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      • KCI등재

        난소 중신암의 1례

        조재윤(JY Cho),이병진(BC Lee),황선주(SC Hwang),신상훈(SH Shin),임헌정(HJ lm) 대한산부인과학회 1970 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.13 No.7

        A case mesonephroma of the ovary in a 16 years old girl is presented, and its history, pathology, clinical symptoms and treatment are brief discussed.

      • KCI등재

        양수과다병을 동반한 태반 혈관종의 1예

        조재윤(JY Cho),김종덕(JD Kim),박찬영(CY Park) 대한산부인과학회 1973 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.16 No.11

        양수과다병을 동반한 태반 혈관종의 1예를 보고하는 바이다. In this paper a case of hemangioma of placenta with hydramnios was reproted and a brief review of literature on etiology, pathology and complication was made.

      • KCI등재

        간 Tryptophan Pyrrolase 활성에 미치는 혈청의 영향

        조재윤(JY Cho) 대한산부인과학회 1969 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.12 No.1

        Tryptophan pyrrolase activity of rat liver was markedly inhibited by serum in vitiro, and its inhibition was reversed by hematin. This inhibition by serum was due to the hamatin-binding capacity of serum proteins, espec- ially the serum albumin. Catalase and non-protein substances in the serum were not involved in the inhibition process. Inhibition of tryptophan pyrrolase activity by serum could not be prevented by the substrate, tryptophan in vitro.

      • KCI등재

        양수과다증을 동반한 선천사지단지증 1례

        조재윤(JY Cho),부영철(YC Boo),문지식(JS Moon),박철규(CK Park) 대한산부인과학회 1971 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.14 No.7

        양수과다증을 동반한 선천사지단지증 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. A case of achondroplasia associated with hydramnios is presented, which was detected by X-ray at 27 weeks of gestation in para 1, 28 years of aged woman at Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Chonnam Medical School Hospital and references are briefly reivewed.

      • KCI등재

        24세 미혼여성에 발생된 자궁근종의 1례

        김두상(DS Kim),조재윤(JY Cho),김병렬(BR Kim),김종혜(JH Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1972 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.15 No.12

        24세 미혼여성에 발생된 자궁근종의 1례를 보고하는 바이다. A case of nearly double fist sized submucous and intramural leiomyoma in a 24 year old unmarried woman was reported and a brief review of literature on etioloty and abnormal uterine bleeding was made.

      • KCI등재

        난관염전 7예

        유보영(BY Yu),조재윤(JY Cho),김두상(DS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.9

        1971년 12월부터 5년간에 경험한 난관혈종 4예와 난관수종 3예의 염전에 대하여 증례보고 하였다. 염전난관의 크기는 대체로 계란대 내지 여성 수권대였으며, 5예는 우측, 2예는 좌측에 발생으로 그 전예가 소골반내에 함입되고 있었다. 이 연구기간중 난소낭종의 염전으로 인한 개복은 39예였다. 7 cases of torsion of a fallopian tube experienced from December, 1971, through December, 1976, at Han Gang Sung Shim Hospital are presented. There were a hematosalpinx in 4 cases and a hydrosalpinx in 3. Generally, the size of the twisted tubes were those of hen`s egg to woman`s fist and they were located in the small pelvic cavity. The right side was frequently involved in 5 cases. During this period, the torsion of ovarian cysts was 39 cases in number.

      • KCI등재


        김두상(DS Kim),조재윤(JY Cho),양회억(HU Yang) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.5

