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      • KCI등재

        임신율에 대한 성교후검사의 진단적 가치에 관한 연구

        조경훈(KH Cho),이영준(YJ Lee),김정구(JK Kim),문신용(SY Moon),이진용(JY Lee),장윤석(YS Chang) 대한산부인과학회 1988 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.31 No.6

        서울대학교 병원 산부인과 불임증 크리닉에 등록된 원인을 알 수없거나 단지 성교후 검사 결과 만이 좋지 않았던 109명의 환자에 대한 성교후 검사와 임신의 상호관계를 비교분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 자궁경관 점액검사를 받은 102명의 2년후 평균임신율은 32.4% (33/102)였고, 자궁경관점액 점수에 따른 임신율에는 차이가 없었다. 2. 자궁경관점액점수는 불임기간, 결혼기간 및 과거임신력과 관련이 없었으나 성교후 검사와 는 유의한 관계를 보여 주였다. 3. 양성성교후 검사군의 평균 연령이 음성성교후 검사군보다 더 낮게 나타났으나 불임기간 은 음성성교후 검사군에서 더 긴 것으로 나타났다. 4. 성교후 검사결과가 좋을수록 검사후 임신까지의 기간이 짧은 것으로 나타났다. 5. 2년간 추적후 도중에 추적 중단된 27명을 제외한 교정임신율은 양성성교후검사군이 41.4%(24/58), 음성성교후 검사군이 11.8%(2/17)로 양성검사군이 음성검사군보다 유의하게 높 은 것으로 나타났다. The postcoital test (PCT) has been a subject of controversy since it was first advocated by sims in 1866 . Opinions are still divided as to the value of the test in infertiliity investigations, especially in case of unexplained infertility. To evaluate relationship between the PCT result and the occurrence of pregnancy we analyzed the PCT results in 109 patients with unexplained infertility in relation to conception rates. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The average conception rate 2 years after cervical mucus test (CMT) was 32.4 % (33/102) and there is no difference in conception rate as to the CMT score. 2. The CMT score didn`t show significant correlation with the duration of infertility and marriage, and the previous pregnancy performance but with the PCT result. 3. The positive PCT groups were younger than the negative groups , and the negateive groups showed longer duration of infertility than the positive groups. 4. The better the PCT result, the shorter the interval to conception. 5. The corrected conception rates 2 years after PCT were 41.4% (24/58) 11.8%(2/17) in positive and negateive groups respectively.

      • KCI등재

        부인과감염증에서 유나신과 세프라딘/겐타마이신의 치료효과에 대한 비교연구

        조경훈(KH Cho),강순범(SB Kang),장윤석(YS Chang) 대한산부인과학회 1989 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.32 No.1

        1988년 1월부터 7월까지 7개월간 서울대학교병원 산부인과에 부인 감염증으로 입원한 환자 에서 Unasyn투여군 20명과 대조군으로 Cephradine/Gentamicin투여군 20명을 비교검토하여 다음과 같은 결론은 얻었다. 1. 대상환자의 부인과 감염증으로는 Unasyn투여군과 Cephradine/Gentamicin투여군에서 골반염이 각각 12예, 13례로 가장 빈도가 높았다. 2. 세균배양에서 분리된 균주에 대한 항생제 예민반응검사에서 unasyn은 92.0%의 감수성을 Cephradine은 86.0%, Gentamicin은 60.0%의 감수성을 나타내었다. 3. 세균학적 판정효과는 unasyn군에서는 91.3%의 치유율을 Cephradine/Gentamicin군은 81.5%의 치유율을 나타내어 Unasyn군이 유의하게 우수함을 보였다. 4. 임상효과의 판정을 보면 Unasyn군은 95%의 치유율을 , Cephradine/Gentamicin군은 85%의 치유율을 보였다. 5. 종합판정에서도 Unasyn군이 Cephradine/Gentamicin군보다 유의하게 우수함을 나타내었다. 6. 투약중 양군에서 특이할만한 부작용은 나타나지 않았다. 7. 결론적으로 부인과 감염증에서 Unasyn단독투여는 Cephradine/Gentamicin병합 투여보다 우수한 항균효과를 나타내었다. To compare the efficacy of unasyn(sulbactam/ampicillin) in gynecologic infections with that of Cephradine plus Gentamicin a clinical study was done at the Department of Obsterics and Gyunecology , Seoul National Unviersity Hospital from January to July , 1988. Twenty patients were treated with Unasyn and the other twenty patients were treated with Cephradine plus Gentamicin . The results were as follows. 1. Pelvic inflammatory disease was the most frequency gynecologic infection in both study group . 2. Unasyn was sensitive to 92% of isolated organisms, Cephradine was to 86.0% and GM was to 60.0%. 3. In bacteriological response Unasyn group showed cure rate in 91.3% and Cephradine/Gentamicin group showed in 81.5%. 4. In clinical response Unasyn group was more cure rate in 95% and Cephradine/Gentamicin group revealed in 85%. 5. In global assessment Unasyn group was more superior to Cephradine/Gentamicin group . 6. no remarkable adverse effect was seen in Unasyn group and Cephradine/Gentamicin group 7. In conclusion Unasyn treatment was more effective than Cephradine/Gentamicin combination treatment in gyneclogic infections.

