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      • KCI등재후보

        습관성 유산 환자에서 저용량 면역글로불린 치료와 말초혈액 내 Natural Killer (NK) 세포의 임계치에 관한 연구

        차선화,김해숙,김혜옥,송인옥,유근재,궁미경,강인수,양광문,Cha, Sun Hwa,Kim, Hae Suk,Kim, Hye Ok,Song, In Ok,Yoo, Keun Jai,Koong, Mi Kyung,Kang, Inn Soo,Yang, Kwang Moon 대한생식의학회 2005 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.32 No.3

        Objectives: We aimed to investigate the clinical effect of low-dose intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in unexplained recurrent spontaneous aborters (RSA) with elevated peripheral CD56+ natural killer (NK) cell levels and to determine the pre-conceptional NK cell percentage predictive of subsequent successful pregnancy outcome. Materials and Methods: Sixty four cases of unexplained recurrent miscarriage with elevated peripheral NK cells (>15%) were received low dose IVIg infusion at the dosage of 400 mg/Kg/month after confirmation of gestational sac and continued until 20 weeks. The patients were divided into two groups according to the pregnancy outcome: Group I was success of treatment defined as live birth at or after 25 gestational weeks and Group II was failure of treatment. The preconceptional levels of the peripheral blood NK cells were compared between two groups. Results: Fifty-three pregnancies resulted in live births after 25 weeks and 11 resulted in abortion (Overall success rate of IVIG treatment was 82.8%). Preconceptional CD56+ NK cell percentage in group II ($27.4{\pm}1.9%$) was higher than those in group I ($22.3{\pm}0.8%$). By using ROC curve, optimal discrimination between success and failure of treatment was achieved with ${\leq}27%$ of preconceptional NK cell percentage. Conclusion: In RSA patients with elevated NK cells, we suggest that preconceptional peripheral blood CD56+ NK cell level could be a useful marker for predicting successful treatment outcome of low-dose IVIg infusion.

      • KCI등재후보

        말초 혈액 CD56+Natural Killer Cell 증가에 기인한 습관성 유산 환자에서 정맥 내 면역글로블린 치료의 효과에 관한 연구

        차선화,박찬우,김해숙,조동희,김진영,강인수,궁미경,양광문,Cha, Sun Hwa,Park, Chan Woo,Kim, Hae Suk,Cho, Dong Hee,Kim, Jin Young,Kang, Inn Soo,Koong, Mi Kyoung,Yang, Kwang Moon 대한생식의학회 2005 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.32 No.2

        Objective: The aim of present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) and elevated pre-conceptional peripheral blood CD56+Natural Killer (NK) cell percentage. Study Design: Retrospective case control study. Materials and Methods: Thirty three women with RSA and elevated pre-conceptional peripheral blood CD56+NK cell percentage who had received low-dose IVIg therapy (400 mg/kg per day, every 4 week, until 20 gestational weeks) were included in this study. Controls were nine women with RSA and elevated pre-conceptional peripheral blood CD56+ Natural Killer (NK) cell percentage who had not received IVIg therapy were included in this study. Medical records of study and control groups were retrospectively analyzed and we compared the successful pregnancy outcomes between two groups. Successful pregnancy outcome was defined as pregnancy ongoing beyond 25 gestational weeks. Results: Age, number of previous abortions, pre-conceptional CD56+NK cell percentage and type of RSA were not statistically different between two groups. Otherwise, twenty-five women who received IVIg therapy (25/33, 75.8%) but, only three women who had not received (3/9, 33.3%) had a successful pregnancy outcome and the rate difference between two groups was statistically significant. Conclusion: Based on our study, low-dose IVIg therapy have a effective role in treatment of RSA patients with elevated pre-conceptional peripheral blood CD56+ Natural Killer (NK) cell percentage, but more larger scaled prospective study is needed for available of conclusive evidence.

