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      • KCI등재

        우리나라 근대적 부동산공시제도의 도입 배경에 관한 연구

        조인연(In-Yeon Cho),장재옥(Jae-Ok Chang) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2023 法學論文集 Vol.47 No.2

        우리나라의 서양식 부동산공시제도는 1910년 일제가 조선 토지조사사업을 시행하고자 일본보다 앞서서 발전된 독일의 이원화된 근대 지적제도와 등기제도를 도입한 것에서 시작된다. 그러나 그 도입된 과정과 배경을 밝히려는 학술적 연구가 부족했다. 본 연구는 우리나라의 근대 부동산공시제도의 도입 배경과 동·서양공시제도의 융합과정을 연대기적으로 고찰하였다. 서양의 부동산공시제도는 기원전 300년경 이집트를 정복한 프톨레마이오스 왕조시대 지적측량에 따라 토지소유자를 기록하여 이름을 알파벳 순서대로 정리한 것에서 기원한다. 이것이 그리스와 로마를 거쳐 유럽에 전달된 것이다. 이 사실은 ‘cadastre’라는 어원의 변화와 삼각측량 방법이 사용된 1615년 독일 튀빙겐 시의 지적도 및 프로이센의 1783년 저당법 등기 편철방식에서도 증명된다. 또한 이 프로이센 저당법은 전쟁으로 피폐한 농촌경제의 활성화를 위한 것이며, 국가에서 등기에 공신력을 부여함으로써 발생할 수 있는 진정한 권리자의 희생을 방지하기 위해서 등기관리를 법원에 위임하였다. 이때부터 법원이 등기업무를 공적으로 관리하게 되면서 동·서양 부동산공시제도의 관장기관 이원화에 영향을 끼쳤다. 우리나라도 이원화된 이 제도를 100년 넘게 이용하면서 국민 불편과 재정 낭비를 초래한다는 문제 지적과 함께 민원 업무의 통합과 공부(公簿) 일원화 필요성이 계속 제기되어 왔다. 그러나 1960년 우리나라 민법을 제정하면서 독일의 이런 역사적 배경을 검토하지 못한 상태에서 경제가 발달하지 않았단 이유 등으로 공부 통합의 선결과 제인 등기공신력을 인정하지 않았다. 앞으로 부동산거래의 안전 확보를 위해 등기부에 대장 기능 부여와 공신력을 인정하고, 지방분권 시대에 부응하여 등기직 공무원의 지방직 전환으로 전문성과 국민의 신뢰를 확보할 수 있는 우리나라의 부동산공시제도 통합방안이 필요하다. The Western style real estate public disclosure system in Korea began in 1910 when the Japanese introduced the dualized modern cadastral system and registration system of Germany, which was more advanced than Japan, to implement the Chosun land survey project. However, there has been a lack of academic research to reveal the process and background of its introduction. Therefore, this study chronologically examined the background of the introduction of Korea's modern real estate disclosure system and the convergence process of the Eastern and Western disclosure systems. As a result, it was found that the Western real estate disclosure system originated from the cadastral survey of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, which conquered Egypt around 300 B.C. and arranged names in alphabetical order, and was transmitted to Europe via Greece and Rome. This fact is proved by the change in the etymology of 'cadastre', the triangulation method of the Ptolemaic era, which was used to create the first Western cadastral map in Tübingen, Germany in 1615, and the Preussen mortgage law's registration filing method of 1783, where public confidence first appeared. This Mortgage Act was intended to promote the revitalization of the war torn rural economy and entrusted the court with the management of registration in order to prevent the sacrifice of the true rightholder that could occur when the state gave public confidence to registration. Also, from this time on, the court took over public management of the registration business, which influenced the dualization of the authorities in charge of the Eastern and Western real estate disclosure systems. Korea has also used this dual system for over 100 years, pointing out that it causes inconvenience to the public and waste of finances, and the need for integration of civil affairs and unification of public records has been continuously raised. However, when Korea enacted the German Civil Law in 1960, this historical background was not fully discussed and public confidence in registration, a prerequisite for integration of study, was not recognized for reasons such as the fact that it had not reached a developed economic stage. In order to ensure the safety of real estate transactions in the future, it is necessary to integrate the Korean real estate disclosure system that can secure professionalism and public trust by granting the function of a ledger and recognizing public confidence in the register, and converting public officials at courthouse who is taking charge of registration system to local government officials in response to the era of decentralization.