      • KCI등재

        흉막 자궁내막증 1 예

        배덕수(DS Bae),조경훈(KH Cho),홍순기(SK Hong),이병익(BI Lee),김필수(PS Kim),이효표(HP Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1988 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.31 No.8

        저자들은 불임과 골반 자궁내막증경력을 갖고 있는 38세 여자환자에 있어서 호흡곤란을 가 져오게한 흉막의 자궁내막증을 경험하였기에 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Endometriosis is a vexing problem, particularly for the patients in the third and fourth decades of life. The majority of lesions are limited to the pelvis but a variety of other sites have been involved, particularly the peritoneal surfaces of the adjacent bowel and regional lymphnodes . Extraabdominal endometriosis in uncommon. Pleural endometriosis appears to be the extension of a surface phenomenon by departation of the etilogic agent from the pelvic cavity. A case of pleural endometriosis is presented here in which the patients was previously identified as having pelvic endometriosis and infertility.

      • KCI등재

        자궁경부암 환자에서 골주사술의 의의에 관한 연구

        이필량(PY Lee),조경훈(KH Cho),강순범(SB Kang),이효표(HP Lee),신면우(MW Shin) 대한산부인과학회 1989 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.32 No.5

        1981년 1월부터 1987년 12월까지 자궁경부암으로 서울대학교 병원 산부인과에 입원하여 골 주사술을 시행받은 39예의 환자를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론은 얻었다. 1. 대상환자의 평균연령은 54세 이었으며, 임상 I, II기가 32명, III기 이상이 7명이었다 . 2. 골주사상 이상소견을 보인 경우는 총 11예(28.2%)로서 좌우신비대칭소견이 5예(12.8%) ,의 양성인 경우가 3예(7.7%) 골전이가 3예(7.7%)이었다. 3. 임상II기에서는 1예에서 골주사상 골전이의 소견을 보였고, III기에서는 1예어서 골전이의 소견을 나타냈으며, 3예에서 좌우신 비대칭 소견을 보였으며, IV기의 1예에서 좌우신 비대칭 소견을 보였따. 2예의 재발성 환자에서는 1예에서 골전이의 소견을 보였고, 또 다른 1예는 좌우신 비대칭소견을 보였다. 4. 골주사 결과와 BUN, 혈청 creatinine, 혈청 alkaline phosphatase 등의 혈액소견과의 연관 성은 없는 것으로 나타냈다. 5. 39예의 대상환자중 36예에서 6개월이상 추적관찰이 가능하였으며, 평균관찰기간은 15.3개 월이었으며, 골주수 및 골단순촬영을 동통이 있던 2예에서 시행하였으나, 이상소견은 발견되 지 않았다. The bone scan, a sensitive detector of skeletal abnormalities has been advocated for early detection of metastases. During the period from January .1981 to December 1987. bone sacns were obtained in 39 patients with cervical carcinoma in order to search for occult skeletal metastases at the Department of Obsterics and Gyunecology , Seoul National Unviersity Hospital. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The mean age of study patients was 54 years. Thirty-two patients were in stage I and II, 7 were above stage II. Thirty-seven patients were squamous cell carcinoma, and two were adenocarcinoma. 2. Positive findings on bone scan were found in 11 cases (28.2%) Renal asymmetry in 5 cases (12.8%) false positive results in 3 cases (7.7%) bone metastasis in 3 cases (7.7%). 3. In three metastasis cases , one belonged to stage II, one to stage III, and one to recurrent case. 4. The levels of BUN, serum creatinine and serum alkaline phosphatase were not predictive value on abnormal bone scan findings in this study. 5. It is known that bone scan is not warranted as a screening test in asymptomatic patients with stage I or II carcinoma however we found effectively one metastatic case in stage II cerivcal carcinoma.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        진행난관임신 3 예

        전승환(SH Jun),양경희(KH Yang),조경훈(KH Cho),박종규(JK Park),강영호(YH Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.3

        Three cases of advanced tubal pregnancy,experienced from 1982 to 1990,are presented with the brief review of the literature available.

