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      • KCI등재후보

        여름콩의 開花 · 成熟 및 形態的 特性變異

        Yong Ha Chu(朱勇河),Jeung Haing Oh(吳正行),Je Cheon Chae(蔡濟天),Yeaul Kyu Seung(成烈圭),Beom Young Son(孫範永),Kil Woong Chung(鄭吉雄) 한국육종학회 1996 한국육종학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        This experiment was conducted to select useful breeding materials among eighty lines or varieties of summer type soybeans tested in the experiment field, DanKook University, Cheonan in 1993. Fourty-four to sixty-two days were observed as the range of days from planting to flowering and the average was 53 days. The range of days from planting to maturity was 112 to 127 days and the average was 117 days. Eighty-six percentage of tested soybean materials was white color of flower and green color of hypocotyl, while the remains were purple in both. Soybean entries with ovate, long circular and circular type of leaf were 6%, 73% and 21%, respectively. Large, medium and small leaf in the leaf area were 34%, 32% and 34%, respectively. Light green leaf color was observed as 15%, and green and dark green color were 70% and 15% among tested soybeans, respectively. Soybeans with tan pods were observed as 49%, brown and dark brown color were 14% and 37%. Erect type of pubescence was 36%, whereas curly and appressed type were 54% and 10%, respectively. Sparse, normal and dense pubescence density were 16%, 41% and 43%, respectively. Most soybean entries(63%) showed gray pubescence and the remains were brown color. Days from planting to flowering(DPF) showed highly negative correlation with days from flowering to maturity(DFM) and days from planting to maturity (DPM), whereas it was highly positively correlated with leaf area. Days from flowering to maturity was highly positively associated with days from planting to maturity, while it showed highly negatively correlated with leaf area. Days from planting to maturity was highly negative correlation with leaf area.

      • 국내 검정콩 육성품종의 종자특성

        주용하,박재훈,윤승길,김영호,김성민,정길웅 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        1. 수분흡수율이 가장 높은 시간은 다원콩(침지 후 4시간)을 제외한 모든 품종이 침지후 2시간이었으며, 둔화되기 시작한 시간은 침지후 약 10시간이었고, 평형에 도달한 시간은 침지후 약 16시간이었다. 2. 수분흡수율은 품종간에 차이가 있었는데 가장 높은 수분흡수율을 보인 품종은 검정콩2호이었으며, 가장 낮은 품종은 다원콩이었다. 3. 발아율의 범위는 28이었으며, 평균발아율은 93.9%이었고, 가장 높은 품종은 청자콩과 흑청콩이었다. 4. 발아세의 범위는 52이었으며, 평균발아세는 81.9%이었고, 가장 높은 품종은 흑청콩이었다. 5. 평균발아일수와 T_50의 범위는 모두 2이었으며, 평균은 각각 2.6과 2.3이었고, 품종간에는 선흑콩이 가장 길었다. 6. 발아균일도의 범위는 3.1이었으며, 평균은 1.3이었고, 높은 그룹(흑청콩·청자콩·검정콩2호·다원콩·검정올콩)과 낮은 그룹(검정콩1호·일품검정콩·선흑콩)으로 분류되었다. 7. 알칼리붕괴도는 공시품종의 평균이 4.65이었으며 등급은 4∼5등급을 나타내었다. 붕괴도가 가장 높고 우수한 품종은 검정콩1호였으며 가장 낮은 품종은 선흑콩이었다. The water absorption rate after soaking of seeds was the highest at 2 hours in all varieties except Dawonkong(4 hours after soaking), and became slowed down at 10 hours, and reached moisture equilibrium in stopping almost at 16 hours. The water absorption rate was different among varieties, the highest variety was Geomjeongkong #2 whereas the lowest variety was Dawonkong. The range of germination percentage was 28, and average value 93.9%, and the highest varieties were Cheongjakong and Heukcheongkong. The range of germination speed was 52. average value 81.9%, and the highest variety was Heukcheongkong. The range of average days to germination and T_50 were all two days and these average was 2.6 and 2.3, respectively. Seonheukkong among varieties was very long in average days to germination and T_50. The range of germination uniformity was 3.1 and average was 1.3 and divide into two groups such as high group(Heukcheongkong, Cheongjakong, Gemjeongkong #2, Dawonkong, Geomjeongolkong) and low group(Geomjeongkong #1, llpumgeomjeongkong, Seonheukkong). Varietal mean of alkali digestibility value was 4.65 belong to 4∼5 class, the highest variety was Geomjeongkong #1 whereas Seonheukkong was very low among varieties.

