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      • Role of Christianity for East Asian Diaspora in US: With an Example of Korean Diaspora churches

        진실로 한국종교사회학회 2017 종교와사회 Vol.5 No.2

        As the field of transnationalism emerges, scholars and researchers are observing the way in which East Asian diasporic communities retain ties to their home countries, assimilate into hosting countries, and impact the global diaspora community. Religion is an important factor for East Asian diaspora communities as they keep transnational ties, and this impacts not only their hosting countries but also their home countries and the global diaspora community as well. Among the different religions and cultural forces in East Asia that are deeply related to political, economic, and social systems, Christianity has a significant impact on these transnational ties. In this paper, I will explore the role of Christianity in East Asian diasporic communities in the United States, and identify what its social, political, and spiritual effects are. I will demonstrate that Christianity impacts the transnational ties of East Asian diaspora by offering particular examples of the ways in which Korean diaspora and their younger generations maintain a sense of transnational identity through participation in Korean diaspora churches and the Korean diaspora Christian religious community.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부 발행 조선교육요람 영문번역판에 나타난 일제의 식민교육방침: 1913년판과 1920년판 비교

        진실로 한국통번역교육학회 2022 통번역교육연구 Vol.20 No.3

        Japan published various English texts to promote the successful rule of its colonies and to maintain approval from Western powers of its legitimacy in occupying them. For example, in order to claim that the Korean education system improved and developed under its rule, the Japanese Government-General of Korea published Manual of Education of Koreans (1913) and Manual of Education in Chosen (1920). The latter is superior in quantity and quality compared to the former, giving the impression that the Korean education system was improving and was well managed during Japanese rule. However, analyzing the two manuals shows that the Japanese education policy for colonial Korea focused on (i) expanding ‘common’ low-level basic education, (ii) ‘controlling’ private schools closely associated with the independence movement, and (iii) ‘controlling’ Koreans both in Korea and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        주제구조를 고려한 영한 번역전략

        진실로 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2012 통번역학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        For successful communication, one needs to speak clearly. To this end, one first needs to arrange information based on chronological or logical order. Once a general order is set, there remains another important point. One needs to decide the order of elements in a sentence or a clause and how to arrange them. The theme, which is the first element that appears at the beginning of a clause, is very important, since it serves as a starting point to deliver new information while, at the same time, connecting the current clause with the previously spoken clause. The theme one selects also determines the form of a sentence. In addition, according to the theme, readability and comprehension by the readers can differ and the objectives of the text may be altered. A translator, therefore, should see that his or her translation conforms to the theme of the original text. Otherwise, the translation of the thematic structure in the original text will appear distorted and difficult to understand. Moreover, the translation may sound awkward and it may convey a different message or meaning in comparison to the original text. The purpose, therefore, of this article is to discuss the problems that arise when a translation text does not embody or conform to the thematic structure of the original text, and to suggest three strategies to use in translating the thematic structure and information structure of an original English text into Korean.

      • KCI등재

        일제 강점기 초기 여성교육: 텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 조선교육요람 영문판(1913, 1920)의 양적 분석과 질적 분석

        진실로,탁진영 한국통번역교육학회 2023 통번역교육연구 Vol.21 No.3

        This study investigates the education policies of the Japanese government-general towards Korean women during the 1910s, the early years of the Japanese colonial period, using two English-translated texts: Manual of Education of Koreans (1913) and Manual of Education in Chosen 1920 (1920). Employing text-mining techniques for quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis for interpretation, the research reveals two key findings: (i) There were only two school types for Korean women in the 1910s ― “common school” and “girls' high common school”; (ii) Girls' education was one year shorter, emphasizing “feminine virtues,” “moral character,” and “housekeeper” qualities. This illustrates dual oppression for Korean women under Japanese rule ― as colonized subjects and women.

