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      • KCI등재

        단호박 가루를 첨가한 호상요구르트의 품질 특성

        정현아 ( Hyeon A Jung ),김안나 ( An Na Kim ),안은미 ( Eun Mi Ahn ),김유정 ( You Jeong Kim ),박숙현 ( Suk Hyeon Park ),이재은 ( Jae Eun Lee ),이수미 ( Su Mi Lee ) 한국식품저장유통학회(구 한국농산물저장유통학회) 2011 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        Sweet Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) is rich in minerals, vitamins, and dietary fibers and has less fat. It is thus effective for dieting and for preventing constipation. Sweet Pumpkin contains vitamin A, particularly beta-carotene, which is turned into retinol in the body and helps protect the vision. It is currently on the spotlight as a vision care, anticancer, and diet food, among others, but because it is hard to find yogurt made of Sweet Pumpkin, in this study, Sweet Pumpkin powder was added to yogurt for promotion as a new health food. Yogurt was made with 0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3% Sweet Pumpkin powder, and the color properties (brightness, redness, and yellowness), viscosity, pH, and acidity were measured through a sensory test (color, flavor, taste, overall acceptability). The storage stability at five-day intervals for one day, five days, ten days, 15 days, etc. was also experimented on. For the color properties, the greater the amount of Sweet Pumpkin powder added, the greater the decrease in the lightness (L) value, but the redness (a) and yellowness (b) values increased (p<0.001). For the viscosity, it was decreased for five days and then increased by 47-68% for ten days. This showed a significant difference in storage stability period: one day (p<0.001), five days (p<0.01), and ten days (p<0.01) (except 15 days). Further, there was a significant difference in pH and acidity [pH: for one day (p<0.001), five days (p<0.01), and ten days (p<0.01); acidity: one day (p<0.001), ten days (p<0.05), 15 days (p<0.001)]. No significant difference in pH was shown, however, for 15 days, and in acidity for five days. The results of the sensory test are highly estimated in the order of 1%>2%.3%>0%>0.5%. The study results indicate that the addition of 1% Sweet Pumpkin powder is most suitable for manufacturing Sweet Pumpkin yogurt.

      • KCI등재

        조양규의 조형 이미지 연구

        정현아(Jeong Hyeon-a) 한국근현대미술사학회 2009 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.20 No.-

        A Korean who resided in Japan, Jo Yang-gyu was first introduced to the Korean art world in the 1990s as a member of Jochongnyeon (a pro-North Korean group in Japan) because of his association with Namrodang (a pro-North Korean group in Korea) prior to his emigration to Japan, and because he was a producer of realist painting. Study and critique of Jo Yang-gyu’s work in postwar Japanese art history appears to fall into two main groups: critique of his work as realist painting and as modernist painting. One of the reasons for this apparent division comes from the structure of the Japanese art world itself. However, a more significant reason is that, generally speaking, mistakenly, Korea views the works of Koran artists residing in Japan as being necessarily socialist realist. While Jo Yang-gyu had a clear and active political position in Korea, this was not true of his days in Japan. On top of this, his works were not characteristic of socialist realist painting. It is necessary to more towards a study of Jo Yang-gyu’s work outside of the prejudices of the Korean art institution and the Japanese polarized critique of realist painting. From here, I would like to look at his work from the point of view of not only his ideology but also the form of his paintings.