      • KCI등재후보

        경기북부지역에 잘 적응하는 콩 품종 선발

        윤성탁,주용하 한국국제농업개발학회 2003 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.15 No.4

        경기도 북부지방의 환경조건에 적응하는 콩 품종을 선발하고자 13개 품종을 공시하여 생육 및 수량특성을 조사ㆍ검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 성숙기에 13개 품종의 경장은 74.4~134.9㎝의 분포를 보였으며, 가장 경장이 큰 품종은 송학콩으로 134.9㎝이었으며, 가장 작은품종은 대황콩으로 74.4㎝이었다. 2. 주당협수는 47.1~62.4개의 분포를 보였으며, 협수가 가장 많은 품종은 장수콩으로 62.4개이었으며, 가장 적은 품종은 대황콩으로 47.1개이었다. 3. 협당립수는 신팔당콩2호가 2.73개로 가장 많았으며, 그 다음은 송학콩 및 대황콩으로 각각 2.3, 2.2개이었다. 4. 등숙률은 소담콩, 황금콩, 장수콩이 각각 91.1, 90.7, 90.3%순으로 높았다. 100립중은 13개 품종이 20.8~38.2g의 분포를 보였으며, 대황콩이 38.2g으로 가장 컸다. 5. 종실수량은 신팔달콩2호가 272.6㎏/10a으로 가장 높았으며, 다음은 장원콩(255.7㎏/10a), 태광콩(250.9㎏/10a), 송학콩(249.3㎏/10a) 순이었으나, 이들간에 유의한 통계적 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 6. 13개 품종에 대한 병충해 발생정도를 보면 자반병에 이병율이 적은 품종으 장엽콩, 장수콩, 장미콩, 소담콩, 대황콩이 0.11%로 적었으며, 미이라병은 신팔달콩2호, 장미콩이 SMV 감염율은 신팔달콩 2호, 태광콩이 이병률이 적었다. 7. 수량은 주당협수, 주당립수, 주당립중과 정의 상관관계를 보여 주당협수, 주당립수, 중당립중이 많을수록 수량이 많음을 알 수 있었다. 8. 결론적으로 본시험의 결과를 종합해 보면 공시된 13개 품종 중 수량 면에서 보면 신팔달콩 2호가 272.6㎏/10a로 가장 많았으며, 병충해도 비교적 적고, 경장도 크지 않아 도복저항성도 클 것으로 판단되어 경기북부지역에서 재배하기에 적합한 품종으로 판단되었다. This experiments were carried out to evaluate the growth and yield characteristics of 13 soybean varieties and select the optimum varieties for Gyeonggi northern areas. Stem length of 13 varieties ranged from 74.4㎝ to 34.9㎝. The highest stem length was shown in Songhakkong with 134.9㎝ and the lowest was shown in Daehwangkong with 74.7㎝. Number of pods per plant of 13 varieties ranged from 47.1 to 42.4. The highest number of pods per plant was seen in Jangsukong with 62.4 and the lowest was seen by Daehwangkong with 47.1. Shinpaldalkong #2 showed the highest seeds per pod, and the next was in oredr of Songhakkong and Dashwangkong with 2.3 and 2.2 seeds, respectively. Sodamkong, Hwangkeumkong and Jangsukong showed higher ripened seed ratio by 91.1, 90.7, and 90.3% respectively among 13 varieties. One hundred seed weight ranged from 20.8 to 38.2g, and Daehwangkong showed the highest one hundred seed weight by 38.2g. Shinpaldalkong #2 showed the highest seed yield by 272.6㎏/10a, and next was in order of Jangwonkong, Taekwangkong and Songhakkong by 255.7㎏/10a, 250.9㎏/10a and 249.3㎏/10a, respectively. Purpura infection rate was the lowest in Jangyeobkong, Jangsukong, Jangmikong, Sodamkong, Daehwangkong, and Shinpaldalkong #2, Jangmikong were the lowest phomopsis seed decay caused by phomopsis spp. Low infection of SMV(Soybean Mosaic Virus) were observed in Shinpaldalkong #2, Taekwangkong. Seed yield showed positive coefficients with pods per plant, seeds per plant and seed wight per plant, showing that it is profitable to increase these characteristics for improving seed yield. In conclusion, the optimum soybean variety at Gyeonggi northern area was thought to be Shinpaldalkong #2, because it showed the highest seed yield and low damage by plant disease and insect.