      • KCI등재

        지명과 관사 사용의 함의: Ukraine 대 the Ukraine

        진실로,박선영 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.74

        This paper aims to explore how the definite article is used in English place names or country names through the examples of ‘the Ukraine’ and ‘Ukraine’. Since names are inherently definite, they don’t need to be accompanied by a definite article except for plurals (the Netherlands) and combinations with a nationality adjective (the Republic of Korea) or other descriptive forms (the United Kingdom). Then, why is Ukraine described as both ‘Ukraine’ and ‘the Ukraine, and what does each name imply? First, ‘the Ukraine’ gives the impression that Ukraine has an incomplete exterior boundary and is under relatively little human influence. Second, from the viewpoint of critical toponymy, ‘the Ukraine’ reminds us of the domination of Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union in the past. Therefore, the English name ‘the Ukraine’ can be understood as an indicator of denying Ukraine as an independent sovereign nation, acknowledging that it is a part of Russia, and, on the contrary, using the term ‘Ukraine’ can be understood as an indicator of acknowledging and supporting Ukraine as an independent sovereign nation.

      • KCI등재

        문학작품에 사용된 다언어의 효과와 재현: 케이트 쇼팽(Kate Chopin) 작 The Awakening의 프랑스어 번역을 중심으로

        진실로 한국통번역교육학회 2020 통번역교육연구 Vol.18 No.2

        The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin in 1899, deals with a woman's awakening in a male-dominated, conservative Creole society in New Orleans. The Creole people, the descendants of French and Spanish colonists, adhered to the French culture and spoke French as their mother language, in contradistinction to the standard English of Anglo-Americans. Chopin wrote The Awakening in English, but often used French to describe Creole people. French language was used as a literary device for ‘representing functions' of a community with multi-languages, ‘factual functions' reflecting the real world, and ‘evocative functions' bringing up the images of Creoles. For these functions of the source text to be reproduced in the target text, the French language is expected to be reproduced in translation as well. This study analyses the functions of French language and expressions in The Awakening, comparing the effective translation strategies to reproduce these functions from the source text to six target texts.

      • KCI등재

        범죄소설에 사용된 외국어의 번역전략: 서사적 기능을 중심으로

        진실로,원은하 한국통번역교육학회 2020 통번역교육연구 Vol.18 No.1

        This paper analyzes how foreign words used in English crime fictions have been translated into Korean, focusing on their narrative function. In crime fictions, foreign words can be used as essential clues to find out the identity of the criminal(s) and reveal the whole story. They can create and maintain suspense and contribute to develop the plot. For them, translators tend to choose among three strategies: first, leaving the foreign words untranslated, second, adding translation or explanation near the foreign words, and third, translating the foreign words into the target language. When analyzing multiple Korean translation versions of A Study in Scarlet, Murder on the Orient Express, and Angles and Demons, it has been found out that most versions used the first or the second strategies. Namely, the foreign words in the three novels were mostly translated in the way that they remained in the target texts. As a result, the Korean versions maintained the narrative structure and emotional experiences the source texts had. On the other hand, when the third strategy was used, that is, the foreign words in the source texts were translated into target languages, the original narrative effect of the source texts were diminished or distorted.

      • KCI등재

        Linguistic Diversity and Justice: The Role of Artificial Languages in Multilingual Societies

        진실로 세종대학교 언어연구소 2023 Journal of Universal Language Vol.24 No.2

        In a globalized society, effective communication across linguistic boundaries is essential. This paper explores the advantages and challenges of multilingualism, emphasizing its role in shaping societies and relationships. It contrasts the use of dominant natural languages with the development of artificial languages like Esperanto and Unish, highlighting their potential in promoting linguistic equality and neutrality. While acknowledging their limitations, these artificial languages offer promising avenues for more equitable and inclusive multilingual communication, contributing to the ongoing discourse on linguistic diversity and justice.

      • KCI등재

        법정 담화의 부가의문문에 대한 영한 번역 전략

        진실로 한국통번역교육학회 2022 통번역교육연구 Vol.20 No.2

        This paper investigates the function of English tag questions in courtroom discourse and explores English-Korean translation strategies effective to acquire ‘functional equivalence’ by comparing a legal thriller Presumed Innocent with its three Korean translations. The general purpose of questions is for the speaker to ask the listener to provide new information about what he wants to know. In court discourse, however, questions are often used for the speaker (the prosecutor or the attorney) to present some information already known to him in front of the judge and/or the jurors on purpose and to ask the listener (witness) to confirm, agree, or acknowledge the information, in order to win the trial. English tag questions are a very useful tool for this function, but they are translated into Korean by using other structures since there are no tag questions in Korean. Therefore, this paper explores how to translate English tag questions in courtroom discourse, focusing on their functions.

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