high) in Korean. To indicate the degree of abstract concepts such as reputation and knowledge, both languages use adjectives representing spatial concepts, considering these abstract entities as visual objects through ontological metaphors. Despite the differences in adjective selection, ‘da’ and ‘nopda’ both primarily denote spatial concepts and are commonly used to intuitively understand the extent of magnitude. Finally, the study examines the phenomenon where ‘da’ is used to describe age in Chinese, while ‘manta’(many) is used in Korean. It reveals that the concept of ‘age’ is perceived differently in Korean and Chinese―quantitatively in Korean and numerically in Chinese―leading to differences in image schemas and adjective selection in both languages.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교육에서 미디어 활용을 위한 제언

        신경미 ( Shin Kyeongmee ),최신혜 ( Choi Shinhye ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.67

        This paper presented the problems of Chinese language education in the media age, and proposed measures experimentally to improve them. To utilize the media in Chinese language education, first consider the educational value of media utilization, the media’s link to Chinese-related knowledge, and the steps of the ability to speak a foreign language. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish use by language learning area, to care about students who are receiving media education, and to consider which media to utilize. Research and development of various media should also be carried out. In the case of a high-demand elementary Chinese language class, it is proposed that a media textbook development team be formed at the department or institution level to develop and use a systematic and professional media textbook. It also needs support for the classroom media system in schools, especially the distribution of electronic blackboards in university classrooms for the effectiveness of Chinese education. Finally, for advanced Chinese language classes, it is possible to move from education that simply utilizes media to a way that includes Media Education. Classes that develop expressive and production skills through media that are actually popular in China can be held together.

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