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        Morphology and Synaptic Pattern of Calretinin-immunoreactive Neurons in the Superficial Dorsal Horn of the Rat Spinal Cord

        조은정(Eun-Chung Cho),김인범(In-Beom Kim),천명훈(Myung-Hoon Chun) 대한해부학회 2004 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.37 No.1

        이 연구에서는 흰쥐 척수 얕은뒤뿔에서 calretinin 면역반응 신경세포의 분포와 연접양상을 조사하였다. calretinin 면역반응 신경세포와 이들의 돌기는 척수의 모든 층판에서 관찰되었으나, 얕은 층판에서 면역반응 세포체와 돌기가 가장 밀집하여 분포하였다. 층판 I에서 작은 세포체를 가진 가장자리세포(marginal cells)와 다른 종류의 신경세포가 calretinin 면역반응을 나타내었다. 이 층판에서 면역반응 세포돌기가 치밀한 얼기를 이루었다. 층판 II에서도 치밀하게 밀집된 calretinin 면역반응 세포가 관찰되었다. 층판 II의 바깥에서는 원형 또는 난원형 모습의 세포가 관찰되었고, 반면에 안쪽에서는 세포체의 모습이 방추상인 세포가 관찰되었다. 전자현미경 관찰로, 대부분의 면역반응 돌기는 가지돌기였으며, 축산인 경우는 소수였다. 면역반응 가지돌기는 비면역반응 축삭과 대칭 또는 비대칭 연접을 이루었고, 면역반응 축삭은 비면역반응 가지돌기와 연접을 이루었다. 면역반응 돌기사이의 연접도 소수에서 관찰되었다. The distribution and the synaptic relationships of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons were studied in the superficial dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord. Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons and fibers were found in all laminae of spinal cord. The densest staining of both cell bodies and fibers occurred in the superficial laminae. In lamina I, marginal cells and other neurons with small round cell bodies showed calretinin-like immunoreactivity. A calretinin-immunoreactive plexus of nerve fibers was also found in this lamina. Lamina II was densely packed with calretinin-immunoreactive neuronal elements. The outer layer of lamina II was primarily composed of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons with a round or oval shape, whereas in the inner layer dorsoventrally orientated labeled neurons with spindle-shaped cell bodies were observed. Densely labeled neuropils with punctate profiles were also seen. By electron microscopy most of the labeled punctate profiles appeared to be dendrites, but axonal profiles were also found in smaller numbers. Labeled dendritic profiles established symmetric or asymmetric synapses with unlabeled axons and labeled axons established primarily symmetric synaptic contacts with unlabeled dendrites. Synaptic contacts between two calretinin-immunoreactive processes were observed infrequently.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 정보비대칭과 외부감사간의 관련성

        조은정(Eun Jung Cho),정주렴(Juryum Chung) 한국국제회계학회 2018 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.81