      • KCI등재

        저장기간별 배추의 종자활력과 발아 중 가용성 단백질의 함량 및 전기영동 패턴 변화

        주문갑,주용하,윤혜성 한국국제농업개발학회 2000 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.12 No.3

        배추종자의 자연노화시 종자활력의 변화를 파악하기 위하여 상온에서 4개월, 3년 및 6년간 보관된 배추품종 '맛나배추(서울종묘)'를 공시하여 저장기간별 발아특성과 발아과정 중에 변화하는 가용성 단백질의 함량 차이 및 전기영동 패턴 변화를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 저장기간이 4개월 및 3년이된 종자의 발아율은 각각 95%와 92%이었으며, 평균발아일수는 각각 1.4일과 2.9일이었고, 6년간 저장된 종자는 발아되지 않았다. 2. TTC 검정 결과에서 발아가능 종자의 비율은 4개월 저장종자가 90%이었으며, 3년 저장 종자는 77%이었고, 6년 저장종자는 전혀 염색되지 않아 종자활력이 없었다. 3. 발아과정 중 배추종자내 가용성 단백질 함량의 변화는 4개월 저장종자의 경우 발아 후 6 시간까지 증가후 급격히 감소하다가 48시간째에 다시 증가하였으며, 3년 저장종자는 발아 후 6시간까지 약간 감소한 후 다시 24시간까지 증가하다가 48시간째에 매우 감소하였고, 6년 저장종자는 발아후 24시간까지 약간씩 감소하다가 48시간째에 조금 증가하였다. 4. 발아과정 중 전기영동 밴드에서 저장 기간이 4개월 및 3년된 종자는 각각 45 KDa와 63 KDa의 분자량을 가진 가용성 단백질이 발견되었으나 6년 저장된 종자에서는 밴드가 나타나지 않았다. 5. 분자량 45 KDa의 가용성 단백질은 저장기간이 4개월 및 3년된 종자에서 모두 침윤 초기에 존재하다가 각각 6시간 및 12시간 전후에 밴드에서 관찰되지 않았으며, 분자량 63 KDa의 가용성 단백질은 4개월 저장종자의 경우 침윤후 2시간후에 생성되었다가 6시간 전후에 사라졌고, 3년 저장종자는 침윤 2시간후에 생성되었다가 12시간 전후에 사라졌다. 6. 저장기간이 4개월, 3년 및 6년간된 종자를 침윤후 6시간만에 종피, 자엽 및 배를 분리하여 단백질 존재여부를 조사한 결과 분자량 63 KDa의 가용성 단백질이 4개월 및 3년간 저장된 종자의 자엽에서만 관찰되었다. This experiment was carried out to investigate seed viability, amounts of water-soluble protein(WSP) and eletrophoretic band patterns during germination of Chinese cabbage seeds were stored for 4 months, 3 years, and 6 years in natural environment conditions. The percentage of germination of seed stored for 4 months and 3 years were respectively 95% and 92% in natural environment conditions whereas the seeds stored for 6 years did not germinate. The average days to germination was 1.4 days in 4 months storage and 2.9 days in 3 years storage. In the seeds stored for 4 months, the amounts of WSP increased until 6 hours after germination and decreased greatly after 6 hours, and then increased again at 48 hours in high. The seeds stored for 3 years increased until 24 hours and decreased greatly at 48 hours. In case of seeds stored for 6 years, the amounts of WSP decreased gradually until 24 and increased a little at 48 hours. In the change of WSP patterns, the WSP of 45 KDa and 63 KDa appeared in germinating seeds stored for 4 months and 3 years. But the both of WSP did not appeared in 6-year-stored seeds. The WSP of 45 KDa was presented in seeds stored for 4 months and 3 years at early stage of imbibition and then disappeared at 6 and 12 hours after imbibition. The WSP of 63 KDa in the 4-month-stored seeds was produced from and disappeared at 6 hours imbibition. The WSP of 63 KDa in the 3-year-stored seeds was produced from 2-hour-imbibition and disappeared at 12 hours. The 63 KDa of WSP was found at the cotyledons of seed imbibed for 6 hours in both 4-month and 3-year-stored seeds.