        1) 총 분만수에 대한 제왕자궁절제술은 5.2%로써 월등한 고율이었으며 이 중 태반합병증이 31예(38.75%)로써 가장 많았고 다음이 자궁내감염증 9예(11.2%)였다. 2) 80예 중 선택예와 적응예로 분류할 때는 각각 17예(21.25%)와 63예(78.75%)였으며 선택 예와 필수예(mancatory case)로 분류할 때는 각각 34예(42.5%)와 46예(57.5%)였다. 제왕자 궁절제술의 절대적 필요성으로 보면 적응군보다는 필수군이 더 합리적 표현이라고 본다. 3) Pyrexia는 28예(35%), 재원기간은 57예(71.25%)에서 10일 미만이었다. 이 점에 대한 제왕 자궁적제술과 제왕난관결찰술 사이에는 그 빈도에 있어서 문헌상 별차이가 없었다. 4) 제왕자궁절제술 후에 실시한 중요한 재수술은 1예의 복강내혈종, 1예의 후복막농상 그리 고 1예의 질계단출혈이었으며 전예 완치되었다. 5) 문헌상 보고가 많은 제왕자궁절제술 중의 방광 및 뇨관손상은 Huwer식 경부조직내 조작 으로 방지할 수 있었다. 6) 2일 이상의 장기간 catheter 유치는 9예(11.2%)였으며 뇨로증상도 6예(6.5%)였음은 이 경 부조직내 조작으로 인하여 방광이나 요도상위부에 조직학적 손상을 미치지 못한 관계라고 추측한다. 7) 수혈은 52예(65%)에 실시하였으며 평균 2.2였다. 수술 전 hematocrit 보다도 수술 후에 그 치가 저하된 것은 수술자체로 인한 실혈로서 500cc 이상이 9예였던 것으로 보아 수술전 출혈(45예)의 결과인 듯 하다. 8) 80예의 제왕자궁절제술 중 76예는 전자궁척제, 4예는 질상부절단이었으며 76예의 전자궁 절제 중 자궁구전개대시 실시한 2예에 있어서는 그것이 불완전 제거였음이 확인되었다. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Choong-Ang University, Medical School, having conducted 80 cases of cesarean hysterectomy, present here the result of clinical analysis as follows. 1) The ratio of cesarean hysterectomy to a total delivery was a remarkably high one, 5.21%, among which 31 cases of placental complication occupied 38.75% at most and 9 cases of infected uterus, 11.2% in the next frequency. 2) Out of 80 cases of cesarean hysterectomy were 17 cases (21.25%) elective, 63cases (78.75%) indicated. Or 34 cases (42.5%) elective, 46 cases (57.5%) mandatory. It is thought that the absolute indication of cesarean hysterectomy lies in the mandatory cases over the indicated ones. 3) 28 cases (35%) were complicated by pyrexia. 57 cases (71.25%) spent less than 10 days in the hospital. The literatures show no considerable difference concerning these respects between cesarean hysterectomy and cesarean section with tubal ligation. 4) To illustrate some of the major complications required reoperation after cesarean hysterectomy, we dealt with 1 cases of broad ligament hematoma, 1 of retroperitoneal abscess and 1 of vaginal cuff bleeding, all of which were given complete healing. 5) The incidental intra-operative injury to the bladder and urinary tract being commonly issued in the literature, was satisfactorily preventable by peeling off the paracervical tissue with Huwer`s intracervical procedure. 6) The fact that unduly prolonged catheter retention more than 2 days was needed in 9 cases (11.2%) and urinary symptoms were manifested in 6 cases (7.5%), is an sample evidence that the intracervical operative technique presumably does not accompany any detrimental histological damage to the nick of bladder and upper urethra. 7) The whole blood was tranfused in 52 cases, the average being 2.2 pints. The significant lower value of post-operative hematocrit than that of pre-operative one is supposedly attributable to the pre-operative blood loss (45 cases) rather than to the operation per seeing that the intra-operative blood loss exceeding the amount of 500cc. was noted only in 9 cases. 8) Out of 80 cases of cesarean hysterectomy, 76 cases were performed in total and 4 in subtotal, 2 of 76 total hysterectomies carried out with the cervix fully dilated were later found later found incomplete in the removal of cervix uteri.

      • KCI등재

        편평상피세포암을 합병한 난소피양낭종의 1예

        이종수(JS Lee),김문신(MS Kim),조재윤(JY Cho) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.10

        66세의 폐경 다산부에서 난소피양낭종에 편평상피세포암을 동반한 1예를 보고하며 아울러 문헌적 고찰을 하였다. A case of sqaumous cell carcinoma arising in benign cystic teratoma of the ovary in a 66 year-old multiparous menopausal woman is presented with a brief review of the literature.

