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      • Phenobarbital 및 인진호투여가 四鹽化炭素에 依한 急性 中毒性 肝病變에 미치는 影響에 關한 病理組織學的 硏究

        鄭昊錫,姜大榮 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1985 충남의대잡지 Vol.12 No.1

        Carbon tetrachloride, a potent hepatotoxic agent, is mainly metabolized in the liver, and its hepatotoxic action is influenced by the administration of phenobarbital or artemisia messerschimidtiana besser var. viridis(artemisia). Artemisia was used as folk medicine for the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia or patient with acute hepatitis. Sprague-Dawley rats(male and female) were administrated with 2 ml of carbon tetrachloride (CCI_4-olive oil 1 : 4 solution) intraperitoneally, after being anesthetized by ether. After 24 hours, phenobarbital(50 mg/kg/day) and artemisia (0.6 ml/kg/day) were admin istrated intraperitoneally for 3 days. Food was withheld 12 hours before CCI_4, administration. 7 animals of each group were sacrificed at 4th, 5th, 6th and 7 th day after CCI_4 injection. The histopathological changes in the liver cells of the control and experimental groups were noted as follows; 1. Vacuolar degeneration of the hepatic cells of CCl_4-phenobarbital administrated rats showed more marked in degree than the control, and that of CCl_4-artemisia administrated rats is milder than the control. 2. Fatty change of the hepatic cells of CCl_4,-phenobarbital administrated rats showed more marked in degree than the control, and that of CCl_4-artemisia administrated rats is milder than the control. 3. The necrotic changes of the hepatic cells of CCl_4,-phenobarbital administrated rats showed more marked in degree and remained longer than the control. Temporarily, that of CCl_4-artemisia administrated rats showed more marked in degree than control, but early recovered.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship between the Lamina Cribrosa, Outer Retina, and Choroidal Thickness as Assessed Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

        정호석,성경림,이경섭,이종락,김소아 대한안과학회 2014 Korean Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.28 No.3

        Purpose: To evaluate the characteristics and relationship between peripapillary choroidal thickness (pCT), laminacribrosa thickness (LCT), and peripapillary outer retinal layer thickness (pORT) as determined using spectraldomain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) enhanced depth imaging (EDI). Methods: In total, 255 participants were included (87 healthy subjects, 87 glaucoma suspects (GS), and 81glaucoma cases). The pORT, defined as the thickness between the posterior outer plexiform layer and theretinal pigment epithelium (RPE) interface, and the pCT, between the outer margin of the RPE and the choroidal-scleral interface, were manually measured using EDI scanning of the circumpapillary retinal nerve fiberlayer (RNFL). LCT was determined by EDI scanning of the optic nerve head (ONH). Baseline characteristics,including axial length (AXL) and the SD-OCT measurements of the participants, were compared among thethree groups. The correlation between putative factors and pCT was determined using univariate and multivariatelinear regression analyses. Results: In all three groups, both pORT and pCT were thinnest in the inferior area among the four quadrants. Inthe healthy group, the mean peripapillary RNFL, pORT, and LCT were significantly greater in comparison withthose of the GS and glaucoma groups (p < 0.001, p < 0.038, and p < 0.001, respectively). The pCT demonstratedno significant differences among the three groups (p = 0.083). Only age and AXL were associatedwith pCT by multivariate analysis. Conclusions: The pCT is substantially thinner in the inferior area of the ONH. In addition, the pCT demonstratesthe strongest correlation with age and AXL, but was not associated with glaucoma or LCT.

      • KCI등재

        전후(戰後)를 사는 ‘오모니’: 재일한인 모성 표상의 계보학

        정호석 서울대학교 일본연구소 2019 일본비평 Vol.- No.21

        This paper explores how omoni (ethnic Korean mothers), the most dominant representation of zainichi (ethnic Koreans in Japan) women, has been appropriated in postwar Japan. Omoni was once a term used in reference to Korean housemaids who were employed by Japanese settlers in colonial Korea. However, it also has its own trajectory in postwar Japanese society. As Kim Hiro [Kin Kiro] Incident came under an intensive media spotlight in 1968, Kim’s mother, depicted as Chosenjin Omoni (Korean Mother) or as Minshu (oppressed people), was understood with Japanese people’s self-transformation and enhanced historical awareness. Since the 1970s, a significant propagation of discourse was brought about by secondgeneration zainichies, who started to speak and write about their mothers. At the same time, Japanese writers also shed distinctive light on various aspects of omoni. A reportage by Yasuharu Honda on female divers from Jeju island, series of essay by Makoto Oda on his zainichi mother-in-law, and local civic movements to teach illiterate zainichi women in evening schools also have dynamically widened the spectrum of omoni, which cannot be limited to the typical stereotype of strong, devoted mothers testifying the past. Moreover, as the cultural location of discourse has diversified, more popular citations of omoni are now observed outside of the zainichi community. This phenomenon raises questions on the emancipatory potential that maternal images might carry in cultural pathways for decolonization, and on the transformations omoni undergoes in new contexts of commercial appropriations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Leukemoid Reaction, a Rare Paraneoplastic Syndrome in Urothelial Cell Carcinoma: Is It an Indicator of a Poor Prognosis?

