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        焦彭琰(Jiao Pengyan) 중국어문학연구회 2021 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.126

        This study focuses on the polysemous structure of “Hao V” and describes the asymmetrical phenomena of its members in syntax, frequency, affirmation and negation. We find that the “good V” structure expressing intuitive evaluation or empirical evaluation is the typical category of the polysemous structure, while the “good V” structure expressing moderate reasoning and matching estimation is the atypical category of the polysemous structure. The opposition between the two is also reflected in the opposition of whether there is a mark or not. At the same time, we can also find the reasons from the cognitive and pragmatic perspectives.

      • KCI등재


        焦彭琰(Jiao Pengyan) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.111

        In this paper, we considered the etymological meaning of the ‘很’ type adverbs of degree, and found the common semantic features of these kinds of vocabularies. Through cross-language research, we found that these similarities are based on the common cognitive mechanism of human beings. And with the cognitive mechanism of metonymy, the ‘很’ type adverbs of degree have completed the grammatical evolution from etymological meaning to degree meaning.

      • KCI등재

        다의어 동사 ‘吃’와 ‘먹다’에 대한 의미 대조 분석

        초팽염 ( Jiao Pengyan ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.89

        Eating is the most basic action of human survival. This paper makes a contrastive study of the polysemy of the basic verbs expressing this action in Korean and Chinese. It is found that the two verbs derive some similar semantics based on the common cognitive style of human beings, but also because of the differences in the interpretation of the conceptualization process of the action, they produce some different derived semantics. Through comparative analysis, we find that the conceptual schema of Chinese verb “eat” is composed of the elements of “enter-chew- swallow”, which highlights the chewing action in the mouth, and its derivative meaning also shows the characteristics of experience and process. The conceptual schema of Korean verb “먹다” is composed of some elements as “enter-swallow- conserve”, which highlights the preservation state in the abdominal cavity, and its derived meaning also shows the characteristics of experience and result.

      • KCI등재

        漢韓表“穿戴義”動詞語義演變特徵小考 - 以“穿”和“입다”爲中心

        焦彭琰(Jiao Pengyan) 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.119

        This thesis uses the Chinese verb “穿” and the Korean verb “입다” as the research object, and analyzes the etymology and derivation of the two verbs in the two languages. Based on the etymology of the Chinese verb “穿”, we construct a “crossing” motion event-frame. And according to the etymology of the Korean verb “입다”, the motion event-frame of “coverage” is constructed. Due to the difference between the conceptual framework and the cognitive focus, the derived semantics are also very different.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 ‘別+VP+了+NP’ 구문 연구

        焦彭琰(Jiao Pengyan),尹愛庚(Yoon, Ae-kyoung) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.97

        This paper explains the structure of ‘別+VP+了+NP’ in the modern Chinese. First we analysis the semantic feature of the ‘VP’ and semantic function of the ‘了’. By comparing with the structure of ‘別+VP+NP+了’, we can draw a meaning of the structure of ‘別+VP+了+NP’. And to conclude, the ‘VP’ in the structure of ‘別+VP+了+NP’ was restricted by the meaning of the structure of ‘別+VP+了+NP’. And more verbs can obtain the corresponding sentence semantics when they get into the structure of ‘別+VP+了+NP’.

