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      • 북한의 지하자원 수출실태 분석과 정책적 시사점

        최수영 한국경제연구원 2015 한국경제연구원 정책연구 Vol.2015 No.30

        본 보고서에서는 북한의 대중국 지하자원 수출이 감소하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 북한의 대중 지하자원 수출액은 2013년 18.4억 달러로 최대치를 기록했지만, 2014년에 들어 15.2억 달러로 감소했다. 북한의 대중 수출 품목 중 지하자원이 차지하는 비중도 2013년 63.2%에서 2014년 53.7%로 줄었다. 최수영 한경연 초빙연구위원은 “2013년을 기준으로 북한의 대중 수출액은 29.1억 달러였는데 그 중 지하자원 품목의 수출액은 18.4억 달러로 전체 대중 수출의 절반 이상을 차지하고 있다”며, “북한의 총수출 감소현상은 대중 자원수출액 감소가 크게 작용한 결과”라고 주장했다. 최근 2015년 3분기까지도 주력 수출품목인 광물자원의 대중 수출 감소 현상이 이어지고 있다. 보고서는 “북한이 2010년에 들어 플러스 성장을 거둘 수 있었던 것은 풍부한 지하자원과 양질의 노동력을 활용해 중국과의 무역을 확대했기 때문”이라며, “북한의 대중 지하자원 수출 감소가 지속되면 외화확보에 큰 타격을 입을 수 있다”고 주장했다. 2013년 북한의 대중 수출액은 29.1억 달러로 총 수출액 32.1억 달러의 90.5%였으며 2014년 북한의 총 수출액 대비 대중수출액 비중은 89.8%였다. 최 초빙연구위원은 특히 2010년 ‘5·24 조치’ 이후 북한이 남북교역 중단에 따른 경화 수입 감소분을 만회하기 위해 대중국 수출 확대에 집중하면서 북한이 경제운용에 필요한 외화를 확보할 수 있었다고 설명했다. 그는 또 “중국의 자원 수요 증가와 원자재 국제가격 상승이 북한의 대중 지하자원 수출 확대를 견인했는데, 최근 중국의 경제성장률이 하락하면서 자원 수요가 감소하고 환경규제가 강화되는 등 수출 환경이 개선될 여지가 낮은 것으로 보인다”고 설명했다. 보고서는 다만 북한의 총 수출에서 지하자원이 차지하고 있는 비중이 50% 이상을 넘어서고 있기 때문에 여전히 광물자원 수출은 북한의 주된 외화 획득원으로 볼 수 있다고 주장했다. 실제로 개성공단의 북한 노동자에 지급되는 임금은 연간 약 1억 달러인데 반해, 북한의 무연탄 수출액은 연간 10억 달러 이상에 달하는 것으로 나타났다. 최 초빙연구위원은 “북한의 4차 핵실험과 장거리 미사일 발사로 유엔을 통한 강도 높은 대북제재 결의안이 마련되고 있는 가운데, 국제사회의 대북경제제재는 북한의 주된 외화 획득 통로인 대중국 지하자원 수출을 차단할 때 실효성을 높일 수 있다”며, 중국의 대북제제 참여가 시급하게 필요하다고 주장했다.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 사회·경제구조와 현황