      • KCI등재

        채소종자의 인위 노화처리에 따른 생화학적 특성과 표면미세구조의 변화

        이동진,오정행,황철호,채제천,김석동,김성민,김봉구,정길웅,주용하 한국국제농업개발학회 1999 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.11 No.1

        본 실험에서는 저활력 및 노화종자의 체계적 선별을 위하여 종자를 인위적으로 노화시켜 노화단계별 종자의 활력저하정도, sinapine 누출정도, 유기·무기성분, 지방산조성, 저장단백질의 SDS-PAGE를 이용한 band pattern 변화 등 노화종자의 생리·생화학적 특성을 조사하여 노화 종자에 대한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 배추종자는 3일간의 노화처리시 47.3%의 발아율을 보였으나 4일간 처리시에는 전혀 발아하지 않았으며, 무·고추에 비해 노화속도가 빨랐다. 2. 배추의 노화종자와 건전종자는 침지 후 시간이 경과할수록 sinapine 누출액이 증가하였으며, 노화종자는 건전종자에 비하여 그 증가폭이 현저히 컸다. 3. 노화처리한 배추종자는 건전종자에 비하여 아미노산 및 K의 누출량은 현저히 증가하였으나 Ca·Mg·Na 등은 큰 차이가 없었다. 배추의 노화종자는 침지시간이 경과할수록 당의 누출량이 증가하였으며, 누출된 유리당은 glucose, fructose 및 sucrose였다. 4. 배추종자의 노화는 포화 및 불포화지방산의 전체함량에 큰 영향은 없었으며, 무는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 고추의 노화종자는 건전종자와 비교하여 포화지방산의 전체 함량은 증가한 반면, 불포화지방산의 전체 함량은 감소하였다. 5. 배추 및 무의 SDS-PAGE법에 의한 저장단백질의 band pattern에서는 노화될수록 band가 흐려지거나 나타나지 않았다. 6. 노화된 배추종자의 종피와 자엽표면에서 심한 균열 및 조직의 파괴가 전자현미경적으로 관찰되었다. These experiments were conducted to investigate the biochemical and morphological characteristics of aged and non-aged seeds for increasing seed viability. Optimum duration of artificial aging treatment to test aged seeds was observed; 4 days for Chinese cabbage; and 5 days for radish seed. Sinapine leakage in Chinese cabbage and radish were increased with increased treatment duration from 1hr to 8hrs. Aged seeds had higher sinapine leakage after soaking in water than that of the non-aged seeds. Aged seeds of Chinese cabbage had bigger leakage in amino acid and potassium content than non-aged seeds. For total sugar content of Chinese cabbage, aged seeds were increased as soaking time also increased, while non-aged seeds were not. The kind of leaked sugar from aged seeds consist of glucose, fructose and sucrose for Chinese cabbage. Cell ultrastructure of aged seed surface in Chinese cabbage was observed irregularly cracked and breakdown with holes in cotyledon surface, while surface tissue of non-aged seed was well arranged and compacted. Aged red pepper seed had higher content of saturated fatty acid (palmitic acid), but lower content of unsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid and linoleic acid) than that of non-aged seeds. Banding patterns of seed storage protein using SDS-PAGE in aged seeds of Chinese cabbage and radish were characterized by the disappearance of major band as compared to normal seed of crops.

      • KCI등재

        Priming 및 Pelleting 종자의 발아 및 유묘특성과 기계 파종 균일도

        이동진,양승균,황철호,김봉구,정길웅,주용하,윤승길 한국국제농업개발학회 1999 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.11 No.1