        본 연구에서는 기업의 정보비대칭이 감사절차에 영향을 미쳐 감사시간 및 보수와 관련이 있는지 분석하였다. 정보비대칭은 기업내부의 정보를 외부에 공유하는 정도 및 제공되는 정보의 품질에 영향을 받게 되며, 이는 경영자의 의지 및 기업환경에 따라 달라진다. 따라서 정보비대칭이 존재하는 기업은 감사절차에 있어 감사인에게 제공하는 정보 또한 제한적일 가능성이 높다. 이러한 경우 감사인은 추가적인 정보를 획득하기 위하여 더 많은 노력을 기울이거나, 제한된 자료를 가지고 감사절차를 수행하게 되므로 감사효율성이 감소하여 감사시간이 증가할 것이다. 감사위험 측면에서도 경영자로부터 제공된 정보가 제한되면, 감사인이 발견하지 못한 오류 또는 부정의 가능성이 높아져 감사인이 직면하는 적발위험이 증가하게 된다. 이러한 감사시간의 증가 및 적발위험의 증가로 인한 감사위험의 증가는 감사보수의 증가로 이어질 것이다. 2013년부터 2017년까지 유가증권 및 코스닥시장 상장법인 총 7,068개의 표본을 사용하여 분석한 결과, 일별주식수익률의 변동성 및 연간주식거래회전율을 측정치로 측정한 정보비대칭과 감사시간 및 보수는 유의한 양의 관계가 있었다. 이러한 연구결과는 회계정보의 질, 정보비대칭 변수 및 초도감사 여부를 통제하여도 강건하게 유지되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 정보비대칭이 감사절차에 미치는 영향을 분석함으로써 기존 정보비대칭에 대한 연구를 확장시켰다는 점에서 공헌점이 있다. 또한 기업의 정보비대칭이 실질적으로 감사효율성을 저하시키고 감사비용을 증가시킨다는 점을 실증하여 정보비대칭이 야기하는 또 다른 부정적 측면을 확인하였다는 점에서 실무적인 시사점을 갖는다. 마지막으로, 본 연구는 감사시간 및 보수가 기업의 감사환경을 반영하는 대용치로 사용될 수 있음을 실증적으로 제시하였다. We investigate whether the information asymmetry is associated with external audit effort, measured by audit hour and audit fee. The magnitude of information asymmetry(IA) depends on the manager"s willness to share inside information or the firms" information environment. As the auditors perform audit procedure based on documents provided by firms, the level and extent of information sharing with auditor can affect audit procedure. The firms with high IA limit both quantity and quality of information to stakeholders, and this attitude is more likely to maintain in external audit process as well. In this case, auditor would put more effort to collect other evidences to assure minimum level of audit quality through various channels. This will results in lower audit efficiency and more audit effort, proxied by higher audit hour. At the same time, if auditor cannot conduct the audit procedure properly due to limited information, the audit risk becomes higher which will lead to high audit fee. Therefore, we hypothesize that IA increases both audit hour and audit fee. Using the sample of 7,068 firm-year from 2013 to 2017 listed in Korean stock market, we empirically find that IA, proxied by standard deviation of daily stock return and stock transaction volume turnover, increase audit hour and fee. For robustness, we control for the accounting quality and initial audit effect or use the alternative measure of IA, and the results are in general robust. Prior studies on IA mostly focus on the association with firm value or accounting quality, and as far as we know, few studies investigate the impact on external audit. Our results contributes the literature by extending the research on IA and examining its impact on audit procedure. In addition, unlike prior studies which use the audit fee/ hour as proxy for audit quality, our results suggest that the audit fee/hour increases due to the inefficiency of audit procedure or high audit risk. It implies that the audit hour and audit fee should be cautiously interpreted other than higher audit quality.