        최수영 한국전략문제연구소 1996 전략연구 Vol.3 No.2

        North Korea appears to be undergoing considerable changes. In particular, social and economic changes which are unfavorable to North Korea, are noticeable. Due to economic stagnation after the mid-1980s and economic recession in the 1990s, the economy has deteriorated. In addition, this economic crisis incurred a lot of absurdities and deviant activities in the society and economy. Judging from this situation, some reports say that North Korea stands on the brink of collapse and that the collapse is only a matter of time. The North Korean people are suffering from triple difficulties, that is, food, energy and foreign currency shortages. The deep-seated problems of the North Korean economy are the structural dilemma and inefficiency which have been accumulated since the mid-1960s. Breakup of economic relations with other socialist countries is one of the major causes of economic recession in North Korea in the 1990s. Joint venture projects and limited opening policies, such as Rajin-Sonbong Free Economic and Trade Zone, which North Korea tried to avoid the economic stagnation, failed to attain the desired result This also aggravated its economic difficulties. Even the nature gave disasters to North Korea, namely the three bad floods in the summer of 1995. Present structure of the social class in North Korea is a product of the social control policy which sustain the North Korean society. For the past twenty years, the social status of the people has generally improved on the surface. However, considering the privilege of the nucleus class, which actually rules the North Korean society, has remained unchanged. We can realize how difficult and hard it is to rise in social status in North Korea. The North has consolidated a structure which is thoroughly ruled by the nucleus class, more particularly a certain power elite. Even in such a society in North Korea, office workers and professional workers, who are called the "new middle class" or "working intellectuals," grew larger in numbers and improved in their knowledge. The North Korean authorities is worrying that these intellectuals may possibly convert into critics or unstable forces against the North Korean regime. Judging from such an anxiety, we can say that they brought more likelihood that North Korea will change. In addition, real earning differentials between nucleus class and non-nucleus one widened further apart. Even urbanization and improvement in education could possibly exert an undesirable effect on North Korea because it has been a strictly controlled society. With deteriorating economy, North Korean people cannot live on daily rations provided by the state. Under this serious situation, the people themselves cannot but seek self-help to make up with shortage of daily necessities and low-quality food. In this process, people begin to learn capitalistic means of living, as well as trends of individualism and materialism proliferated. Bribery became daily practice among all the people ranging from common citizen to senior officials. Pilferage and embezzlement are prevalent. Such deviant activities of North Koreans were not limited within domestic problems but extended to breaking away from their regime for exile abroad. Another noticeable phenomenon since the mid-1990s, which is different from the past, is the increasing number of escapees including people in high class. Escapees, who were the North Korean elites before, imply clear evidence that something is wrong with the North Korean regime. Peasants are rarely estranged from their regime because their mobility is restricted more than other classes. Worsening economic difficulties transformed the North Korean socio-economic structure into a dual structure between official and non-official spheres. In addition, non-official one grew larger. Expansion of non-official sphere hinders fulfillment of state's plan, and it subsequently reproduces on an enlarged scale laxity and instability in the North Korean regime. A typical example of non-official sphere relates with the black market and high prices in peasants' market where some trade is allowed. Sufferers from this dual structure consist of common people who are politically, economically and socially inferior. In the past, the biggest complaint of non-nucleus class was disadvantage in politics, but they are now suffering directly from the disadvantage in material side attributed to the dual structure of society and economy. It is, therefore, possible that a conflict could emerge between nucleus class, beneficiaries of the dual structure, and non-nucleus one, the victims of the same structure. Such a class conflict is considered direct factor which will weaken binding and controlling power of the socialist system. Kim Jong-il regime could, therefore, possibly be in an early stage of crisis which is very similar to that of East" European communist countries that collapsed in the late 1980s. We can not, however, conclude at present that this crisis will lead to a collapse of the entire North Korea. In spite of those adverse conditions, the party's control - with militarized measure - is intact. The military is still strong and people are accustomed to hardships. The North Korean regime is, therefore, expected to survive yet under deteriorating and unstable situations.


        GABA transaminase 의 새로운 보조인자 유사체로서의 6 - Br - pyridoxal - 5 - phosphate

        최수영,위세찬,김두식 ( Soo Young Choi,Sechan Wee,Doo Sik Kim ) 생화학분자생물학회 1989 BMB Reports Vol.22 No.2

        6-Br-pyridoxal-5-phosphate, a new cofactor analog of pyridoxal-5-phosphate, was synthesized and purified homogeneously by organic and enzymatic methods. This cofactor analog binds to cofactor binding site of GABA transaminase. Resolved and reduced GABA transaminase restore the catalytic activity by 6-Br-PLP. These results indicate that the 6-Br-PLP remains covalently attached to the amino acid residue of the catalytic site and acts like natural cofactor.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        혈관육종 환자에서 두피의 아전절제술

        최수영,백인수,박철규,홍인표 대한성형외과학회 2011 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.38 No.5

        Purpose: Angiosarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of endothelial type cells that line vessel walls. It tends to occur in aged male and the prognosis of angiosarcoma is very poor because of frequent local recurrence and early metastasis. The treatment regimen is yet to be established from its rare occurrence but the wide excision in early stage is known to be the most effective. The authors report two cases of near totally excised angiosarcoma with more than a safety margin of 5 cm. Methods: The two subjects were aged male patients,one of the two was diagnosed with angiosarcoma from our institution confirmed by the biopsy. The other one went through the wide excision with a safety margin of 2 cm and split-thickness skin graft but local recurrence was observed. The two patients underwent near total excision with more than a safety margin of 5 cm, leaving only the periosteum. After confirming that the angiosarcoma had not infiltrated the excision margin, reconstruction with split-thickness skin graft was performed. Results: Based on 6 months and 24 months postsurgery assessment, no local recurrence or remote metastasis in the lungs, liver, bones, and lymph nodes at the neck, where remote metastasis is common, was reported by the two subjects who underwent near total excision with a safety margin of 5 cm. Conclusion: Angiosarcoma has very poor prognosis from its frequent recurrence and metastasis. To enhance the survival rate of angiosarcoma patients, early diagnosis,timely surgical treatment, and radiotherapy after surgery are critical. In addition, authors suggest that it is necessary to further study the efficacy of wide excision using a wider safety margin as much as possible, and to apply this to more cases.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        코스닥 기업의 상장시점 과잉투자가 상장폐지위험에 미치는 영향