      • KCI등재후보

        조양규의 작품을 관통하는 또 하나의 축 -모자(母子) 이미지에 관한 시론(試論)-

        정현아 ( Jeong Hyeon-a ) 동아문화재단 2020 文物硏究 Vol.- No.37

        조양규가 13년 간 일본에서 제작했던 일련의 작품은, 1945년 8월 이후 한국이 해방기와 한국전쟁을 거치는 동안, 일본이 제국주의적 식민지 확장대신에 어떻게 근대자본주의를 이용해 그들의 이익 편승을 도모해 나갔는가에 대한 근대 일본사회의 단면을, 최하층민의 관점에서 보다 세련된 은유와 직관적 모티브들을 통해 자신의 사상을 일관되게 구현한 것이다. 「창고 씨리즈」, 「맨홀 씨리즈」는 물론, 일정한 모티브를 가지고 다양한 조형 형태를 보여주는, 「소 모티브」, 「모자모티브」, 「노동자 모티브」 등은 조양규의 사상적 이미지가 지속적으로 표현되고 있음을 보여주는 좋은 예이다. 이러한 조양규 작품에 대한 사상적 시각은, 도일(渡日)이전 좌익 활동이력과 그로 인해 정치적 사건에 연루되어 일본 밀항선을 타면서 시작된 화가로서 그의 삶을, 13년간 일본에서 제작한 작품의 사상적 주제와 모티브로 연결시켜 본 연구결과와 밀접한 관계가 있다. 본 시론은 해방기 한국에서 좌익사상과 그와 연관된 이력만으로 조명되었던 조양규의 정치적 행보라는 시각과는 달리, 지금까지 알려지지 않았던 한국에서의 행적과 습작과정에서 발견되는 모자 이미지에 주목한다. 해방기 한국의 부산시절에 포착되는 모자 이미지의 시작과 모자 이미지의 근원이었을 것으로 생각되는 조양규의 남다른 가정사와 함께 사범학교 학생시절에 심취했던 케테콜비츠와 그녀의 주요 모티브인 모자 모티브는 깊은 연관성을 가진다. 이후 모자 이미지가 나타나는 일본에서의 작품 활동과 그와 관련된 시기에 보이는 다른 작가들과의 교류 속에서 지속적으로 모색되는 모자 이미지의 흔적을 추적한다. 조양규의 일본에서의 작품 활동 가운데 발견되는 모자 이미지는 많지 않지만, 조국(모)과 나(자)의 관계의미를 표현한 작품과 실제 모자 이미지를 조형 속에 재현한 작품으로 나누어 살펴보면, 이 두 형태의 모자 이미지가 조양규의 13년간 일본 활동 가운데 지속적으로 확인된다는 점이다. 게다가 다른 작가와의 교류에서 발견되는 모자 이미지와의 관련성은 작가의 의도 속에 여전히 모자이미지의 추구가 엿보임을 알 수 있다. 결론적으로 조양규의 모자 이미지는 해방기 한국에서부터 개인적 가정사와 정치운동과 함께 시작된 운명적 이미지였고, 일본의 작품 활동에서 다른 사상적 모티브와 함께 추구되었던 일상적 이미지였으며, 많은 작품 속에서 구현되지는 않았지만, 꾸준한 작품과 교류 활동 속에서 계속해서 모색되었던 지속적 이미지였던 것이다. Cho Yang-gyu’s series of work created in Japan for 13 years is a consistent embodiment of his thoughts, via more refined metaphor and intuitive motives from the perspective of a bottom feeder, on how Japan had sought profit-making using modern capitalism instead of expanding imperial colonies this time after August 1945, while Korea was going through the liberation period and Korean war. Not only < Warehouse series > and < Manhole series > but also < Little motive > < Mother-child motive > and < Laborer motive >, showing diverse forms of molding under a certain motive, are a good example to believe that Cho Yang-gyu’s thinking motives were expressed persistently in his work. Such a philosophical perspective found in Cho Yang-gyu’s work is closely related to his new life as an artist, who had had a career of leftism until this involved him in political events and forced him to board a smuggler to Japan. The existing studies connected his past in Korea to the philosophical themes and motifs of the work he created in Japan for 13 years. So Cho Yang-gyu has been chiefly illuminated by his political movement of leftist thinking in Korean liberation period and his related activity. However, this essay takes notice of his record of performances in Korea which has been unknown so far and the mother and child image found in his course of study. His mother-child image was initiated in his life in Busan in the liberation period and is considered due to Cho Yang-gyu’s unusual family history. This image is also deeply related to Kather Kollwitz by which he was fascinated when attending a teachers’ college and her major motif mother and child. This article, then, traces the mother-child image he continually sought in his activity as an artist in Japan and interaction with other authors in the relevant period of time. There are not many mother and child images found in Cho Yang-gyu’s work in Japan but, looking by division into work of expressing relational meaning between his mother country (Mother) and him (Child) and reproduction of actual mother and child image in molding, these two types of mother-child image are continually confirmed in his 13 years of activity in Japan. Moreover, relation to mother-child image discovered in interaction with other authors still proves his intentional pursuit of a mother-child image. To conclude, Cho Yang-gyu’s mother and child image was a fateful image which began in Korea’s liberation period with his personal family history and political movement, routine image sought in performing in Japan along with other philosophical motifs, and continual image sought constantly in performing work and social interaction, although not embodied in many works of his.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 후반 규슈파 작품에 보이는 사회적 주제

        정현아(Jeong Hyeon-a) 한국근현대미술사학회 2015 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.29 No.-