      • KCI등재후보

        체외수정 시술 후 발생한 자궁벽내 임신 1예

        차선화,박종택,김해숙,송현정,강은희,송현진,강인수,Cha, Sun-Hwa,Park, Chong-Taik,Kim, Hae-Suk,Song, Hyun-Jung,Kang, Eun-Hee,Song, Hyun-Jin,Kang, Inn-Soo 대한생식의학회 2004 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.31 No.4

        Intramural pregnancy is an unusual ectopic gestation located within the uterine wall, completely surrounded by myometrium and separate from the uterine cavity, fallopian tube, or round ligament. It is known to be difficult to diagnose, and associated with a high rate of uterine rupture. We report a case of intramural pregnancy in which early diagnosis was made and successful treatment was done by dilatation and curettage. Diagnostic laparoscopy confirmed the absence of uterine rupture during the procedure. Therefore, conservation of fertility can be possible with early diagnosis of intramural pregnancy. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of intramural pregnancy following IVF-ET in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        수유 중 약물 복용에 따른 불안과 수유율

        차선화 ( Sun Hwa Cha ),한정열 ( Jung Yeol Han ),김해숙 ( Hae Suk Kim ),전선영 ( Seon Young Jeon ),허윤희 ( Yoon Hee Huh ),이경자 ( Kyong Ja Lee ),안현경 ( Hyun Kyong Ahn ),최준식 ( June Seek Choi ),김경아 ( Kyung Ah Kim ),신손문 ( 대한주산의학회 2003 Perinatology Vol.14 No.3

        목적: 수유부에서 약물 노출의 종류와 빈도 및 이들 약물에 노출시 수유아에 어느 정도 우려되는 영향을 미치는지 느끼는 정도와 이러한 우려가 모유 수유율에 영향을 미치는지 평가하고자 한다. 방법: 2003년 4월 15일부터 2003년 5월 15일까지 삼성제일병원 산부인과 외래에 출산 후 8주에 내원한 산모 중 설문에 답했던 91례를 대상으로 하였다. 설문은 출산력, 분만방법, 모유수유 여부, 약물 노출의 빈도와 종류를 포함하고 있으며, 10cm Visual analogue scale를 이용하여 수유부가 복용했던 약물에 의해 영아에 미치는 영향에 대한 우려정도를 측정하였다. 결과: 연구 대상자의 평균 나이는 31세였으며, 평균 출산 아기 수는 1.3 명이었다. 이들의 출산 후 8주에 수유율은 65.9%(60/91)이었다. 모유수유를 선택하지 않고 분유를 선택한 이유는 젖이 잘 나오지 않아서가 38.7%(12/31)이었으며, 직장 12.9%(4/31), 함몰유두 6.5%(2/31), 약물복용 3.2%(1/31), 유방울혈 3.2%(1/31), 순이었으며, 기타는 35.5%(11/31)이었다. 모유 수유율과 관련된 변수들 중 산모의 나이와 출산아이의 수는 통계학적으로 유의하지 않았으나, 출산 방법에 따른 모유 수유율은 정상자연분만은 76.9%(30/39), 유도분만에 따른 정상질식분만 70.0%(14/20), 그리고 제왕절개술 50%(16/32)로 통계학적으로 유의한 결과를 나타내었다(P<0.05). 