        최수영,고재민,조은정 한국회계정보학회 2018 회계정보연구 Vol.36 No.1

        This study examine whether over-investment of IPO firms in KOSDAQ market increase delisting risk. Investment is essential for boosting a company's future profitability, but failure to do so will have a significant influence on a company's viability. In an imperfect capital market, information asymmetry between managers and shareholders may result in over-investment by the manager. This study analyze that the possibility of delisting a newly listed company would be increased if surplus money that flows in newly listed company lead to overinvestment This paper analyze the possibility of delisting from the newly listed companies on the KOSDAQ market within 8 years during the period of 2000 to 2008 as a survival analysis method. Survival analysis is a methods for analyzing data where the outcome variable is the time until the occurrence of an event of interest. In this study, the starting time is initial public offering, and the analysis was carried out using the time of occurrence, the duration of survival until the time of delisting, of businesses that performed over-investment. We find that the higher over-investment of a newly listed company, the higher the likelihood of delisting. The results are consistent in analyses other than those at the initial stage of establishment. This means our results are robust after controling the possibility of delisting due to uncertainty of initial business. In addition, over-investment also increased the risk of delisting when we shortened the analysis period to five years. The results of this study show that over-investment in excess capital of newly listed firms may reduce the likelihood of the firms' survivalship and lead to delisting. Unlike prior studies mainly examine the reasons for delisting from the company's financial characteristics, this study focuses on the underlying management decision that brings about these financial characteristics. 본 연구는 코스닥 신규상장기업의 과잉투자가 상장폐지 가능성을 높이는지 살펴보았다. 투자는 기업 경영에 있어 필수적인 활동으로 기업의 미래 수익성을 높일 수도 있지만, 이에 실패하면 기업의 존립가능성에 중대한 영향을 미친다. 자본시장의 불완전성으로 인해 정보비대칭이 존재하는 상황에서, 경영자는 대리인 문제로 인하여 잉여현금흐름에 대한 과잉투자 유인을 가질 수 있다. 본 연구는 신규상장기업에 유입되는 자금이 과잉투자로 이어지는 경우, 기업의 상장폐지 비율이 높아지는지 분석하였다. 본 연구는 2000년부터 2008년까지의 기간 동안 코스닥 시장에 신규로 상장된 기업을 대상으로 상장 후 8년 내에 상장폐지 될 가능성을 생존분석(survival analysis)의 방법으로 살펴보았다. 생존분석이란 정해진 시작점으로부터 사건의 발생시점까지의 시간(생존시간)으로 구성된 생존 자료를 분석하여, 집단에 포함된 개체들의 생존경험을 요약하기 위해 사용되는 분석 방법이다. 생존분석 방법은 주로 임상시험 자료의 분석에 많이 사용되었으나 최근 사회과학분야에서도 광범위하게 사용되는 추세이다. 본 연구에서 정해진 시작점은 신규상장 시점이며, 이 시점에 과잉투자를 수행한 기업에 대하여 사건의 발생시점 즉, 상장폐지 시점까지의 생존기간을 이용하여 분석을 수행하였다. 코스닥 시장에 신규 상장된 기업이 상장 후 8년 내 상장폐지될 가능성을 생존분석한 결과, 신규상장기업에서 과잉투자가 클수록 상장폐지 가능성이 높아졌다. 설립 초기기업을 제외한 분석에서도 동일하게 나타났는데, 이는 설립 초기의 영업 불확실성으로 인한 상장폐지 가능성을 통제하고도 신규상장기업의 과잉투자가 상장폐지 위험을 높인다는 것을 뜻한다. 상장 후 상장폐지까지의 기간을 5년으로 좁혀서 분석한 결과에서도 동일하게 과잉투자는 상장폐지 위험을 증가시켰다. 본 연구의 결과는 신규상장기업에서 발생하는 여유자금이 과잉투자되는 경우 기업의 존립 가능성을 낮추고 상장폐지로 이어질 수 있다는 사실을 보여준다. 선행연구들이 주로 상장폐지의 원인을 기업의 재무적 특성에서 찾고 있는 것과 달리, 본 연구는 이와 같은 재무적 특성을 불러오는 근본적인 경영의사결정에 초점을 맞추었다는 점에서 공헌점이 있다.

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