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      • KCI등재

        Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Studies of the Kwangsin Pb-Zn Deposit

        최광준,윤성택,소칠섭,Choi, Kwang-Jun,Yun, Seong-Taek,So, Chil-Sup The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1997 자원환경지질 Vol.30 No.6

        광신 연-아연 광산은 단층 열극을 충진한 열극 충진 광상으로서 조선계의 삼태산층과 시대미상의 서창리층에 발달된 석영과 탄산엽맥으로 이루어져 있다. 광화작용은 3회에 걸쳐 진행되었으며, 각 광화시기의 특징은 다음과 같다. 광화 I기=barren한 석영의 침전기, 광화 II기=석영과 능망간석에 수반된 연-아연 광물의 주 침전기, 광화 III기=barren한 방해석의 침전기. 특히, 연-아연 광물은 주로 광화 IIb기에 침전하였다. 유체포유물 연구에 의하면, 광화 IIb기 광화유체의 온도와 염농도는 $182^{\circ}{\sim}276^{\circ}C$와 2.7~5.4 wt. % NaCl 상당 염농도였으며, 연-아연 광물의 침전은 주로 비등작용과 더불어 후기의 천수 혼입작용에 기인하였음을 지시한다. 광화작용은 약 600~700 m의 심도에서 이루어진 것으로 판단된다. 섬아연석과 유비철석의 성분 함량을 이용하여 추정한 광화 IIb기의 황분압($log\;fs_2$)은 -15.5~11.8 atm이다. 황화물의 황동위원소 조성 (${\delta}^{34}S_{CDT}=9.0{\sim}14.5$ ‰)에 근거한 열수유체의 전(全) 황동위원소값 (${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}S}$)은 약 14 ‰로서 매우 높은데, 이는 심부 화성기원의 황이 퇴적암류내의 황산염과 다소 혼합 된 결과로 사료된다. 산소-수소 동위원소 분석 연구에 의하면, 광화유체는 낮은 수-암비 환경 하에서 주로 주변 모암인 삼태산층 (${\delta}^{18}O=20.1{\sim}24.9$ ‰)과 상당히 반응한 심부 순환 천수로부터 형성되었다. 한편, 광화유체의 산소동위원소값 (${\delta}^{18}O_{H2O}$)은 광화작용의 진행과 더불어 체계적으로 감소 (광화 I기, 14.6~10.1 ‰; 광화 IIa기, 5.8~2.2 ‰; 광화 IIb기, 0.8~-2.0 ‰; 광화 IIc기, -6.1~-6.8 ‰)하였다. 이는 열수계 내로의 천수 혼입이 시간 경과와 더불어 점진적으로 증가하였음을 지시한다. Lead and zinc mineralization of the Kwangsin mine was formed in quartz and carbonate veins that filled fault-related fractures in the limestone-rich Samtaesan Formation of the Chosun Supergroup and the phyllite-rich Suchangni Formation of unknown age. A K-Ar date of alteration sericite indicates that the Pb-Zn mineralization took place during Late Cretaceous (83.5 Ma), genetically in relation to the cooling of the nearby Muamsa Granite (83~87 Ma). Mineral paragenesis can be divided into three stages (I, II, III): (I) the deposition of barren massive white quartz, (II) the main Pb-Zn mineralization with deposition of white crystalline quartz and/or carbonates (rhodochrosite and dolomite), and (III) the deposition of post-ore barren calcite. Mineralogic and fluid inclusion data indicate that lead-zinc minerals in middle stage II (IIb) were deposited at temperatures between $182^{\circ}$ and $276^{\circ}C$ from fluids with salinities of 2.7 to 5.4 wt. % equiv. NaCl and with log $fs_2$ values of -15.5 to -11.8 atm. The relationship between homogenization temperature and salinity data indicates that lead-zinc deposition was a result of fluid boiling and later meteoric water mixing. Ore mineralization occurred at depths of about 600 to 700 m. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals (${\delta}^{34}S_{CDT}=9.0{\sim}14.5$ ‰) indicate a relatively high ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}S}$ value of ore fluids (up to 14 ‰), likely indicating an igneous source of sulfur largely mixed with an isotopically heavier sulfur source (possibly sulfates in surrounding sedimentary rocks). There is a remarkable decrease of calculated ${\delta}^{18}O$ value of water in hydrothermal fluids with increasing paragenetic time: stage I, 14.6~10.1 ‰; stage IIa, 5.8~2.2 ‰; stage IIb, 0.8~2.0 ‰; stage IIc, -6.1~-6.8 ‰, This indicates a progressive increase of meteoric water influx in the hydrothermal system at Kwangsin. Measured and calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope values indicate that the Kwangsin hydrothermal fluids was formed from a circulating (due to intrusion of the Muamsa Granite) meteoric waters which evolved through interaction mainly with the Samtaesan Formation (${\delta}^{18}O=20.1$ to 24.9 ‰) under low water/rock ratios.