      • KCI등재

        자궁경부암 및 난소암 환자에 있어서 수술후 OK-432투여가 면역반응에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이효표(HP Lee),조경훈(KH Cho),김석현(SH Kim),이필량(PY Lee),강순범(SB Kang),신면우(MW Shin) 대한산부인과학회 1989 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.32 No.1

        1988년 3월부터 1988년 6월까지 서울대학교병원 산부인과에 자궁경부암 및 난소암으로 입원 하여 수술 시행받은 환자 43명에서 OK-432 투여군 26명과 대조군 17명의 면역반응을 비교 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론은 얻었다. 1. OK-432 투여군의 평균연령은 49.5세이엇고, 총 26명중 자궁경부암의 23명, 난소암의 3명 이었다. 2. 대조군의 평균연령은 47.8세이며, 총 17명중 자궁경부암이 13명, 난소암이 4명이었다. 3. 말초혈액임파구수는 OK-432 투여군에서 투여전 1420+-440/mm^3에서 투여후 2220+-740/mm^3으로 유의하게 증가하였다. 대조군은 각각1530+-560/mm^3과 1610+-630/mm^3으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 4. 자연살해세포능은 OK-432 투여군에서 투여전에 41.2+-11.3%에서 투여후에 57.2+-16.5%로 유의하게 증가하였으며 대조군은 각각 40.5+-13.6% 45.2+-15.7%로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 5 OK-432 투여시 미열과 주사부위의 동통외에 특별한 부작용은 나타나지 않았다. OK-432 a streptococcal preparation, is a bacterial immunostimulant whose antitumor effect has been demonstrated both experimentally and clinically. To ivestigate OK-432 immunotherapy on immunological response, we compared natural killer cell activity nad number of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with uterine cervical and ovarian carcinoma after surgical operations (n=27) to those in control patients (n=17) The results were as follows. 1. The mean age of OK-432 treated group was 49.5 year. 23 were cervical carcinoma and 3were ovarian carcinoma 2. The mean age of control patients was 47.8years. 13 were cervical carcinoma and 4 were ovarian carcinoma 3. In OK-432 treated group , number of peripheral blood lymphocyte before treatment was 1420+-440/mm^3 and it increased significantly to 2220+-740/mm^3 after treatment . In control group , it was 1530+-560/mm^3 and 1610+-630/mm^3 each. 4. In OK-432 treated group , natural killer cell activity before treatment was 41.2+-11.3% and it significantly increased to 57.2+-16.5% after treatment . In control group , it was 40.5+-13.6% and 45.2+-15.7% each. 5. No significantly side effects of OK-432 was noticed except for transient mild fever and pain at the site of injection.

      • KCI등재

        부인과 악성종양에 대한 항암제의 화학감수성 검사를 위한 피부막하 종양이식 분석법

        강순범(SB Kang),정동근(DK Chung),조경훈(KH Cho),김승철(SC Kim),이필형(PH Lee),이효표(HP Lee),신면우(MW Shin) 대한산부인과학회 1988 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.31 No.11

        1987년 1월부터 1987년12월까지 서울대학교 병원산부인과에서 입원치료를 받은 부인과 악성 종양 환자중 경부암 32예, 난소암 5예, 자궁내막암 4예, 육종 2예, 융모상피암 1예를 대상으 로 신피막하 종양이식 분석법을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결론은 얻었다. 1. SRCA에서의 항암제 독성은 단일화학요법에서 비교적 적은 독성을 나타내었으며 epirubicin과 cis-platin 및 5-fluorouracil과 cis-platin의 복합화확요법의 경우는 증등도의 독성 을 보인반면 CAP, VAC의 복합화학요법의 경우는 심한 독성을 보였다. 2. 대조군 BALB-C생쥐 총 164마리에서의 종양이식 성장율은 양성을 보인 경우가 77% 종양 의 크기에 변화가 없었던 경우가 13%, 일부퇴행을 보인경우가 10%이었다. 또한 신피막하 종양이식 분석법의 분석가능율은 93%(41/44)이었다. 3. 부인과 악성종양에 대한 각종 항암제의 감수성을 비교한바 자궁경부암에 있어서 각각 5-fluorouracil 에 50%(6/12) cyclophosphamide에 38% (3/8), cis-platin에 46%(6/13), bleomycin 에 43%(3/7), epirubicin과 cis-platin의 복합화학요법에 88%(15/17)의 감수성을 보였다. 난소암 의 경우에는 CAP복합화학요법에 80%(4/5) 자궁내막암의 경우에는 5-fluorouracil 및 epirubicin 에 각각 100%의 감수성을 보였으며 육종의 경우에는 VAC에 100%의 감수성을보였다. 융모 상피암의 경우는 methotrexate에서만 감수성을 보였다. 부인과 악성종양의 각각의 이식절편 에 대한 동일한 항암제의 화학 감수성은 다양한 이질성을 보였다. 4. SRCA에 의한 화학감수성 결과와 임상치료효과를 비교한 바 전반적인 예상 정확도는73% 였다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 신피막하 종양이식분석법은 부인과 악성종양의 각종 항암제에 대한 감 수성 검사로서, 임상적 치료 효과의 예상 정확도가 높을뿐만 아니라 항암제의 독성에 대한 예측이 가능하며 시행하기 용이하고 단시일내에 결과를 얻을 수 있으므로 임상에서 항암제 선택에 매우 유용한 화학감수성 검사 방법으로 사료된다. Subrenal capsule assay (SRCA) is a promising method in the selection of individual chemotherapy for cancer patients . We established the laboratory procedures of SRCA to make an animal model of in vivo chemosensitivity test for determining gynecologic tumor responsiveness to chemotherapy. A total of 44 SRCA were performed with several gynecologic malignancies(32 cervical 5 ovaria, 4 endometrial carcinomas, 2 sarcomas, and 1 choriocarcinoma). 1mm X 1mm X 1mm fragment of fresh human gynecologic turmors were implanted under the renal capsule of immunocompetent female adult BALB-C mice and tested against several chemotherapeutic agents or their combination. In present study the xenografts under the renal capsule showed the variations in growth rates. This appeared to reflect the difference growth potential characteristic of each tumor as well as the heterogeneity of the cell population comprising each tumor. An average of 77% of tumors showed positive growth, 13% demontrated no measurable change ,and 10% showed partial regression in size. The evaluable assay rate was 93% (41/144). The response rates of cervical carcinomas to several chemotherapeutic agents varied from 38%(3/8)to cyclophosphamide to 88%(15/17) to epirubicin plus cis-platin . Response rates of ovarian cancers varied from 0%(0/2) to cis-platin to 80%(4/5) to CAP . Varibale response rates were also noted in endometrail carcinomas and choriocarcinoma, the results of the SRCA and the and the clinical outcome of the patients could be compared in 15 cases porspectively. An overall predictive accuracy rate of 73% was obtained in present series. In conclusion the SRCA is considered as a reliable vivo clinical chemosensitivity test in the selection of individual cancer chemotherapy.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        난소임신 1 례