수유 중 약물 사용율은 50%(30/60)이었으며, 복용한 약물의 종류는 단일 노출로는 한약이 가장 많아 36.7%(11/30)이었으며, 영양제 10%(3/30), 감기약 6.7%(2/30)순이었고, 복합적으로 처방 받은 예를 포함하면 한약은 46.7%에 이른다. 수유 중 약물 노출 후 수유부가 느끼는 영아에 미치는 나쁜 영향의 정도는 약 49%이며, 출산방법에 따른 차이를 비교하면 자연질식분만이 46.5±6.6%, 유도분만 48.9±8.6%, 그리고 제왕절개술 51.2±8.2%으로 통계학적인 차이는 없었지만, 분만과정에서 중재가 심할수록 산모가 느끼는 약물이 신생아에 미치는 우려의 정도가 크게 나타났다. 결론: 대부분의 수유부는 수유 중 모체의 약물 복용이 수유아에 악영향을 미칠 수 있다고 생각하며, 실제 이는 모유 수유율을 감소시키는 한 요인으로 작용한다. Objective: To determine the type and frequency of medication taken by breast-feeding women and to evaluate the effects of maternal anxiety related to medication during lactation on the breast-feeding rate. Methods: From April 15 to May 15 2003, we conducted a survey with a prepared questionnaire on ninety-one mothers who visited the obstetric clinics of Samsung Cheil hospital at eight weeks after delivery. The questionnaire contained information about parity, mode of delivery, whether to feed breast-milk, and the type and frequency of medicinal exposure. We also asked the degree of perceived adverse effects on her baby associated with maternal medication using 10cm visual analogue scale. Results: The mean age of respondents was thirty-one years and the mean number of children born to the respondents was 1.3. At the eighth week after delivery the breast-feeding rate was 65.9%. The breast-feeding rate was not related to maternal age or the number of children but rather, the mode of delivery, which was 76.9% in NSVD, 70.0% in vaginal delivery with labor induction and 50% in cesarean delivery(P<0.05). The frequency of maternal medication intake during lactation was 50%. The most frequent type of medicine was herb medicine (36.7%). The average score of perceived adverse effect on a respondent`s baby during breast-feeding was about 49% in total, which was 46.5% in NSVD, 48.9% in vaginal delivery with labor induction, and 51.2% in cesarean delivery. Conclusion: Most nursing mothers think that their medications during lactation affect adversely their babies, who, in turn, may be associated with the decrease of breast-feeding rate.