      • KCI등재

        일본고전문학(日本古典文學)에 보이는 남녀(男女)의 사랑 -『만요슈(萬葉集)』의 「불륜」을 중심으로 -

        최광준 ( Choi Kwang-joon ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.99 No.2

        This paper is about liaison of the natural fears about the classics of the literature of Japan at the time, the people`s concept of sex between men and women are how. Take a look at the reflected. As you can see the relationship between the men and women in the dictionary definition of adultery `inappropriate love`, or refers to the `an inappropriate relationship`. Love affair is contrary to morality take a backseat. Japan`s sexual morality is a lot you don`t understand when you see the part of us. That`s a Japanese citizen, not everyone does that mean you. The ancient Japanese people are taken the Meiji Restoration of the practice of polygamy (明治維新) by modern system since changed. And adultery. The adultery in Japan had disappeared in the late 1940s. Modern physical relationship, or the concepts of the affair, in return for sexual intercourse of men and women. Once upon a time and the modern concept of sex. In ancient literature, especially "Manyoshu" in extramarital affair at this point is the song of many song that can say. Japan is in love songs of men and women so. At that time, having an affair not power, and in women, and an ordinary of men and women of noble rank as the central love. But "Manyoshu" the songs of Azuma(東歌) and Sakimoori(防人歌), in having an affair can not find out. Of course, a love affair is not appear, but I`m sure you. In addition to the songs looking in the final announcement on the songs of" Manyoshu". Next time I`ll introduce another paper about the prince Siki`s songs, Abenoiracheume`s songs and Nakatoomminoasomiazumahito`s songs.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본문학(日本文學),일본학(日本學) 편(篇) : 『만엽집(萬葉集)』의 매화(梅花) -권(卷)5의 매화가군(梅花歌群)을 중심으로-

        최광준 ( Kwang Joon Choi ) 한국일어일문학회 2011 日語日文學硏究 Vol.77 No.2


      • KCI등재

        일본어교육과 일본견학 및 현장체험 -신라대학교를 중심으로-

        최광준 ( Kwang Joon Choi ) 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.16 No.-

        日本語敎育における方法論的硏究は色色な角度で姸究されられている.日本での日本語敎育は西洋人むけの日本語敎育がおこなわれている。日本は私たちのように中國の漢字を使って來た漢字文化圈である。漢字が分からない西洋人を含めた外國人たちとは違う方法で日本語を勉强しなければならない。特に語順が同じで漢字文化圈である私たちの日本語敎育は他の外國人たちの日本語敎育とは違わなければならない。出發點が違うのである. 韓國人だけのための日本語の新しい敎材の開發が必要である。このような新しい敎材の開發とともに多くの現場體驗を通じて日本を理解しなければならない。日本語の勉强のための刺激を與えることができる機會を作っておかなければならない。現場體驗の機會を通じて日本語に自信感を持つようになるのである。このような自信感と意欲は直ちに學習向上に繫がれる。こういう過程を通して日本語敎育がまともにできるようになる。日本語に興味を感じるようになるとともに日本語實力が向上するはずで、敎える敎師らはそれなりの滿足感と成就感を感じることができるでしょう。このような目的で新羅大學の日本語敎育について考えてみた。