      • KCI우수등재

        대리형사사법의 원칙에서의 형법적용 흠결 보완기능 연구

        조인현(Cho In Hyun) 한국형사법학회 2016 형사법연구 Vol.28 No.4

        오늘날 외국인 입국자가 해마다 늘고 국제테러 범죄가 세계적으로 확산하고 있다. 국제테러, 마약범죄나 조직범죄의 성격을 지니는 국제범죄는 정치범으로부터 제외된다. 또한, 외국인 범죄 전력자가 내국인에게 중한 범죄피해를 입히고 있다. 도피 범죄는 그것이 어디에서 누구에 의해 행하여졌더라도 반드시 처벌되어야 한다는 사고가 타당할 것이다. 외국인의 국외범에 대하여 영미법계에서는 범죄인 인도가 적극적으로 활용되지만, 자국의 입법이나 국제적 관행에 따라 범죄인 인도가 제한되고 있다. 범죄인 인도 거절로부터 발생하는 형법적용상 흠결은 인도거절 대상 범죄 처리에 대하여 아무런 형벌 법규가 마련되어 있지 않다는 점으로부터 발생한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 자국이 외국으로부터 범죄인을 인도받거나 외국에 범죄인을 인도하여 외국인의 국외범 문제를 해결하는 것 뿐만 아니라 범죄인 인도법상 인도거절 범죄인을 처벌하는 것은 형사사법적 정의와 합치하는 것이라고 생각된다. 전통적으로 대리형사사법의 원칙은 국제연대성에 따른 국제범죄 퇴치의 필요성에 기인한다. 이러한 대리형사사법의 원칙은 “범죄인 인도의 난점”을 해소함으로써 도피 범죄인을 방지할 수 있다. 또한, 북한에서 행하여진 북한인 범죄는 외국인의 국외범처럼 우리형법의 실무적 적용 범위를 벗어난 지 오래이다. 독일의 대리형사사법의 원칙은 국제관계에서 외국인의 국외범의 도피를 방지하였으며, 동서독 관계에서 나타났던 형법적용의 흠결을 해소하였다. 1953년 제정형법의 입법자가 미처 예상하지 못하였던 다국적 국제범죄가 계속 저질러지고 있고, 국외 도피범 문제가 우리의 현실로 등장하였다. 우리형법에 있어서도 이른바 국제형법 적용이론은 시대 변화에 상응할 수 있도록 발전적으로 개선되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 외국인의 국외범에 대한 형법적용의 간극을 방지할 수 있도록 대리형사사법의 원칙이 도입되어야 할 것이다. Thanks to the previous studies with the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice, it could be discussed with this article. Historically the Principle evolved from the 1794 ‘Preußische Allgemeine Landrecht’. After the Prussian model act, especially in the continental countries including Germany, Austria and Swiss the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice was legislated in their Penal Codes. This Principle is acknowledged as a part of the International Criminal Law(Internationales Strafrecht). Meanwhile our Korean Criminal Law was influenced by the German Criminal Law and the Japanese Draft for Revising Criminal Act. In European countries the cases of substituted administration of criminal justice had been eagerly discussed focusing in the nationality or passive personality principle. Specially the Principle was very importantly applied in the divided situation of East- and West Germany. The Principle is due to the theory of aut dedere aut punire (either extradite or punish). The incorporation of the Principle in modern codes is exemplified in Germany, Austria and Swiss. Germany, Project of Penal Code (1927) was as follows. The penal laws of the Imperial Germany apply to other acts committed abroad, if the act is incriminated by the law of the place of the act and if the actor … at the time of the act was an alien, has been arrested upon the territory, and has not been extradited, although extradition would be permissible according to the nature of the act. Austrian Penal Code was regulated as follows. Should the foreign state refuse to receive him, the foreign offender will generally be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the present penal code. While in Japan neither the Penal Code or the Japanese Draft for Revising Criminal Act knew the Principle. But in our Korean Peninsula the Principle would be very important for us to apply Korean Criminal Law in offences committed abroad, whoever committed them outside of the South Korea. Thus our legislator might no longer be lagging in providing for the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice.

