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      • KCI등재

        기능성소화불량 환자에서 나타나는 정신적 증상의 한약 치료 : 체계적 문헌고찰과 메타분석

        조윤재,이하늘,정해인,이현진,금창열,한아람,하나연,김진성,Cho, Yun-jae,Lee, Hanul,Jeong, Hae In,Lee, Hyun-Jin,Keum, Chang-Yul,Han, Aram,Ha, Na-Yeon,Kim, Jinsung 대한한방내과학회 2021 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.42 No.4

        Purpose: Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a chronic syndrome accompanied by repetitive digestive symptoms that appear in the upper gastrointestinal tract and are not caused by specific diseases. Psychological symptoms like anxiety, depression, insomnia, and somatization are frequently observed in FD. The purpose of this study was to review the effect of herbal medicine on the psychological symptoms that accompany FD. Methods: Database search (PubMed, EMBASE, KISS, Kmbase, KoreanMed, NDSL, OASIS, CNKI) was performed on February 24, 2021; a total of 1825 studies were searched. After the screening, 22 studies were included. Results: The studies were assessed by Cochrane RoB 2 and sorted into a table according to psychological symptoms. Meta-analysis was performed to estimate the effect of herbal medicine. Twenty of the twenty-two studies reported that herbal medicine was significantly more effective than the control group. Only three of the studies did not have a high risk of bias. Conclusion: Herbal medicine was significantly effective with or without Western medicine and had fewer adverse effects. Severe adverse effect was not reported. Psychological symptoms in FD affect onset and duration of FD, and some FD patients want to be treated for their anxiety before other symptoms. Reliable information about treatment for the psychological symptoms of FD is lacking. We reviewed the effect of herbal medicine treatment in this study, the results of which could be selected for primary or secondary treatment for FD.

      • KCI우수등재

        百濟와 梁의 교섭과 大通寺

        조윤재(Cho, Yun Jae) 한국사연구회 2011 한국사연구 Vol.155 No.-

        There was no data found from excavation at Daetongsa site that is known as a big Buddhist temple of Baekje during Woongjin period. After that. the problems about Daetongsa fell into standstill and there are arguments relying on poor data until present. This study tried to reappraise about Daetongsa in aspect of connection which is assumed in the view of order and political structure in East Asia. The connection between Baekje and Liang has been specified in significant portion through documents and archeological specimens. However. there are still arguments about the background of establishing the big Buddhist temple Daetongsa in Woongjin period and its relation with Emperor Wu of Liang in Southern Dynasty. Therefore, this study reviewed Ineffable Rule of China in terms of accepting Chinese materialistic culture and institutions remained as the result of connection and tried a new approach about the origin of the name Daetongsa with Emperor Wu of Liang.

      • KCI등재

        南朝 古墳 棺材 및 賵賻制 고찰을 통한 무령왕릉 木棺樹種 원산지 再論 – 兼論 日本 金松 棺材 硏究의 최근 성과

        조윤재(CHO, YUN JAE) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2020 한국학연구 Vol.75 No.-

