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        현대 중국어 유형강제 현상 연구

        진윤영 ( Jin¸ Youn Young ),박흥수 ( Park¸ Heung Soo ) 한국중국언어학회 2023 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.108

        生成词库理论的核心思想是, 通过丰富词项的词语表征和语义生成机制来解释词在上下文中的意义调整。基于生成词库理论和轻动词假设, 本文对‘动宾结构’、‘主谓结构’、‘时间名词+方位词’结构以及‘名词谓语结构’进行了全面地考察, 发现这些结构当中存在事件强迫现象。类型强迫本质上是一种释义机制, 生成一个词项在具体上下文中的意思。事件强迫形式本质上是语义压缩结构, 事件强迫形式的理解或释义的过程是解压缩的过程。 事件强迫形式可以从形式和语义两个方面来判定:形式上, 表现为某个位置既可以出现名词性成分, 也可以出现动词性成分;语义上, 表现为释义时可以添加一个谓词。事件强迫与轻动词相关, 语义模式中的谓词其实是一个意义比较虚的轻动词, 这个轻动词就是隐含谓词的公共语义因子。不同的轻动词对应不同类型的动词:可控事件和不可控事件。 强迫是一种普遍的语言学机制, 在汉语和英语中都有广泛的应用。相比之下, 宾语强迫现象在汉语中相对较少, 汉语谓词更倾向于出现在句子层面。汉语是一种动词型语言而英语是一种名词型语言。也体现了两种语言在分析度上的差异:汉语是一种高分析性的语言, 倾向于每一个语义单位都以独立的词性来表达, 较少采用压缩形式;相形之下, 英语的综合性比较强, 倾向于采用压缩形式。因此严格来说, 汉语缺乏典型的事件强迫。 The core idea of Generative Lexicon theory is to represent vocabulary with rich semantic entries and to interpret the adjustment of word meanings in context through a semantic generator. In accordance with Generative Lexicon theory and the Verb-Argument Structure Hypothesis, this paper thoroughly examines predicate-argument structures, event structures, time noun + prepositional phrase structures, and noun predicate structures. As a result, it discovers the presence of type coercion phenomena within these structures. Type coercion is fundamentally a mechanism for generating word meanings in specific top-down contexts. The format of type coercion can be evaluated from both formal and semantic perspectives. Formally, it refers to the possibility of having either nominal elements or verbal elements in certain positions, while semantically, it involves the addition of a predicate during the process of semantic interpretation. Type coercion is related to light verbs, where in the semantic model, the predicate is essentially a relatively underspecified light verb that serves as an argument for the embedded predicate. Different light verbs match different types of verbs, corresponding to controllable and uncontrollable events. Type coercion is a common linguistic phenomenon used in both Chinese and English. However, when compared, the phenomenon of object type coercion is relatively rare in Chinese. Chinese predicates tend to appear at the syntactic level, while English is predominantly a nominal language. Moreover, these two languages also differ in terms of their analytical complexity. Chinese is a highly analytical language where individual semantic units are expressed as independent parts of speech, which results in fewer instances of type coercion. In contrast, English is a more synthetic language with a strong nominal nature, making type coercion more common. Therefore, it can be said that Chinese exhibits fewer typical instances of type coercion when strictly compared to English.

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