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        주디스 버틀러와 문화번역의 과제

        정혜욱(Hae ook Jeong) 한국비평이론학회 2015 비평과이론 Vol.20 No.1

        오늘날 버틀러는 2012년의 아도르노 상 수상 이후 정치적 논란의 한가운데 있는 가장 실천적이고 가장 핫한 동시대 이론가 중의 한명이며, 최근으로 들면서 문화번역이 그녀의 이론에서 차지하는 비중이 점점 커져가고 있다. 그러나 국내에서페미니즘이나 젠더 연구자들을 중심으로 주디스 버틀러에 대한 연구가 오래전부터 활성화되어왔기는 하지만, 발터 벤야민이나 자크 데리다, 호미 바바나 가야트리 스피박 등이 문화번역 연구에서 활발한 논의를 불러일으켰던 것과 달리, 주디스 버틀러의 사유와 문화번역의 문제의식을 같이 연결시킨 연구를 찾아보기는 어렵다. 따라서 문화번역의 문제를 중점적으로 논의하고 있는 『우연성』, 보편성, 헤게모니 에서 2012년도에 출판된 『갈림길들: 유대성과 시오니즘 비판』에 이르기까지, 동시대의 문화ㆍ지리ㆍ정치의 맥락 속에서 버틀러의 문화번역의 윤리가 어떻게 드러나고 있는 지 그 의의를 살피는 데 그 목적이 있다. 논문의 1장에서는 주디스 버틀러의전체 저작에서 문화번역이 가지는 의의를 살폈고, 2장은 버틀러의 핵심 개념인 수행성이 보편의 개념과 연관하여 어떤 의의를 가지는 지를 살폈다. 3장에서는 버틀러가 오늘날 문화번역적 사유의 선구자인 발터 벤야민의 번역관을 새로이 조명함으로써, 벤야민의 번역에 대한 사유가 어떻게 버틀러의 비폭력에 기반한 문화번역의 윤리와 연결되는지, 그리고 마지막 장에서는 헤겔의 인정 투쟁에 대한 버틀러의재해석이 어떻게 버틀러에 의해 재해석된 벤야민의 번역관과 어떻게 조우하는지를 살핌으로써, 버틀러의 문화번역이 새로운/다른 문화와 새로운/다른 윤리적 자아를 형성하고 차이를 보유하는 '공동거주'의 윤리로 나아갈 수 있는 통로가 되는 지를 살피고자 했다. This paper aims to explore the significance of cultural translation in Judith Butler's theoretical frameworks. Butler's influence on gender and queer theories has been widely acknowledged since the publication of her book Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Although she confessed that her work in Gender Trouble turned out to be one of cultural translation in 1999, the significance of her thought for the field of cultural translation has yet to be fully explored. This article, thus, explores the task of cultural translation through a critical engagement of the recent works of Judith Butler from Contingency, Hegemony, Universality to Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism. First, this paper explicates why translation plays an important role in challenging normalized meanings of the universal and how to translate the universal across boundaries. Second, this paper tries to show hows that cultural translation is not a mere transmission of information and that Butler's conceptual understanding of translation cannot be discussed without considering how ethics, politics and law closely relate to each other by examining the way she reads Walter Benjamin's essays including "The Task of the Translator" and "Critique of Violence." Finally, this paper deals with how Butler's traversing of Hegel's concept of recognition leads to the ground of anti-fundamentalist ethics which retains uncalculative difference, and that cultural translation might be useful for finding a way to think about cohabitation understood as coarticulation with alterity.

      • KCI등재

        스피박과 여성

        정혜욱 ( Hae Ook Jeong ) 부산대학교 여성연구소 2008 여성학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Gayatri Spivak has discussed a wide range of theories including feminism, deconstruction, Marxism, and postcolonialism in radical ways. In this essay, I try to read Spivak`s critical position, focusing on her view of women. After looking at the strategic essentialism in the center of Spivak`s aphoristic style of writing, which Spivak proposes as `strategic use of essentialism in a scrupulously visible political interest` for minority groups to present themselves, I examine the influence of Derrida`s deconstruction on Spivak`s theory, to understand her more flexible and nuanced use of the subaltern and women. Then my focus moves to Spivak`s creative reading of the later writings of Karl Marx, in which she tries to discover the possibility of women`s labor through a more rigorous philosophical and deconstructive approach, opposing dogmatic interpretations of Marxism. Finally, I review the recent works of Spivak focusing on human rights and education of subaltern groups.

      • KCI등재

        번역과 권력 : 포스트식민주의 번역 연구

        정혜욱(Jeong Hae-ook) 새한영어영문학회 2003 새한영어영문학 Vol. No.