      • KCI등재후보

        운동부하 검사상 무증상 심근 허혈 환자의 관동맥 병변 소견

        조인종(In Jong Cho),서정평(Jung Pyung Suh),류문희(Moon Hee Rheu),이명곤(Myung Kon Lee),박종수(Jong Soo Park),박주형(Joo Hyung Park),정명호(Myung Ho Jeong),조정관(Jeong Gwan Cho),박종춘(Jong Chun Park),강정채(Jung Chaee Kang) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.5

        Objectives: Silent myocardial ischemia is defined as the presence of transient ischemic alterations in absence of angina or its equivalents. In recent reports, silent ischemia comprises about 60-80% of total ischemic events in patients with symptomatic angina and its prognosis is similar to typical painful angina, So, we studied to compare the difference of coronary angiographic features between painful angina and silent angina in patients with positive treadmill exercise test. Method: We studied retrospectively coronary angiographic features of 34 patients; 20 patients with painful treadmill exercise test were grouped in A and 14 patients without pain were grouped in B. Both groups were positive in Thallium corynary perfusion scan. Results: 1) There were no significant differences in sex, age, smoking and hypertension between group A and B but diabetes were more prevalent in group A than in B(p< 0,05) 2) Total exercise duration, ST segment deviation and rate pressure product were not different between two groups in treadmill exercise test. Although treadmill score was significantly low in group A (p<0.05), there was no singificant difference between two groups in case of subtracting treadmill angina index from treadmill score. 3) In dipyridamole Tl scan, defect volume ratio was not different in two groups although defect index was significantly greater in group A(p<0.05). 4) In coronary angiographic findings, there were no sigificant differences in number of stenosed vessels, left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular end diastolic pressure, but right coronary artery lesion is more common in group A than group B(p<0,05). 5) The most common clinical diagnosis of studied subject was unstable angina, But there were no statistically difference between two groups. Conclusion: This results suggest that patient with silent myocardial ischemia has similar coronary artery disease to those with painful myocardial ischemia, Early detection and treatment of silent ischemia is essential in the management of ischemic teart disease.

