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      • 설계속도별 순응휘도와 터널 경계부 휘도 관계 연구

        조원범 한국도로학회 2014 한국도로학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.9

        도로 터널은 주간에도 조명이 필요한 구간이며, 특히 비교적 밝은 야외 환경과 접한 터널 경계부는 시각환 경의 복잡함을 고려 시 조명 설계에 특히 주의를 기울여야 한다. 터널 경계부는 터널 입구, 혹은 태양에 의한 입구 그림자 선으로부터 터널 안쪽으로 정지거리만큼까지의 구역으로, 터널 경계부의 조명은 설계속도로 주 행 중인 운전자가 터널 입구 경계로부터 정지거리만큼 떨어진 위치에서부터 터널 입구 경계에 도달할 때까지 지속적으로 터널 경계부의 장해물을 확인할 수 있도록 휘도 수준이 확보되어야 한다. 따라서 터널 경계부의 휘도는 운전자의 시각적인 특성과 더불어 설계속도 및 이에 상응하는 정지거리에 의해 영향을 받는다. 조원범, 정준화(2014)는 설계속도 100km/h인 도로를 대상으로 터널로 접근하는 운전자의 시야를 축소하 여 묘사한 조명 시뮬레이터를 활용하여 터널로 접근하는 운전자 시야 내 휘도분포를 묘사하기 위한 시나리 오를 구성하고, 피험자 21명 대상 실험을 수행하여 정지거리에서 터널 입구 경계에 위치한 장해물을 발견하 기 위해 필요한 경계부 휘도를 안전율별로 산정하였다. 안전율은 특정 순응 휘도와 경계부 휘도 조건에서 장해물을 확인할 수 있는 운전자의 비율 또는 특정 운전자가 장해물을 확인할 수 있는 확률을 의미한다. 본 연구는 설계속도에 따른 터널 경계부 휘도의 변화를 비교하기 위해 설계속도 80km/h인 도로를 대상으로 피험자 19명을 대상으로 터널 경계부 휘도 도출을 위한 실험을 수행하였으며, 이 결과를 조원범, 정준화 (2014)의 연구에서 도출한 설계속도 100km/h인 도로의 경계부 휘도 도출 결과와 비교하였다. 본 연구는 조 원범, 정준화(2014)와 동일한 실험조건을 적용하였으며, 단, 조명 시뮬레이터는 연구대상 도로의 설계속도 80km/h에 상응하는 최소 정지거리 110m에 맞춰 수정․활용하였다. 본 연구와 조원범, 정준화(2014)의 비교 결과는 표 1 및 그림 1과 같다. 설계속도 80km/h 대비 설계속도 100km/h 도로의 필요 경계부 휘도의 비율(이하 ʻ경계부 휘도비ʼ)은 안전율 75%의 경우 1.3~3.0, 안전율 50%의 경우 1.3~2.8에 분포하며, 순응휘도가 증가할수록 경계부 휘도비는 감소하는 것으로 분석되었다. 경 계부 휘도비는 80km/h 도로에서 필요한 특정 안전율을 확보하기 위해 필요한 경계부 휘도와 비교하였을 때, 동일한 안전율을 확보하기 위한 필요한 100km/h 도로의 경계부 휘도의 비율이다.

