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      • 서울 북동부지역 하천수 및 지하수의 수리화학적 특성 연구

        정찬호 大田大學校 産業技術硏究所 2010 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to assess hydrochemical characteristics and the exploitation possibility of hot spring in the Northeastern area of Seoul. The geology of this area mainly consists of Jurassic coarse grained granite with a series of horizontal and vertical joints. The stream water and groundwater show weak acidic pH and chemical type of Ca-SO4(Cl+NO3) compositon. The geochemical data indicates that some groundwaters are exposed to anthrophogenic contaminant sources and shows high uranium content. For the successful exploitation of hot spring, it needs the engineering barrier to prevent water quality of hot water from surface comtamination source. It is expected that hydrochemical compositon of hot spring show good water quality(the alkaline Na-HCO3 typ)as a hot spa. 본 연구에서는 서울 북동부지역 불암산 일대 지하수 및 수문지질연구를 통하여 온천개발가능성과 온천의 수질을 사전 평가하고자 하였다. 연구지역은 조립질 화강암으로 수평절리와 수직절리가 발달된 지질구조 특성을 보인다. 하천계곡수, 약수 및 지하수의 수질분석결과 모두 약산성이며 Ca-SO4(Cl,NO3)의 유형으로 지하수의 경우 일부 오염이 진행된 특성을 보이며 일부 지하수에서는 우라늄의 함량이 비교적 높게 검출된다. 온천개발시 온천수의 수질유형은 알카리성(pH 9내외)의 Na-HCO3의 유형으로 온천욕을 위하여 적합한 수질이 될것으로 평가된다. 심부온천수 개발을 위하여 천부의 오염원을 격리하는 것이 필요하다.

      • 英語 否定의 束縛範圍에 關한 硏究

        丁讚浩 慶北專門大學 (영주경상전문대학) 1981 慶北專門大學 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        The apptoach adopted in this study on the scope of negation is based on the fundamental rules of Klima (1964) with respect to the occurrence of indefinites under negation. In Chapter I of this study related rules for explication of realtions between negatives and quantifiers are introductorily presented, Chapter II is concerned with phrase-scope and sentence-scope negation, with or without pre-verbs. Some-any alternations are crucial in determining the scope of negation from the fact that the scope may be roughly defined as the area in which "any" or "any"-compounds can appear. Klima's introduction of the deep structure morpheme Neg, as an optional constituent of S in sentence-initial position, permits a pair of sentences different in meaning which was modified by Stockwell and others(1973) by assingning the feature 〔+Specific〕 to the indetermates left unchanged by negation. The Neg conditions the change of indeterminates (e.g. "some") into indefinites (e.g. "any") Klima calls such alternations Indef-incorporation. The rule of Indef-incorporation also takes place in the sentence subordinate to [Affect] words such as "dislike" "doubt" "unhappy", "amaze", "before", but not in the same simple S with such words. A later rule of Klima's Neg-incorporation, may incorporate Neg into the indefinite obligatorily if any indefinite is in pre-Aux position, and optionally into the first in the series of "in construction with and "command" proposed respectively by Klima (1964) and Langacker (1969) to determine the scope of negation are introduced and studied in this chapter. The scope of negation in English normally extends from the negative itself to the end of the clause, or to the beginning of the final adjunct. The scope except in inherent negatives, also consists of everything which is "in construction with" or "commanded" by the negative morpheme and is placed to its right. By Klima's definition the only elements "in construction with" Neg in the trees are those dominated by the first branching node above Neg, whereas Langacker defines the relation "command", as follows: A node A "commands" another node B if (1) A does not dominate B; (2) B does not dominate A is in structure S_(i); and (4) node S_(i), dominates B. The difference in definitions stems essentially from the fact that in Klima's analysis, the scope is determined at a point in the derivation when sentence negation is the left-most daughter of S, whereas in Jackendoff's analysis (which follows Langacker's), the scope of negation is determined from the surface structure configuration. Chapter IV is devoted to focus, ambiguity and derivational constraints with relation to the scope of negation. The scope of negation can be indicated by where the information focus is placed, as scope and focus are interrelated such that the scope must include the focus. Jackendoff proposes a radically different approach to negation by means of semantic interpretation rules acting on derived structures, namely that the scope of negation is to be determined at the surface and that the left-to-right condition must be added to the surface structure. Some special problems of the rule for passivization be which the meaning of the sentence is changed so that the Extended Standard Theory contradicts Katz-Postal principle that transformations do not affect meaning and that only deep structures need be semantically interpreted. For the solution of the problem, Jackendoff argues that transformations do not necessarily preserve meaning and that the scope relation between negation and quantifiers in a sentence must be determined after the passive transformation has applied. And also Ross's constraints and some restrictions on negative sentences with quantifiers are presented and discussed in the chapter.

      • On the Interaction of QPs and Wh-Adjuncts

        정찬호 慶北專門大學(영주경상전문대학) 2000 慶北專門大學 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        The interaction of QPs and wh-adjuncts has been discussed in this paper. It is argued that a proper explanation for the well-formedness of the LF representations of sentences containing traces left by Quantifier Raising (QR) and wh-movements needs to incorporate both an antecedent condition (the Adjunction Condition) and modification typology of adjuncts. The former, stated in (41), defines the domain where an empty category must be bound. The latter classifies behaviors of wh-adjuncts and defines the restriction of their scope to the elements immediately dorninated by the phrase it modifies. Variables bound by nonreferential adjuncts such as manner adjunct how and reason adjunct why cannot play a role in determining scope interaction with QPs, while variables bound by referential adjuncts such as locative adjunct where and time adjunct when can play a role in determining scope interaction. We come to the conclusion that the ambiguity in Qp/nonreferential adjuncts interaction does not involve any trace bound by nonreferential adjuncts, whereas the ambiguity QP/referential adjuncts does involve traces bound referential adjuncts, and that the Adjunction Condition established in this paper yields well-formed LF representations and the Scope Principle successfully accounts for ambiguity and nonambiguity in the interaction of both QPs/wh-arguements and QPs and nonreferential adjuncts.