      • KCI우수등재

        우리 형법상 무고죄의 해석론적 한계

        조인현(Cho, In-Hyun) 한국형사법학회 2014 형사법연구 Vol.26 No.2

        21세기 공동체 사회의 법질서 변천 상황과 맞물려 형법각칙 무고죄가 법규범의 실효성 문제와 타당성 논란이 제기되고 있다. 우리 무고죄는 1940년 일본 형법가안과 동일한 구성요건이 그대로 변함이 없다. 무고는 행위자가 국가의 형사 사법활동을 이용하여 타인에게 피해를 입히게 되는 것이다. 행위자로부터의 법익침해 순서에 따르자면 무고는 개인에 대한 해악이 직접적인 원인이다. 독일에서는 무고죄가 형법 전 편제의 변동 없이 범죄혐의에 대한 무고행위의 처벌이 가능하도록 규정하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 오래 전부터 정치적 무고죄도 시행되고 있다. 그런데 우리 형법상 무고죄는 제정형법 이래 일본형법 가안에서처럼 국가적 법익을 침해하는 죄로 되어 있다. 이러한 형태의 무고죄에 대하여 해석론적 입법론적 고찰이 요청된다. 더욱이 남북이 분단되어 있는 데도 현행법상 무고죄는 대한민국 영역에서 해석 및 적용상의 문제가 있으며 피무고인 보호기능이 불충분하다. 그리고 우리 형법의 무고죄는 국가적 법익 보호 기능에 치중되어 있다. 그래서 무고죄가 해석론적으로 그 적용 범위가 확대되어야 할 구성요건인데도 불구하고 경우에 따라서는 제한 해석되기도 하는 아이러니컬한 현상이 일어나고 있다. 따라서 무고죄에 있어서 형사사법기능의 보호와 병행하여 인간의 존엄성을 해치는 반인도적 무고 행위가 처벌될 수 있도록 독일에서처럼 피무고자의 개인적 법익 보호 기능을 강화하여야 할 것이다. There are opinions over the harms in respect of an legal interests of nation or private citizens in the crimes of false accusation in the korean criminal act. The article 156 for the crimes of False Accusation protects mainly the legal interests of the judicial procedure. Therefore it is necessary that the article should have to be altered to protect the legal interests of private citizens more effectively. Because of changes in social and legal situations it would be better to wide the interpretational range of the article. Moreover, this study investigated on the historical legal background about criminal and disciplinary punishment in the crimes of false accusation. The concepts of criminal and disciplinary punishment was derived from the jerman dynasty criminal act in 1871. There are some limits of interpretation for the crimes of false accusation in the korean criminal act. Thus, my suggestions are as follows. firstly, the legal interests of private citizens should be more than usually respected. Although the expression of the false information might not be detailed description of evidence, the crimes of false accusation should be materialized and those who commit the crimes must be punished. The article also needs to be improved to protect the individual interests more easily, and the crimes of false accusation against humanity have to be also punished by legislation. Secondly, it is appropriate for the degree of recognition for the intention in the crimes of false accusation to recognise the theory of willful negligence (dolus eventualis) . Thirdly, In order to be the crimes of false accusation by the article, the concepts of disciplinary punishment should be sufficient enough for any sanction under the public law.

      • KCI등재

        논 문 : 인터넷 비방 행위의 보편주의(Ubiquitatstheorie) 적용론 -형법상 비방 요건과 관련하여-

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 한국경찰법학회 2015 경찰법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        According to the Korean Criminal Act and Public Official Election Act, the Internet Defamation as Slander could be punished. Thus, a person who defames the national flag or the national emblem should be punished. Also any person who slanders a candidate (including pre-candidate), his spouse, lineal ascendants or descendants, siblings by pointing out any fact openly should be punished. In most civil law jurisdictions, defamation might be treated as a crime. Even in some common law countries and several american states there are criminal libel laws. Moreover in the chinese criminal act, internet defamation as slander is directly regulated as a crime. The phenomenon of internet crimes is somewhat specipic, it occurs all the same time and appears at every places in the world. It is ubiquitous. The so-called principle of ubiquity is more prevalent than any other theories in applicating criminal law against the distance crime. Nowadays there are two different opinions as to whether the principle should be restricted or extended. The former seems to be reasonable in retrospective of the german criminal law theory, though, it could not be accepted according to the Korean Criminal Act. Therefore it``s proper for the principle to be less restrictively applicated. The grounds are as follows: Firstly, the Korean Criminal Act is different from the german one. Secondly, the national sovereignty and protectionism must be thoroughly acknowledged on the viewpoint of jurisdictional principles following after the article 2 of the Korean Criminal Act. Thirdly, in de lege lata the opinion for restriction against the principle of ubiquity is not proper, because we must abide by the article 2 of the korean criminal code which does not obviously regulate the principle of ubiquity. The strong opinion for restriction against the principle might be resulted in negating the principle of ubiquity.