      • KCI등재

        새로운 유럽공동체법 (Rome II Regulation)상 불법행위에 관한 준거법

        최광준(Choi, Kwang Joon) 한국재산법학회 2010 재산법연구 Vol.26 No.3

        As of 11 January 2009, Regulation (EC) No 864/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II) will be applicable in twenty-six European Union Member States. The Rome II Regulation applies to events giving rise to damage which occur after its entry into force on 19 August 2007 in proceedings commenced after 11 January 2009. This Regulation provides conflict of law rules for tort and delict, unjust enrichment and restitution, negotiorum gestio and culpa in contrahendo. It has a wide scope covering almost all issues raised in cases of extra-contractual liability. The majority of the rules in the Rome II Regulation are inspired by existing rules from European countries. Others are pioneering, innovative new rules. Compared to many of the national systems of private international law of non-contractual obligations, Rome II Regulation introduces precise, modern and well-targeted rules on the applicable law that are well adapted to the needs of European actors. It provides, in particular, specific rules governing a certain number of specific torts (e.g. product liability, unfair competition and acts restricting free competition, environmental damage, infringement of intellectual property rights, and industrial action). The provisions of the Regulation will considerably increase legal certainty on the European scale, while at the same time giving courts the freedom necessary to deal with new or exceptional situations. The material scope of the Rome II Regulation is set out in Article 1. The Regulation applies to non-contractual obligations in “civil and commercial matters”, a term which is to be understood in the same sense as in the Brussels I Regulation. The Regulation would therefore not apply to revenue, customs or administrative matters. Article 1(2) specifically excludes non-contractual obligations arising out of family relationships, matrimonial property regimes and succession, obligations under negotiable instruments, the personal liability of officers and members for the debts of a corporate and incorporated body, the personal liability of persons carrying out a statutory audit, the liability of settlors, trustees and beneficiaries of a trust, and, finally, non-contractual obligations arising out of nuclear damage. The approach taken by the Commission in the Regulation is to divide non-contractual obligations into two major categories, those that arise out of a tort or delict and those that do not. The latter category would include quasi-delictual or quasi-contractual obligations, including, in particular, unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio (agency without authority). Article 2 provides that the Regulation is to have universal application so the uniform conflict rules laid down in the Regulation can designate the law of an EU Member State or of a third country. Rome II is not restricted to cross border or intra Community disputes. Its rules would apply and could lead to the application of Californian law in a case before a United Kingdom court brought by an American claiming damages for a traffic accident caused by a United Kingdom citizen when driving on holiday in California. Article 3 lays down the general rules for determining the law applicable to non-contractual obligations arising out of a tort or delict. The law applicable is to be the law of the country in which the damage arises or is likely to arise irrespective of the country in which the event giving rise to the damage occurred or of the country or countries in which indirect consequences of that event arise. There are two exceptions to the general rule. Article 3(2) contains a special rule that where the person claimed to be liable and the person who has allegedly sustained damage are habitually resident in the same country, the law of that country would be applicable. Article 3(3) contains a more general exception. Where it is clear from all the circumstance

      • 소프트웨어 유지보수를 위한 형상변경통제절차

        최광준(Choi Kwang J .),진성일(Jin Seong I .),김기봉(Kim Ki B .) 한국정보처리학회 1997 정보처리학회논문지 Vol.4 No.11

        Many large-scale enterprises have developed software systems to build management information system for their business. However, it is hard to maintain shareability of data, compatibility of operation methodology, and interoperability among subsystems when the development project progresses since each distributed team papers a development plan for its subsystem and must have poor communication problem among those teams. We must apply software configuration management to the whole life cycle of the software system in order to solve those problems. We need a model and a repository in order to execute configuration management on configuration products like document, data, and source code which are generated through the life cycle of software development. In this paper, we suggest a model for configuration change control where cross-referencing among life cycle phases and data-sharing are highlighted, and define ER model to use IRDS(Information Resource Dictionary System) and IRD schemes.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 권역별 농업용수 수요량 산정에 대한 고찰

