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      • KCI등재

        Methotrexate를 사용한 비파열성 난관임신의 내과적 치험 1 예

        정혁,황관표 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.6

        저자들은 1989년 8월 4일 조선대학교 부속병원 산부인과에서 비파열성 난관임신으로서 methotrexate를 투여하는 보존적 치료 및 이차적인 복강경 및 HSG로 완치를 경험하였기에 간단한 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is increasing in the world, and this reproductive complication has had and adverse impact on subsequent fertility or immariage state. Advances in the surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancies have been designed to preserve future reproductive potential, but conservative surgery may fail to completely remove the trophoblast. And so, we experienced a case of treatment of unruptured ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate and leukovorum rescue in 22 year-old woman, and this case was presented with a brief review of the literature.

      • KCI등재

        구 사회주의 유럽 국가들의 알후스 협약 이행을 위한 도전과제들과 그 극복방향에 대한 전망: 환경관련의사결정에서의 대중 참여 중심으로

        정혁 한국유럽학회 2016 유럽연구 Vol.34 No.1

        Actors with secured environmental information in environmental decision making process can have the secured information verified by strengthening the transparency and the fairness in the environmental decision making process. And the verified information is reflected in the process and ultimately leads to drawing up of a environmental policy. In that perspective, the pillar of the public participation in environmental decision making is the most overarching of the Aarhus Convention’s 3 pillars. The paper takes aim at delving into a few of the non compliance cases of some of the old socialist European states in the policy area and suggesting ways to overcome the challenges in the implementation and bringing forward the prospect. The potential challenges to be overcome in the cases, the restrictiveness in providing information and the closure in disseminating information, the one-sided command and discipline way to inform and the priority of the state over the public by public officials with their privileged mind-set over the public are thought to be hard to overcome for the time being. However, holding regular and frequent discussions or hearings about the environmentally concerned issues for the related local by the concerned small unit administrative local governments, encouraging open voting on given options for the matter and making it public online, and enhancing the relationship between NGOs and environmentally related public organizations further, seem to point to the direction to overcome the challenges that can occur in the old socialist European states implementing the 2nd pillar of the Aarhus Convention. 알후스 협약의 환경관련의사결정에서의 대중 참여 부문은 환경관련의사결정과정에 있어 환경정보를 확보한 행위자들이 의사결정과정에 참여하여 확보한 정보에 대한 그 투명성과 공정성을 강화한다. 그리고 그 검증된 정보를 반영하고 궁극적인 환경정책 마련으로 이어진다는 점에서 알후스 협약의 세 축 중 가장 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 알후스 협약의 환경관련의사결정에서의 대중 참여 부문 구 사회주의 유럽 국가들의소수 이행 사례를 통해 협약 위반 내용과 추후 조치들을 살펴본다. 아울러서 그 이후이행 시 극복해야 할 도전과제들을 파악해보고 향후 그 이행 전망과 그 도전과제들의극복방향을 제시해보는 데 있다. 구 사회주의 유럽 국가들 사례들에서 발견된 정보제공 제한성과 전달의 폐쇄성, 상명하복식의 일방적인 정보통보, 공공기관 관료들의 국가 우선 인식과 특권의식이라는 도전과제들은 당분간 극복하기에는 그 한계가 있을 것으로 보인다. 그러나 환경문제 관련소 행정단위 지자체들의 그 사안 관련 지역 주민들을 위한 토론의 장이나 공청회 등의정기적이며 빈도 높은 개최와 그 홍보, 주어진 환경문제 해결 선택 안들의 공개투표시스템과 온라인 공개 방식 제도의 장려는 그 극복에 있어 긍정적인 효과를 제공할 수 있을것으로 보인다. 또한 환경관련 공공기관과 시민 단체들 간의 더욱 심층적인 관계 향상역시 구 사회주의 유럽 국가들이 알후스 협약 두 번째 축의 이행측면에서 발생할 수 있는 그 도전과제들을 극복할 수 있는 또 다른 방향을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        난소의 악성 중배엽성 혼재성 종양 1 예

        정혁,한세준,최상준,송창훈,임성철,김영호,류경철,여인동 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.4

