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      • KCI우수등재
      • 『Россия в Корее, 1893-1905 гг. Политика Министерства Финансов и Морского министерства

        최덕규 국제한국사학회 2014 국제한국사학 Vol.2 No.-

        My dissertation is the historiographic attempt to trace the economical policy of the Finance Minister S.Iu.Witte in regard to Korea during the late-19 to early 20th century. The author concentrated his attention on studying the ways of exporting the Russian capitals into Korea, linked with the programs of railroad construction and establishing the Russo-Korean Bank in Seoul. This study is also the first to review the Russian naval program in the Far East, closely linked to the intended strengthening on the Russian Navy in the Pacific and establishing a naval base on the Korean shore in the harbor of Masampo. That projected base was considered inside the naval Naval ministry as the way to solve the problem of the 'Yellow Bosphorus', offering the Russian Navy an open access to the Pacific. The author used materials provided by 20 funds of four state archives in St.Petersburg an Moscow(RGIA and RGAVMF in St.Petersburg; AVPRI and GARF in Moscow). The study incorporated a variety of yet unpublished sources, often never before considered by scholars. A comparative study of the policies promoted by the Finance and Naval Ministries allowed for clarifying such a vital aspect of the Russian approaches toward the Far East as the interaction between the financial capital and naval shipbuilding program. All this has led the author to the conclusion that although Russia had started its expansion in the Far East in order to secure markets for Russian Products, in the end it stimulated the military industry development, strengthening the Pacific Fleet, and pushing Russia further along the road of the arms race.

      • [특별기고] 대한민국 특허제도의 문제점 (Ⅲ) : 잘못된 선원주의에 대하여

        최덕규 세창출판사 2011 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.65

        Article 36 Section 1 of Korean Patent Law provides the first-to-file system in which a first patent application may be granted as patent in case that there are more than one patent application in which the claimed inventions are identical. In other words, the latter patent application(s) except the first patent application shall not be granted as patent under Article 36 Section 1. The patent examiner may reject a patent application directly under the Article. However, the first-to-file provision is not a patentability such as novelty or non-obviousness but a procedural requirement for defining the scope of prior art for determining novelty. A patent application shall not be rejected directly under the first-to-file provision but may be rejected under the novelty provision over the prior art defined under the first-to-file system. One of important objects of the first-to-file system is to prevent double patenting. However, according to Article 29 Section 3 of Korean Patent Law, double patenting may be allowed to the same applicant. In order to deficiency of Article 29 Section 3, a request for terminal disclaimer shall preferably be studied to adopt. A junior patent application which is filed within the grace period of 6 months from the date of disclosure shall have priority for granted as patent over a senior patent application filed after the date of disclosure and before the filing date of the junior patent application. According to Article 36, for patent applications filed at the same day, only one patent application may be granted as patent through negotiation by the applicants when the claimed inventions are identical. The patent applications filed at the same day shall be consistently treated under the first-to-file.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        문화예술단체평가를 위한 BSC모형개발

        최덕규,최영경 민족음악학회 2011 음악과 민족 Vol.41 No.-

        This study purpose the development of balanced scorecard (BSC) for the rational evaluation of culture-art organizations. Originally, BSC has been developed to evaluate the performance of business corporations, but recently it has been widely used to evaluate non-profit organizations such as hospital, school, government, and public organizations. It is difficult to measure and evaluate culture-art activities in numerical method. However, because of the limit of support from government and a great number of culture-art organizations which needs government’s support, it is necessary to establish the priority for the support. Furthermore to eliminate the possibility that the organizations which failed to get the support from government blame and complain about its fairness and objectivity of the evaluation, we need to make more reasonable evaluation method. BSC has been recognized as a very adequate model to evaluate the performance of business organizations. To be used as a tool to assess the activity of culture-art organizations, BSC has to adapt different feature of culture-art organizations and its environment. From this perspective, this study developed the BSC model by following steps. First, we made a pre-model of BSC to evaluate culture-art organizations based on documentary records and experience of culture-art activities. Second, we invited experts and leaders of culture-art field in Busan area and held five times seminars to examine relevance and reliability of pre-model of BSC. Third, we surveyed the people of culture-art organizations in Busan with elaborated BSC model, and finally completed the final version of BSC model based on the survey.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        글로벌전신네트워크와 서로전선(西路電線)의 가설

        최덕규 한국세계문화사학회 2017 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.45

        The Western telegraph line(西路電線) was the first line in Korea which was layed on the Korea-Chinese telegraph Convention (1885.7.17) as the land line connecting Chemulpo-Seoul-Uiju. This wire was completed on November 17th of the same year, and the loan of 100,000 teals provided by the Chinese government to the Korea served as a driving force for the project. As a result, the Korean government, which was connected to the international telecommunication network, was able to prepare the transit of traditional Korean society to the independent state on the global standard. It seems to worth attention that the Chinese loan to the Korea for laying telegraph line was funded by the British Hong Kong-Shanghai Bank (Hui Ping Bank). It deserves special consideration for the reason why Hong Kong-Shanghai bank supported the Korean government for telegraph issue. This was the main theme of this study. In short, the one who wanted to connect Korean wire to the global telecommunication network was not only the Korean King but also the United Kingdom, which dominated the international telecommunications network. It was a distinct feature in the era of global networking, the telegraph lines of the certain nations moved toward global convergence. It was the reason why Korea's telegraph line constituted a part of global network controlled by UK. Therefore, the Korean western telegraph line, constructed in the crisis of Port Hamilton(1885) by rivalry between UK and Russia, was the process of convergence of Korea to the UK telegraph network, which dominated more than 66% of the world telegraph.(Northeast Asian history Foundation) 서로전선(西路電線)은 제물포-서울-의주를 잇는 1,130리의 육로(陸路)전선으로서 조청전선조약(朝淸電線條約: 1885.7.17.)에 의거, 가설된 한국 최초의 전신선이었다. 이 전선의 가설은 청정부가 고종정부에 제공한 20년 상환 조건의 10만 냥 차관이 사업 추진의 견인차 역할을 하였다. 우리가 주목하는 것은 청국이 고종정부에 제공한 차관이 영국계 홍콩-상하이 은행(匯豐銀行)의 자금이었다는 점이다. 그렇다면 왜 홍콩-상하이 은행은 청국을 통해 고종정부의 의주선 가설자금을 지원했을까? 이는 본 연구를 관통하는 문제의식이다. 왜냐하면 서로전선이 영국의 자금지원으로 청국 전신과 접속되었다면, 이 전선은 한국의 국내선이라기보다는 정보전달의 국제 公路였기 때문이었다. 요컨대 서로전선을 글로벌통신네크워크에 접속시키고자 했던 측은 고종정부 뿐만 아니라 국제 전신망을 지배하고 있던 영국이기도 했다. 근대 글로벌네크워킹 시대의 개별 국가들의 전신선은 全球性(Globality)에 수렴(Convergence)되었던 특징이 있다. 왜냐하면 한국의 전신망 역시 국제전신망에 접속되어 그 일부를 구성해야지만 의미와 가치를 지닐 수 있었기 때문이다. 따라서 서로전선의 가설은 세계전신을 지배하고 있었던 영국의 전신네트워크에 한국이 수렴되는 과정이기도 했다. 이러한 논의들은 한국 최초의 전신선 가설이 왜 영국 해군의 거문도 점령 사건(1885)과 연동되는지를 밝히는데 도움이 되었다.

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