        I would like to rethink the term, 'translation' and examine it in the postcolonial context in this paper. Translation has traditionally been considered as one of the principal means by which ideas are transmitted across cultures. But from the viewpoint of postcolonial scholars on translation, translation is not necessarily to be viewed as a neutral transfer "between cultures." Focusing on the context of asymmetrical cultures, they try to give insight into power relations between the cultures involved and help to identify the interrelations between the various cultural levels in an inter-cultural and intra-cultural context. Two of the most influential postcolonial scholars, Homi Bhabha and Gayatri Spivak are involved in the refiguration of the boundaries of culture from the point of the postcolonial and the migrant. Bhabha develops a new idea of translation in terms of cultural hybridity, To him translation can be considered from a standpoint where cultures merge and create new spaces. Spivak pays attention to translation in the cultural practices central to the production of marginal subjectivities by western translators in her essay, "The Politics of Translation." Her emphasis lies on the rhetoricity of language as a means of disruption indicating "the founding violence of the silence at work within rhetoric." Those who would be considered as postcolonial scholars on translation are mainly Eric Cheyfitz, Vincent Rafael, and Tejaswini Niranjana, They examine the relation of translation to colonialism and its participation in colonial practices of subjection and subjectification and strips it of its humanistic tradition. Their observations from the concrete history of empire show that translation has indeed been used as a tool of colonial rule. Even if postcolonial approaches to translation did nothing more than discover the sort of power use of translation yet, it is very important to understand what kind of roles translation has played through histories. Otherwise, we would never find out innovation in translation practice and research.

      • KCI등재

        소외의 주체와 타자의 무대화

        정혜욱(Hae-ook Jeong) 한국영미어문학회 2012 영미어문학 Vol.- No.102

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate issues of subject and the other in Don DeLillo's The Body Artist. Unlike DeLillo's other novels, The Body Artist is a short novella, depicting the life of one woman over a period of a few months and seems to leave the politics out, with no bomb and no world situation. The Body Artist is, however, an important reworking of some ideas of "the alienation of subject and the staging of the other." For Lacan, the ego is just an image of the other, being constituted of misrecognition. To constitute the subject he must enter the world of language and the symbolic order, which causes barred and spilt subjects. In Lacanian ontology, we can find the barred subject first and then the barred Other. I think spiltting(/) itself would be the very possibility of subject. Following Zizek, the barred Other(A/) means precisely the constitutive impossibility of the achievement of symbolic realization, because there is a void, a lack of the signifier. When we read The Body Artist on the ground of the psychoanalytic insights, we can recognize the deliberate strategy of resistance of DeLillo and his characters who try to display the indivisible residue the dominant culture cannot absorb.

      • KCI등재

        9-11 테러와 외상적 사건 : 드릴로의 『떨어지는 남자』

        정혜욱(Hae Ook Jeong) 한국비평이론학회 2008 비평과이론 Vol.13 No.1

        Don DeLillo"s Falling Man published in 2007 is a story which begins on September 11, 2001, as the buildings of World Trade Center are falling. In the novel, Keith Neudecker, a New York City lawyer nearing 40 who survives the disaster, returns to his estranged wife, Lianne with whom he has a son, Justin. But the episodes which DeLillo deals with are irrelevant to whether they will reconstitute their marriage. DeLillo examines character"s interior and psychic lives in response to something terrible happening in the world. Everyone is looking for ""spiritual therapeutics,"" but nothing works in the novel. With Lacanian concept of trauma, I try to observe why 9-11 should be considered as a traumatic and repetitive event through revealing their relationships, their thoughts, and their utter inadequacy in the face of catastrophe and evil of the novel.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • 데리다의 삶과 철학의 재조명

        정혜욱(Jeong, Hae Ook) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2011 人文 科學 Vol.23 No.-

        In this paper, I aim to trace Derrida"s problematic of violence and ethics connected with his actual life. The emergence of an issue on terror and terrorism as a global force after 9-11 demands new thinking about the way ideological frameworks work and justify themselves. Violence is, thus, a key issue in both theoretical and practical fields. I try to analyze the sense of violence and the political in later works of Derrida, sketching Derrida"s philosophy through his life. Whether we see the set of violence and law as a historical institution or as a system of rules and decisions, it"s necessary to deconstruct daily operations of the (il)legitimate violence, discover the violence of the origins and show the way divine violence reveals itself.

      • KCI등재후보

        데리다의 언어의 간극과 번역

        정혜욱(Hae Ook Jeong) 한국비평이론학회 2005 비평과이론 Vol.10 No.1

        This essay addresses the problems of the in-betweenness of language and translation as exposited by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his notions of l'ecriture, proper names, the tower of Babel, relevant translation, and deconstruction. I try to receive the ethico-political message of deconstruction, rethink the difference of language and translation and ask what 'the real task of the translator' is in the essay. Levi-Strauss's anthropological translation and his apparently value-natural descriptions of non-European cultures tend to efface the brutality of a project like colonialism, and show that the tendency to valorize speech over writing goes along with a European ethnocentrism. Taking Derrida's comments on Levi-Strauss as a point of departure, I'd like to show monolingualism may involve colonial discourse. The story of Babel is the story of the multiplication of languages. The building of the tower is meant to ensure the unity and dominance of the one people and the one language. God interrupts the colonial violence or the linguistic imperialism and ruptures the rational transparency to which the tower builders, the descendants of Shem(which literally means name) wanted to bring the world. And the replacement of the single human language with multiple, mutually incomprehensible languages means that translation becomes necessary, but perfect translation is no longer possible. If translation is necessary but there is not such a thing as the original after Babel, then how translation can be relevant without being appropriated in power-related contexts? In this point, I try to develop the Derrida's argument that the elaboration of the notion of undecid ability in deconstruction addresses the relationship between the responsibility to act and the responsibility to otherness.

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