      • 시인 성능을 고려한 도로 조명 기준의 적정성 검토

        조원범,박원일 한국도로학회 2015 한국도로학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        도로조명은 야간 운전자에게 시각정보를 제공하고 장애물이 보일 수 있게 하는 것이 설치 목적이다. 즉, 도로조명의 궁극적 설치 목적은 야간 운전자에게 전방 장애물 등 위험요소 출현 시 이를 확인하고 회피할 수 있도록 시각정보를 제공하는 것이다. 운전자는 도로 주행 중 필요한 정보의 90% 이상을 시각을 통해 획 득하며, 따라서 야간 도로의 시인성은 교통사고와 밀접한 관련이 있다. 이러한 관점에서 보았을 때 도로 조 명의 설치 및 이를 통한 야간 운전자의 시인성 확보는 야간 교통사고 감소를 위한 가장 이상적인 대안이다. 야간 도로를 주행하는 운전자가 전방의 장애물 확인을 위해서는 일정 수준이상의 노면과 장애물의 밝기, 즉 휘도 차이가 필요하며, 현 도로 조명 기준은 노면 휘도가 높아질수록 장애물과의 휘도차가 커진다는 가정하에 도로 조명의 질적 수준을 규정하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 운전자의 시야 내 휘도 분포 변화를 묘사한 실내 축 소모형 실험을 통해 정지거리 110m(설계속도 80kph)에서 표준장애물(15×15 cm2)의 확인(perception)이 가능한 노면 휘도와 장애물 휘도의 관계를 규명하고 이를 다양한 조명 조 건의 도로에서 측정된 노면 휘도 및 장애물 휘도와 비교, 분 석하여 도로 조명 기준에서 정의하고 있는 조명의 질적 수준 (노면 휘도)과 시인성의 관계를 검토하였다. 도로에서의 노 면 휘도 및 장애물 휘도는 표준장애물로부터 75m, 110m, 155m(설계속도 60, 80, 100kph에 해당) 거리에서 휘도 측 정 장비(LMK5)를 이용하여 측정되었다(그림 1 참조). 본 실험을 통해 도출된 결과는 그림 2와 같다. X축은 노면 휘도(road surface luminance), Y축은 장애물 휘도(object luminance)이며, 음영으로 표시된 영역은 실내 축소모형에서 도출된 장애물 확인 불가능 영역(시인 불가 영역, invisible area), 이외의 영역은 각각 노면 휘도보다 더 밝은 장애물 휘 도 조건 및 더 어두운 조건에서의 장애물 확인 가능 영역(시 인 가능 영역, visible area)이다. 표시된 점은 도로에서 노면 휘도 조건별로 측정된 노면 휘도와 장애물 휘도의 관계이다. 분석결과 도로에서 측정된 노면 휘도와 장애물 휘도의 관계는 대부분 시인 불가 영역 내에 존재하며, 해당 도로 조명이 현 도로 조명 기준에서 제시하고 있는 최고의 시인성 확보 수준 에 해당하는 M1~M2임을 고려 시 현재 도로 조명 기준에서 가정하고 있는 노면 휘도와 시인성의 관계는 재검토 되어야 할 필요가 있을 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        지방부 도로 야간 주행 시 도로의 광환경에 따른 운전자의 곡선부 인지능력 변화 분석

        조원범,김도경 한국도로학회 2020 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.22 No.4

        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the level of the light-environment and the driver's visual ability on the change in the driver's perception of a forward curved section at night. The study also aims to identify factors that should be considered to ensure safety while entering curved sections of a road at night. METHODS : Data collected from a virtual driving experiment, conducted by the Korean Institute of Construction Technology (2017), were used. Logistic regression was applied to analyze the effects of changes in the light-environment factors (road surface luminance and glare) and the driver’s visual ability on a driver's perception of the road. Additionally, analysis of the moderated effect of visual ability on light-environment factors indicated that the difference in drivers’ visual abilities impact the influence of light-environment factors on their perception. A driver's ability to perceive, as a response variable, was categorized into 'failure' and 'success' by comparing the perceived distance and minimum reaction sight distance. Covariates were also defined. Road surface luminance levels were categorized into 'unlit road surface luminance' (luminance ≤ 0.1 nt) and 'lit road surface luminance' (luminance > 0.1 nt), based on 0.1 nt, which is the typical level observed on unlit roads. The glare level was categorized as 'with glare' and 'without glare' based on whether the glare was from a high-beam caused by an oncoming vehicle or not. The driver's visual ability level was categorized into 'low visual ability' (age ≥ 50) and 'high visual ability' (age ≤ 49), considering that after the age of 50, the drive’s visual ability sharply declines. RESULTS : The level of road surface luminance, glare, and driver's visual ability were analyzed to be significant factors that impact the driver's ability to perceive curved road sections at night. A driver's perception was found to reduce when the road surface luminance is very low, owing to the lack of road lighting ('unlit road luminance'), when glare is caused by oncoming vehicles ('with glare'), and if the driver's visual ability level is low owing to an older age ('low visual ability'). The driver's ability to perceive a curved section is most affected by the road surface luminance level. The effect is reduced in the order of glare occurrence and the driver's visual ability level. The visual ability was analyzed as a factor that impacts the intensity of the effect of change of the light-environment on the change of the driver's ability to perceive the road. The ability to perceive a curved section deteriorates significantly in 'low visual ability' drivers, aged 50 and above, compared to drivers with 'high visual ability,' under the age of 49, when the light-environment conditions are adverse with regard to the driver’s perception (road surface luminance: 'lit road surface luminance'→'unlit road surface luminance,' glare: 'without glare'→'with glare'). CONCLUSIONS : Supplementation, in terms of road lighting standards that can lead to improvements in the level of light-environment, should be considered first, rather than the implementation of restrictions on the right of movement, such as restricting the passage of low visual ability or aging drivers who are disadvantageous in terms of gaining good perception of the road at night. When establishing alternatives so that safety on roads at night is improved, it is necessary to consider improving drivers' perception by expanding road lighting installation. The road lighting criteria should be modified such that the glare caused by oncoming traffic, which is an influential factor in the linear change in perception, and the level of light-environment thereof are improved.