        1991년 무령왕릉 출토 목관에 대한 수종분석 결과, 일본산 금송이라는 결론이 도출되자 학계는 물론 일반 대중의 주목과 관심이 집중된 바 있다. 이후 고대 백제와 일본의 관계 속에서 금송의 원산지가 일본으로 사실화 되었다. 현재까지 관재 수종에 대한 이견을 제시할 수 있는 아무런 과학적 분석이 생성되지 않았기에 “樹種硏究”에 있어 기존 결과와 다른 의견을 개진하는 것은 한계가 있다. 더욱이 일본이 金松의 유일한 서식지라는 학술적 판단이 여전히 유효하며 국내 식물학계 및 중국 학계에서도 그 결과와 해석을 수용하고 있다. 현재까지 고대 한국 및 중국에서의 금송 서식 가능성에 대한 새로운 타진이 전혀 이루어진 바가 없어 객관적인 학술적 근거를 활용하여 원산지에 대한 의문을 제기하는 것은 여의치가 않다. 다만 공론화되지는 않았지만 중국 남조의 상장의례 및 봉부제도(사여제도)의 영향이 무령왕릉에 강하게 표출되면서, 관재의 증사도 함께 이루어졌을 개연성을 제기하는 분위기가 일부 감지되고 있다. 본문에서는 향후 금송 원산지에 대한 새로운 관련 연구가 생성되는 시점까지 비생산적인 논의를 피하기 위해 두 가지 측면에 대한 검토를 진행하려 한다. 첫째, 무령왕릉 출토 관재 분석의 경위를 정리하여 복기해 볼 필요가 있다. 둘째, 고대 중국의 수목식생, 관재수종 및 상장의례 중의 봉부관습 등에 대한 검토를 진행하여 적어도 현재까지는 관재의 유입처가 중국이 될 수 없음을 지적하고자 한다. 그리고, 금송이 백제 왕실 구성원의 장구로 사용된 시점과 사례를 통해 금송관재 사용의 제도화 성립도 살펴보기로 하겠다. In 1991, as the result of analyzing species about a wooden coffin that was excavated in the tomb of King Muryeong, it concluded that it was the Japanese umbrella pine, which attracted the attention and interest of not only academic world but also general public. After that, it turns out to be the fact that the native habitat of umbrella pine is Japan in relation between ancient Baekje and Japan. Until now, since there is no scientific analysis to suggest the different view about the coffin wood species, there is a limitation to express an opinion that is different from the existing result in terms of “study of species of trees.” Furthermore, the academic judgment that Japan is the only native habitat for umbrella pine is still valid, and the domestic botanist and Chinese academic world accept the result and interpretation. Until now, a new percussion has not been achieved in terms of the possibility of umbrella pine inhabitation in ancient Korea and China, so it is not easy to suggest the question about the native habitat by utilizing the objective and academic foundation. Merely, even though it is not publicized, as the funeral rites of Chinese South Dynasty and the influence of sending condolence gift system are strongly expressed in the tomb of King Muryeong, the atmosphere to suggest the probability is partly perceived in that sending and receiving coffin took place together. In the body, in order to avoid the unproductive discussion to the time when a new related research about the future umbrella pine native habitat is produced, the review about the two aspects will be proceeded. First of all, it is necessary to organize and recuperate the process of analyzing the excavation coffin wood of the tomb of King Muryeong. Secondly, by progressing the review about the tree vegetation, coffin wood species, the custom of sending condolence gift in the middle of funeral rites in ancient China, etc, the author should like to point out that until now the influx place of coffin wood cannot be China. In addition, through the time and case in which umbrella pine was used as the janggu of a member in the Baekje royal family, the establishment of institutionalization of use of umbrella pine coffin wood will be investigated.

      • KCI등재

        古代 韓國의 鳥羽冠과 실크로드

        조윤재(趙 胤 宰 Cho yun Jae) 한국고대학회 2013 先史와 古代 Vol.39 No.-

        고대 한반도 국가들의 복식문화는 주변지역과는 다른 고유성을 지니기에 매우 표징적인 성격을 지닌다. 그 중 鳥羽冠이라는 관식은 문헌기록은 물론 고고자료에서도 확인되고 있어 당시의 사회상을 복원하는데 유용한 자료로 평가된다. 이러한 한반도 고대 국가의 관식이 실크로드상의 고대 유적에서도 검출됨으로써 당시 한반도와 실크로드와의 연계를 밝히는 증거로 부각되었다. 관식의 출현은 당연히 관식 착용자의 실체가 연관되어야 가능한 일일 것이다. 이는 관식을 착용한 인물의 출현 배경 및 그들의 출자와 연동됨으로써 실크로드 지역과 고대 한반도의 교류정황을 더욱 구체화하는 계기를 제공하고 있다. 본문은 고대 한국 鳥羽冠을 통해 실크로드와의 교류를 조명해보는 것이 목적이며 아울러 기존의 연구 성과를 검토함으로써 향후 兩者의 교류를 고찰하기 위한 선행연구의 의미도 가진다. The costume culture of ancient countries in the Korean peninsula has quite symbolic characteristics, as it shows different uniqueness from the surrounding area. Diadem ornaments, called“Jowoo–Guan,”are of course confirmed in archaeological materials, so evaluated as a useful material to restore the social aspect at the time. As the diadem ornaments of ancient countries in the Korean peninsula are discovered in ancient remains along the Silk Road, they have been highlighted as the evidence to identify the connection between the then Korean Peninsula and the Silk Road. The emergence of diadem ornaments may be available only if it is connected with the wearers of diadem ornaments. In other words, the connection between the advent background of persons wearing diadem ornaments and the origin of the diadem ornaments provides an opportunity to concretize the state of things in exchange between the Silk Road region and the ancient Korea peninsula. The purpose of this study is to capture the exchange with the Silk Road through “Jowoo–Guan” of ancient Korea. In addition, this study is expected to be significant as a previous study to review the bilateral exchange by reviewing the results of the existing studies.