      • KCI등재

        불임 또는 습관성 유산 환자에서 중격자궁의 치료가 임신에 미치는 영향

        구화선,차선화,양광문,배주연,안현숙,한애라,박찬우,강인수,궁미경,이경상,Koo, Hwa-Seon,Cha, Sun-Hwa,Yang, Kwang-Moon,Bae, Ju-Youn,Ahn, Hyun-Suk,Han, Ae-Ra,Park, Chan-Woo,Kang, Inn-Soo,Koong, Mi-Kyoung,Lee, Kyung-Sang 대한생식의학회 2010 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.37 No.4

        목적: 중격자궁은 흔하게 보고되는 선천성 자궁기형 중 하나이며 여성의 생식능력에 미치는 영향에 대해 아직 이견이 많고, 따라서 치료의 필요성에 대해서도 아직 정립되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 중격자궁의 존재 및 치료 여부가 생식수행에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 2008년 1월부터 2009년 12월까지 불임 또는 습관성 유산을 주소로 제일병원 산부인과를 방문하여 자궁난관 조영술을 시행한 총 2,838명의 환자들 중 중격자궁이 진단된 44명의 환자들을 대상으로 하였으며, 이 중 27명은 자궁경 하 자궁중격 절제술을 시행 받았으며, 17명은 진단 후 추가적인 치료를 받지 않았다. 대조군은 동일 기간 내에 자궁기형이 진단되지 않은 환자 42명을 나이를 고려 후 무작위 선정하였다. 연구 대상군의 임신율, 자연유산율, 그리고 생존분만율 등에 대한 의무기록을 후향적으로 분석하였으며, 대상군들의 평균 추적 관찰 기간은 진단 후 21.8개월 이었다. 결과: 추적 관찰 기간 중 자궁경 하 질식 자궁중격 절제술을 시행 받은 환자 (n=27)의 55.6% (15/27)가 임신에 성공한 반면 치료를 받지 않은 환자 (n=17)의 약 23.5% (4/17)만이 임신에 성공하여 치료받은 군에서 통계적으로 의미있는 높은 수치를 보였다 (p<0.05). 한편 생존분만율은 치료를 받은 환자군 및 자궁기형이 진단되지 않은 불임 또는 습관성 유산 환자 (대조군, n=42)에서 각각 75%와 84.6%를 보인 반면 치료 받지 않은 군에서는 50% (2/4)를 보여 치료 받지 않은 중격자궁 환자에서 낮은 경향을 보이지만 통계학적 의미는 없었다. 결론: 중격자궁이 생식수행에 미치는 영향은 자연유산 등 산과적 합병증 뿐 아니라 오히려 임신력의 저하에 더 큰 악영항을 미칠 수 있으며 불임 환자에서 중격자궁의 존재 시 적극적인 치료가 임신성공률의 향상에 도움이 될 것으로 생각 되지만 보다 명확한 결론을 위해 규모가 크고 관찰 기간이 긴 대단위 연구가 필요 할 것으로 생각된다. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influences of uterine septum and their elimination on the reproductive outcomes in women who have history of recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) and/or infertility. Methods: The medical records of reproductive outcomes in patients who have had history of RSA and infertility who were diagnosed with uterine septum only by hysterosalpingogram (HSG) between January 2008 and December 2009 were retrospectively analyzed. The subjects who have had severe male factor, tubal factors, other uterine factors, endocrine abnormalities, peritoneal factors, and abnormal karyotyping among both partners were excluded. In 27 patients, confirmation of diagnosis by laparoscopy and elimination of uterine septum by trans-vaginal hysteroscopy was done. Seventeen patients were strongly suspected to uterine septum on HSG but tried to get pregnancy without any other procedure for evaluation and management of uterine anomaly. Age matched 42 patients who have history of RSA and/or infertility and diagnosed to normal HSG finding at same period were randomly selected as control. The medical records of reproductive outcomes were analyzed and compared between groups. Results: The mean time of observation after diagnosis was 21.8 months (10 to 32). 55.6% (15/27) of patients in patients who received trans-vaginal hysteroscopic uterine septotomy were success to get pregnancies and was significantly higher than that of 17 patients who did not receive proper management (23.5%, 4/17, p<0.05). In control population, 40.5% (17/42) were success to pregnancies and the differences were not statistically significant compared to both two study groups. The live birth rate which was excluded pregnancy loss by abnormal fetal karyotyping and congenital anomaly were 75% (9/12) in treated septated uterus group and 84.6% (11/13) in control group each which have no statistically significant different. In patients with septated uterus who did not receive proper management showed lower delivery rate (50%, 2/4) than that of other groups but was not statistically significant. Conclusion: According to present data, women with a uterine septum have an increased chance of successful pregnancy with improved obstetric outcome after proper management of the uterine cavity. And these results were showed in patients with no regard to their reproductive history. But, in case of failed to receive proper management, uterine septum can affect not only pregnancy ongoing but successful pregnancy too.

      • KCI등재

        난관 폐쇄에 기인한 불임 환자에서 난관 개통술의 효용성

        박찬우,차선화,양광문,한애라,유지희,송인옥,김혜옥,강인수,궁미경,이경상,Park, Chan-Woo,Cha, Sun-Hwa,Yang, Kwang-Moon,Han, Ae-Ra,Yoo, Ji-Hee,Song, In-Ok,Kim, Hye-OK,Kang, Inn-Soo,Koong, Mi-Kyoung,Lee, Kyung-Sang 대한생식의학회 2010 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.37 No.4

