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        불교의 무아설과 융의 자기실현 비교고찰

        정현숙 韓國宗敎敎育學會 2002 宗敎敎育學硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        불교의 무아설을 인도의 전통적 아트만 사상과 비교하고, 초기불교, 부파불교, 유식불교의 관점에서 고찰하였다. 상호 배타적으로 보이는 무아설과 윤회설의 조화를 이루기 위하여 업의 개념이 도입되고, 업의 상속을 가능케 하는 기반으로 아라야식이 핵심개념으로 들어온다. 무아설을 상세히 입증하기 위하여 5위 100법의 존재론적 분류와 함께 8식의 인식체계가 도입된다. 아라야식을 정점으로 하는 8식의 인식체계는 정신분석학의 의식-무의식 체계와 심층심리학으로서 비교대상이며, 이중 무아설과 진여의 관계는 자아와 자기실현의 관계와 유사점과 차이점이 비교된다. Against the immutable substance Atman of Upanishad we compared Buddhist theory of nonsubstantiality(Anatman), and studied the Non-ego-entity concept through the early buddhism, the Abhidharma, and the Yogacara Buddhism. The paradoxical situation between the denial of a permanent self and the acceptance of the doctrine of rebirth had been resolved by the concept of Karma, and its continuation via the omniscient Alaya-vijinana. The nonsubstantiality doctrine was elaborated by the ontological categories of five-level hundred dharma, and the epistemological system of eight conciousness. The Alaya-conciousness system of Yogacara Buddhism is compared with the collective unconciousness of the analytic psychology, especially in terms of the non-ego-entity and Suchness of the former, and the self and Self-realization of the latter.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 대학원생이 작성한 국어학 전공 학위논문 서론의 장르 분석적 연구

        정현숙,전경선 이중언어학회 2019 이중언어학 Vol.76 No.-

        본 연구는 외국인이 작성한 국어학 전공 학위논문 서론을 장르 분석을 바탕으로 분석하고, 이를 통해 한국인이 작성한 논문과의 차이를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 분석을 위해, 전경선·정현숙(2018)의 ‘KL-CaRS’ 모형을 바탕으로 외국인이 작성한 학위논문 서론 장르의 특성을 파악하고, 이를 한국인의 것과 비교하여 차이를 밝히고자 한다. 연구 결과, ‘이동마디’의 구성은 같았으나, 더 단순한 이동마디-단계 구조를 가지고 있었다. 또한, 정형표현과 이동마디 2의 구성에 차이가 나타났다. 박사 논문의 경우, 서론의 길이와 이동마디-단계의 개수도 다르게 나타났으며, ‘KL-CaRS’ 모형으로는 설명할 수 없는 이동마디-단계도 나타났다. 외국인이 작성한 서론 부분에는 ‘연구의 필요성 끌어내기’와 ‘가치 단계’가 없는 연구가 있었으며, 선행연구에 대한 비판이 없거나, 무의미한 비판만 하는 경우가 발견되었다. 절의 이름과 실제 작성된 내용에 차이가 나타나거나, 서론에 작성되기 적합하지 않은 내용이 있는 경우도 찾을 수 있었으며, 문장이 지나치게 길게 서술된 경우도 찾을 수 있었다. 본 연구가 국어학 분야에서 논문을 쓰고자 하는 외국인에게 도움이 되기를 바란다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the introductions in Korean Linguistic theses written by foreign graduate students based on Genre analysis, and to find out how it differs from same section written by Koreans. For the analysis, based on the ‘KL-CaRS Model’ in Jun & Chung(2018), we searched for the features appearing in Korean Linguistic thesis introduction and the difference between Koreans and foreigners. As a result, the composition of the ‘move’ was same, but it is more simple than korean’s. Also there is some difference in formulaic expression, composition of move 2. Length and average number of move-step are also different in doctor degree thesis, and there are few steps which can’t be explained by KL-CaRS. The features and problems of move-step are as follows. There are no ‘research necessity’ and ‘value’ step, and there are only references to ‘research’, or only meaningless criticism. also, sometimes name of the section is different from what was actually written. The content to be included in body section or conclusion section appears in the introduction, and lastly, the sentence was too long. This research will be helpful for foreigners who want to write a paper in the field of Korean Linguistics in the future.