      • KCI등재

        中國 戰國時期 重要 戰爭의 고고학적 고찰

        조윤재(CHO YUN JAE) 부산고고학회 2016 고고광장 Vol.- No.18

        The great affairs of state in ancient China lies in ‘祀(sacrifice)’ and ‘戎(warfare)’. In other words, it was political judgment made by the ruling class that recognized the conduct of sacrifice and warfare as the key of affairs of state. This can be said to be a general phenomenon viewed from the history of civilization angle, which is shown not only in case of China but also in the initial state-building period. In the Zhanguo period of China, the situation was that conflict and warfare was inevitable because competition among states was severe. A description of warfare was an important material as a national history started to be recorded through the oracle bone script in the XiaShang period. After that time, approaches to and understanding of conflict and warfare in successive dynasties became ampler through documents as descriptions of warfare in the documents of ancient China became more specific and diverse. However, with regard to the material culture of the parties concerned with the conduct of real war, it was at a level of perceiving fragmentary situations mainly through private arms, saddlery, chariot fittings unearthed from ancient tomb, and iconographic materials including relief sculpture and mural painting. Real objects regarding a battlefield where a fierce battle was going on and spatial movement made in the conduct of real warfare could not become the center of attention. A large number of Pre-Qin documents mention that disputes and collisions occurring among states were very violent at that time in common, though there was a process of touch up in part. However, such some fields of battle were recently proved by archeological survey and excavation, which attracts attention from the academic world. This study is intended to archeologically examine the background to the outbreak of war and the present condition of battlefield where a specific battle was in progress through a study on recently surveyed Pre-Qin battlefield remains and unearthed relics and related documents. Though there is a limit to the quantitative accumulation of data, it is thought that newly produced archeological data in recent years can overcome limitations shown in the previous literature review, and it is regarded to be a chance to take a view of situation of war and conflict among respective feudal states in the ZHANGUO period in a new light different from previous one.

      • KCI등재

        中國 魏晉·十六國·北朝 主要 古墳의 類型과 地域性

        조윤재(Cho, Yun-jae) 호서사학회 2018 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.85

        중국의 위진, 십육국, 북조시기는 동한말의 혼란, 서진정권의 단명 및 북방초원계 민족의 내입 등으로 전통적인 한계 장묘문화에 변화가 발생하는 시점이다. 이러한 변화양상은 고분의 구조적 변화는 물론 부장기물의 조합상, 벽화의 유행, 서역계 인물의 분묘 등 고분문화의 새로운 양태가 용출하는 특징을 돌출적으로 보여주는 시기이기도 하다. 이러한 변화를 반영한 고분의 공간적 분포는 주로 양자강 이북지역에서 극명하게 나타나고 있어 일정한 지역성도 내포하고 있다. 본문은 당해시기 주요 고분의 유형을 고찰하고 위진, 십육국, 북조시기 도성 및 정치적 거점지역을 중심으로 형성되었던 제릉 및 세가대족고분의 지역성에 대한 배경을 파악하는 데 중점을 두었다. The China Wei-Jin Period of Sixteen Kingdoms in the Northern Dynasty is when there are changes in the traditional funeral culture of the Han Period due to the state of confusion in end of Eastern Han Dynasty, short Seojin Regime and introjection of the people from the Northern Grassland. In this period, these aspects of changes not only show the structural change in the ancient tombs, but also show the characteristics of protrusion in new aspects of the ancient tomb culture such as the combination of tomb furnishings, the trend in the wall paintings and the tombs of Western characters. The spatial distribution of the ancient tombs reflecting these changes is shown distinctively in the areas mostly on the northern part of Yangtze River, and is also involved with certain locality. In this study, considerations were made on the types of main ancient tombs in the relevant period, and focus was given on identifying the background on the locality of the royal tombs and ancient tombs of noble family that were formed centrally of the capital city and politically strategic points in the Wei-Jin Period of Sixteen Kingdoms in the Northern Dynasty of China.