      • KCI등재

        경영자 능력이 경영자-감사인간 의견불일치에 미치는영향: 감사 전재무제표의 증권선물위원회 제출의무화를 중심으로

        조은정 ( Eun Jung Cho ),정주렴 ( Ju Ryum Chung ),김범준 ( Bum Joon Kim ) 한국회계학회 2016 회계저널 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구는 경영자의 능력이 경영자-감사인간 의견불일치에 미치는 영향을 살펴본다. 특히 2013년 말 주식회사 외부감사에 관한 법률(이하 ‘외감법’)의 개정으로 새로이 도입된감사 전 재무제표의 증권선물위원회 제출의무화가 경영자 능력과 경영자-감사인간의 의견불일치간의 관계에 추가적인 영향을 미치는지 분석하고자 한다. 경영자의 능력은 투자, 재무, 회계 등 기업 전반적인 경영활동에 영향을 미친다. Demerjian et al. (2013)은 능력있는 경영자의 경우 보다 높은 이익의 질을 보고한다고 제시하였다. 즉 회계처리 및 재무제표 작성 결과는 경영자의 능력에 따라 달라질 수 있으며, 이는 경영자가 제시한 수정 전재무제표와 감사인이 수정한 감사 후 재무제표의 차이로 측정한 경영자-감사인간 의견불일치에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 경영자 능력이 높을수록 이익의 질이 높으며, 기업 내부통제에 대한 효과적인 모니터링이 가능하여 재무제표에 존재할 오류 또는 부정의 가능성이 줄어들것이다. 따라서 경영자의 능력이 증가할수록 수정 전 재무제표의 품질이 높아지므로 경영자와 감사인의 이익에 대한 의견불일치는 감소할 것으로 예측한다. 또한, 개정 외감법의 시행에 따라 실무적으로 존재하였던 재무제표의 작성에 감사인이 개입하던 관행이 근절되었다면, 재무제표 작성에 경영자의 능력이 미치는 영향이 더욱 커졌을 것이며, 이에 따라 경영자 능력이 경영자-감사인간 의견불일치에 미치는 영향이 더욱 커질 것으로 예상하였다. 본 연구에서는 2011년부터 2014년까지의 유가증권 상장법인을 대상으로 분석하여, 경영자 능력이 높을(낮을)수록 경영자-감사인간 의견불일치 금액과 중요한 의견불일치 빈도는 통계적으로 유의하게 감소(증가)한다는 점을 발견하였다. 또한, 개정 외감법 시행 이후 경영자 능력이 의견불일치에 미치는 영향이 달라졌는지 분석한 결과 경영자 능력이 낮을(높을)수록 경영자-감사인간 의견불일치를 증가(감소)시키는 관계는 감사 전 재무제표의 증권선물위원회 제출의무화 이후 더욱 크게 나타났다. 이는 재무제표의 대리작성을 근절하고자한 개정 외감법이 그 실효성을 나타내고 있을 뿐만 아니라 경영자의 능력에 재무제표 작성능력도 포함되어 있다는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 본 연구는 감사 전 재무제표의 제출 의무화와 같은 제도적 변화를 활용하여, 경영자 능력이 뛰어난 경우 경영자-감사인간 의견불일치를 감소시킬 수 있다는 점을 실증적으로 제시함으로서 회계 규제기관이나 감사인에게 유용한 시사점을 제공할 것으로 기대된다. This study investigates how the management ability is associated with the auditor-management disagreement on earning reporting, especially after amendment to the Act of External Audit of Stock Companies in 2014. The auditor-management disagreement is measured as difference between preliminary earning by the company and reported earning, which represent earning adjustment by auditor. If the financial statement by the company is low-quality or the auditor perform strict audit process, the disagreement would be high. Prior studies suggest that management ability is positively associated with higher earning quality earning, more conservative accounting, lower audit fee and better management forecast accuracy (Dermerjian et al. 2013, Lee et al 2015, Baik et al. 2011). Therefore it is likely that more able management produce higher quality financial statement and internal control system, which will generate lower auditor-management disagreement on earning. Also, recently from 2014, the government revise the Act of External Audit of Stock Companies and mandate all listed firms to submit the unaudited financial statement to the Securities and Futures Commission and the auditors at the same times. The financial statement is supposed to be prepared by the management, however in practice it often made by the auditors. Therefore there has been concern that auditors confront the self review threat and have difficulties to perform the independent audit process because they have to audit the financial statements what they have prepared. This amendment was announced to mitigate this issue and makes it clear that the management has full responsibility to create financial statements, and auditors should not be involved in this process. By doing this, the government expect the auditor independence increases during the audit process. If this revision is effectively adopted, the management``s role on financial reporting would be more important, which affect the management-auditor disagreement. Therefore in this study, we study whether the association between management ability and management-auditor disagreement is strengthened after regulation revision. The management ability is measured following Demerjian et al.(2012). Demerjian et al. (2012) suggest that firm efficiency, calculated by data envelopment analysis, is affected by firm specific effect and management specific characteristics, and measure management ability by removing firm specific effect from firm efficiency measure. Using the KOSPI listed firm-year sample from 2011 to 2014, we empirically examine the association between management ability and managementauditor disagreement. Our empirical results are summarized as follows. First, we find that management ability is negatively associated with managementauditor disagreement, both in amount and frequency, as expected. More specifically, the more(less) able management has less(higher) disagreement between management and auditor. This result implies that the more able management produce the higher quality financial statement, and accordingly the auditor has less revision. Secondly, we find that this positive relation is strengthen after recent amendment to the Act of External Audit of Stock Companies. This result suggests that the amendment is effectively adopted as intended and management role in auditor-management disagreement becomes more important. The management-auditor disagreement represent the earning discrepancy between the financial statement proposed by management and auditor revision. Therefore both management and auditor affect disagreement frequency and amount. However most prior studies use this disagreement measure as proxy for audit quality (Sohn et al. 2010, Lee and Park 2016), which focus on only auditor side. This study contributes to the regulators and literature by suggesting the management role in disagreement measure Also, this study contributes the literature on recent amendment to the Act of External Audit of Stock Companies. Lee and Park (2016) suggest that the disagreement increased after regulation revision, which imply that the audit quality increases. This study contributes by suggesting how the management role affects the disagreement after the amendment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초등학교 고학년 아동의 컴퓨터 게임 양상과 정서 및 행동 특성