      • KCI등재

        임신중 분만중 및 산후에 있어서 혈당량과 혈장 NEFA의 변동

        문석주(SJ Moon),이종수(JS Lee),조재윤(JY Cho) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.4

        비임신부 전임신기간 분만중 및 산후에 걸쳐 혈당경과 혈장 NEFA 함량을 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 임신중에 혈당량은 임신이 진행됨에따라 점차 감소되는 경향이다. 임신중 혈장 NEFA 함량은 임신초기에 상승되었다가 5개월에 최하로 저하되었으며, 그 후부터 점차 증가하여 임신 제10개월에 최고에 달하였고 임신 제10개월반(42주)까지 하강되지 않했다. 2. 분만중 혈당량과 혈장 NEFA 함량은 급격히 증가하여 혈당량은 분만후 한시간에 최 고치에 도달되고 산후 제3일에 최하치였다. 혈장 NEFA 함량은 분만 제2기에 최고치였 고 태반 만출후에 급격히 하강하여 분만후 제2일과 제3일에는 정상치 이하로 하강하였다. 3. 제대혈당치는 모체 혈당치보다 항시 낮았고 혈장 NEFA 함량의 모체와 제대와의 비 는 2.2:1이었다. Employing Folin-Wu method for the measurement of blood glucose level and Dole method for non-esterified fatty acid in non-pregnancy, pregnancy, labor and postpartum period, the following results were obtained. Relevant discussions were made. 1. Gradually decreasing tendency in the concentration of blood glucose was noted with advancing gestation, The level of serum non-esterified fatty acid rise in the early pregnancy and dropped to the lowermost at the 5th month and then showed a gradual rise, reaching at a peak at the 10th month and maintaining the high level till 10 and a half month (42 weeks) of gestation. 2. The concentration of both blood glucose and serum non-esterified fatty acid abruptly increased during labor with the former at a peak in the post-partum 1 hour and the latter at the 2nd stage of labor and declining suddenly after the placental expulsion and finally dropping below normal on the postpartum 2nd or 3rd day. 3. The glucose level in the umbilical cord blood was constantly lower than that of the maternal blood while the level of non-esterified fatty acid in the maternal blood was as 2.2 times great as the cord blood.

      • KCI등재

        정상여성의 혈청 Protein Bound Carbohydrate량에 대한 통계학적 관찰

        유보영(BY Yu),강길전(KC kang),조재윤(JY Cho) 대한산부인과학회 1979 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.22 No.4

        저자는 우리나라 정상여성의 혈청중 protein bound carbohydrate양을 밝히고 검사실 성적에서부터 정상치를 추정할 수 있는지를 관찰하기 위하여 대조군으로써 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 3학년생 22명과 일반직장 신체검사상 특이한 소견이 없는 직장여성 46명 계 68명을 선정하였고 대조군으로써 1977년 12월부터 1978년 8월까지 만 9개월동안 다른 목적으로 임상병리과에 의뢰된 여자환자의 혈청중 무작위적으로 299명분을 선정하여 phenol-sulfuric method에 의하여 혈청중 PBC양을 정량하고 몇가지 통계학적 방법에 의하여 정상범위, 평균 및 표준편차를 계산 또는 추정하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 우리나라 여성의 정상혈청중 protein bournd carbohydrate량은 114.7±15.71mg/100ml이고 그 정상 범위는 83.9∼145.5mg/100ml이었다. 2. 검사실 성적으로부터 정상범위를 추정할 수 있다. 3. 검사실 성적으로부터 정상범위를 추정하는 방법들 중 여성의 혈청중 PBC량의 정상범위를 추정하는 데는 Neumann의 방법과 Waid의 방법이 좋았다. Esimation of normal range on the specific biologic phenomenon is very important and essential in diagnosing a specific disease and in suspecting the progonosis of the patients. Although the classic method for the estimation is reasonable, it is very expensive, time-spending and laborful. Thus some authors proposed several statistical methods estimating normal value from the laboratory data. And those methods are useful in quality control. Macbeth and Bekesi reported that serum level of portein bound carbohydrate of patients with malignant disease were significantly elevated as compared with that of normal individuals or that of patients with nonmalignant diseases. Snyder and Kuo reported that serum level of the protein bound carbohydrate of diabetes mellitus was elevated than that of control. In order to establish the normal range of serum level of the protein bound carbohydrate in Korean women, the auther collect 68 normal Korean adult female and 299 female patients, whoses sera were consulted in the Dept. of Clinical Pathology, from Nov. 1977 to Sept. 1978 and calculated the serum level of protein bound carbohydrate with phenol-sulfuric method. The followings were ensued results. 1. The estimated normal value of serum level of the protein bound carbohydrate in Korean female was 114.7±15.71mg/100ml. 2. Estimation of normal range of serum level of protein bound carbohydrate from laboratory data by several statistical methods were possible. 3. Among the several statistical methods in estrimation of normal range of serum level of protein bound carbohydrate, the Neuman`s and Waid`s methods were rather reliable.

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