      • KCI등재후보

        Relations between the Southern Dynasties (Nanchao) and the Xiyu

        Cho, Yun Jae(조윤재) 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2013 International Journal of Korean History Vol.18 No.1

        주지하다시피, 서역과 남조의 교섭에 앞서 그 이전시기인 漢代부터, 三國, 魏晉代를 걸쳐 중국은 서역과 잦은 왕래와 교류가 있어왔다. 그래서 남조정권의 서역에 대한 인식과 이해는 이미 성숙된 단계에 이르렀다고 할 수 있다. 다만 중국 자체의 정국변화에 따라 교류의 빈도와 규모가 각기 다른 양상을 보여주고 있을 뿐이다. 특히 남조 시기는 정치적 판도가 남북으로 갈라져 첨예하게 대립하고 있던 상황이라 남조의 경우 서역과의 직접적인 교섭이 다소 불편했던 시기였다. 한편 로마제국 내부의 정치적 소용돌이도 동서문화교류의 네트웍에 상당한 영향을 주었다. 반면 북조정권의 對西域 교섭은 지리적 환경과 역사성으로 인해 여전히 매우 활발한 교류를 진행하고 있었다. 그러나 남조정권과 서역의 교섭이 단절되거나 전혀 이루어지지 않은 것은 아니다. 교섭의 통로는 사실 더욱 다양해졌으며 특히 서남교통로와 남해 연안해로의 새로운 교섭루트가 확보됨으로써 서역과의 직접적인 접촉은 여전히 진행되었다. 이러한 대외적 배경은 남조사회에 적지 않은 서역의 문화적 요소들을 남기면서 양자의 교섭을 想定할 수 있게 되었다. 남조와 서역의 구체적 교섭상황은 고고자료 및 일부 문헌기록에서 관찰되고 있어 당시의 대외관계를 설명하는데 객관적 증거를 마련해주고 있다. 본문은 이러한 문헌기록과 관련 고고자료를 함께 검토해보고 또 남조의 對西域 교섭과정과 방식에 대한 고찰도 병행함으로써 당시 동서문물교류의 일면을 조명해보려 한다. Previous studies have reported that China had frequent correspondence and exchanges with western countries through the Three Kingdoms period and the Disunity period from the Han Dynasty period. Thus, it is thought that the Nanchao regime"s awareness and understanding of the western countries already reached a matured phase. However, the frequency and scale of exchanges show different aspects depending on China"s own political changes. China sharply stood face to face in terms of political domination because of its two civil divisions into north and south regimes, especially during the Nanchao period. During the Nanchao period the direct approach to and negotiations with western countries was somewhat inconvenient. In the meantime, the Roman Empire"s internal political vortex also had a significant impact on the network in East-West cultural exchanges. On the other hand, the Northern dynasties" bargaining with western countries proceeded with very active exchanges due to geographical environment and history. However, the bargaining between the Southern Dynasties and western countries was neither disconnected nor unfulfilled. Rather, the passage of negotiations became more diversified. In particular, since new bargaining routes were secured, direct contact with the west was still in progress. These external backgrounds left considerable cultural factors on the societies of the Southern Dynasties. This therefore enables us to conclude the bargaining between both parties. Since the specific bargaining situation between the Southern Dynasties and western countries is observed in records from archaeological data and in some literature, it serves to provide objective evidence. This paper attempts to look into the aspect of East-West civilization exchanges at the time by reviewing archaeological materials related to literature records and at the same time discussing the Southern Dynasties" bargaining process and form.