        목적: 불임을 주소로 내원한 환자들을 대상으로 자궁 난관 조영술을 이용한 난관 불임 선별검사에서 난관 막힘의 소견을 보인 경우 선택적 난관 조영술을 시행 후 실패 시 난관 개통술을 시행하여 난관 불임치료에 있어 난관 개통술의 효용성을 알아보고 난관 막힘 부위 및 형태에 따른 난관 개통률을 비교하고자 하였다. 연구방법: 난관 불임 선별검사로서 자궁 난관 조영술을 시행하였으며 자궁 난관 조영술 상 난관 막힘 소견을 보인 215명의 342개의 난관을 대상으로 후향적 연구를 진행하였다. 결과: 난관 개통술을 시행하여 342개의 난관 가운데 248개의 난관이 개통되어 72.5%의 난관 개통률을 보였다. 막힘 부위에 따른 난관 개통률은 근위부 83.8% (197/235예), 협부 45.6% (47/103예), 원위부 100% (4/4예)를 보여 자궁-난관 접합부에 가까운 막힘 일수록 높은 개통률을 보였다. 막힘 형태에 따른 개통률은 점진형은 92.3% (157/170예), 오목형은 80.2% (69/86예), 볼록형은 25.5% (22/86예)의 난관 개통률을 보였다. 난관 막힘 부위와 형태를 종합하여 볼때 난관 근위부 점진형 막힘의 경우 91.6% (143/156예)의 높은 개통률을 보인 반면 난관 협부 볼록형 막힘의 경우에는 개통률이 11.3% (6/53예)에 불과하였다. 난관 개통에 성공한 156명 가운데 98명에서 임신에 성공하여 62.7%의 임신율을 보였다. 결론: 난관 개통술은 자궁 경부를 통한 시술로 수술적 방법이나 체외수정시술의 난자 채취에 비해 덜 침습적인 방법으로 입원치료가 필요하지 않으며 비교적 적은 비용으로 불임의 원인을 극복할 수 있는 장점이 있어 난관 원인에 의한 불임 환자에서 우선적으로 시행해 볼 수 있는 효과적인 치료 방법이라 할 수 있다. Objective: To evaluate the significance and efficacy of trans-cervical fallopian tube catheterization (TFTC) in diagnosis and optimal treatment modality for tubal blockage. Methods: The retrospective study was performed in those underwent TFTC from January 2005 to December 2009. A total of 342 fallopian tubes in 215 patients which showed tubal blockage in hysterosalpingography (HSG), were subjected to TFTC. Recanalization rate (RR) was compared according to portion of tubal blockage; proximal, isthmic and distal portion and blockage type; tapering, concave, and convex type. Results: In total, RR was 72.5% (248/342 tube). According to the portion of tubal blockage, RR was 83.8% in proximal, 45.6% in isthmic and 100% in distal portion. RR was 92.3% in tapering, 80.2% in concave and 25.5% in convex type, respectively. There were 98 pregnancies in 156 patients after successful recanalization, which shows 62.7% pregnancy rate. Conclusio: TFTC were capable of recanalizing tubal blockage in 248 of 342 tubes in 156 of 215 patients (72.5%). The RR was increased with proximal portion and tapering type tubal blockage.

      • KCI등재후보

        염색체 이수성과 관련된 비정상적 임신이 예상되는 환자에서 착상전 유전진단의 결과

        김진영,임천규,차선화,박수현,양광문,송인옥,전진현,박소연,궁미경,강인수,Kim, Jin Yeong,Lim, Chun Kyu,Cha, Sun Hwa,Park, Soo Hyun,Yang, Kwang Moon,Song, In Ok,Jun, Jin Hyun,Park, So Yeon,Koong, Mi Kyoung,Kang, Inn Soo 대한생식의학회 2006 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.33 No.3