        고추, 배추, 벼 종자를 이용하여 프라이밍, 펠렛팅 및 종자소독제를 처리한 종자를 공시하여 육모상 및 재배양식에 따른 발아특성의 차이와 파종균 일도를 조사하여 앞으로의 육모 및 기계파종 효율성시험에 기초자료를 얻고자 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 프라이밍 종자는 모래상에 파종시 출현율과 출현력 및 유아장은 무처리 종자와 차이가 없었으나 평균출현일수는 프라이밍 처리종자가 무처리 종자에 비해 짧았으며, 유근장도 길었다. 플러그 육묘상에 파종시는 출현율, 출현력, 유아장, 유근장 모두 프라이밍종자 및 무처리 종자가 짧게 나타났다. 2. 프라이밍 종자처리시 종자소독제를 첨가한 종자의 발아농도는 1-3%가 적당하였으며 가장 좋은 농도는 1%였다. 발아율은 3일 후 90%이상이었고 5일째에는 99%이상이었다. 3. 펠렛팅 종자 중 벼의 경우는 발아율, 발아력, 평균발아일수가 무처리 종자와 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났고, 배추의 경우는 발아율과 발아력은 펠렛팅 종자가 무처리 종자에 비해 다소 떨어지는 것으로 나타났으며, 평균발아일수도 펠렛팅 종자가 다소 길게 나타났다. 4. 배추 페렛팅 종자의 실증을 위하여 모래상에 파종시 출현율, 출현력, 유아장, 유근장은 무처리 종자와 차이가 없었으며, 평균출현일수만 펠렛팅 종자가 다소 길었다. 플러그 육묘상에 파종시는 출현율, 출현력은 무처리 종자가 펠렛팅 종자에 비해 높았으며, 평균출현일수도 무처리 종자가 짧았으며, 유아장과 유근장은 차이가 없었다. 5. 벼 펠렛팅 종자의 직파재배유형별로는 출현율과 출현력은 무논골뿌림과 담수표면직파가 높았으며, 그 다음은 건답직파 $gt; 담수토중직파순이었다. 평균출현일수는 무논골뿌림과 담수표면직파가 가장 짧았고, 그 다음은 담수토중직파 $gt; 건답직파 순이었다. 재배유형에 관계없이 펠렛팅 종자와 무처리 종자의 출현율은 차이가 없었으며, 출현력은 펠렛팅 종자가 무처리 종자에 비해 높았고, 평균출현일수도 펠렛팅 종자가 짧았다. 6. 배추 및 벼 펠렛팅 종자의 기계화 파종 균일도 비교는 배추와 벼 모두 펠렛팅종자가 무처리 종자에 비해 파종균일도가 높았다. 그러나 파종립수는 배추와 벼 모두 무처리 종자에 비해 펠렛팅 종자가 적게 파종되었다. These experiments were conducted to investigate the mechanical seeding uniformity and to observe an improvement of seedling growth in the primed and pelleted seeds of red hot pepper(Capsicum annuum L.), Chinese cabbage(Brassica chinensis L.), and rice (Oryza sativa L.). When seeding the primed and non-primed seeds in sand seeding bed, the rate and power of emergence and seedling length in the primed seeds were not different as compared with the non-primed seeds, while the average days to emergence and radicle length were shorter and longer, respectively in the primed seeds than those of the non-primed seeds. In the plug seeding bed, emergence rate, emergence power, seedling length, and radicle length of primed seeds were more longer than those of the non-primed seeds. It was observed that garlic crude extract, which was identified as effective seed disinfectant, was desirable to treat seed in the process of priming at concentrations of 1∼3%. It was taken for 3 and 5 days after seeding for the primed seeds to reach the germination rate 90 and 99%, respectively. In the pelleted rice seeds, there were no differences in the germination rate, germination power, and average days to germination compared with the non-pelleted seeds. In the case of the Chinese cabbage, germination rate and germinability of pelleted seeds were slightly lower than non-pelleted seeds while average days to germination was a little bit longer. In the field experiment compared with sand seeding bed, there were no differences in the emergence rate, emergence power, seedling length and radicle length between pelleted seeds and non-pelleted seeds, while average days to emergence in the pelleted seeds were longer than non-pelleted seeds. In plug seeding bed, emergence rate, emergence power in the non-pelleted seeds were higher than pelleted seeds, but average days to emergence were shorter. The emergence rate and power of pelleted rice seeds were the highest in puddled drill seeding condition and was followed by the direct seeding on flooded paddy surface, direct seeding on dry paddy, and direct seeding into flooded paddy soil. The average days to emergence was the shortest in puddled drill seeding and was followed by the direct seeding on flooded paddy surface, direct seeding into flooded paddy soil and direct seeding on dry paddy. There were no differences in the emergence rate of the pelleted and non-pelleted seeds regardless of direct cultivation methods, and the emergence power of the pelleted seeds was higher than non-pelleted seeds and average days to emergence of the pelleted seeds was shorter. The pelleted seeds of Chinese cabbage and rice had higher seeding uniformity for mechanical seeding as compared with the non-pelleted seeds.

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