      • KCI등재

        中國 先秦·漢唐時期 藏氷, 造氷 및 冷藏遺蹟 考古資料 考察

        趙胤宰(Cho Yun Jae) 한국고대학회 2017 先史와 古代 Vol.- No.54

        기록에 의하면 중국은 商代부터 얼음을 사용해 음식물의 신선도를 유지한 사례가 확인되고 있다. 이후 西周시기에는 “凌人”이라는 관직을 설치하여 얼음의 저장과 유통을 관장하였다. 당시 얼음의 사회적 가치는 단순한 소모품을 능가하는 특수재화로서 국가의례 및 賜與와 결부되는 威勢材이었다. 최근 중국 현지의 고고학 조사가 활발해지면서 장빙시설 및 盛氷用 청동기가 지속적으로 출토되고 있어 고대 중국사회에서 형성되었던 얼음의 재화적 가치와 생산, 유통 및 저장 등에 관한 정보를 파악할 수는 계기를 제공하고 있다. 본 연구는 비록 자료의 정량적 한계는 존재하나 현재까지 생성된 장빙시설, 냉장유적 및 문헌상의 관련 자료를 통해 서로 다른 공간에서 확인되는 얼음생산과 관리제도의 정황을 고찰하려 한다. 얼음과 이의 저장은 고대 중국 사회의 제사, 상장의례 및 식문화에도 적지 않은 영향을 미치는 요인이었으며 자연환경에 대한 적극적 대응이기도 하였다. 아울러 중국의 관련 고고자료에 대한 고찰은 향후 고대한국의 藏氷, 採氷 혹은 造氷, 얼음의 용도 등에 대한 관련 연구의 확장성도 담보되리라 판단된다. According to records, there is an identified case of keeping food and drink fresh using ice since the Shang dynasty(商代) in China. Since then, a government job called “lingren (凌人) was created, who took charge of ice storage and distribution in the Western Zhou (西周) dynasty. At that time, the social value of ice was special goods more than simple expendables, and was prestige goods relating to the dynastic rite and grant. Recently, as archaeological survey in China became active, an ice storage system and bronze wares to put ice is continued to be unearthed, accordingly, which provides an opportunity to get information on the value of goods of ice formed in the ancient Chinese society, making, distributing and storing ice, etc. This study is intended to investigate the conditions of making ice and management system identified in different spaces through the remains of the ancient ice storage system and the refrigerator produced so far and the related literature, even though there are limitations in data from the quantitative perspective. Ice and its storage was a factor having a considerable effect on the ritual, funeral rite and food culture in the ancient Chinese society, and was active countermeasure against natural environment as well. Besides, it is considered that the investigation of archaeological data relating to China will ensure the possibility of expanding the related scope of study on storing(藏氷), harvesting(採氷) and making(造氷) ice in ancient Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한방치료로 관해가 유도된 소아 크론병 환자의 증례 보고

        이현진,이하늘,정해인,조윤재,금창열,한아람,하나연,김진성,Lee, Hyun-Jin,Lee, Hanul,Jeong, Hae In,Cho, Yun-jae,Keum, Chang-Yul,Han, Aram,Ha, Na-yeon,Kim, Jinsung 대한한방내과학회 2021 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.42 No.5

        Objectives: This case study examined the effectiveness of Korean medical treatment for pediatric Crohn's disease. Methods: A 15-year-old female Korean patient with Crohn's disease received acupuncture, electroacupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, and aromatherapy treatment for 1 month in a hospital. Results: Decreases in the Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index score (from 22.5 to 7.5) and the size of two abscesses (from 39.97 mm to 33.36 mm, and from 28.14 mm to 18.71 mm) according to an abdominal CT were observed following treatment. Nausea and vomiting disappeared, stool condition improved, and weight increased (from 30 kg to 33 kg) following treatment. Nausea and vomiting disappeared, stool condition improved, and weight increased (from 30 kg to 33 kg) following treatment. Conclusion: It would be worth examining the long-term effectiveness of Korean medical treatment for pediatric Crohn's disease.

      • KCI등재

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