        정호석,신보성,유호송,황의창,김선옥,정성일,강택원,권동득,박광성 대한비뇨기종양학회 2015 대한비뇨기종양학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        A leukemoid reaction is usually associated with malignancies of the lung, stomach, and thyroid. In contrast, urothelial cell carcinoma is rarely associated with leukemoid reactions, with few cases reported over the past 30 years. Here, we describe a patient with urothelial cell carcinoma who exhibited a leukemoid reaction. The patient had an elevated white blood cell count and experienced a rapid and aggressive clinical course, terminating in death. For urothelial cell carcinoma patients exhibiting a leukemoid reaction, removal of the inciting tumor is the definitive treatment. However, considering the aggressive nature of these tumors, if the patient is unsuitable for radical surgical management, palliative chemotherapy should be considered.

      • KCI등재

        과민성방광 여성에서 나이에 따른 배뇨 형태의 변화

        정호석,김선옥,권동득,박광성,류수방,김준석,김희선 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2009 International Neurourology Journal Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: We tried to discover the voiding patterns, which was diurnal & nocturnal urinary volume and voiding frequencies in women with overactive bladder (OAB). Materials and Methods: All voided volumes, times and frequencies were recorded in 249 women with overactive bladder. The subjects age related changes in bladder capacity, urinary volume and frequency were evaluated. The causes of nocturnal urinary frequency and its increase with age in older women with OAB were evaluated using 3 days of voiding diaries. Nocturia was devided into three types: nocturnal polyuria, decreased nocturnal bladder capacity and mixed type. Results: Total voided volume, daytime urine volume, functional bladder capacity were decreased with the age. Nocturnal urine volume and nocturnal urinary frequency were increased with age. Nocturnal polyuria was the major cause for nocturia, and mixed type was increased with age. Conclusions: Voiding symptoms as well as storage symptoms were increased with age in OAB female. In most cases, nocturia was caused by nocturnal polyuria. (J Korean Continence Soc 2009;13:37-44)

      • KCI등재

        집 밖에서 꾸는 꿈 - 『 태극학보』에 나타난 재일 유학생의 일상과 계몽

        정호석 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2024 코기토 Vol.- No.103

        애국계몽기 일본 유학생들이 발간한 학회지에는 몽유록계 서사물 이외에도 사색, 몽상, 감상적 도취와 같은 일상 속의 몽유적 계기와 그로부터 의식을 되찾는 다양한 ‘깨어남’이 다수 드러나 있다. 본고는 태극학보의 실린 두 편의 글을 근대적 시간체계와 도쿄의 공간성이라는 측면에서 조명하면서 유학생들이 짊어진 시대적 당위로서의 ‘계몽’과 그들의 일상이 어떻게 얽히는지 살펴본다. 유학생들은 조국에 돌아가 민족을 계몽한다는 귀일주의의 사명(민족계몽)과 그러기 위해서는 스스로가 먼저 시간분발의 체계에 적응하여 근대인으로 거듭나야 한다는 요청(자기계몽)을 나날의 일상 속에서 통합시켜야 했다. 「東京一日의 生活」(李潤柱)은 1900년대초 유학생이 일-학업의 긴장된 시간과 휴식을 위한 이완의 시간으로 구조화된 도시적 생활리듬 및 그러한 시간성과 조응하는 당대의 도쿄의 공간적 편제에 어떻게 대응하였는지를 보여주며, 「海水浴의一日」(白岳生)은 그 연장선상에 놓인 유학생들의 휴양객으로서의 체험을 담고 있다. 이들 텍스트에서 저자들은 휴식-휴양에서 제때에 귀환함으로써 생활규율을 재생산하고 있지만, ‘집 밖’에 머무는 자로서의 처지에 대한 자각을 통해 유학의 좌절 및 객사에 대한 불안을 드러나거나, 요절한 ‘계몽의 동역자’에 대한 기억을 행락의 기록 위에 겹쳐내는 개성적인 문학적 조율을 통해 각 텍스트에 계몽의 목적론으로 단순 환원될 수 없는 수행적인 흔적을 기입한다. 이렇게 개인의 일상을 관류하는 계몽이라는 관점은, 유학생이 생산한 몽유계 서사 및 유학경험의 텍스트화에 대한 기존 논의의 시야를 넓히고, 계몽의 논리와 심정의 토로 사이의 낙차라는 문제를 보다 입체적으로 이해하기 위한 유효한 실마리를 제공한다. This paper explores texts on daily life written by Korean students studying in Japan in the early 1900s. Journals published by Korean students in Tokyo during the Patriotic Enlightenment period often include passages describing contemplative daydreaming moments in everyday life, as well as various awakenings. This paper illuminates two articles included in “Taegeuk-hakbo”(Taegeuk Society Monthly) from the perspective of the modern temporal system and the spatiality of Tokyo, and examines how ‘enlightenment’ intertwines with the students’ daily lives. Korean students in Tokyo had to integrate the mission of national enlightenment with that of self-enlightenment into the fabric of their daily lives. “A Day in Tokyo” by Yunjoo Lee shows how they managed to adapt themselves to the urban rhythm of life. The daily routine was structured with dedicated periods for work and intervals for relaxation, which corresponded to the spatial system of Tokyo. “One Day in the Sea” by Eungjin Jang portrays the students’ experiences, enjoying their vacation in a modern bathing resort as urbanites. In these writings, the authors exemplify the norms of self-discipline, essential requisites for the pursuit of enlightenment, by returning on time from rest or recreation to their normal lives. However, they also reveal their profound anxiety about failing to complete their academic pursuits and dying in a foreign land. By juxtaposing implicit messages with a quotation from an old poem or by awakening memories of a friend who died young, the authors introduce performative traces in the texts that resist simplistic reduction to the teleology of enlightenment. These traces are subtle but poignantly intriguing, as they offer a nuanced understanding of how private daily lives dynamically associate with public rationale.

      • KCI등재후보

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