        The Kyushuha is known as an avant-garde group active in Japan around 1960. Until now, research in early works of Kyushuha has suggested that certain characteristic societal themes are recognized, but how the artists developed these themes remains unclear. Analysis of works from the Kyushuha’s active early period confirms that certain artists were handling societal themes at that time. Those themes were contemporary societal or local issues, especially those concerning coal miners in Kyushu. These thematic characteristics can also be glimpsed particularly in their involvement with poetry journals in Fukuoka, and themagazine Circle MURA. Thus, it is clear that the societal themes seen in the early work of the Kyushuha have some relationship to certain poetry journals in Fukuokaand Circle MURA, which showed similar interest in local issues. Considering the above, I would like to propose the following hypothesis. Instead of considering the Kyushuha’s consciousness of societal problems as an isolated phenomenon that developed within the group, it is possible to think of it as a collective consciousness born from a movement that combined the Kyushuha, poetry journals, and Circle MURA. The purpose of this paper is to propose research into the Kyushuha from this perspective.

      • KCI등재

        블록직선이송 방전연삭에 의한 미세전극 가공 및 그래핀 강화 알루미나 복합소재의 마이크로 홀 가공특성

        정현아(Hyeon-A Jeong),이창훈(Chang Hoon Lee),강명창(Myung Chang Kang) 한국기계가공학회 2017 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Graphene nanoplatelet (GNP)-reinforced alumina (Al₂O₃) is a promising material for micro-partapplications, particularly micro-nozzle shapes, because of its excellent wearresistance. In this study, a Al₂O₃/GNPcomposite with 15 vol% graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) was highly densified and fabricated via spark plasma sintering for micro-electrical discharge drilling (Micro-ED drilling) and the wear resistance property of the composite is evaluated via the ball-on-disk method. In addition, the diameter and shape of the micro-electrodes machined by wire electrical discharge grinding (WEDG), block electrical discharge grinding (BEDG), and new linear block moving electrical discharge grinding(LBMEDG) methods are systematically compared and analyzed to observe the micro-hole machining in the micro-ED drilling of the Al₂O₃/15vol% GNP composite.

      • 선천성 식도 폐쇄증의 예후 판정

        김현학,정현아,김경헌,김정한,이석구,Kim, Hyun-Hahk,Jeong, Hyeon-A,Kim, Kyung-Hun,Kim, Jung-Han,Lee, Suk-Koo 대한소아외과학회 2001 소아외과 Vol.7 No.1

        The aims of this study were to evaluate the prognostic predictabilities of the risk classifications (Waterston, Montreal, and Spitz), preoperative treatment of pneumonia and the length of esophageal gap in esophageal atresia. Twenty-five cases of esophageal atresia were reviewed retrospectively. The data was analyzed with Likelihood ratio test for trend and Fisher's exact test. Survival rates were 100.0 % in group A and B, and 60.0 % in group C according to Waters ton classification (p=0.027). By Montreal classification, 95.7 % in group I and 50.0 % in group II (p=0.086). By Spitz classification, 95.5 % in group I and 66.7% in group II (p=0.159). The survival rate was 85.7 % in the patients with pneumonia preoperatively treated and 94.4% in the patients without pneumonia. The difference was not significant (p=0.490). Survival rate in the patients with long gap (${\geq}$3cm) was 50.0 % and 100.0 % in patients with short gap (<3cm) with significant difference (p=0.020). The Waterston classification could be modified into two groups because the prognosis of both group A and B were the same. Preoperative pneumonia does not seem to be a risk factor. The length of the esophageal gap showed prognostic value.

      • KCI등재

        금연침(耳鍼) 시술을 통해 살펴본 대전지역 고등학생의 흡연 실태조사

        임승환,정현아,노석선,이용구,Im, Seung-Hwan,Jeong, Hyeon-A,No, Seok-Seon,Lee, Yong-Gu 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2002 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        After applying anti-smoking acupuncture to 756 high school students at least 4 times, I surveyed about the effect of the therapy. The result of the survey is as follows. 1. The age to start smoking is getting lower. And the rate of female students' smoking is increasing significantly. 2. The survey shows that students started to smoke mainly because of curiosity, stress, peer pressure, and their misunderstanding which the way to smoke looks cool. 3. The anti-smoking acupuncture therapy is expected to decrease the smoking desire because the applicants usually experience headache, dizziness, gastroenteric trouble after the treatment. 4. Students complained about earache and inconvenience of washing. 5. The result shows that the anti-smoking acupuncture therapy is generally efficacious, but the virtue of the therapy is much better with the students' willingness to stop smoking.

      • KCI등재

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