      • KCI등재


        초팽염(JIAO, PENGYAN) 한국중어중문학회 2014 中語中文學 Vol.59 No.-

        본고는 정도부사인 ‘?’의 어법화 과정을 고찰하였다. 기존 연구에 따르면 ‘?’는 ‘사납고 거칠다’는 의미에서 허화된 것으로 보고 있다. 즉 ‘?’은 ‘?+형’ 구조에서 형용사와 병렬관계를 가졌으나, 이후 ‘?’의 의미가 점차 약화되면서 수식관계로 변해 정도부사가 된다는 것이다. 그러나 쿠퍼스를 정리한 결과, ‘?’이 정도부사로 사용되기(元明시기) 전에는 ‘?+형’ 구조보다 ‘형+?’ 구조의 사용빈도가 더 높다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이것은 ‘?’이 형용사 뒤에 위치함으로서 먼저 의미허화가 시작되었을 수 있다는 방증이다. 특히 ‘得’를 가진 정도 보어가 나타나기 이전에 정도보어의 통사적인 위치는 일반적으로 동사나 형용사의 다음이었다. 이는 ‘형+?’ 구조에서 ‘?’이 정도의 의미로 변천하는데 작용한 중요한 외부요인으로 볼 수 있다. 환유라는 인지기제로 인해 ‘형+?(형)’ 구조가 ‘형+?(정도보어)’ 구조로 재분석 된다는 추론을 하였다. 한편 여기서 ‘?’의 어원적인 의미의 특징이 ‘?’의 어법화 과정에 내재적인 요인을 제공하였음을 알 수 있었다. ‘?’은 ‘어떤 대상과 어긋난 것’이라는 원래 의미에서 점차 어긋난 행동을 시행할 때의 태도나 심리상태도 뜻하게 되었다. 즉 어떠한 대상이 일정 기준으로부터 이탈하면서 그것과 기준 간에 거리가 생기는데 그러한 거리를 일종의 정도로 이해할 수 있고, 그 이탈된 위치를 정도로 표기할 수 있다는 것이다. 정도의 의미가 점차 강화되면서 ‘?’이 상태, 성질의 정도를 나타낼 뿐만 아니라, 은유의 기제로 인해 동작의 상태나 양, 그리고 사물의 상태나 성질의 정도도 유추해서 나타낼 수 있게 되었다. 이상으로 환유와 은유의 기제를 통해 ‘?’이 전문적인 정도부사가 되었다는 것을 논의하였다. This paper that examines the degree adverb "?" is showing how to evolute from a notional word to a degree adverb. First we analysis the internal semantic feature of the "?", then analysis the "motivation" of grammaticalization according to the characteristics of the syntactic position. We found that the structure of "形+ ?" can be reanalysis into the structure of "形+?". In this process, the notional word semantic of "?" is gradually weakened, indicates the degree of semantic gradually increased.

      • KCI등재


        焦彭琰(Jiao, Pengyan) 한국중어중문학회 2019 中語中文學 Vol.- No.76

        This paper investigates the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of the ‘X比YN还WN’ structure. We find that the ‘YN’ in ‘X比YN还WN’ uses a non-referential component to compare with X, and then expresses the characteristics of X on W. Moreover, because 还 has the characteristics of activating an expected sequence, the ‘YN’ must have highly identifiable characteristics and occupy an extreme position on the level of degree. The reduplication of nouns in this structure is to express more complex semantics, which accords with the cognitive motivation of quantitative iconicity.

      • KCI등재

        성별 어휘 ‘男X/女X’에 대한 의미 연구

        焦彭琰(Jiao Pengyan) 중국어문학연구회 2017 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.104

        This article examined the lexical combination uses in actual language to search for semantic differences between gender words, ‘男人/女人’, ‘男性/女性’and ‘男子/女子’. It also noted that there is a difference in the degree of spatial variability between each gender words and that such spatial differences indicate the differences in referentiality in the discourse.

      • KCI등재

        ‘別+V+了+O’ 구문과 ‘別+V+O+了’ 구문의 오류 분석 및 교육 방안 연구

        尹愛庚(Yoon, Ae-kyoung),焦彭琰(Jiao Pengyan) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.99

        This paper makes an questionnaire and analysis of the errors of the Korean students when they use the structure of ‘别+V+(O)+了+(O)’. According to the questionnaire, we found that when the Korean students use this structure, it is easy to miss the ‘了’, or can not use the ‘了’ in the right place. The Main reason is the learners do not understand the semantic deference of the two structures, the semantic feature of the ‘VP’ or the semantic function of the ‘了’ so well. So we should implement a more systematic teaching method to solve this problem.

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