      • KCI등재

        국민참여재판에서 배심원후보자 기피신청절차 개선방안 연구

        조인현(Cho In Hyun) 한국형사정책학회 2016 刑事政策 Vol.28 No.1

        Historically the evolution of the English jury from the middle ages to the french revolution caused the jury trial right to become the antimonarchist movements on the world. In Europe the jury trial was replaced by other models of lay adjudication. Especially Germany utilized a mixed court comprising a panel of one professional judge and two lay assessors collegially deciding all matters of law. In America the current jury selection procedures are guaranted by the amendments to the constitution and producing jury panels by the vior dire process. The prospective jurors without impartiality may be challenged for the cause or peremptory. The use of peremptory challenges is scrutinized to result in decreased legitimacy for the criminal justice system. From ancient times the court has been involved in the Jury Selection Procedure. It is quite right for the judge to controll the process of the jury selection. However it happens frequently that the judge would erroneously decide the use of challenge for cause or a peremptory challenge. Nevertheless during the Korean National Participation in Criminal Judicial Process it is insufficient or lack of appeal procedures in the challenging system. Therefore in Korea's Jury Trial System it might be proper to strengthen the appeal procedure for the litigants. Thus the procedure should be reformed if the judge's erroneous decision about the use of a challenge for cause or a defendant fails to cure a cause error with an available peremptory challenge. As a result it is important to increase the effectiveness of questioning in exposing prejudiced jurors. Then that kinds of reformation ways would serve for securing the impartiality of the Korean jury selection system and acquiring a more credibility of the Korean lay participation system.

      • KCI등재

        십자가의 요한이 본 영적성장에서의 고난의 의미: 목회상담학적 고찰

        조인효 ( In Hyo Cho ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2014 복음과 상담 Vol.22 No.2

        There is no doubt that there are many kinds of sufferings which can beset us in this life. In the Medieval time, St. John experienced severe physical, mental, and spiritual suffering. His life was a dark night, but he considered it as a journey to God. He tried to live a holy life and have communion with God, and then to help others more effectively. For him, God uses trials and suffering to bring people to greater purification. Thus, the soul experiences extreme pain because of its impurity. However, he did not believe that God imposes suffering on us. Rather, God wants to stand with us to encourage and empower us in our suffering to grow and to rely on Him more. According to St. John, union with God is not something that we can achieve but something that already exists. The mystical experience, union with God, happens in a way that is hidden and beyond our conscious control. Thus, it is important how Christian sufferers understand their suffering within a theological framework and find meaning in their suffering. Even in our time, St. John’s views on suffering and spirituality also can be applied to psychology, pastoral ministry, and spiritual direction. His writings have provided much insight for pastoral caregivers and counselors. St. John’s transcendent experience of love and healing offers not judgment but hope in the midst of suffering and influenced the formation of his compassion and love for other Christians who suffer.

      • KCI등재

        진술거부권 행사 피고인의 양형 가중 문제 고찰 -마약, 강력범죄 등 중한 범죄 유형을 중심으로-

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 한국형사정책학회 2014 刑事政策 Vol.26 No.2

        The right to remain silent follows from the development and expansion of the role of defense system. The Miranda warning acknowledged the common-law right to remain silent. The right to remain silent was regulated in the Fifth Amendment of the United States of America. But it is open to the court to draw appropriate inferences from the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994(CJPOA) in England. It might be stressed that the CJPOA has not abolished the right to remain silent in the commom-law. It would be better to think about the guidance of estimating sentencing factor for the defendant who has the right to remain silent Nowadays the court has a dilemma for the defendants who have exercised the right to remain silent. At this situation for the most important thing, it needs criteria of sentencing guidelines in the korean jury trial. We have to pay close attention to allow the visual record to be introduced as evidence in trial, even in the case that we ask the prosecution or police to record the investigation procedure to guarantee the transparency of that procedure. However, in sentencing stage, the court could draw adverse inferences from the defendant who is apparently guilty in retrospective of the objective evidence. Labeling and Criminal Careers plays an important role in persistent criminal behaviours. Thus it must be appropriate criminal policy for the application of sentencing factors to resolve labeling against the defendants at the transient period of the korean criminal justice system.