      • 전기 온장고 화재 위험성에 관한 실험적 연구

        정찬호 한국화재감식학회 2013 한국화재감식학회 학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        본 논문에서는 2013년 7월 19일 23시 21분경 발 생한 서울시 성북구 정릉동 소재의 00슈퍼 온장고 화재사고에 대해 제조사 방문과 질의를 통해 심각 한 문제점을 발견하였고, 이를 통한 화재 연구 과제 를 설정하여 분석하고 그 결과에 따른 시사점을 제 시하고자 한다. 화재는 전기 온장고 내부 하단에 설치된 기판에 서 전기적 요인으로 발생한 것으로 추정되어 증거 물을 수거 소방과학연구소 감정의뢰 하였고 그 결 과 PCB 기판 작동 릴레이에서 발화한 것으로 감정 이 되었으며, 직접적 원인으로 장기간 사용에 따른 접점의 국부적 발열 및 작동 피로열화 등으로 추정 됨에 따라 유사사례를 조사한 결과 동일한 방식으 로 화재가 발생한 경우가 확인이 되었다. 그래서 과학적 화재 원인규명을 위한 가설설정과 자료(문헌)조사, 분야별 전문가 의견, 화재 재현실험 을 실시하여 ○○社 구형 전기 온장고 PCB 기판 발 화 가능성에 대한 접근을 다각적으로 심도 있게 실 시하고자 한다. 첫째 전기 온장고의 작동을 제어하는 릴레이의 접점이 장기간 사용에 따라 간극이 극히 좁아지고 이에 따른 아크(arc) 2,500°C 이상의 고온이 릴레이 케이스의 절연체를 탄화 시키고 도전선로가 형성되 는 (건식)트래킹으로 인한 발화가능성 둘째 마이컴 부의 히팅 신호에 따라서 정류기 스위칭 신호 이상 으로 인해 돌입전류가 들어가 작동 릴레이 접점 부 하로 인해 발화 가능성 셋째 전기 온장고 내부 음료 누유가 PCB기판에 흘러 절연파괴로 인한 발화 가 능성 등에 대해 다각적으로 실험을 통해 결과를 도 출하였다. 그에 따른 개선사항으로 제조업체와 협의를 통해 유통 경로를 파악 구형 온장고 제품의 회수 조치 또 는 PCB 기판의 전면 무상교체 등 조치를 취할 수 있도록 추진하여 전기제품의 안전한 사용과 더불어 과학적 화재원인 규명을 통한 화재 예방에 기여하 였다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        감마나이프 방사선수술 후 발생한 급속 순환성 이차성 조증 1예

        정찬호,채정호,김임렬,이정균,이규항,Chung, Chan-Ho,Chae, Jeong-Ho,Kim, Im-Ryol,Lee, Chung-Kyoon,Lee, Kyu-Hang 대한생물정신의학회 1996 생물정신의학 Vol.3 No.2

        A case of rapid cycling mania secondary to gamma-knife radiosurgery for the treatment of refractory epilepsy was reported. A 21-year old woman who had a gamma-knife radiosurgical operation for the treatment of refractory seizure two years ago was admitted because of manic episodes. Although seizure was relieved, manic symptoms like decreased need for sleep, elated mood, unprovoked laughing, grandiose delusion and bizarre behaviors were developed 11 months after the operation. These symptoms recurred lour rimes for eight months. There were no past personal and family history of mood disorders. Laboratory examinations including electroencephalogram ana endocrinological study did not show any abnormal findings. The rapid cycling secondary manic was relieved by lithium. She was then discharged after 5 months. Mood change was not significant during follow-up while hypomania emerged by dose reduction. The secondary mania seemed to be caused or triggered by the right temporal lobe damage induced by gamma-knife radiosurgery.

      • KCI등재

        경북청송지역 달기 탄산약수의 지화학적 수질특성과 생성기원

        정찬호 대한자원환경지질학회 1999 자원환경지질 Vol.32 No.5

        Carbonated mineral waters fo $Ca(Mg)-HCO_3$ type spring out fissure of Jurassic granite in the valley floor of the Chungsong area. The water has been long as a Dalki medicinal water because of its unique therapeutic effect against clacium deficit, stomach and skin troubles, ect. The water has a high $CO_2$ concentration ($P_{CO_2}$=0.51~1.12atm) and exhibits strong pH buffering (5.9~6.26) by $H_2CO_3/HCO_3$ couple. Electrical conductivity ranges from 1,900 to 3100 $\mu$S/cm. Environmental isotopic data $(^{2}H/^{1}H, ^{18}O/^{16}O \;and \;^3H)$ indicates that the water is of meteoric origin recharged in the Cretaceous sedimetary strata distributed in upper part of the catchment area at least before 1950s, The high $P_{co_2}$ and carbon isotope data (${\delta}^{13}C=-3\sim-0.2\textperthousand$) suggest that the potential source of carbonated mineral water was originated in deep-seated $CO_2$ as wel as aboundant carbonate minerals of sedimentary desimetary rocks. The major source minerals of the dissoved species in the carbonated mineral water appear to be carbonate minerals, albite and K-feld-spar in sedimentrary rocks.

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