        최광준 ( Kwang Jun Choi ),송성호 ( Sung Ho Song ),김진성 ( Jin Sung Kim ),임찬우 ( Chan Woo Lim ) 한국환경과학회 2013 한국환경과학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        Over 96.2% of the agricultural water in Jeju Island is obtained from groundwater and there are quite distinct characteristics of agricultural water demand/supply spatially because of regional and seasonal differences in cropping system and rainfall amount. Land use for cultivating crops is expected to decrease 7.4% (4,215 ha) in 2020 compared to 2010, while market garden including various vegetable crop types having high water demand is increasing over the Island, especially western area having lower rainfall amount compared to southern area. On the other hand, land use for fruit including citrus and mandarin having low water demand is widely distributed over southern and northern part having higher rainfall amount. The agricultural water demand of 1,214×103 ㎥/day in 2020 is estimated about 1.39 times compared to groundwater supply capacity of 874×103㎥/day in 2010 with 42.4% of eastern, 103.1% of western, 61.9% of southern, and 77.0% of northern region. Moreover, net secured amount of agricultural groundwater would be expected to be much smaller due to regional disparity of water demand/supply, the lack of linkage system between the agricultural water supply facilities, and high percentage of private wells. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the total net secured amount of agricultural groundwater to overcome the expected regional discrepancy of water demand and supply by establishing policy alternative of regional water supply plan over the Island, including linkage system between wells, water tank enlargement, private wells maintenance and public wells development, and continuous enlargement of rainwater utilization facilities.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화와 관련한 제주지역 농업용수의 효율적 활용 방안(I)

        송성호,최광준,Song, Sung-Ho,Choi, Kwang-Jun 한국지하수토양환경학회 2012 지하수토양환경 Vol.17 No.2

        Rainfall, on Jeju Island varies regionally in relation to Mt. Halla with higher rainfall within southern area and lower in western area, and its variability is expected to expand according to the climate change scenario. Non-parametric trend analysis for rainfall, using both historic (1971-2010) and simulated (2011-2100) data assuming the A1B emissions scenario, shows regionally increasing trends with time. In perspective of agricultural land use, area for market garden including various crop types with high water demand is increasing over the Island, especially in the western area with lower rainfall compared to southern area. On the other hand, area for fruit including mandarin and kiwi with low water demand is widely distributed over southern and northern part having higher rainfall. These regional disparity of water demand/supply may be more affected by extreme events such as drought and heavy rainfall that has not yet been considered. Therefore, it is necessary to make policies for water resource management considering both demand and supply in different regions with climate change impacts over Jeju Island.

      • KCI등재

        농어촌지하수 관측망

        이병선,김영인,최광준,송성호,김진호,우동광,설민구,박기연,Lee, Byung Sun,Kim, Young In,Choi, Kwang-Jun,Song, Sung-Ho,Kim, Jin Ho,Woo, Dong Kwang,Seol, Min Ku,Park, Ki Yeon 한국지하수토양환경학회 2014 지하수토양환경 Vol.19 No.4

        Rural groundwater monitoring network has been managed by Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC) since 1998. The network consists of two kinds of subnetworks; rural groundwater management network (RGMN) and seawater intrusion monitoring network (SIMN). RGMN has been operated to promote a sound and sustainable development of rural groundwater within the concerned area for groundwater quality and quantity. SIMN has been operated to protect the crops against hazards by the saline water in coastal areas in which the shortage of irrigation water become a main problem for agriculture. Currently, a total of 283 monitoring wells has been installed; 147 wells in 79 municipalities for RGMN and 136 wells in 52 ones for SIMN, respectively. Two subnetworks commonly monitor three hydrophysical properties (groundwater level, temperature, and electric conductivity) every hour. Monitored data are automatically transferred to the management center located in KRC. Data are opened to the public throughout website named to be the Rural Groundwater Net (www.groundwater.or.kr). Annual reports involving well logging and hydrochemical data of RGMN and SIMN have been published and distributed to the rural water management office of each municipalities. In addition, anyone who concerns about RGMN an SIMN can freely download these reports throughout the Rural Groundwater Net as well.

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