      • KCI등재후보

        승모판 협착증에서 치료 방법에 따른 임상 및 심초음파 소견의 변화

        조인종(In Jong Cho),김원(Woen Kim),김계훈(Kye Hun Kim),강경태(Kyung Tae Kang),안영근(Young Keun Ahn),정명호(Myung Ho Jeong),조정관(Jeong Gwan Cho),박종춘(Jong Chun Park),강정채(Jung Chaee Kang),안병희(Byoung Hee Ahn),김상형(Sang Hyu 대한내과학회 2001 대한내과학회지 Vol.60 No.6

        Background : Although rheumatic mitral stenosis is still a prevalent and clinically significant valvular heart disease in Korea, the natural history of rheumatic mitral stenosis has not been clearly determined yet. The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical and echocardiographic changes in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis according to different therapeutic modalities. Methods : A total of 91 patients (66 women; mean age, 50.9±12 years) with dominant rheumatic mitral stenosis and mitral valve area of less than 1.5 cm2 who were followed for more than 3 years (mean: 5.1 years) were included in this study. The subjects were divided into 3 groups according to the therapeutic modalities for mitral stenosis (A: medical therapy (n=31), B: percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty (n=30), C: mitral valve replacement (n=30)). Clinical and echocardiographic follow-up was performed before and immediately after therapeutic intervention such as percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty (PMV) and mitral valve replacement (MVR) and every year thereafter. Clinical symptoms and echocardiographic findings were compared between 3 groups. Results : The patients of group B consisted of less females and more younger (p=NS). Clinical symptom of dyspnea was more severe in group B and C initially (A: 1.8±0.8, B: 2.5±0.8, C: 2.9±0.7; A vs. B, A vs. C, p<0.05) but more improved in group B and C (A: 1.6±0.5, B: 1.3±1.0, C: 1.6±0.5; A vs B, A vs. C, p<0.05) during the follow-up. The prevalence of atrial fibrillation did not change significantly during follow-up. Mitral valve area decreased significantly in A group from 1.1±0.4 to 0.9±0.3 cm2 (p<0.05), but, no significant change was observed in group B and C. No significant changes were observed in the left ventricular end-diastolic, end-systolic dimensions, and ejection fraction during the follow-up period. No clinically significant aggravations of associated valvular

      • KCI등재

        넷플릭스에 의한 한일 간 드라마 리메이크의 변용: ‘문화번역’을 중심으로

        조인애 ( Cho In-yae ),조규헌 ( Cho Kyu-heon ) 한국일어일문학회 2023 日語日文學硏究 Vol.124 No.0

        これまで韓国と日本の間では、様々なドラマのリメイクを通じて相互の文化やコンテンツを理解してきた。とくに、ドラマのリメイクにおいては両国間の異質な社会文化がその国によく溶け込めるよう言語の翻訳だけでなくいわゆる「文化翻訳」が重視されてきた。ここでは放送局、作家、PDなど文化翻訳の「仲裁者」が核心的な役割をはたした。ところで、近年、OTTプラットフォームである<ネットフリックス>はメディア環境に大きな変化をもたらした。特に<ネットフリックス>のグローバル進出において、韓国は東アジア地域の核心的な拠点の役割を果たしている。そこで本研究では、<ネットフリックス>の登場で新しく形成された韓国と日本の間のドラマリメイクの変化様相をドラマ<ボイス>事例を通じて検討した。これによって、OTT時代の「リメイク」と「文化翻訳」関係性をグローバル/ローカル文化の観点から新しく提示した。 Thus far Korea and Japan have been seeking mutual understanding of culture and cultural contents through remakes of various dramas. In particular, in the remake of Korean-Japanese dramas, the role of 'cultural translation' in addition to language was considered important so that the heterogeneous social culture of the two countries could be well integrated with each other, and 'mediators' of cultural translation such as broadcasters, writers, and PDs played a crucial role in this. However, in recent years, the OTT platform Netflix has caused considerable changes in the media landscape, and particularly, Korea has been a key base for Netflix's global expansion in East Asia. Thus, in this study, the changing patterns in the remakes of dramas between Korea and Japan, which have been newly transformed with the emergence of the OTT platform Netflix, was examined focusing on the case of the drama Voice, and the relationship between remake and cultural translation in the era of the OTT service presented from the perspective of global culture.

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