        이자영,박태원,이문숙,조은정,정영철,황익근,양종철,정상근,정애자,은홍배,Lee, Ja-Yeong,Park, Tae-Won,Lee, Moon-Sook,Cho, Eun-Cheong,Chung, Young-Chul,Hwang, Ik-Keun,Yang, Jong-Chul,Chung, Sang-Keun,Jung, Ae-Ja,Eun, Hong-Bae 대한불안의학회 2008 대한불안의학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the pattern of computer game play and emotional and behavioral characteristics of 5th and 6th grade elementary school children in Jeonju city. Methods : Fifth and sixth graders from two elementary schools (N=413, M=214, F=199) were chosen to participate in this study. The participants completed self-report questionnaires designed by the authors, and were also evaluated based on a computer game addiction scale, state-trait anxiety inventory for children, children's depression inventory and Piers-Harris children's self-esteem scale. The parents of the participants determined the disruptive behavior rating scale of the participants. Results : Positive links were reported between the pattern of computer game play (years of computer game experience, average length of each computer game play session, average time spent on computer game play per day, and average frequency of computer game play per week) and scores of computer game addiction scale. In addition, significant correlation was found between the internalized problems of children (trait anxiety, state anxiety, depression, and self-esteem), and computer game addiction scale score, among both sexes (p<0.01). There were significant correlations between game addiction scale score and inattention (p<0.01) as well as total attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) score (p<0.05) in girls. Conclusion : Our findings suggest that computer game addiction is related to symptoms of internalizing, particularly to the trait anxiety. Significant positive correlations between game addiction scale score and externalized behavioral problems were found only in girls.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        산모에서 요부 경막외 차단후 발생한 편측 호너 증후군과 상지마비

        장 연(Yeun Jang),조은정(Eun Chung Cho),김정태(Jung 대한통증학회 1997 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.10 No.2

        Horner's syndrome is a well-recognized complication of regional analgesia of neck and shoulder region, and not often a complication of lumbar or low thoracic epidural block. Recently we experienced right Horner's syndrome accompanying paralysis of right upper extremity following lumbar epidural block in for an obstetric patient. Epidurography and MRI was performed to clarify the cause of unilateral high epidural block and cervical sympathetic block. Radiologic study demonstrated a loop formation of the epidural catheter and tip of catheter was located in right anterior epidurnl space(L1-2). The initial epidutogram revealed unilateral spteading of dye in the cervical region in right epidural space, A second epidurogram, 10 minutes following, showed dye filling in left epidural space, however spread of dye in left side was limited to lumbar and low thoracic region. We concluded the most probable cause of this unilateral high epidural block was due to misplacement of the catheter into the anterior epidural Space.

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