        저자 등은 경우 난소의 악성 중배엽성 혼재성 종양을 경험하였으며, 환자는 수술 후 병기 Ⅲc로 한차례 복합 화학요법 시행 후 6 개월째 생존중이다. Malignant mixed m llerian tumor (MMMT) of the ovary is a rare tumor with dismal prognosis. MMMT by definition contain epithelial and mensenchymal elements, both of which are histologically malignant. They are classified as endometrial lesions because the glands often appear endometrial-like and the stroma resemble that of the endometrium. The disease is usually advanced (Stage Ⅲ) when diagnosed and thus provides a difficult challenge to any postoperative therapy. We experienced a case of MMMT of ovary with neuroectodermal differentiation in 69 years-old multiparous women and report our experience with a brief review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        Revisiting the R&D Cyclicality with Dynamic R&D mode

        정혁 정보통신정책학회 2023 정보통신정책연구 Vol.30 No.3

        This study revisits the topic of R&D cyclicality by applying the dynamic R&D investment model to firm-level panel data, which is acquired from KIS-Value. Methodologically this study bridges previous empirical studies of R&D investment under financial constraints with studies of R&D cyclicality. Specifically, the former often apply dynamic panel methodology like GMM (generalized method of moments) to dynamic R&D model to investigate effects of financial constraints but have not put much emphasis on R&D response to business cycles. On the other hand, the latter have focused on direction of R&D cyclicality controlling financial condition, in order to examine the Schumpeterian prediction of countercyclical R&D investment; however, empirical methods of R&D cyclicality studies are surprisingly detached from the former. Using the widely used system GMM for the empirical analysis of R&D investment with financial constraints, this study finds procyclical response of R&D investment to sales growth with mitigating effects of credit constraints, which is measured by credit ratings. Furthermore, asymmetrically procyclical R&D is found, as the procyclicality and the effect of financial constraint are concentrated to contraction period, particularly the post-financial crisis era after 2010. In sum, this empirical analysis confirms the procyclicality of R&D investment in contrast to the Schumpeterian prediction of countercyclical R&D investment, even after controlling financial constraints.

      • KCI등재

        Challenges and Improvements based on the First Trading Period of South Korea’s Emissions Trading Scheme (Focusing on Emission Allowance Allocation)

        정혁 한국기후변화학회 2020 한국기후변화학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        South Korea’s Emissions Trading Scheme (KETS) has received severe criticism regarding allowance allocation issues since its launch in 2015. The primary purpose of this study was to present the allocation issues identified during the first KETS trading period and to suggest feasible approaches to overcoming these challenges that fit within KETS’ overarching development direction. The following four issues were identified as major challenges for KETS at the end of the first trading period: 1) Low trading volumes of emission allowances, 2) fewer allocations based on lower mean emissions during the previous trading period, 3) lack of c[onsideration of adjustment factors for new installations and deployments, and 4) the absence of opportunities for opinion exchange on allocation issues between participating businesses and the government. Feasible approaches to these challenges include 1) setting up guidance for each measure aimed to stabilize the market price of emission allowances, 2) allocating additional allowance amounts as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are reduced, 3) lowering the adjustment factor for new installations and deployments, and 4) establishing an official platform managed by a supervising body involving civil experts, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and state-owned banks. These strategies would contribute to future development of KETS.