        목 적: 배아의 염색체 이수성은 착상실패나 자연유산과 관련되며 이는 고령이나 부부의 염색체 이상이 있는 경우 그 위험이 증가되어 습관성 유산이나 반복 착상실패 등 불량한 임신결과를 초래한다. 염색체 이수성에 대한 착상전 유전진단은 정상 염색체를 갖는 배아를 선별적으로 이식할 수 있으므로 이러한 환자들에서 효과적으로 적용될 수 있다. 이에 염색체 이수성에 대한 착상전 유전진단의 임상적 결과를 알아보고 어떠한 환자군에서 가장 큰 효용성을 얻을 수 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 총 42명의 환자에서 77주기의 염색체 이수성에 대한 착상전 유전진단을 시행하였다. 환자군을 적응증에 따라 세 군으로 나누어 제 1군은 37세 이상이며 3회 이상 반복 착상실패를보인 경우 (11예, 평균 나이 42.2세), 제 2군은 3회 이상의 습관성 유산 및 이 중 1회 이상 염색체 이수성을 보인 경우 (19예, 평균 나이 38.9세), 제 3군은 터너 증후군이나 클라인펠터 증후군, 47,XYY 등 성염색체 이상이나 모자이시즘을 가진 환자였다 (18예, 평균 나이 29.6세). 착상전유전진단은 제1군과 2군에서는 13, 16, 18, 21, X, Y염색체에 대한 FISH를, 제 3군에서는 X, Y 및18 또는 17번 염색체에 대한 FISH를 시행하였다. 결 과: 총 530개의 배아에서 할구 생검이 가능하였고 FISH 진단 효율은 92.3%였다. 정상 배아의 비율은 각 군에서 $32.5{\pm}17.5%$, $23.0{\pm}21.7%$, 및 $52.6{\pm}29.2%$ (mean ${\pm}$ SD)였으며 제 3군에서 유의하게 높았다 (group II vs. III, p<0.05). 배아 이식은 51주기에서 시행하였으며 이식된 배아의수는 각각 $3.9{\pm}1.5$, $1.9{\pm}1.1$ 및 $3.1{\pm}1.4$개 (mean ${\pm}$ SD)였다. 임상적 임신율은 각 군에서 0%, 30.0% 및 20.0%로 제 2군에서 유의하게 높았다 (p<0.05). 전체적인 임신율은 19.6% (10/51)였고 자연유산율은 20% (2/10)였으며 유산된 경우의 염색체는 정상이었다. 쌍태아 1예를 포함하여 총9명의 정상아가 출생되었으며, 양수검사로 정상 염색체 핵형을 확인하였다. 결 론: 염색체 이수성에 대한 착상전 유전진단은 염색체 이수성과 관련된 불량한 임신예후가 예상되는 환자에서 유용하게 이용될 수 있으며, 특히 이수성과 관련된 습관성 유산이나 성염색체 이상에서 효용성이 있으며, 반복 착상실패에서는 착상에 관련되는 다른 원인들의 복합적인 영향으로 큰 효용성이 없는 것으로 생각된다. Objectives: The risk of aneuploidies of embryos increases in advanced maternal age or parental karyotype abnormality and it results in poor reproductive outcomes such as recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) or repeated implantation failure (RIF). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy screening (PGD-AS) can be applied for better ART outcome by selecting chromosomally normal embryos. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical outcome of PGD-AS and which group can get much benefit from PGD-AS among the patients expected to have poor reproductive outcome. Methods: In 42 patients, 77 PGD cycles were performed for aneuploidy screening. Patients were allocated to 3 groups according to the indication of PGD-AS: group I-patients with old age (${\geq}37$) and RIF more than 3 times (n=11, mean age=42.2 yrs.), group II-patients with RSA (${\geq}3$ times) associated with aneuploid pregnancy (n=19, mean age=38.9 yrs.), group III-parental sex chromosome abnormality or mosaicism (n=18, mean age=29.6 yrs.) including Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome and 47, XYY. PGD was performed by using FISH for chromosome 13, 16, 18, 21, X and Y in group I and II, and chromosome X, Y and 18 (or 17) in group III. Results: Blastomere biopsy was successful in 530 embryos and FISH efficiency was 92.3%. The proportions of transferable embryos in each group were $32.5{\pm}17.5%$, $23.0{\pm}21.7%$ and $52.6{\pm}29.2%$ (mean ${\pm}$ SD), respectively, showing higher normal rate in group III (group II vs. III, p<0.05). The numbers of transferred embryos in each group were $3.9{\pm}1.5$, $1.9{\pm}1.1$ and $3.1{\pm}1.4$ (mean ${\pm}$ SD), respectively. The clinical pregnancy rates per transfer was 0%, 30.0% and 20.0%, and it was significantly higher in group II (group I vs. group II, p<0.05). The overall pregnancy rate per transfer was 19.6% (10/51) and the spontaneous abortion rate was 20% (2/10) of which karyotypes were euploid. Nine healthy babies (one twin pregnancy) were born with normal karyotype confirmed on amniocentesis. Conclusion: Our data suggests that PGD-AS provides advantages in patients with RSA associated with aneuploidy or sex chromosome abnormality, decreasing abortion rate and increasing ongoing pregnancy rate. It is not likely to be beneficial in RIF group due to other detrimental factors involved in implantation.

