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        여행지로 간접경험장소를 선호하는 특성의 진화심리학적 해석

        정은주(제1저자) ( Eunjoo Jung ),조택연(교신저자) ( Taigyoun Cho ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.6

        (Background and Purpose) Humankind had to acquire survival resources through hunting and gathering and migrate to far-off locations to expand their habitat. Even in a modern society, people display nomadic tendencies. Humankind continuously moved around to acquire resources for survival and find a new habitat. In this regard, humankind needed the emotional capacity to judge the survival value of a place. To understand the nature of spatial emotion, research in evolutionary psychology, which explores the biological structure of intelligence, is needed. To understand the universal spatial emotion from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, research focusing on spatial experience and emotion are required. This study, from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, examines collective spatial information in visual and linguistic formats based on the process of obtaining survival resources. This study applies the results to the public spatial design that requires the majority`s trust after structuralizing the emotions so that the results can be used as an index. (Method) This study uses a bucket list to find a universally favored place from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, and analyzes the subjects` subjective attitudes demonstrated in their wishes that they hope to fulfill before dying. Based on the result of the bucket list analysis, this study examines the pattern of preference for an indirectly known place as a travel destination. This study surveys 44 subjects, asking them about their favorite travel destination among 40 cities. Based on the survey results, this study examines the correlation between the information acquired through indirect experience and the 40 most favorite travel destinations. Based on the results, a graph is drawn to determine the favorite tourist destination, analyze the preference level, and examine the pattern of preference for a travel destination. (Results) After analyzing the data and preference level for the places on the bucket list, this study reveals the subjects` preference for travelling to an unknown place. The results show that the preference for an unknown place as a new environment shows a psychological connection between universal spatial emotion (based on a priori memory)and a trust in and the influence of collective intelligence (based on a posteriori memory).

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