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      • KCI등재

        18세기 조선의 ‘황조인(皇朝人)’ 정책과 창원(昌原) 공씨(孔氏)에서 곡부(曲阜) 공씨로의 정체성 변화

        채홍병 한국역사연구회 2022 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.123

        Examined in this article is a state-wide policy of the Joseon governmentregarding the “Hwangjo-in figures” (‘People from the Empire who naturalizedas Joseon citizens’) that was actively promoted in 18th century Korea. Thespecific issue examined here is how the Joseon society perceived the Gonghouse members(孔氏) in each period, how it treated them, how the Gongfigures came to regard themselves in response to the Joseon society’s suchtreatment of them, and how their identity changed accordingly. Till the mid-17th century, it was not the Joseon society’s general perceptionto view figures with the last name Gong(孔) living on the Korean peninsula asdescendants of the ancient Chinese sage Confucius himself. Even the Gongcommunity never showed a consensus in either way, supporting or denyingsuch perception to begin with. Later on, however, such perception began to bereflected in certain genealogy records and then further spread throughout theJoseon society. Even the Joseon government began to accept this newbornsocial belief during the reign of Sukjong, and provided benefits (for example,to be exempted from state duties) to the Gong figures, under the name ofrespecting their status as ‘Descendants of the Grand Sage(大聖後裔).’But the Gong figures were yet to receive full recognition as Confucius’descendants, until the reign of King Jeongjo. Regarding several efforts of certain‘Chinese-in-Joseon’ figures to secure proofs -such as genealogical records orpictures- from Qing, the Joseon government actively supported them if theywere made by original Ming citizens who had earlier come to Joseon and gotnaturalized (who could also be called as Hwangjo-in a narrower sense). On theother hand, regarding similar efforts made by the Gong figures, the Joseongovernment sometimes acted in a completely opposite manner. Then in 1792,16th year of King Jeongjo’s reign, the Gong figures in Joseon were officiallydesignated as ‘Descendants of Confucius’ (and as Hwangjo-in in literally abroader sense), and their official home region(‘Gwan-hyang, 貫鄕’) waschanged from Chang’weon to Gokbu. Commemoration projects were initiated while the government changed its previous stance of being uncooperative tototally supporting the import of relevant materials from Qing. This sort ofturnaround also heavily affected the Gong figures in Joseon, who finally cameto perceive themselves as members of the Gokbu Gong House. Such newperceptions were also reflected in the Gong House genealogy records publishedin this period.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        『國朝五禮儀』 賓禮에 편성된 對明儀禮의 특징과 朝鮮의 의도

        채홍병(Chae, Hong-Byung) 고려사학회 2021 한국사학보 Vol.- No.84

        이 글은 『국조오례의』에서 명 ‘사신’에 대한 연향 의례들이 조칙 등 명 ‘황제의 명령’에 대한 의례와는 별도로 마련되어 빈례에 등재된 사실에 주목하였다. 조선은 대명의례의 대상을 크게 명 ‘황제의 명령’과 ‘사신’으로 양분하여 전자가 주가 되는 의식은 가례와 흉례에 배치한 반면, 후자가 주가 되는 의식은 빈례로 편제하였다. 조선은 대명의례를 정비하는 과정에서 ‘황제의 명령’ 및 ‘사신’ 개념의 불명확성, 그리고 의례적 문제를 야기할 수 있는 ‘사신’의 다양한 출신 성분이라는 2가지 문제에 직면했다. 『국조오례의』 빈례의 ‘연조정사의’는 이를 타개할 필요가 있었던 조선 측 고심의 산물이었다. ‘연조정사의’는 명 황제의 상징물을 연회 공간에서 배제함으로써 해당 의례의 대상자를 국왕과 명 사신으로 한정지었다. 또한 면위와 의장, 집사자의 품직과 세부 동작의 차이 등을 통해 국왕이 주가 되는 빈주례를 구현하고자 하였다. This paper focuses on the fact that the categories on the rites of banquets for Ming envoys were separated from the categories on the rites for the Ming emperor’s orders, such as the imperial edicts, in Billye (賓禮 ; Guest Rites) section of Gukjo Oryeeui (國朝五禮儀 ; Five Rites of the State). Joseon court divided the target for the rites in the Joseon-Ming relations into two major categories: the emperor’s orders and the envoy. While the ceremonies targeted for the former were arranged in Garye (嘉禮 ; Felicitous Rites) and Hyungnye (凶禮 ; Funeral Rites) sections, the ceremonies for the latter were articulated in Billye. When organizing the ceremonies and rites in the Joseon-Ming relations, the Joseon court faced issues that the notions on the emperor’s order and the envoy was not clear, and that the envoys had diverse backgrounds which could cause problems in ritual. Yeonjojeongsaeui (宴朝廷使儀 ; Protocol on Banquets for the Ming Envoys) described in Billye section of Gukjo Oryeeui was the solution for the Joseon court on these issues. In this protocol, the symbol of the Ming emperor was excluded from the scenery of the banquets, so that the target of the ceremony could be limited to the Joseon king and the Ming envoys. In addition, the Joseon court tried to demonstrate the rites between the host and the guest setting the Joseon king as the host by expressing detailed differences in the arrangement of seats, the ritual process, the officiator’s ranks and even in the movements.

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