      • 디지털 평판형 검출기에서 Control Panel의 Density Display와 Sensitivity 설정이 조사선량(mAs)과 획득영상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김병기,김상건,차선화,최준구,이준,이민우,김순배,김경수,Kim, Byung-Ki,Kim, Sang-Keun,Cha, Seon-Hwa,Choi, Jun-Gu,Lee, Jun,Kim, Min-Woo,Kim, Sun-Bae,Kim, Gyeong-Sun 대한디지털의료영상학회 2007 대한디지털의료영상학회논문지 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose to recognize change of average pixel value of acquisition image by control panel's density and right set up method of speed (sensitivity) and exposure dose(mAs) change that dose in purpose digital flatpanel-detector. X -ray generator DHF-158H2(Hitachi, Japan). Detector CXDI 4OG(Canon, Japan), 12 : 1 grid and exposure ray 135 kVp, 250 mA, 10 ms. focus-detector distance 180 cm and used AEC mode. DICOM reflex analysis program used image J that is digital reflex analysis program that offer in United States America National Health Center(National Institutes of Health : NlH) phantom used chest phantom(Anthromorphic : Flukebrome.medicaI USA). An experiment chest phantom that consist by formation equivalence material use because density value( -3${\sim}$+3) in X-ray control panel and seep that is speed step(slow, medium, fast) each control experimentalize. image analysis reflex neted through an experiment using image j each image compare. These was change in dose according to slow, medium, fast and density's change in an experiment result. According to detector sensitivity and density condition set, dose was relationship dissimilarity 500% from 200%. The dose came highest when is density +3 to slow. and dose more increases gray scale's extent could know that rise. Could know whether how equipment set is important through this experiment. cause of disease which change by digital radiography system forward is thought to increase more, it is considered that suitable education by this and continuous interest about equipment need absolutely.

      • KCI등재

        한국 불임 여성에서 난포자극호르몬 수용체 유전자형과 체외수정 및 배아이식술 임상 결과와의 관련성

        문미혜,최혜원,김민지,이형송,차선화,송인옥,궁미경,전진현,Moon, Mi-Hye,Choi, Hye-Won,Kim, Min-Jee,Lee, Hyoung-Song,Cha, Sun-Hwa,Song, In-Ok,Koong, Mi-Kyoung,Jun, Jin-Hyun 대한생식의학회 2008 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.35 No.1