      • KCI등재후보

        제주도 한약자원식물의 분포 특성: 목련, 황기 및 할미꽃의 사례 연구

        조원범,한은경,이정현 한약정보연구회 2019 한약정보연구회지 Vol.7 No.2

        In order to exactly identify the distribution status of herbal medical plants on Jeju Island, we are conducting a distribution survey on the Island, focusing on specific plants listed in the KP and KHP rather than a study of local flora. In this study, we first report on three species that we believe need to be reconsidered in their distribution and taxonomic characteristics. Magnolia kobus is found to be more distributed in surrounding Oreum than Mt. Halla. The scientific name “Astragalus membranaceus” listed in the KP and KHP should be corrected to “Astragalus mongholicus”. In Jeju Island, Pulsatilla koreana is not distributed, and all of their individuals are P. cernua. Our study is expected to be used as an important source of data to understand the distribution of herbal medical plants on the Korean Peninsula to prepare potential preparedness for Nagoya Protocol requirements.

      • KCI등재

        터널 경계부 휘도수준에 따른 운전자 연령대별 안전수준 비교

        조원범,정준화,김도경,박원일 한국도로학회 2015 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to suggest a basis for setting appropriate safety goals specifically related to the threshold zone luminance in a vehicular traffic tunnel. . METHODS: In the test, drivers were divided into two groups. One group consisted of all drivers (average drivers) group with an age ratio of drivers holding domestic driver's license and driver group by age to produce threshold zone luminance in the tunnel. The threshold zone luminance produced as a result was used to analyze how it affects the safety level of each driver group and provide a basis for setting an appropriate safety criterion that can be used to determine threshold zone luminance. We used test equipment, test conditions, and ananalysis of threshold zone luminance identical to that reported by ChoandJung(2014) but the values of adaptation luminance in our analys is were expanded to range from100 to10,000 cd/m2. RESULTS : Adaptation luminance and threshold zone luminance are found to be related by a quadratic function. The threshold zone luminance needed by older drivers to ensure a certain safety level is significantly higher than that for drivers of other age brackets when adaptation luminance increases. 56% of older drivers are at an increased risk of an accident at the same luminance for which the safety level of average drivers is 75%. The safety level that can be achieved for older drivers increases to above 60% when threshold zone luminance level is set with the goal of attaining a safety level of more than 85% for average drivers. The safety level that can be attained for average drivers is above 90% when the threshold zone luminance is high enough to ensure over 75% in the safety level of older drivers. Results of this study are applicable to highways and others whose designed speed is 100 km/h. CONCLUSIONS : Threshold zone luminance determined on the basis of drivers having average visual ability is of limited value as a performance standard for ensuring the safety of older drivers. Hence, safety level for older drivers should be considered separately from safety levels for drivers with an average ability to avoid risk. Upward adjustment of older drivers' safety level in the process of determining appropriate threshold zone luminance in a vehicular traffic tunnel may bring both tangible and intangible benefit as a result of reducing accidents. However, there is an associated dollar cost arising from installing and operating lights. As a result, the economic impact of these trade-offs should also be considered.