      • 순천 지역의 전통 식생활 환경

        정현숙 順天大學校 師範大學 附屬 科學敎育硏究所 1995 科學과 敎育 Vol.3 No.-

        Surrounded by large fields, high or low hills, and the Bay, Sunchon region is benefited by natural environments. Under influences of these environments and some social circumstances, they have developed unique tastes in the dietary culture. Cereals from fields promoted the development of various rice cakes. Among them we can enumerate Chung-p'yon(alias Kijong-Ttok, in this region) which ,cooked with liquor-fermented rice flour, doesn't rot easily even in summer season, manna lichen cake(Gyrophoraesculenta), Ramie-leaf Songpyon. They have developed broths, broils, smother dishes, fries, raw-slices, salted dishes from freshwater fishes and seafishes. Mudskipper soup, Loach soup, Minnow soup, rolled octopus and seasoned cockle mix are the well-known specialties of Sunchon. Various kinds of kimchi, potherbs, Pugak(deep-fry) are indispensable dishes to improve appetite of Sunchonites. And Korosoe-water, Kam-tanja(persimmon ricecake) can be added to the specialty list.

      • 성인 환자에서 수술 및 회복기 동안의 체온변화에 관한 연구 : - Patients with abdominal surgery -

        정현숙,강규숙,황애란,박영우 연세대학교 교육대학원 1992 연세교육과학 Vol.41 No.-

        This study was done to identify changes in temperature during surgery and the recovery phase and the incidence of shivering in the recovery room. Forty three adult patients who were scheduled for abdominal surgery and who were admitted to one University hospital were selected by purposive sampling technique according to an established criteria. Rectal temperatures were recorded at ten minute intervals using telethermometer from the time immediately prior to induction of the anesthesia up to the time at discharge from the recovery room. Incidence of shivering during recovery phase were assessed at five minute intervals using a palpatory method with the palmar side of the fingers. The data collection period was from May 1991 to April 1992. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, t-test, & Pearson correlation using the SPSS-PC program. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The mean rectal temperatures of 36.77℃ prior to surgery and of 36.58℃ at the beginning of surgery were significantly different(t=4.54, p< 0.01). 2. The mean rectal temperatures of 36.77℃ prior to surgery and of 35.41℃, the minimal temperature during surgery were significantly different(t= 13.16, p< 0.01). 3. The mean rectal temperatures of 36.77℃ prior to surgery and of 35.60℃ at the end of surgery were significantly different(t= 10.40, p<0.01). 4. Incidences of hypothermia at the beginning of surgery, minimal temperature during surgery and at the end of surgery were 3(7.0%), 38(83.7%), & 32(74.4%) respectively. 5. The degree of decrease in rectal temperature during surgery showed a weakly positive correlation with body surface area, surgery time and blood volume infused. The correlations were statistically significant(r=0.34, 0.49, 0.43, p<0.05). 6. The mean rectal temperatures of 35.60℃ at the end of surgery and of 35.45℃ at the time of admission to the recovery room were significantly different(t = 2.07, p< 0.05). 7. The mean rectal temperatures of 35.45℃ at the time of recovery room admission and of 36.19℃ at the time of discharge from the recovery room were significantly different(t = -7.52, p < 0.01). 8. The mean rectal temperatures of 36.77℃ prior to surgery and of 36.19℃ at the time of discharge from the recovery room were significantly differnet(t = 5.73, p<0.01). 9. Incidences of hypothermia at the time of admission to the recovery room and at discharge were 33(76.7%) and 10(23%) respectively. 10. Incidences of shivering during the recovery phase were 22(51.2%). 11. The group with a temperature below 36.0℃ at the time of admission to the recovery room showed greater tendency in incidence of shivering than the group with a temperature above 36.0℃. In conclusion, hypothermia occurs frequently during surgery and has a tendency to continue to the end of surgery although the intensity is decreased. The factors contributing to the degree of rectal temperature decrease are body surface area, surgery time, and blood volume infused. Although the rectal temperature increases toward the normal temperature range during the recovery phase, some patients are discharged while still being hypothermic even after 80 minutes of mean admission time. Half of the patients showed shivering during the recovery phase and the group with temperature below 36℃ at the time of admission to the recovery room tend to show higher incidence of shivering than the group with temperature above 36.0℃.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 궁중 제정의 제찬용 병류에 관한 연구

        정현숙,허필숙 한국식생활문화학회 1988 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.3 No.2