        목 적: 본 연구에서는 한국 불임 여성의 난포자극호르몬 수용체 유전자형의 분포 빈도를 파악하고, 체외수정 시술에서 난포자극호르몬 수용체 유전자형에 따른 과배란 유도 과정에서의 난소 반응과 각종 임상 결과와의 관련성을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 연구대상은 제일병원에 내원한 여성 불임 환자 1, 020명을 대상으로 난포자극호르몬 수용체의 유전자형, 즉 Thr307Ala (T/A)과 Asn680Ser (N/S)을 조사하였으며, 이들 중에서 과배란 유도와 체외수정 및 배아이식술을 시행한 302주기에서의 임상 결과를 이들의 유전자형에 따라 비교하였다. 결 과: 대상 환자에서 난포자극호르몬 수용체의 Thr307Ala와 Asn680Ser의 유전자형 빈도는 TT/NN 군이 44.80% (n=457), TA/NS 군이 41.96% (n=428) 그리고 AA/SS군이 10.49% (n=107)의 분포로 조사되었다. 과배란 유도에서의 각 유전자형에 따른 대상 환자의 나이, 난소 반응에 관련된 사용한 난포자극호르몬의 용량과 이에 따른 혈중 에스트라디올의 농도와 채취된 난자의 수 등에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 배아이식 후 AA/SS 유전자형 환자에서의 착상률이 TT/NN에 비해 통계적으로 유의하게 높게 나타났다 (24.5% vs 15.7%, p<0.05) 결 론: 대표적인 세 가지 TT/NN, TA/NS 그리고 AA/SS 유전자형에 따른 과배란 유도에서의 난소 반응은 통계적으로 의미있는 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 그러나 각각의 유전자형에 따라 난소 반응과 임상 결과가 다소 차이가 나타남을 확인할 수 있었으며, 이에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Objective: The purposes of this study were to determine the distribution of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) genotypes in infertile Korean women and to evaluate the relationship between FSHR genotypes and clinical outcomes of IVF-ET cycles. Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood in 1, 020 of infertile Korean women. Genotypes of FSHR at Thr307Ala (T/A) and Asn680Ser (N/S) were screened by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. Clinical outcomes related to the genotypes of FSHR were evaluated in IVF-ET cycles (n=302) with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) of infertile women under 40 years old. Results: In a population of 1, 020 infertile Korean women, the frequency of TT/NN, TA/NS and AA/SS for the major variant Thr307Ala and Asn680Ser was 44.80%, 41.96% and 10.49%, respectively. There was no significant difference in characteristics of ovarian response and clinical pregnancy rate among the major genotypes of FSHR in IVF-ET cycles with COH. However, implantation rate of AA/SS patients was significantly higher than that of TT/NN patients (24.5% vs 15.7%, p<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that FSHR genotype was not directly associated with ovarian response in IVF-ET cycles with COH. The relationship between clinical outcomes and FSHR genotypes of patients should be substantiated by further studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        클로미펜에 부적절한 반응을 보이는 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자에서 Aromatase Inhibitor의 유용성

        김혜옥,양광문,허걸,박찬우,차선화,김해숙,김진영,송인옥,궁미경,Kim, Hye Ok,Yang, Kwang Moon,Hur, Kuol,Park, Chan Woo,Cha, Sun Hwa,Kim, Hae Suk,Kim, Jin Yeong,Song, In Ok,Koong, Mi Kyung 대한생식의학회 2005 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.32 No.1

        Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of aromatase inhibitor (AI) for ovulation induction in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients with thin endometrium, hyper-responsiveness after clomiphene citrate (CC) treatment. Material and Methods: A prospective study was performed in 43 PCOS patients (50 cycles) with ovulatory dysfunction between March 2004 and September 2004. AI group (total 36 cycles) included the patients 1) with thin endometrium below 6 mm on hCG day after CC (n=17), 2) with more than 5 ovulatory follicles after 50mg of CC (n=4), 3) who do not want multiple pregnancy (n=14). Patients were treated with Letrozole 2.5mg for days 3 to 7 of the menstrual cycle. CC group (total 14 cycles) were treated with CC 50~100 mg. Results: In PCOS patients, ovulation was occurred 97.2% after AI use. Between AI group and CC group, there was no significant difference in the mean age, duration of infertility, interval of menstruation, basal FSH, prior treatment cycles, and the day of hCG administration. But, the number of mature follicles (${\geq}15mm$) was lower in the AI group ($1.08{\pm}0.45$ vs. $1.64{\pm}0.75$) (p=0.018), and the thickness of endometrium (mm) was significantly thicker in the AI group ($10.35{\pm}1.74$ vs. $9.23{\pm}1.61$) (p=0.044), and E2 (pg/ml) concentration on hCG day was lower in the AI group ($116.9{\pm}75.8$ vs. $479.5{\pm}300.8$) (p=0.001). Among the AI group, patients with prior thin endometrium (below 6 mm) during CC treatment showed $10.6{\pm}1.6mm$ in the endometrial thickness and $106.6{\pm}66.8pg/ml$ in $E_2$ concentration. Patients with more than 5 ovulatory follicles after CC showed decreased follicle number ($1.25{\pm}0.5$) compared to prior CC cycle. Conclusions: In PCOS patients, AI group showed significantly thicker endometrium, lesser number of mature follicles, and lower E2 concentration on hCG day than CC group. AI might be useful alternative treatment for ovulation induction in PCOS patients with thin endometrium and hyper-responsiveness after CC treatment.

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