      • KCI등재

        터널 순응휘도와 경계부 휘도의 관계 연구

        조원범,정준화 한국도로학회 2014 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.16 No.3

        PURPOSES : This study has been performed with the objective to determine threshold zone luminance of adaptation luminance by targetsafety level in a vehicular traffic tunnel with design speed set at 100km/h . METHODS: The study made a miniature capable of portraying changes in luminance distribution within 2×10。conical field of view of thedriver approaching to the tunnel for the test. Test conditions were set based on justifications for CIE 88-1990's threshold zone luminance usedas a reference by domestic tunnel light standards (KS C 3703 : 2010). Luminance contrast of object background and object is 23%, objectpresentation duration is 0.5 seconds, and size of the object background is 7.3×11.5m2RESULTS: Threshold zone luminance was set within adaptation luminance of 100~3,000cd/m2. Adaptation luminance and threshold zoneluminance based on 50%, 75% and 90% target safety level all showed a relatively high linear relationship. According to findings in the study, itis not appropriate to specify the relationship between adaptation luminance and threshold zone luminance as luminance ratio. Rather, directutilization of the linear relationship gained from the study findings appears to be the better solution. CONCLUSIONS : Findings of this study may be used to determine operation of threshold zone luminance based on target safety level. However, a proper verification and validity of test results are required. Furthermore, a study to determine proper threshold zone luminance levelconsidering target safety level reviewed in this study and various decision-making factors such as economic conditions in Korea and energyrelatedpolicies should be carried out in addition. Additional tests on adaptation luminance greater than 3,000cd/m2 will be performed, throughwhich application scope of the test findings will be broadened.

      • KCI등재

        Positive Contrast 조건의 야간 도로에서 노면과 장애물의 휘도 조합이 야간 운전자의 장애물 인지거리 및 안전성에 미치는 영향 : 60대 이상 고령운전자 대상 실도로 주행실험

        조원범 한국조명.전기설비학회 2018 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.32 No.12

        This is the basic study to develop visibility-based road safety evaluation approach at night, which is intended to identify the effect of road-obstacle luminance combination at night in positive contrast condition in which the obstacle is brighter than road surface on driver's obstacle detecting distance at night as well as to evaluate the safety level on the road at night. To that end, road driving test by the drivers in their 60s was conducted at night. Road luminance was set at 0.3, 1.6 and 3.0cd/m2, respectively, for the test while obstacle luminance was set at 4 to 5 different conditions depending on road luminance to provide positive contrast condition. The size of the obstacle was set at 15×15 according to the requirement in domestic road design criteria. According to the test result, the lower the road luminance and higher the obstacle luminance the longer the detection distance, indicating the relatively higher algebraic function relationship. In this study, combination relations between road luminance and obstacle luminance required for the driver to detect the obstacle at stopping sight distance were presented by target safety level and the result is expected to be used as road safety evaluation guideline at night to determine the obstacle luminance necessary to achieve the safety goal at the certain road luminance condition or as guideline to determine the nighttime road safety evaluation using road luminance and obstacle luminance.

      • KCI등재

        조도 기반 자동차 전조등 시인 성능 평가 방법의 적정성 평가

        조원범 한국도로학회 2017 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.19 No.6

        PURPOSES : The current practice in car headlight visibility performance evaluation is based on the luminous intensity and illuminance of headlight. Such practice can be inappropriate from a visibility point of view where visibility indicates abilities to perceive an object ahead on the road. This study aimed at evaluating the appropriateness of current headlight evaluation methodMETHODS: This study measured the luminance of object and road surface at unlit roadways. The variables were measured by vehicle type and by headlight lamp type. Based on the measurements, the distance where drivers can perceive an object ahead was calculated and then compared against such distance obtained by conventional visibility performance evaluation.RESULTS: The evaluation method based on illuminance of headlight is not appropriate when viewed from the visibility concept that is based on object-perceivable distance. Further, the results indicated a shorter object-perceiving distance even when road surface luminance is higher, thereby suggesting that illuminance of headlight and luminance of road surface are not the representative indices of nighttime visibility.CONCLUSIONS : Considering that this study utilized limited vehicle types and that road surface (background) luminance can vary depending on the characteristics of the given road surface, it would likely go too far to argue that this study’s visibility performance evaluation results can get generalized to other conditions. Regardless, there is little doubt that the current performance evaluation criterion which is based on illuminance, is unreasonable. There should be future endeavors on the current subject which will need to explore study conditions further, under which more experiments should be conducted and effective methodologies developed for evaluating automotive headlight visibility performance. Needs are recognized particularly in the development of headlight visibility performance evaluation methodology which will take into account road surface (background) luminance and luminance contrast from various perspectives as the former indicates the driver’s perception of the front road alignment and the latter being indicative of object perception performance.

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