        In recent years, Korean traditional culture has been reviewed in many ways. And Great efforts have been made to form a culture suitable for the Koreans. With these tendencies, the interest in Korean traditional foods has been greater. So this paper is intended to identify and analyze the kinds, materials and cooking processes of the rice cakes needed for ancestral worship rites in the court of Choso ̄n Dynasty. The work is centered around the Tae-sang-ji written by Lee ku ̄n-myong in 1873-the 10th year since king kojong's coming to the throne. And we study such literatures on foods and cooking processes as Kyugon-si-ui-bang, Yo-rok, Jungbo-Sallim-Kyungjae, Kyuhap-Chongso ̄, Si-ui-jo ̄n-so ̄ and so on. The results are compared and analyzed. Cooking processes and materials of Korean rice cakes in Choso ̄n Dynasty were various and had traditional characteristics. Rice cakes necessarily needed for various rites were called pyun especially when they were used for ancestral worship. And many different kinds of Pyun were used according to seasons. There were nineteen kinds of rice cakes used for ancestral worship in the court: Gu-i-Byung, Bun-ja-Byung, Baek-Byung and so on. The six; Gu-i-Byung, Bun ja-Byung, Sam-sik-Byung, Yi-sik-Byung, Baek-Byung and Huk Byung were essential for the great rites at Jong-myo and Young-nyung-Jeon and so they were highly thought of. Main materials of these six were rice, glutinousrice, sorghum and wheat flour. Cooking processes of the rice cakes above mentioned can be classified into frying, beating, boiling, steaming, etc. Powder for covering rice cakes was made of bean, pine nut, sesame and red bean, of which bean was made the greatest use of. If was very wise of them to use these kinds of powder, for they supply protein and lipid of which rice cakes are destitute and they also add colors and good tastes to rice cakes. But Korean traditional rice cakes are less used as the thought of rites has changed and various kinds of desserts have been developed. And yet there is no denying the fact that even now rice cakes play a great role in traditional formalities.

      • 중환자실 입원이 허혈성 심질환자의 Cricacian rhythm 변화에 미치는 영향

        정현숙,황애란 연세대학교 교육대학원 1991 연세교육과학 Vol.40 No.-

        This study was a prospective design in ex post factor design to test the effect of the admission in the intensive care unit on the circadian rhythm in ischemic cardiac patients. 28 patients in intensive care unit of one hospital were selected as an experimental group and 26 college nursing students as a control group using a purposive sampling technique. For the experimental group, serum cortisol rhythm and oral temperature rhythm were measured during the hospitalization period and anxiety level was checked once on the second day of admission. In case of control group, serum cortisol rhythm was determined for one day and oral temperature rhythm was measured for 21 days. The data collection period was from Sep., 9, 1990 to April, 4, 1991. MANOVA and t - test were used for statistical analysis. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Serum cortisol rhythm disruption was showed in 75% of patients and this disruption has continued through the hospitalization period after its apperance. 2. Oral temperature rhythm disruption was showed in 75% of patients and this disruption has continued through the hospitalization period after its apperance. 3. The incidence of serum curtisol rhythm disruption was coincided with that of oral temperature rhythm disruption. 4. Trait anxiety level In circadian rhythm disruption group was significantly higher than that of circadian rhythm maintenance group(t = 3.34, p < 0.01). 5. State anxiety level in circadian rhythm disruption group showed higher tendency than that of circadian rhythm maintenance group but there was no statistical significance. 6. Circadian rhythm maintenance group showed a simllar concentration of serum cortisol level to control group. Accordingly, this study reveals that many ischemic patients in intensive care unit experience circadian rhythm disruption during the hospitalization period and considering the fact that those who demonstrated circadian rhythm disruption showed higher level of trait and state anxiety when compared with circadian rhythm maintenance group, there is some relationship between anxiety and circadian rhythm disruption.

      • 한국의 신세대 문화와 복식에 관한 연구 : 1993년 중심으로

        정현숙 숙명여자대학교 생활과학연구소 1994 生活科學硏究誌 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose is to study 1. what is the reality of 'new generation' which is being hotly debated in college newspaper? 2. how is the culture of new generation reflected in fashion? 3. what is its distinctive feature? The basic proposition of this paper is that, for new generation, fashion is another language of self-expression, by no means a sumptuous indulgence. Through fashion new generation tries to convey liberal values and individuality. It is true that, as is often pointed out, there are some who indulge in excessive and ostentatious consumption. But they are only exceptional few, very often the children of upstarts who have earned fortune by land-speculation etc. The majority of new generation consists of those who are active in self-expression, an try to be independent by devoting themselves in their own work. Looked through the change of cultural consciousness, the contrast between old and new generation can be well represented by transition from harmony to beat; from original to mosaic; from bright to pastel color; from heavy to light; from spiritual to physical.