      • KCI등재

        유럽연합 건물 분야 거의 제로 에너지 빌딩 정책 시행상의 과제와 개선 방향

        정혁 한국유럽학회 2022 유럽연구 Vol.40 No.3

        This paper is purposed to present the status quo, the challenges and to suggest the improvements after analyzing and discussing the implementation of the policy of Nearly Zero Energy Building stressed in the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2018/844). Dealing with the varied definitions regarding the Nearly Zero Energy Building incurred from differentiated costs for energy efficiency and climatic conditions among the Member States of the EU, the European Commission needs to regroup the Member States of the EU by climatic conditions and to reset the definitions on criteria of the value for the minimum amount of consumed energy of buildings, and to add the new relevant provision into the Directive. As for the weak legal basis of the generated power from renewable energy resources put into the nearly zero energy buildings, the European Commission should give priority to the generated power by laying out the additional provision into the Directive. And concerning the ambiguity of definition with regard to the renewable energy, the Commission can consider setting the criteria on the kind of the generated power from allowable renewable energy sources and the amount of the power used in the nearly zero energy buildings for the solution. The European Commission can take into consideration providing financial assistance and the increase in proportion to the number of experts that member states produce to tackle the lack of experts in the process of issuing the Energy Performance Certificates of the nearly zero energy buildings. And As the Energy Performance Certificates for the buildings collected by the EU Building Stock Observatory is poor in substance and is confined to a certain block of buildings, it needs to get applied to all blocks of buildings of the EU and the Observatory’s role should be strengthened so that it shares and disseminates the aforementioned information to the Member States of the EU. But above all, the European Commission can be expected to have the synergy effects by establishing the registration organization for registering the Certificates in parallel in terms of keeping the Certificates on track. The Korean Government should consider the parallel approach to encourage the zero energy policy that it is currently implementing and expand the zero energy buildings in number for future. 본 연구의 목적은 유럽연합의 건물에너지 성능 지침에서 강조하는 유럽연합 역내 거의 제로 에너지 빌딩 정책상의 시행 현황, 도출 과제, 그리고 그 개선안들을 제시하는 데 목적을 둔다. 회원국 별 에너지 효율성에 관한 비용 차이, 기후적인 요건에서 기인한 회원국 별 다양한 거의 제로에너지 빌딩에 관한 정의에 있어 유럽연합 집행위원회는 기후 조건을 기준으로 하는 회원국들의 그룹 조성 후 그룹 별 건물 내 최소한의 사용 에너지 수치를 기준으로 정의를 재설정하고 관련 조항을 지침 내 마련할 필요가 있다. 또한, 집행위는 거의 제로 에너지 빌딩 내 투입되는 신재생에너지원 발전 전력들의 약한 법적 지위를 위해서는 거의 제로 에너지 빌딩 내 투입되는 신재생에너지원들의 발전량에 대한 법적 우선권 부여와 관련한 추가적인 조항 마련을 고려해볼 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 그리고 사용되는 신재생에너지와 관련한 정의 관련 모호성은 거의 제로 에너지 빌딩 내 사용되는 신재생에너지원 발전 전력의 종류와 관련한 허용 가능 에너지원과 그 에너지량에 대한 수치화 기준 마련으로 그 해결을 위한 접근이 될 수 있다. 또한 건물에너지 성능 인증서의 검사와 그 절차 과정에서 필요한 전문가 부족은 회원국들이 양성하는 전문가 수에 비례한 집행위원회의 재정 지원의 시행, 그리고 그 확대를 고려해볼 수 있을 것이다. 유럽연합의 건물에너지 성능 인증서는 그 내용이 단순하고 특정 건물군들의 건물에너지 성능 인증서만 유럽연합 건물군 관측소에 의해서 수집되고 있어 모든 건물군들을 포함하면서 회원국들에 그 정보들을 공유, 배포할 수 있도록 유럽연합 건물군 관측소의 기능상의 역할이 강화되어야 한다. 그러나 무엇보다도, 유럽연합 집행위는 병행적으로 건물에너지 성능 인증서의 등록을 주무로 하는 등록소의 설립를 통해 유럽연합 역내 건물에너지 성능 인증서의 관리 차원에서의 그 시너지 효과를 기대해 볼 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 한국 정부도 현재 시행하고 있는 제로 에너지 빌딩의 확대를 위해서는 건물에너지 성능 인증서의 발급을 장려해야 한다. 이를 위해 유럽연합의 건물군 관측소의 기능적인 역할 강화와 제로 에너지 빌딩만을 위한 전문 등록소의 설립과 운영이라는 병행적인 측면의 접근을 고려해 볼 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Using the Rasch rating scale model to calibrate the Body Self-Image Questionnaire

        정혁 한국체육측정평가학회 2007 한국체육측정평가학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        The purposes of this study were a) to calibrate the Body Self-Image Questionnaire (BSIQ), b) to investigate the response category function, c) to construct the questionnaire with items showing acceptable fit statistics, d) to validate the model using a smaller sample, and e) to describe item difficulty and person ability on the same continuum using the Rasch rating scale model. The data for this study were obtained from 1,021 undergraduate students using the BSIQ made up of 39 items under the nine factors related to the body image construct and a Likert 5-point scale. The data from each subscale were initially calibrated for investigating category function and item structure. Violations in category function were found from the initial calibrations for the fatness evaluation (FE), social dependence (SD), height dissatisfaction (HD), and investment to ideals (II) subscales. The collapsed 4-point categorization obtained by combining categories three and four functioned better than other combinations for the FE, SD, HD, and II subscales and the original categorization was retained for the other subscales. Three misfitting items were also identified and deleted from corresponding subscales for further analysis. The revised categorization and item structure were validated using a validation sample (n = 510) randomly selected from the total sample. Similar patterns of categorization were observed and confirmed. Hierarchical orders of item difficulties for the validation sample were identical to the total sample. To provide an evidence of construct validity, three groups were formed based on BMI scores and the means in logits for the three BMI groups were compared and contrasted. Overall discrimination among groups for each subscale was effective. The findings from these analyses supported that the data fitted the rating scale model well and the rating scale model adequately contrasted items and respondents according to their measures in logits.

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