        김창(C Kim),이종민(CM Lee),민남기(NK Min),왕영미(YM Wang),조경훈(KH Cho),박종규(JK Park),강영호(YH Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.1

        Ovarian pregnancy has always been considered a rare gynecologic condition and is the most form of abdominal pregnancy. Ovarian pregnancy occurs with the ovary and the corpus luteum, usually with rupture of the ovary and a massive hemoperitoneum. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult as the clinical findings are similar to those of tubal pregnancy, ovarian cyst and other pelvic disease.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        산후출혈시 양측 자궁동맥결찰술의 이용

        황명심(MS Hwang),김종일(JI Kim),김정헌(JH Kim),김영인(YI Kim),안기범(KB Ahn),왕영미(YM Wang),조경훈(KH Cho),박종규(JK Park) 대한산부인과학회 1997 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.40 No.1

        Uterine artery ligation was performed to control postpartum hemorrhage in 17 cases at Han-Il hospital from July, 1994 to June, 1996. In 14 cases among them, postpartum hemorrhage was controlled successfully(82.4%) and there were no significant complications such as ureteral injury. Twelve cases could be followed up for 6 months to 2 years after uterine artery ligation. Menstruation occurred in all cases(12 cases) and it was normal in rhythm, duration and amount of bleeding. This procedure had significantly saved operation time, estimated blood loss and transfused packed RBC volume than the hysterectomy. It can be concluded that uterine artery ligation is an effective and safe alternative to hysterectomy for management of uncontrollable postpartum hemorrhage.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        변형 중앙회음절개술이 3 도 및 4 도 회음열상에 미치는 영향

        박연이(YE Park),김용철(YC Kim),황명심(MS Hwang),김종일(JI Kim),안기범(KB Ahn),왕영미(YM Wang),조경훈(KH Cho),박종규(JK Park) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.5

        The standard median episiotomy can be easily modified by adding two half-inch transverse cuts in opposite directions in the perineal fascia just above the anal sphincter. The use of this now technique, which is referred to as a modified median episiotomy, increases the diameter at the vaginal outlet 83% more than that provided by a median episiotomy alone. The increased diameter is also 10% greater than a mediolateral episiotomy alone. When an episiotomy is indicated, the exclusive use of this procedure makes the occurrence of third-degree tears extremely rare. The episiotomy is easy to repair. 2676 cases of vaginal delivery from May 1993 to october 1994 were analyzed by episiotomy type(Median, Mediolateral, Modified median episiotomy) The incidence of third-, and fourth-degree laceration is 3.4% of median episiotomy, 1.7% of mediolateral episiotomy, 4.6% of modified median episiotomy. Mean maternal age is 27.8 years old, mean gestational age is 39.57 weeks and mean birth weight is 2.96kg. There were no difference between median, mediolateral and modified median episiotomy is maternal age, gestational age, birth weight, parity and mode of delivery.

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