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        조기파막에 대한 임상적 고찰

        주영철(YC Joo),주창남(CN Joo),장명익(MI Chang),김경태(KT Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.6

        본원 산부인과에서 1969년 1월부터 1974년 12월까지 만 5년간 조기파수로 입원하였던 임산부 229예에 대하여 임상적 관찰을 한 바 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. ① 조기파수의 빈도는 총 8,219 분만예 중 229예 이었다. ② 조기 분만에 654예 중 41예에서 조기파수가 발생하여 6.5%에 해당하였다. ③ 조기파수229예 중 사산을 한 경우가 7예, 신생아 사망이 2예 이었다. ④ 모체의 감염군에서 잠재기간이 18시간 이내인 경우는 사산이 없었으며 4예의 사산은 잠재기간이 전부 24시간 이상의 예이었다. ⑤ 주산기사망 9예 중 6예가 체중이 2500gm 이하이었다. ⑥ 모체의 이병율은 45예로 29.0% 이었다. ⑦ 합병증으로 빈혈이 35예(15.2%), 임신중독증 21예(9.1%), 이상태위가 13예(5.6%) 의 순이었다. ⑧ 조산아와 성숙아에서 모체의 감염 분포를 보면 조산아 분만예에서 16예(42.2%), 성숙아 분만에 38예(31.9%)였다. ⑨ 제왕절개술은 12예로 아두골반 불균형이 5예, 이상태위가 5예, 전치태반과 제대탈출이 각각 1예 이었다. ⑩ 잠재기간이 24시간 이내인 경우는 신생아 체중이 2500gm이상인 예에서 78예로서 65.5%이었다. The spontaneous premature rupture of membranes has presented unsolved problems and controversy in treatment in three major aspects such as an increase in prematurity, an increase in infection of the mother and an increase infection of infant. We have clinical analysis of 229 cases of spontaneous premature rupture of membranes at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology National Medical Center in Korea and obtained the following results. 1) The incidence of S.P.R.M. is 2.8% (229 cases out of 8,219 deliveries) 2) The incidence of S.P.R.M. of premature deliveries is 6.5% (41 cases out of 554 premature deliveries) 3) Perinatal death cases are 9 cases ( F.D.I.U. 7 cases and 2 cases of neonatal death) 4) There is no fetal death case in the group of within 18 hours of latent period. 5) The main cause of perinatal death is prematurity. 6) The incidence of maternal morbidity is 29.0% (45 cases out of 229 cases) 7) The most common complications during pregnancy in S.P.R.M are anemia, toxemia and abnormal presentations. 8) the incidence of C-section is 15.3% and the most common indications of C-section are C.P.D. (5cases), fetal distress (5 cases) and abnormal presentations (5 cases). 9) The latent period is within 24 hours in most cases of over 2500 gm of fetal weight.

      • KCI등재

        여성성기결핵의 임상적 관찰

        박주배(JB Park),주창남(CN Joo),윤석한(SH Yoon),박인수(IS Park) 대한산부인과학회 1975 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.18 No.10

        A study has been made for 64 cases of genital tuberculosis in women who have been treated during 11 years from January 1, 1963 to December 31, 1973 Among 64 cases 25 cases were histologically proved with biopsy and 39 cases were histologically proved with surgical specimens at laparotomy. Among 25 cases which were diagnosed with biopsy, 2 cases of tuberculosis of vagina and 6 cases of tuberculosis of cervix were included. Five hundred and eighty curettings were examined for the study of inferility and tuberculosis of endometrium was found in 3.4% genital tuberculosis occurred with greatest frequency between the ages of 21 and 30 years an incidence of 45.3%. The average age was 30 years at the first attendance the youngest patient being aged 16 years and the oldest 63. The most frequent site of tuberculous lesion in the surgical specimens was the fallopian tubes. Among the fallopian tubes of 27 patients, tuberculous involvement was noted in 23 among the ovaries of 25 patients the lesion was noted in 10 and among the uteri of 14 patients in 4. Three patients were unmarried among the remaining 61 cases 27, at least gave a history of previous pregnancy History of previous extragenital tuberculous were noted in 32 cases ; namely pulmonary tuberculous in 14, plurisy in 9, peritonitis in 8 and osseous tuberculous in 1.

      • KCI등재

        삼태임신의 3례

        박성구(SK Park),김경태(KT Kim),주창남(CN Joo),박인서(IS Park) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.3

        금번 저자들은 3태임신 3예를 경험하여 문헌 고찰과 아울러 보고를 하는 바이다. Three cases of triple pregnancy which had been experienced at N.M.C. are reviewed with the concerning literature.

      • KCI등재

        임신중 심장질환의 임상적 고찰 ( 제II보 )

        박인서(IS Park),조인제(IJ Cho),배평원(PW Bae),송인철(IC Song),주창남(CN Joo),정규봉(KB Jung),이학중(HJ Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1976 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.19 No.3

        1. The incidence of heart disease in pregnancy was 0.37%. 2. Mitral stenosis was predominated (29.4%) 3. The age distribution was predominated in the age 26-30 (41.1%) 4. Heart disease occurred mainly in the primigravida (32.4%) 5. Functional capacity of the heart was mainly in class I. 6. The chief comlaints were dyspnea, edema and palpitation. 7. Spontaneous vaginal delivery was undertaken in 19 cases (52.8%) and instrumental delivery was in 7 cases (30.5%) 8. The incidence of prematurity was 30.6%. 9. Seventy five percent of cases was complicated among which 30.8% cases was complicated by cardiac failure and 17.3% was complicated by toxemias of pregnancy with heart failure. 10. Digitalization was undertaken in 29 cases (85.3%) 11. No maternal mortality was noted in this study.

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