      • 黃栗가루의 脂質成分에 관한 硏究

        鄭賢淑 順天大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        만드는 方法을 달리한 黃栗루 A와 B의 一般成分 및 脂質成分의 構成과 脂肪酸 組成을 分析한 結果를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 黃栗가루 A 및 B의 一般成分 分析 結果, 各 成分의 平均値는 水分이 12.9%, 組蛋白質이 4.15%, 組脂質이 2.48%, 粗澱分이 2.41%, 澱粉이 52.79%로서 A와 B사이에 뚜렷한 차이는 없었다. 2. 遊離脂質中에 含有된 脂肪質의 平均値는 中性脂質이 53.1%, 糖脂質이 38.1%, 憐脂質이 8.9%로, 中性脂質이 가장 많았음에 비하여, 結合脂質中에서는 中性脂質이 12.9%, 糖脂質이 58.0%, 憐脂質이 29.2%로 糖脂質과 憐脂質이 많이 含有되었는데, A와 B사이에 뚜렷한 차이는 없었다. 3. 遊離脂質에 含有된 中性脂質의 成分은 Diglyceride, Free fatty acid, Triglyceride, Esterified sterol등이며,結合脂質에 含有된 中性脂質 成分은 Monoglyceride, Diglyceride, Free fatty acid, Esterified sterol등이다. 4. 遊離脂質 및 結合脂質에 含有된 糖脂質의 成分은 trigalactosyl diglyceride, Sulphoquinovosyl diglyceride, Digalactosyl diglyceride, Sterylglycoside, Monogalactosyl diglyceride, Esterified steryl glycoside등이다. 5. GLSdp 의하여 8가지의 脂肪酸이 遊離脂質과 結合脂質에서 검출되었는데, 主要 脂肪散으로는 myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid 등의 포화지방산외에, 이 포화지방산의 약 2배정도가 되는 oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid 등의 불포화지방산이 있다. After analyzing chestnut flour samples A and B, each differing from the other in its means of drying, the author got the following results with respect to their proximate components, lipid components and fatty acid composition. The instruments used for the experimentation are Cohromatography, Thin Layer Chromatography and Gas Liquid Chromatography. 1. The analysis for proximate components didn't show any great difference between samples A and B The average values of the ingredients were 12.9% for moisture, 4.15% for crude protein, 2.48%for crude lipid, 2.41% for crude ash and 52.79% for starch, respectively. 2. The content of neutral lipid in free lipids was 53.1% as compared with 12.9% in bound lipids. On the other hand, the content of glycolipid and phospholipid in free lipids were 38.1%, 8.9% as compared with 58.0%, 29.2% in bound lipids, respectively. 3. The neutral lipids in both free and bound lipids were fractionted to be identified as the following components. They are Diglyceride, Free fatty acid, Triglyceride, Esterified sterol from free lipids and Monoglyceride, Diglyceride, Free fatty acid, Esterified sterol from bound lipids. 4. Six glycolipids fractionated in free and bound lipids were identified as Triglactosyl diglyceride, Sulphoquinovosyl diglyceride, Digalactosyl diglyceride, Steryl glycoside, Monogalactosyl diglyceride and Esterified steryl glycoside. 5. Eight kinds of fatty acid were detected by GLC from free and bound lipids. Saturated fatty acids(myristic, palmitic, stearic), and over twice as much as those, unsaturated fatty acids(oleic, linoleic, lionlenic) were identified.

      • KCI등재

        국가와 여성과의 관계에 대한 일고찰 : 탁아정책을 중심으로

        정현숙 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구소 1989 여성학논집 Vol.6 No.-

        This study was conducted with a vision of the state as a potential tool to help implementing women's liberation. In doing so, the major role of the state was regarded as reproducing the whole society by reproducing the relationships of production and family reproduction. In particular its relationship with women in the process of performing this role by the state was observed. The endeavor of the state was examined centering around day-care center policies the basic purpose of which was to urge married women to be engaged in wage labor to meet the shortage of women's labor since the early 1980's. They also intended to promote the social reproduction through dual labor of married women workers in both spheres of labor market and family. The results of the analysis of documents and of interview data can be summarized as follows: First, the state's intention behind the policies was to take advantage of the dual labor of married women, which would fulfill its peculiar role of social production. The state encourages married women to become wage laborers and at the same time to contribute to the reproduction of the two spheres, i.e. labor market and family. Second, the acquisition of class consciousness and the contribution to the family income essentially make the married women wage earners fall in a contradictory situation. On the whole, the feasibility of their active participation in the labor disputes and of the weakening of patriarchal relationship in the family increase. Third, this contradiction consequently means a possibility of women's liberation through national policy. However, it is nothing more than merely a possibility. The actualization of the possibility can be achieved only when these women are supported by a strong women's movement toward the state policy.

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